album: "The King Is Coming" (2011)
1. The King Is Coming2. Shekinah
3. The First Woe
4. Cross Contamination
5. Deathless
6. Man Of Sorrows (The Funeral Dirge)
7. The Eye Of The Storm Part III
8. Habakkuk
9. Kefirah
10. Beware The Apostates
11. Revelation 6
12. With Lifted Eyes
1. The King Is Coming
and all creation groans
for the return of the King.
I tell you the truth:
The King is coming.
The King is coming
All hail the King!
[Romans 8:22]
2. Shekinah
...as in the days of old the Glory fills the temple of the Lord
We are your temple
We are your temple
This burning deep inside of my heart
These lips adorned with praise
My hands raised in worship lost
In the wonder of your ways
Come now and take your place Lord
Bring forth new winds of change
Set our lives ablaze with fire
Bring down your Heavenly rain
We are your temple...
Bring away the darkness of sin
Fill these hands with seeds of truth
Show the path and I will follow
Let your Spirit lead me through
This hunger taking over my life
This thirst for Heavenly ways
These eyes are filled with visions
This heart your dwelling place
Come reign here Holy Spirit
Bring forth a storm of change
Set our tongues ablaze with fire
Bring down your Heavenly Glory, Glory
You made these hands
Now take these hands
Lord fill these hands
Lord fill these hands with seeds of truth
Bring your fire down!
[The Lord's manifest Glory is poured out as in the days of old each time
His people unite in Holiness and turn from their sin. Fill your mind and
heart with the word of God and fill your hands with seeds of His truth,
sowing the gospel of salvation across the earth as we are commissioned
to. The Holy Spirit lives and dwells with those who are dead to sin and
alive in Christ, pouring out unspeakable power and Holy Fire for the work
of God's kingdom.]
3. The First Woe
and the mocking will stop.
Your songs will fall silent.
All consuming, the sound of human torture.
Your joys will cease
and the mocking will stop.
Your songs will fall silent.
All consuming, the sound of human torture.
Agony tearing open the ears of the saints.
Screaming, begging & pleading for death in any form
to steal you away from the affliction;
to take you away from the unending horror.
Blood emerges in dry clots
and your screams are in vain
as (death) Abaddon's Hoard overtakes you
(tearing your flesh from your bones).
Blood emerges in dry clots
and your screams are in vain
as (death) Abaddon's Hoard overtakes...
Abaddon's Hoard overtakes YOU
Piercing! Ravaging!
devouring your will to live.
Like leaves to a locust is the flesh of the markless man to these swarms of sadism.
And two woes are yet to come…
[Revelation 9:1-12]
4. Cross Contamination
Flesh mingles with spirit and so begins the dilution.
The fatal compromise.
(The fatal compromise.)
Septic hypocrisy.
Muscles clench,
forcing vomit over the congregation's eager ears.
Catering to the carrion…
rot permeates the living.
Deception devours selflessness
and the streets run red with the blood of the truth.
Walking hand in hand with the great masquerader,
wading knee deep in the blood of the truth.
Once could see, but now are blind.
Wading knee deep in the blood of the truth.
(The peoples need for God is intercepted by a watery imitation, serving
our carnal nature, justifying self gratification.)
Though the night is dark,
new light is yet to come.
Though you bend and break,
His strength is in your weakness.
And through the bloodiest trials,
new character is forged.
Though the war is won,
the battle rages...
His kingdom
will be preached
and so will
His testimony.
His kingdom
will be preached
and so will
His testimony.
The Gospel lives! [7x]
[We are all responsible for the preaching of the eternal gospel of the
Lord Jesus and to preach it accurately, but to blindly trust that every
teacher out there is preaching the true gospel would be foolish. Question
everything. Make sure it lines up with scripture and be willing to
biblically rebuke those who preach lies or share in their guilt. The truth
is within reach and willing to be found. Take the initiative; find it and
go forth in encouragement, speaking life-giving words of truth.]
5. Deathless
"He is the living one who was dead, behold He is now alive forever and ever and holds the keys to death and Hades."
Royal blood flowed through His veins even as He was a beaten man spat on in shame.
Tied to the cross by mockers who scoffed, beaten, bruised, pulverized with no help from aloft.
