Dark Lyrics


1. For The Love Of Satan

In the Crimson Brimstone Firelight
Majesty! Lord of the Underworld
ENKI, Creator of humanity  
Our souls liberated to be

We are one with Satan  
Vortex of the Abyss
Dark Hand of Glory  
Guide us unto Victory

Demons Dancing in the Moonlight  
High Blue Black Flame of Life
Upon her Bare Skinned Altar   
Blackened Apparitions Ignite

Destructive Chains and Shackles  
No Longer Slaves to Be
The Empty Eyes of the Dark Lord  
Reveal Our Path to Destiny

Manifest within Eternal Fires  
Unholy Grips from the Kingdom of Hell
Satanic Incantations  
Formless Mysteries

For the Love of Satan
For the Love of Mankind
Infernal Creation
Allegiance for all Time
For the Love of Satan
For the Love of Evil
Destruction of the Tainted
Brainwashed Consciousness

Manifest within Eternal Fires  
Unholy Grips from the Kingdom of Hell
Satanic Incantations  
Formless Mysteries

For the Love of Satan
For the Love of Mankind
Infernal Creation
Allegiance for all Time
For the Love of Satan
For the Love of Evil
Destruction of the Tainted
Brainwashed Consciousness


Manifest within Eternal Fires  
Unholy Grips from the Kingdom of Hell
Satanic Incantations  
Formless Mysteries

Under the Satanic Blade of Truth  
Religions throat begs to be sliced
On their knees praying for Salvation  
Consumed by their own divine light

Need not fear Me
Fear your own Life
Devour weakness
Liberate mankind
Need not fear Me
Fear your own Life
Devour weakness
Liberate mankind

Destruction of the temple
Infernal majesty
Peel the rotted lie
As was before
Now shall be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love of Satan
Love of Evil
Love of Satan
Love of Mankind

Feeding of the Anger  
Bleeding as they weep
Angelic Burning Visions  
Mindless Fucking Sheep

Love of Satan
Love of Evil
Love of Satan
Love of Mankind

2. Hell Fire

We are the secret chiefs of thy world
Striving to find people who know
The meaning of true Evil

Welcome to our Kingdom of Hell
Take your time, find your place
Unleash the savage wings of destruction
Is this real, no, it must be a dream

Pay salute to the warriors of Lucifer
Dark prophets of the 21st century
We proclaim the standard of Satan
Is the standard of the strong

This is the dawn of the age of fire
Satanic wisdom takes its place
Unholy blessings of the children of Evil
Founders of the master race

We are Hell – Hell Fire
We are Hell – Hell Fire
We are Hell – Hell Fire
We are Hell – Hell Fire Club

Welcome to our Kingdom of Darkness
It won’t be long till you find your place
In Hell!

Is this real, no, it must be a dream
Is this a dream, no, it must be real

Pay salute to the warriors of Lucifer
Dark prophets of the 21st century
We proclaim the standard of Satan
Is the standard of the strong

Unleash the savage wings of destruction
It won’t be long till you find yourself
Under our spell!

Is this real, no, it must be a dream
Is this a dream, no, it must be real

Pilgrims of the age of Fire
Manifest in my desire
Unchained are the Legions of Lucifer
Pay tribute to the Syrians of old

This is the dawn of the age of fire
Satanic wisdom takes its place
Unholy blessings of the children of Evil
Founders of the master race

We are Hell Fire
We are Hell Fire
Hell Fire
We are Hell Fire
Hell Fire

We are the secret chiefs of thy world
Striving to find people who know
The meaning of true Evil

3. Metal From Hell

Metallic battalions declare raging war
“We shall take the world in our hands!”
Prepare the altar
Bell, Book, Dagger and Scourge
Supreme ritual
The power of Hell’s at our command

Devil’s dance in the moonlight
You can hear the fire’s roar
Corrupt thy nations at midnight
“We’re the vicious dogs of war!”

