album: "Terium" (2008)
1. Under The Surface2. Crowd In The Dark
3. Terium
4. Authorities
5. Futures Dawn
6. Brighter Than The Sun
7. Needs
8. Two Masters
9. Hands Of The King
10. Priests And Serpents
11. Trail Of Blood
12. Betrayal
13. Way To The Stars
14. Innocence
15. New Era
1. Under The Surface
2. Crowd In The Dark
[STORY: The dawn woke up the desert lands. The sun broke up the night locked sky. It was a clear deep blue sky and the last stars paled slowly. Micah was already awake, he wasn't sure, if he had slept at all that night. He got visions from the Creator and today was the day to tell the people. He knew that they won't love him for his speech, but they needed to know that the Creator still yearned for them. Even if there were only very few people left, asking for the Creator. There were ups and downs in the relationship between people and the Creator. The last years had been a continuous decline. People were going their own ways, gave a heck about Creator's rules. But they needed to know... ,,Listen to the Creator's words! You all need to turn around, you all condemn yourselves by the way you are living. I don't want you to stab each others back; I don't want you to fleece each other. You bend your knees before the rich and mighty, but you stamp on the poor right before your door and spit him in the face. This isn't what I think of your lives. I will scatter you to the ends of the galaxy, I will send you a hard oppression and you will wish you were never born. You will walk in the dark like the dead, but death will not be merciful. You won't be able to come back to me on your own. And then I will send a saviour. He will grow up among you and you won't recognize him. You will see signs and miracles but your hearts will be barred. But one day you will see clear..." Micah hadn't seen the sniper aiming at him. He even hadn't felt the blow. But he went home.]
The morning of the universe was gone.
And it seemed now was right in the long run.
But the stubborn men, they'll never be obedient.
So prophets came to say creators will.
And to help people to get out of this mill.
And your tears will be wiped away that day
Happiness will oust all fears from you.
Crowd in the dark.
Light will shine on you.
Universe will see.
You will rejoice.
At the broken yoke laid
on shoulders bended in pain.
Micah was one of those prophets then.
He not minced matters and he rebuked all men.
He predicted loud. No one could miss his words.
A saviour to come to bring final peace.
He'll end all pain and will cure all disease.
And your tears will be wiped away that day.
Happiness will oust all fears from you.
Crowd in the dark.
Light will shine on you.
Universe will see.
You will rejoice.
At the broken yoke laid
on shoulders bended in pain.
You carry all your fears and you are broken by the devils lust.
This a hell you're going through.
God will become a child, grow up and carry sings for all mankind.
To be the final sacrifice.
Crowd in the dark.
Light will shine on you.
Universe will see.
You will rejoice.
At the broken yoke laid
on shoulders bended in pain.
Crowd in the dark.
Light will shine on you.
Universe will see.
You will rejoice.
At the broken yoke laid
on shoulders bended in pain.
3. Terium
[STORY: Yeah, this is it! Terium! This is what mankind searched for since we have come to live. Give it to me! I want it! Yeah, it makes me live on! I never gonna die! My fate is no longer in any Creators hands. I am no longer scared of death and damnation, cause I will live forever! I will stay healthy. Terium doesn't leave me down. I can trust in it. It makes me feel good, it opens my mind! Oh yeah, this is a great discovery. Who ever said that the Pykods haven't brought anything good? So don't wait too long now, I would kill for the pill! The people sat in this waiting room, they wouldn't have to wait long, because the application of Terium was a fast procedure. One little pill of Terium per week, dissolved in weak soda bicarbonated water. That's all. It kept you healthy and extended the life. You won't wither anymore from the date you take it. And it was affordable. Every man could afford. So every man yearned for it. And got it. And there was another kind of Terium: Silverterium. The difference between both was pretty simple. The Silverterium was not addictive. But it was very rare. Terium in general was very tender to magnetic fields. Once the crystal was in touch with a magnetic field, such as are caused by electricity e.g., it cannot be Silverterium anymore. So the Silverterium has to be digged by bare hands, only with the help of mechanic tools. The extraction of Silverterium perished many lives. And not every one could get it. Pontius himself decided who got Silverterium and who didn't.]
Terium is the sense of your dull lives.
It is what you have searched for.
You need no god.
You need no other salvation.
Take it from my hands.
Take it from me.
And I'll be your salvation!
Light grey, ugly, you almost don't feel the weight in your hand.
It seems so inconspicuous but it is desired more than gold.
You only find it on Kranos, fourth planet from the sun.
A toxic atmosphere, no water, dust hostile and cold.
Deep in the planet the Terium waits.
To spend a life last for eternity.