And though His body was buried once they pulled Him from the tree, there was no grave on earth that could hold His majesty.
Death was rendered powerless and all hell fears His name...
Deathless Conqueror,
King of Kings riding through a field of blood…
"He that is dead is free from sin and if we be dead with Christ then we shall also live with Him.
Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more; death has no more dominion over Him."
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Eyes of fire...
Deathless Conqueror!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
with justice waging war
He's the Deathless Conqueror!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Faithful and True...
Deathless Conqueror!
King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
Word of God…
Deathless Conqueror!
King of Kings!
[Through His glorious resurrection, Christ conquered death once and for
all. He made it possible for us to live in eternal glory with Him through
the death of our flesh and through our new birth into the kingdom of
Heaven. He is the word of God, the faithful and true King of Kings and
Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, the deathless conqueror.]
6. Man Of Sorrows (The Funeral Dirge)
Like a root from dry ground.
No majesty that pleased.
No Desirable beauty.
Despised and rejected.
with grief.
like a lamb led to slaughter.
[In the Old Testament scriptures the words of The Prophet Isaiah foretold
the very essence of Christ’s future, His being and His purpose. As a Man
of Sorrows He would be scorned, rejected by His own people, sacrificed for
the sins of the world and in total humility and obedience He would walk to
His death, as a lamb to the slaughter. Pierced for our transgressions and
crushed for our iniquities, it is only by the wounds of Jesus Christ that
we are truly healed and set free.]
7. The Eye Of The Storm Part III
[Matthew 4:1-11]
8. Habakkuk
In a world of increasing international crises
and internal corruption,
nation rises against nation around the world and sin abounds at home.
World powers aim an ever-increasing array
of complex
nuclear weapons
at each other while they speak of peace.
The world at war seems incredibly imminent.
While the stage is set for a global holocaust,
an unsuspecting home audience
ignorantly sings a blissful tune.
The world's moral fiber is being eaten away
by a playboy philosophy
that makes personal pleasure
the supreme rule of life.
Hedonism catches fire while homes crumble.
Crime soars while the church grows sour.
Drugs, divorce, and debauchery prevail
and decency dies.
Frivolity dances in the streets.
Faith is buried.
"In God we trust"
has become a meaningless slogan
stamped on corroding coins.
(In this world of crisis and chaos, the Prophet Habakkuk speaks with
clarity. Heed his admonition. Heed his warning.)
Take heart for through intercession,
worry transforms to worship,
fear turns to faith,
terror becomes trust.
Doubts resolved with hope
and anguish melts into adoration.
Then the heart can rest in the surety that Christ is King,
(and patiently await His return.)
Come Lord Jesus!
Come Lord Jesus
Bring Your Glory!
Come Lord Jesus!
Come Lord Jesus!
Bring Your Justice!
[As in the times of Habakkuk, we are likewise living in a world that is
coming apart at the seams. We are surrounded by sever injustice and the
injustices of the world are not limited to the third world. They are on
our doorsteps. Habakkuk petitioned the Lord... he cried out for justice,
for the weak to be fought for and for the world’s aggressors to be made to
account for their wrongdoings. The Lord replies by proclaiming woe over
those with blood on their hands who refuse to accept blame and repent. Our
God is merciful, slow to anger and abundantly patient. He never destroys
without forewarning and we have been warned over and over.]
9. Kefirah
"I'm gunna pull the whole thing down. I'm gunna bring the whole diseased,
corrupt temple down on your head. It's gunna be Biblical."
Hung from a tree,
the face of all truth and compassion,
broken and nailed.
Bloodshed and death,
the price that was paid,
but your eyes are still veiled.
How can the truth of His words be so tarnished by lies?
You were the target of snakes;
now they cover your eyes.
This is a warning to all...
"I never knew you" is not a metaphor.
You want your perfect life;
There must be compromise.
"You will know them by their fruits" well, this tree is FRUITLESS, BARREN, ROTTED AWAY!
Fruitless! Barren! Rotted Away!
There is a place created for demons;
there is a Hell believe Him He's seen it.
There is a purpose for warnings of old;
there is a war waging on for your soul.
Hung from a tree,
the face of all truth and compassion,
broken and nailed.
Bloodshed and death,
the price that was paid,
but your eyes are still veiled.