Ten thousand warriors pounding
Screaming arise
Come from the land where Satan dwells
We shall serve until the end
As Lucifer’s friend

We’re the power
We’re the force
We’re Metal-
Metal from Hell
Where Evil dwells!
Metal from Hell
Where Evil dwells!

Soldiers of fortune
March for the Anti-Christ
Each warrior shows the Satanic sign
The smell of rotting flesh
A wasteland full of Death
Proclaiming we shall cause sacrifice

Devil’s dance in the moonlight
You can hear the fire’s roar
Corrupt thy nations at midnight
“We’re the vicious dogs of war!”

Ten thousand warriors pounding
Screaming arise
Come from the land where Satan dwells
We shall serve until the end
As Lucifer’s friend

We’re the power
We’re the force
We’re Metal-
Metal from Hell
Where Evil dwells!
Metal from Hell
Where Evil dwells!


Metallic battalions declare raging war
“We shall take the world in our hands!”
Prepare the altar
Bell, Book, Dagger and Scourge
Supreme ritual
The power of Hell’s at our command

Devil’s dance in the moonlight
You can hear the fire’s roar
Corrupt thy nations at midnight
“We’re the vicious dogs of war!”

We are the power!
We are the force!
We are Metal!
Metal from Hell!
Where Evil dwells
Metal from Hell!
Where Evil dwells
Metal from Hell!
Where Evil dwells!

4. Witches Return

I am the burning shadow screaming in the night
My yearning passion is to rise up on flaming wings
Could it be the answer to return this evil night
Hell born deciples have summoned the burning light
Have you ever had the feeling you’ll rise up on hells hot wings….
Hells hot wings… YEAH!

This is the night of forgotten agony;
The wrath of vengeance will now unfold
This is the night you will feel our power.
SATAN’s our master you’ve sold your souls
Enraged in us is an angry hatred
the power of the witches tears
Enraged in us, the old ones rituals…
Man is god and god is Man!

The witches shall return and you’ll forever burn.
When the witches shall return Hail, Hail them


Tonight is the night the witches shall return,
they’ll take you to the fire so you will ever burn.
Arise, arise tormented ones of old,
they burned you a the stake and left your corpse to mold
In Salem you thought you had got rid of us
but we’ve retuned Christianity is dead.
Each church aflamed unholy house of blasphemy,
you preach your lies, heaven is our hell!

With the power of the black candle wick,
these modern day inquisitors.
Turn to the grotto of the underground,
devils caldron the final plan.
On cloven hoofs and wings of fire,
the two-headed black God raged.
With the power of death by our side,
created life for the strong and the wicked

[Chorus, Bridge, Proclamation]

Never will you leave him, you will ever preach him,
Kiss the hand of SATAN forget your mortal god!
You will burn in heaven, you will never leave there,
ritual of darkness has begun!

Mighty hammering of a thunderous wrath
stormed the outer-most regions of the Abyss
to create a tremendous horror of
emptiness and a violent birth of death-
The four crown prince’s of Hell.
(Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Leviathan),
were awakened from their long and ancient slumber!
For the magickal rite of Life, Death-
Power, Strength, Hate, Love, and War
were the armor which bonded SATAN’S HOST
with the Lord of the Dark.
“We are not blinded by the demon
hypocrisy of the white light fool!”
“There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!”
They took form of a fiery-eyed serpent:
lashing out from an enraged sea,
its tail twisted around the throats
of the damned with a poisonous venom,
it left a foul taste of vengeance
and a burning in their hearts.
As Satan spread His wings,
the summit of knowledge grew
in the minds of the kings of Hell on Earth
and from the mouth of SATAN’S HOST
spewed forth the hottest flames of Hades!
Like a black shadow across the face of the Earth,
SATAN’S HOST music was
destined to unmask the masked.
Caught within the grasp of insanity
and a very confused society of the blind,
they endured all the chaos of mindless actions
and ignorant interference.
Through all the interference with their plans,
SATAN’S HOST still continued onward:
a never-ending pillar of dedication
and persistence drove them
to conquer the trials of- Life and Death-

Each church aflame unholy house of blasphemy,
you preach your lies, heaven is our Hell!