The blood and tears of the convicts cry out.
The rigid wardens will show no mercy, no mercy.
The Terium is your all.
You do not ask for the terms you will pay every price.
Heading straight for your goal.
You are running through ages there's no doubt.
The Terium is your all.
You do not ask for the terms you will pay every price.
Heading straight for your goal.
The grim reaper will walk by your door.
Walk by your door.
Magnetic fields, caused by machines decrease the effect of the Terium.
So the Terium for the rich ones is mined just with bare hands.
The Silverterium will let you live for all eternity.
The other only stops wither and stretches life from some years.
Deep in the planet the Terium waits.
To spend a life last for eternity.
The blood and tears of the convicts cry out.
The rigid wardens will show no mercy, no mercy.
And there is no need for a God in an eternal life.
Terium's satisfaction for all.
It heals pain, it stop age, it's the lost paradise.
It's addictive, it calls you to crawl.
It brings you higher and higher your wings in the wind.
There's no need for remorse, for a tear.
You won't fall in a sickness, a life without end.
Just as long as you get Terium
The Terium is your all.
You do not ask for the terms you will pay every price.
Heading straight for your goal.
You are running through ages there's no doubt.
The Terium is your all.
You do not ask for the terms you will pay every price.
Heading straight for your goal.
The grim reaper will walk by your door.
Walk by your door.
4. Authorities
[STORY: Slowly a majestic Rioda emerges in the porthole. It is a blue planet. My eye catches Brosan, the biggest of the three big continents. On Brosan is Cetris, the systems capitol. My destination. About 2 million people are living there. Not too much, but there are only about 200 millions in the whole system. There is no need for children, if you don't die. And the birth is controlled by Terium. A mostly adverse reaction to Terium is infertility. And this is good, who the heck needs children. They only cost money. I still can remember the old structures we had, before we got the Terium. There have been families. This time is over, good riddance! Nowadays no one marries anymore. Pontius annulled all the partnerships and marriages. Everyone is free to do whatever he wants. No social chains anymore. If you want to have fun, go out, look for a one night stand and have fun. No more bondages. And you can do it with a good conscience. No need to care for anything! Terium keeps you healthy! I just left Kranos from my inspection-trip. I really don't like this planet. You can't survive on the surface without a spacesuit. The temperature and the atmosphere are extremely hostile. So everything is under the surface. The mines, production plants, the prisons. Ahh, the stinking prisons. They deserve what they've got. None of them will return alive. This repulsive scum of the universe. They only have to dig the Terium and then they can go belly up for my sake. The police keep the supplies coming. But my suggestion would be to raze Nufridon to the ground. Those stinking Terium deniers. And they refuse to dig the Terium. They even refuse to acclaim Pontius as the disposer. They rather take the dehydration. So the council decided to let the grubs have the ice lump. This planet Nufridon. Since it changed its orbit and is almost the whole year in Kranos' shadow, all turned into ice. Before, it was a really life spending planet. Now all is iced and dark. The grubs are living in caves under the surface. They still believe in a Creator. In someone who really created the universe. How absurd. If there is a Creator, his name is Pontius. We all should worship him for giving us the Terium. I will initialize a draft to worship Pontius.]
Riosa is the systems main planet.
Nufridon also gives the chance to live.
Neverending winter.
But Kranos is the systems treasury.
Romans control bring you to your knees.
Terium forever.
On Nufridon the crystal has no might.
People's trust in God here's shining bright.
And when the night will come, when Terium demands it's final toll.
Each man will have to pay. But no-one can afford - the price is too high.
The priests don't serve God anymore these days.
They even don't ask for creators ways.
People go astray.
Dictatorship of Romans hold men down.
They've lost the hope on saviour's coming soon.
He's already coming.
On Nufridon the crystal has no might.
People's trust in God here's shining bright.
And I won't leave it. But deep in your mind.
It deceives you. And poor words. Say nothing, no.
And when the night will come, when Terium demands it's final toll.
Each man will have to pay. But no-one can afford - the price is too high.
And when the night will come, when Terium demands it's final toll.
Each man will have to pay. But no-one can afford - the price is too high.
And when the night will come, when Terium demands it's final toll.
Each man will have to pay. But no-one can afford - the price is too high.