How can the truth of His words be so tarnished by lies?
You were the target of snakes;
now they cover your eyes.
"I never knew you" is not a metaphor.
The way, The Truth, The Life,
He was the compromise.
There are many rooms but your house is...
See through the lies,
beyond the black,
blinded victim of unholy attack.
No other name will snatch you from the fire,
if there is another then Christ is a liar.
He is the gate;
He paid the cost.
The key to the Heavens was hung on a cross.
He is the one mighty to save,
conquering death as He WALKED FROM HIS GRAVE!
Royal Blood...
most precious blood,
but you still want more...
Father God...
most Holy Christ,
truly I tell you He is coming back for His bride not a whore.
Whilst there is breath in your lungs,
pray for cleansing...
(pray for cleansing...)
Whilst there is breath in your lungs,
pray for cleansing...
(pray for cleansing...)
Whilst there is breath in your lungs,
pray for cleansing...
(pray for cleansing...)
Whilst there is breath in your lungs,
pray for cleansing...
(pray for cleansing...)
[Universalism is heresy. Christ himself spoke sternly of Hell and taught
that He is the only way to the Father. To dismiss this is to be given over
to Satan and this generation is being robbed constantly by non-scriptural
teachings of universal atonement. Truth is inconvenient, Truth is a
person, Truth is Jesus and repentance.]
10. Beware The Apostates
Prophecy fulfilled in creeping defilement.
Condemned ones bring perversion and disgrace.
Disgust, spitting in His face.
Denial of the Father,
denial of the Master.
His grace and wrath, both equally righteous.
Disloyal wings forever shackled in darkness.
Ruins in flames,
immorality punished.
The clock strikes the hour
inflicting destruction.
Blasphemy of the glorious ones through transgression of flesh.
Dreamers of dreams scorn and reject authority.
("Behold the Lord comes with ten thousands of His Holy Ones" Righteous
judgment poured out...words and deeds judged alike.)
"These are hidden reefs at your love feasts".
Hiding, faceless,
devoid of truth.
“They feast with you without fear”.
Fearless, soulless,
shameless and sick
shameless and sick
shameless and sick
Eternally black...
As for you:
be built upon the most holy faith.
Let the mere scent of sin turn your face in disgrace.
Show the mercy you've been shown and to doubters show grace.
Be the one who, through Christ,
snatches souls from the flames.
[Jude: 1]
11. Revelation 6
"Come!" and one by dreadful one,
the four riders arise
each bearing his own disaster.
The crown and the bow bent on bloody conquest
taking the triumphs allowed
by the Hand of He in power.
The taker and his sword;
tranquility slaughtered.
The corpses pile high neath his unbloodied blade.
Folding history upon the present,
unleashing our lust for battle...
upon ourselves.
The hand and the scales renders the people
incapable of filling their needs.
Drowning in your oil and wine…
and at the beckoning
of the fourth creature,
with Pestilence upon his back,
the pale horse came forth
and Hades followed in his wake.
and HADES followed in his wake.
They were given power over a fourth of the earth
to kill by sword famine and plague,
and by the beasts of the earth.
Here is the aftermath…
each one begets the next.
This is no trivial judgment.
This the beginning of the end
and thus
the Great Tribulation has begun.
This the beginning of the end
and thus
the Great Tribulation has begun.
[Revelation 6:1-9]
12. With Lifted Eyes
The vision beheld is one of terror and of glory.
And every knee bows and every tongue confesses.
So do the mountains crumble into silent awe.
Creations groaning stills...
It gazes and as His brilliance pierces the dark, It flees.
His presence overwhelms all.
His majesty.
(Oh, His glory. Hallelujah! )
And as the sky rolls up and the stars begin to fall...
as the valleys rise up and the high places bow…
His people, with lifted eyes, raise hands
and voices and we scream, we sing:
The King… The King is coming! (The King is coming!)
[This is the moment that every follower of Christ has both dreaded and
anticipated for the past two thousand years. Jesus warned that He will
“come like a thief” (Rev 16:15), thus we should be ready as were the five
wise virgins that He spoke of in Matthew 25 so that we are not told “I do
not know you” and cast out into eternal darkness.]
Thanks to georgelyday for sending these lyrics.
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