This is the night of the forgotten of agony,
the wrath of vengeance will now unfold.
This is the night you’ll feel our power SATAN
is our master you’ve sold your souls!


Enraged in us is an angry hatred.
The power of the witches tears.
Enraged in us are the old ones rituals…


The witches shall return and you’ll forever burn.
When the witches shall return we all shall forever burn
Forever and ever and ever and ever …….forever…. BURN!

5. Cauldron Of The Ancients

Calling forth the cardinal points
Encompassing the ninth degree
Mantras are worn symbolically burned
Constellations of histories scorned

Cauldron of the Ancients
Our unification
Cauldron of the Ancients
Utilized & learned

Burning rage, fevered hate will rise again
Bleeding sin, valiant friend of oldest energies

Binding philosophies over worldly seas
Far beyond a cryptic animation
Bonded by demonic entities
Lord Satan, Leviathan, Belial, Lucifer.

We will reign in Hell!
Under abysmal command!

A creation ~ Evil eclipse
Born unto ~ Nocturnal demons
Formulating ~ Epiphany moon spell

Binding philosophies over worldly seas
Far beyond a cryptic animation
Bonded by demonic entities
Lord Satan, Leviathan, Belial, Lucifer

Summoning, Invoking
Incantations, Eternally


Only great souls welcome change
A stimulation of this new age
Small souls hate & fear it
They are the meek who we’ll inherit

Cauldron of the Ancients
Our unification
Cauldron of the Ancients
Utilized & learned

6. Nigtside Of Eden

Thunder from crimson skies
Where all Demon’s conjured
We are the ones who live under
Purgatory’s Hell

Behold to the powers of the night
A true heart of fire
Burns for all eternity
Our legacy will grow

In the vein of Satan-One celestial voice
Screams within the Nightside of Eden
Words of darkness defined
Burning within candlelight
On altars of flesh wisdom came to life

Barren is our crypt
Consciousness dissolved
Awaken primal spirit lost
Upon this unholy flame
Treacherous centuries solved
Reclaiming our throne
In unity evolved
Abyss spewed liberty


Spells of lust and love
In a garden of poison
Majestic as she lurks
With the powers of the night
To open Hell’s Infernal gates

Within the Nightside of Eden
Temptation is your liberation
As they plant the seeds of Satan
In Satan our Savior you shall Rejoice

Burning down the charred walls of heaven
Within your imagination
Newfound senses of life, as the serpent exposed the lie
The fruit of knowledge and time, as the black hole bends the truth

Concentrated energies
Formless in thought
Black matter evolves
Immortalized carnal flesh


7. Ecliptic Equinox

On her last night she gave herself unto me eternally
For now the moon it has eclipsed as this earth utterly Darkens

Mercury stood afar from the sun having won
A house of truth above thy head: Infernal Serpent crown

Her beauty is pure evil a mystic power to unveil
Where man is destine to be lost, in this web known as love

Mercury stood afar from the sun having won
Virgin now she comes forth, a naked copulation

Under a Full Moon Midnight
The Ecliptic Equinox arrives
Infernal crimson final hour
The Ecliptic Equinox arise

Magick is in the air, Nocturnal whisper
Tranquil her lusting, Virgin that sings
Primal desires, carnal her touch
Tranquility in every breath I breathe

Under a Full Moon Midnight
The Ecliptic Equinox arrives
Infernal crimson final hour
The Ecliptic Equinox arise

Magick is in the air, Nocturnal whisper
Tranquil her lusting, Virgin that sings
Primal desires, carnal her touch
Tranquility in every breath I breathe

