album: "Rising" (2008)
1. Betray2. Hope
3. Permanence
4. Beautiful New World
5. Spring Wind
6. Century
7. Destiny
8. Rising
9. No More
10. Time
1. Betray
An affliction and coldest breathing
Reflecting this world ungratefully, fighting mistiness
Marching hard on the time of despair in the dark suffocating night
Hopeless ingratitude, emerging desire, world shaking deeply
Degraded unveiled sadness, a cry of pain in endless illusion
The soaring spirit fly away, leaving daybreak across an abyss of suffering
Hear the echo of bell’s toll from the firmament, floating in the air
Intention free! a miserable soul, betray your mind!
In my dream, there’s a weighty thinking
Breeze of dark night, wipe crying eyes deep in my heart
The devil’s wriggle and the sin of desire,
dripping down to blood of the sea
Fascinated ecstasy, emotional sunlight’s shining the backfire
No more guilty hypocrite, the floating fire released from eternity
Lost in thought in wonderland, insouciant farewell to fading dreamland
Look up to the sky within a perfect tenderness, a passionate crime!
[Chinese version:]
憂患裏 冷卻的遊息
連瑣世間薄情寡義 殘鬥的迷離
步履艱難流竄橫縱 黑夜驚心的窒息
絕命與忘形 莫名驚奇的翻天與覆地
退化掩蓋憂慮 鏡鑒之中情動悲啼
魂飛天外遨遊著 遠離煩擾水深火熱的世間
谛聽蒼穹鍾聲萦繞的回響 飄忽不定
啊 意難斷 淒楚魂魄散 情欲反叛
夢境裏 沈重的軀體
微風拂拭淚眼模糊 苦刑的心底
惡靈蠢動原罪欲望 奔騰直落血海裏
心醉與神迷 多情的豔陽撫觸著脊梁
既無虛情假意 熾欲解禁蕩然無疑
無思無想徜徉在 無憂無慮臨別逝去的幻景
仰望天際無懈可擊的造詣 激變意犯
2. Hope
Innocent endless hope
Shuttle free from live and death, hold on tangle of image
Endless foretime had buried in dangerous terrain
Night and day break that in turn, throw the plan in disorder
Fearless crossing the sea till the dyke of Acheron
Tardiness of clockwork’s tick-tack, for your life in pallid world
Throw out the divine right into a raging fire
Fire is running low and high, cracks in ground, breaking the growth of all creatures
Confine the wandering soul in prison, bedevil in hell, defeat!
Astonished wild flower, evading peace from the dark war
The broken carcass immersed in defeated break heart
In the dead hours of the night, see through your intent in deep thought
Mentalism had been turned over the wreckage
Like a purified appearance, spark of invasion
A leisurely courage in realization
Lonely people vanished in time, no more hesitation
Kissing the amicable mother earth of love
Emblazing saint fire in the night with innocent endless hope
Divination begins, my heart exchange's a pledge to
Ephemeral expectation, God give the grace!
Fire’s burning like speed of light, transmigrate to fade in or fade away
[Chinese version:]
穿透生死的解脫 攀附意象的纏結
黑夜黎明的換替 紛紛擾擾的布局
緩動時鍾的滴答 勤催命於蒼茫間
投擲神權 烈火巨燄
火 死命的奔竄 巨裂般盡碎萬物的叢生
禁令幽閉下的孤魂 詭詐的著魔穿心
驚悸枯萎的花朵 遠避暗戰的安息
更深人靜的淒夜 透視冥想的思靈
似淨化般容顔 火星燃侵略
悠然的氣節 神領下活會
孑影孤單風流雲散 早已不再徬徨
皈依聖心去點燃 無涯的希望
分享明天 用心換誓言
朝朝暮暮地期盼 天賜恩眷
似火速般光痕 轉世於緣起緣滅
3. Permanence
Fancy is boiling in wondering volition, my heart and soul in lonely imprisonment
Glamour of magic spark light burn off teardrop, the tearing heart unceasing away
A cheerless speculation leaves the moonshine, the wheel of destiny in trembling heart
Engrave the blueprint of an everlasting poor old pledge, extreme grief reunites again
The utmost sublimation becomes an eternal life,
Confine yourself to shuttle now & past
Essence and movement of love blow in the wind,
Leave with the edge of cloud in the sky
The eternal life throughout the ages, is the chance to comprehend the termless scheming
Debris and ruins of doomsday never appear, live in an ice-bound lonely night
The guilty immerse in empyrean existence of challenge, will polish your sight
On the edge of this world emerge the vow of the rainbow
A mute taciturnity and limitless illusion
The excitation in your eyes is a semi-eternal spring
[Chinese version:]
幻想在飛馳驚覺中沸騰 幽閉禁锢之下的靈魂
魔樣璀璨的火光燃盡淚痕 撕裂心扉不住的退
思慮在淒迷中灑下月影 蒼茫悸栗之下的命運之輪
深切的镌刻劃下永世翻轉的藍本 椎心泣血卻成群結隊
極盡升華驚濤駭浪後的永恒 在禁戒鐵網中穿梭翻飛
精微和愛的樂章隨風飄散 存放天宇邊際雲端
萬古長新裏的永生 是領略無窮心涯的契機
危崖斷壁已不再置身無地 活在蒼穹無際冰海
罪孽深陷於滄海藍天 再存活的機緣竟洗煉目眩
沈默無言 幻象無限
激動指間只留下 永新的泉源
4. Beautiful New World
In a brand new world foresee something, it’s an easy drunken heart
Gathered stars in the sky, silence’s ringing the night
Autumn relives the charming eyes in a hypnotic season
Silent pool dashes flow through in a confused universe
The lonesome midnight follows destiny, don’t care in abyssal resistance
Starting my life anew to be reborn, no matter what obduracy you are
A floating unlimited age, tomorrow had portrayal
Forget life is a hardship, welcome to the beautiful new world
Willing to overlook kismet with an everlasting smile
Welcome again to the beautiful brand new world
In a brand new world without prejudice, renew inquisition
Chaotic trace in the past, if it can permute again
The winter snow melts a cold heart, a shivering breathing
Frost and ice in your heart, sunset falls down alone
Unfriended loneliness soared into the air, dearly hope who can comprehend
The return freedom’s intoxicated, no matter what the cherished hope is
Free from restraint and discern to make some great wishes
Lacerating thorn-way, sail in the beautiful new world
Wind is piercingly cold, whips the hot smoke
Fly with the wind to the beautiful brand new world
[Chinese version:]
新世界睜眼預見 醉人的心略
滿天群星合聚 甯靜圍繞情牽
秋末蘇醒嬌媚的眼 催眠的季節
靜池飛汛流竄 萬象眩目迷惑
午夜的寂寥伴隨緣淺 深言的對決無所謂
重新的自省不再虧欠 無論再否執著心願
悠遠無限時間 刻劃下明天
忘卻苦海無邊 迎接美麗新世界
意想著盎然天邊 隽永的紅顔
新世界放下成見 重新再審閱
往事紊亂足迹 能否再次排列
冬雪溶盡酷冷的臉 顫動的氣焰
冰蝕直落心田 殘陽飛馳隕落
無依的淒涼淩空回萦 深切對盼誰能體會
重返的自由陶醉向前 無論能否忘形宿願
悠悠蒼天明鑒 許諾下祈願
劃破荊棘叢林 直駛美麗新世界
回環著冷月清澗 濺起的炊煙
5. Spring Wind
Riot is acting soundless, a horror monument
In darkness, bury the horizon, ghost fire enrage to hell
Flames of anger keep burning the gloomy road to heaven and Hades
Repeal the back of nameless silence that totally disgraces upon my sadness