Scarlet Goddess Dream, Bending in ecstasy
Flesh on flesh this Devil copulates

Across the alter is where the red haired virgin lays
Head to the south, priest to the east
Naked is her flesh

A chill of lust, Inverted cross, Succubus, Lilith I…

In here pure Magick it is One of mind and flesh
Mystical rivers of fire now shall guide us

Infinite space starlight, sacred our flame
Power serene crystallized, eternal life

Between her...Tender is where I die
Mystic rivers of fire now shall guide us

On her last night she gave herself unto me eternally
For now the moon it has eclipsed as the earth utterly Darkens

Mercury stood afar from the sun having won
Our house of truth above thy head, Infernal serpents crown
Under a Full Moon where love is her doom

8. H.E.L.L. (Hermetical Evolution Living Life)

I see there is a great darkness
Beyond the stars
Someone stepping forth
It is the Prince of Darkness

He looks unto me
Walking and whispering
The great secret of time
Unknown to mankind

Hermetical Evolution Living Life
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
A spiritual echo on this night
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
Now I stand sword in hand under command
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
Doing ALL to resurrect OEANUA

These Magickal forces of history
That instruct my Wizardry
Are now divine entities evoked!
This is our path to be
It is our destiny
Doorways will open wide
Fulfilling life and time
All other gods express
Some of what I inscribe

A true spawn of Black Magick

The Great Black Infernal Flame
Spectral constellations
In a galaxy far beyond

Now begin to formulate
By our mental as we shape…
One Hermetical Philosophy.


From our hand of glory
Too a serpents kiss
And around this world
Beyond the Hierophant

Hermetical Evolution Living Life
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
A spiritual echo on this night
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
Now I stand sword in hand under command
Welcome to H.E.L.L.
Doing ALL to resurrect OEANUA

9. Satanic Grimoire

Inner Demon, Communication
Primal Madness Breathes, Forever Unleashed
‘Powaqqatsi’, Core Activity

A Shape Shifting, Transcendence
Sacred Lessons, Setian

Our Satanic Grimoire

Upon Parchment, Flesh and Bone
These Incantations, Reverberate
The Inner Core

Satanic Grimoire
Primal Madness Breathes
The Darker side of Life

Rituals, Consecrate
At midnight eve, These Spirits of night...

The Satanic Grimoire

Upon Parchment, Flesh and Bone
Incantations, Reverberate
This Inner Core

We formulate, Constellations
Sacred Words, This Inner Sanctum
Magick Text, Bring thou presence

Written by Left Hand

In an eye for all eternity
From the corner stone of time
An Alien Infusion, Influence
Devouring, Dimensions


Drawing Sigils
And now these Ancient Symbols
We’re Summoning, Forth the Devil
Stains of Red, Black Satin
Under the night, We attack... We attack

Stone Chambers, Sacred the Isolation
Supernatural, Conjurations
Black candles burn

The night is filled, With Energy
Nocturnal Powers, We consecrate
Between the voids of silence, Awakening
Unconsciousness, Tunnels Setian
Eliminate your Enemies, A Bleeding Entity
Annihilate, Annihilate their Will
By your Desire, And your Belief

Raw pulsing Power now unifies
Unleash a New Power, On this Witching Hour
Form what lies within, Freedom that Devours
An Entity, a way of Life
That Consumes Life Force
Summoned from the page
Darken Rage: Satanic Grimoire

10. "The Cursing" Vampyric Evil-Eye

Vampyric Evil-Eye, "The Cursing"

Cursing is now, Forever Essential
One time or another, We Deem it Appropriate

Never no Caution of use
Knowledge in Sorcery
When Evil is Unleashed

Shadows Gather, We form within
Circle Daevodata, Power forms Essence
From when I lite, Black Candles Burn
Imagining you fade far away

Light Devouring, By the Light of Darkness
Serpent-n-Wolf, Feel the Fire it Grows

Down upon your Soul, Unholy Shadow
Vampyric Eye, Watching you Die

Creatures, Devour
Shadows Consume
Twilight Evil
Demons Release
Unholy Wrath
Supreme Hierarchy

We'll Raise it High, Hells' Staff
The Power now, Forever Breathes...Evil-Eye


Vampyric Evil-Eye
Raping your Soul at Midnight
Vampyric Evil-Eye

We Make them Suffer
Building Our Temples
Out of Human Skull
Our use of Intellect
When in Death and Battle
Letting Darkness
Now take form


Vampyric Evil-Eye,
Raping your Soul, as you Die!