Moaning cruelly in the night, interminate till I die
Complex creatures, go inside the heart of a wasted land
A passive thought, looking for a remote illusion that never disappears
In sign of the time, adherent the shaking body pour into the dark night
My agitation sneaks into the night, life as cold as a hard stone in fantasy
Look on passage of time, never ending embellishment in my heart
Vacillating lonely shadow, prisoner of your heart, have no return
I read myself silently, lonesome and fool away in springwind’s dance of death
The gloomy thunderbolt and lightning shine on the crude abode
Spirit in maps with the deep dark eye, icy tears in snowy night
A shout out screaming that echo’s ringing in the thousands of magical labyrinths
The cry of anger from a thriller seems like a hunter losing his way in the forest
Shining glow of sunlight, come into a sudden death
Torrent of destiny, drifting down to the precipice
Flicker of echo, reach for the hazy moonlight and milky way in spring wind
The glorious memory, fly high to an endless galaxy, to light a brilliant dead fire
[Chinese version:]
暴亂徒醒窗前怒吼 恐怖遺痕下
黑漆裏埋葬地平線 天際震顫鬼焰
似火幻幽豔淒怆地續燃陰陽之路 無助
星夜殘酷的悲歎 無止境意亂
萬象的更漏 帶進荒蕪厭倦之原
思緒的被動 尋覓著遙遠的蜃樓海市無影無蹤
時光的嗟歎 依附著振動羽翼傾瀉黑暗時空
我的激動混濁著夜空 莫名無情的靜審似幻夢
遙望星辰宇宙 永不間斷 點綴在心中
搖曳著孤帆遠影 心階之囚 無怨尤
默默地細思量 遊蕩的淒涼在起舞的春風
晦暗雷擊雨打殘凋 隱密陋室下
畫魂裏 嚴寒的北風 雪夜淚流冰中
似呐喊淩空回湯在千百座迷宮中 困惑
號聲在憂愁天空下 是密林迷路獵人在呼應
霞光輕盈的布景 旋風般癫狂
生命的洪流 深入探悉無名險地
回聲的顫動 遙映著淡然的星河夜空如沐春風
回憶的燦爛 飛向那彌漫澄宇啜飲光明之火
6. Century
Allegory in the open sky, cheerlessly, withering naming
The breaking black dawn of mystery, reach for the red sky with sorrowful misdeed
Stray into a wood, hide in day and come out at night, reluctant to leave in a messy night, imagine it!
Stare into the evil eyes, a sin that never ends, no matter who is faithful or cheating
Under creature struggle fighting, there’s no meaning, a moan of pain in a panicked scream
Shivering lips and kiss of life, a stirring phantom in harmony
Jaded skyline let my thinking in peace, swiveling the new universe after good wine’s extraction
My heart is content without worry to sail away into the infinite energy’s resplendent century
The speculation and memory seems to be crafty
Unknowing body in hard deep sleep, moonlight splendidly, ultimate beauty!
Dusk is getting dark, reflecting burning fire, twisted knee and weary face are heartless
Puzzle of the deep dead sea, generation never stops, a fearless messy abandoned heart
Predestine creations amorous, separate into the dark invisible strange mirage
The wings of mighty storm, inciting decadence when fly away
Stars are drifting down the river, awaken hereafter’s reality
Brilliant raised beneath the setting sun, turn into eternity
[Chinese version:]
長空輕心斷言飄零 淒迷裏 隕落的諱名
謎團間的黑色黎明 環抱著天際 無盡的悔意
深巷的迷途 隱密晝伏夜出 垂涎徘徊靜夜紛亂 懸心
輕佻邪氣的眼簾 罪惡永不停歇 無論真摯或欺诳
孕育造化下無生靈 獨自僻靜 驚濤駭浪裏呻吟
親吻的顫唇 靈犀間撩動著魅影
碧海藍天心明波平如鏡 回萦著 美酒萃鍊後的萬象更新
縱情忘懷無憂無慮翺翔於 潛在無限活力的璀璨世紀
慎思著記憶 幽暗詭變 敏銳的殘影
熟睡中的無形身軀 袅娜的月夜 絕美的樂音
向晚的昏辰 熊熊烈火映照 蜷縮膝間慵倦的臉 無心
深邃鬼海的迷幻 世代永不間斷 無畏榮華或遺亂
定命造物下的美豔 各自綻放 蜃樓海市的憧憬
旋風的羽翼 展翅間煽動著頹靡
隨波流逝的星痕 喚醒隔世的永恒
燦爛溢彩的斜陽 幻化成奇迹
7. Destiny
A dream will fall to pieces, fear of overwhelming lightning
Turn over in catastrophe, my heart is burning with dying erosion
See disintegration!
Sea of fire with charming witchcraft, a regret from subconscious till the end
Groan out in filthy river, a cry of pain in memory
Illusion cracks to incomplete, gasp in the dark cold night of sorrow
Searching helpless ignorance, look up to the sky solemnly but no answer
A leisureful breathing touches quietness, never awakening!
I’m standing on the edge of firmament, recall the past that never recants
I hope the world will give a great party, drink a toast and leave, fighting to live
Walking in the pallid moonless night, all stars in turn, it’s a glorious scene
Silence beside the reflection of time, the unfailing dream, that’s my destiny
[Chinese version:]
夢自分崩離兮 雷霆震怒下的恐懼
浩劫馀生中翻騰 憂容紛亂侵蝕心死淒迷
火海魔鬼般妖娆 潛意識險陷泥濘的歎息
河洛汙濁中呻吟 記憶裏突現悲啼
幻境殘存破裂 凜冽夜空下的喘息
茫然無緒地尋覓 岸然仰首蒼天卻無回應
悠遠的氣息輕觸寂靜 切莫覺醒
我在蒼穹的岸邊拾起 無盡回憶 不曾放棄
期盼大地給予的歡宴 一飲而盡 重拾自信
在那蒼幽無月的夜裏 星群交替 輝煌壯麗
沈靜池塘邊臨泉照影 無窮無盡的生命印信
8. Rising
Metamorphosis of evening haze, calm and steady in tranquility
Wave a farewell to the grey past, no more stray into a pathway
Sudden realization of fate, abandon profound trepidation
Intricate way before my eyes, can I introspect or lose a way?
The broken vision of life, right or wrong in speculation
Fumble and seek for reality, fearless to face that
Exhausted heart and soul, risky disheveled night
Fate in chaos with hardship, hard to quit
Waiting a chance in circulation, why insist on meditation?
Suddenly open the lock of creatures, I make up my mind straight to carry on
The snow reflected to moonlight shadow, falling stars shine the night for a while
Sprinkle planet spread wings and fly, even though how danger where was
Echo is ringing, midnight prologue had unsealed
Endless firelight emblaze the torch of destiny
As the coming way to retrace the meticulous thoughts
Lead a stoic life and walk through the instantaneous eternity
Extremely red hot flame, landslide and temblor are unfailing to destroy
Savagely expel, fall into deep dark abyss, rage of nasty sea turn over to a scary death
The impoverished mind, beware! who’s mistake?
Aspirations gone, interminate entreaty
Lose the way in sleepless night, temptation of heart and soul
Retreat in a mess, day and night had replaced
Day after day never alter, a vanished horizon
Live with honor, die in grief, deathless spirit
Aurora’s rising from the East, a brilliant sparkling light
Light up a universe in glorious era, bear in my mind forever
[Chinese version:]
暮境蛻變之大地粹練 沈著中萦繞著詳靜
揮別往複灰色叢林 不再迷走荊棘道路
對飲間蓦然心領神覺 抛棄深沈恐懼依戀
眼前錯綜複雜迷途 能否孤立自省其間
萬象的殘存截影 遺緒中紛繁是非
摸索著探求真理 無愧去面對
耗竭心神 危境散亂夜
定限已亂 艱險 棄亦難
回行遊離之循環氣運 執著中引領著參悟
豁然開啓物冥鎖鑰 心確立斷直行不亂
映雪中反照月影花痕 流星片刻夜動星空
拾掇行星振翅欲飛 盡管山川險阻無端
回聲響起 午夜序幕開啓
層層火焰 點燃生命光炬
依循來時路追述 往返間心思靈動
淡泊明志的邁向 刹那間的永恒
熾熱翻紅的地燄 山崩地裂滾燙著無窮盡毀滅
殘酷的驅馳 跌進火海深淵裏 怒海翻騰波濤中
赤貧地心挫 慎思之過
心去難留 無止境地懇求
輾轉反側中困惑 心靈的誘惑
退卻的混亂 漸趨日月替換
日複一日 不曾生變 消失的地平線
生榮死哀 魂神不滅