From all Shadows
Death is your Desire
"The Cursing,"
Vampyric Evil-Eye

11. Dark Priest “Lord Ahriman”

I am Forever Ordained, A Dark Priest of SATAN
An Ambassador, To His Infernal Empire

I Have Crossed, The Gates of Hell
Ruler on Lands, Un-trodden
In Here the Present Now, Destiny Shining Down.
Ruler on Lands Un-trodden

Now as I Become, This Devil Incarnate
Adversary; Against Everything That you Believe
By Incantation, Spells of Chant
Through Fire, Flame And Blood Spilt
In the Name of SATAN, Revelation...666

Returned in the Image Of SATAN.
Now in Flesh; Living Demon

From All Blackened Depths, Where I Arise
Out of the North, Where Winds Blow Cold

I Am Old; Lord BELIAL

A Dark Priest, Demons Unleashed

A Dark Priest, Devouring You!!!

Summoned Forth, Evocation
Call upon, Dark-Divine


Grant unto Me Wisdom
Grant unto Me Power
On this Witching Hour

A Dark Priest, Demons Unleashed
By My Will, By My Hand


Inside thy Black Mass, Realms of Darkness
Gathering Midnight-Power, Souls Will Bind Forever

In this Black Bible: Satanic Witchery
Demonic Netherworld Energies

Dark Priest, Demons Unleashed
Dark Priest, Devouring, Dark Priest

Feel this Wicked Evil,
As it Eats your Soul and Feeds on All your Energy

In No Reservation, Devoured; Incantations
Beckoned by the Night Divine

Echoes of Our Chants Are, Demonic Salutations;
In Reverberation

Feel this Wicked Evil, As it Eats your Soul and
Feeding on your Energy


12. Convictions

Born out of Darkness, Millenniums arise!
Tempters of inequity, Endless Sacrifice!

Convictions- Revealed before all eyes
Convictions- Unholy Lord of Flies
Convictions- All truths become a lie

Your god all ready dead, faith ruined lives
On your knees ashamed, the abyss spits its penance

Convictions- Revealed before all eyes
Convictions- Unholy Lord of Flies
Convictions- All truths become a lie

No regard for history, pathetically pursued
Suicide in sorrow, savior turns to dust
Hypocrites in league, the idiot parade
Ensemble of Evil, shall now forever reign!

Hate-evoking-reaching-for the truth!!!
Sinister-Sentinels spreading secrets of life!!!!


Governments and religions, mass enslavement of men
Collection of dead souls, empowerment of kings
On the wings of destruction, they engorge in their dreams
Infernal Magick, enlightment will set you free.

Spiraling into oblivion, as you fight for your soul
Jubilant pressed Demon, drink the blood of the old
Spiraling into oblivion, as freedom unshackles
Nations of oppression, obliterated before all

Fly, threw the plight, with delight, dedicate your soul
Cries , in the night, with sorrow, the veil of life dissolves

Burning falling ashes, of all deceit and lies
Flickers of Purity, burns before our eyes

Satan, Leviathan
Lucifer, Belial
Satan’s Host will lead
To Truth and Law


Satan, Leviathan
Lucifer, Belial
Satan’s Host will lead
To Truth and Law

Patrick Evil: guitars;
Anthony Lopez: drums;
Harry Conklin: vocals;
Marcus Garcia: bass.

Thanks to satans.host_evil.hobbit for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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