日出東方之晨暮 光芒耀眼閃爍
照亮宇宙蒼穹生命光輝 世代永志不忘
9. No More
Brave courage in solitude, regrets fall down slowly in the air
Immersed in a cheerless lifetime, bury it in my heart
Empty silent deep dark night, arrange my messy thinking
Intoxicate and wear away, my thread breaks away
No more plaint of emotion, rhyme flows through the air to carry on again
Farewell to the past and leave apart, retrieve eternity
Sign and wander in the night, follow the steps and look up to the sky
Pace back in the old times, reminiscence in my mind
Day replaced the night quietly, wash off the silent affliction
The unforgettable heartbreak, falling down in my dream
No more tales of sorrow, the dying affection, a boil flaring
Even in sadness along worry, search for rebirth in next life
Still no return, with belief or vision
I expect myself to break this world, no more survive
[Chinese version:]
孤寒冷卻的勇氣 依序漸飄落執意裏
沈浮今時淒迷 無因埋藏心緒
寂靜空等的黑夜 數理著淩亂的思緒
盡致消磨沈澱 思路狂放決堤
訴不盡的衷曲 流洩的音韻再繼續
揮別昔時離情依依 歸途再尋永恒
魂流淡步的輕歎 依循著遙望於天際
步入舊日塵光 回憶點滴心底
晝夜翻轉的替換 洗淨了莫名的憂慮
苦思難解心扉 渾然飛散夢裏
訴不盡的悲憫 消逝的情懷沸騰燃起
縱使離愁無盡煩憂 來世再覓重生
依舊無應 是茫然還是空幻
心切盼望 塵世已斷 不複存在
10. Time
The night, imminent alone, grievous blame myself depressingly
Ice flow and cold moon, seem emotionally hurt, retire in sublunary variety
The dying distance nearly dead end in a dazzling labyrinth
Burning red sun then long awaiting, listless tears in my eyes
A dark night, renew the gloomy heaven, interminate tottering
Reset my inner desire, part from daybreak
The graceful praise of singing, resonant in a dream
Between daze and wake, rebirth emerged
A pallid enchanted face, decrepit and concealed
Eternal blue sky, see as not seeing
The frozen North, callous blowing, extinguish candlelight
A dreary cold night and withered dead tree, ever fading away
As if long term evil spirit, still vacuous seeking
Slouchy slow walk waiting for rains to stop and sky clears
The coldly lonesome dark night, intoxicate in peace
Between grief and joy, clean but not so clean
Eyes transported with hope, brimming with tears
Gracefully turn into green lands and clear streams
Time inverted; rocks the kismet. Lights floating pass by, disappear in a flash
Unclouded blue sky still more lucid, color of mysticism, think back and forget
Ah! no regret! a breaking feeling, restless heart and soul
Don’t regret, terrifying risk, deep down in weeping rain
Unable to shut out the vice, the sin in great flooding
Quit! sorrow & joy, cry bitterly, grow disaster
[Chinese version:]
夜 孤危迫切 戚然引咎空悲切
寒冰冷月 似肝膽俱裂 歸隱塵世間莫測急變
赤日炎炎長久守候 倦遊飄然眼底
黑夜張起黯淡穹廬 無止境地搖曳
重置心靈欲望意象 揮別天明
著魔蒼白的臉 隱約殘缺
冷豔北風無情俯身 吹熄遊絲燭明
憂郁寒夜枯萎花枝 幾度凋零無形
彷佛長列無依遊魂 漫無目的尋覓
緩行低垂身影等待 雨過天晴
眉目含情的眼 瑩瑩珠淚
時空倒影撼動天命 如浮光掠影 轉瞬即滅
蔚藍的天空更加透明 色彩神秘主義 思明而遺忘
Ah 無遺憾 情裂不斷 心神紛亂
莫遺憾 驚心寸斷於苦雨淒風中
掩不盡 萬惡淵薮 罪孽氾濫
棄 離合悲歡 呼天搶地 種禍端
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