5. Futures Dawn
[STORY: We studied the old prophecies thoroughly. We knew that this day would come and we were prepared. Then one day we knew it was time to break up. Times ago we have been one nation. But they decided to leave our system and search for new planets to settle. We built the generations ships and some of us broke up. Every now and then we heard of their fate. But now we haven't heard of them for a long long time. So we got in our ships and begun the journey. After a trip through some galaxies we found it. We entered the system of Rioda. Here it is, here the saviour is born. The one who will bring peace to all mankind. We landed on Rioda, seen a leader named Pontius in the saviour issue. He was none of our nation, he was a Roman. The Romanes have delivered our people from the tyranny of the Pykods some centuries ago. Then they stayed in the system and formed the government. He hadn't heard of the saviour and we almost thought we followed a mistake. But then he said we should let him know; if we would find the saviour, cause he also would like to see and worship him. So we left Rioda, but following an intuition, we took course on Nufridon. And indeed, there we found the child. Just born in a ice shelled cave. We told the parents our story and we gave what we brought him, knowing that the times would change from now on. And we never returned to Rioda. There was another power in the universe: The fallen. He was not a real antagonist to the Creator, because he was also created, but he acted like one. The Creator let him, knowing that he was already fallen. And this fact made the fallen only more wild, cause he knew, that he never could escape his fate. So he tried to get as much as possible people separated from the Creator. He used many tricks since his fall, but the Terium was the smartest. And Pontius became his worthiest tool. "All is in the long run now." the fallen thought by himself. "They have the Terium. They took it from my hands and they fell for it. They aren't interested in the Creator anymore. The priests are bribed with Silverterium. There is only one little thing I still worry about: There was this darn prophet Micah. He predicted a saviour to come. I haven't exactly known what that meant, but now I know! Pontius will solve that problem, however." ,,Who is this so called saviour? " Pontius thundered through the halls. He was upset. Wasn't he the saviour? Hadn't he brought the Terium to mankind? Hadn't he made it possible to extend the life? And now there were those geezers, asking for a new born saviour. What is there to save? Nothing. You needn't to be saved, if you live forever. No Creator. Only life. I will be the Creator for people. I am in charge. ,,I will find this saviour, and if I've found him, he will have to save himself!" And he found him, it took almost 25 years, but he found him. Pontius was rather calm and prudential. He couldn't arrest Ratis that easy, he knew that. It took those 25 years to track him down and now he wouldn't disappoint his master. ,,Okay, this Ratis, even if he is Creator's son, is only a man. And men are weak. I will find his soft spot." he thought by himself. Then he pushed the button and the door slided up. Ratis came in. He was a guest, not a convict. ,,Take a seat" invited Pontius. Ratis sat down, opposite to him. ,,See" Pontius said ,,all the people are getting the Terium. They want it, so I deliver it. I do not force anyone to take it. They are all content with their way. I make you an offer: You get Silverterium for you and your friends and I give you more money than you could ever spend and in addition you'll get a nice little island here on Rioda. And as an equivalent you forget your original mission. No one will lose anything, if you agree. The people can live on and you will live on and we will have peace in the system." Silence. Ratis crinkled his lips and frowned. It seemed as if he contemplated the offer. He ran his hand over his face and his eyes caught Pontius eyes. Pontius tried to return the look, but he failed. He had to look down ,,So, what do you say? " ,,I say," Ratis responded ,,it sounds seductive. But listen: I won't fall for you. I am not here to save myself. My mission are the people. They still have a home in the Creator's heart and you keep them from moving in. So they are the restless derelicts you made them. I am here to bring them back home." Pontius was more than upset about this. He wasn't used to contradiction. He jumped up, his chair almost made a somersault. He yelled for the wardens but Ratis had been disappeared already. Pontius failed. For now.]
A woman was pregnant that time.
Never lost faith, always kept on the road.
An angel has given the sign.
A virgin birth Creators son.
The boy was born: certain signs.
The boy's the one who will change universe.
Different reasons and minds.
To seek this child and walk behind.
Times of silence time to pray - Terium can't stop the prophecy.
Times of silence, time to pray - and weeping and crying and howling has come to an end.
Futures dawn - now the sun rises cause saviour has come.
And his star will just lighten up the dark.
God still cares for his people now he's taken a chance.
Futures dawn is the end of presents dusk.
Since the beginning of all.
The devil feared this moment to come.
So he reached out but he failed.
Creators son won't bend his knees.
Times of silence time to pray - Terium can't stop the prophecy.
Times of silence, time to pray - and weeping and crying and howling has come to an end.
Futures dawn - now the sun rises cause saviour has come.
And his star will just lighten up the dark.
God still cares for his people now he's taken a chance.
Futures dawn is the end of presents dusk.
Satan's the king of the worlds.
Terium's his scepter - death is the key.
God now fulfilled the prophecy.
Final sacrifice - Futures dawn has start.
Futures dawn has finally start.
Futures dawn - now the sun rises cause saviour has come.
And his star will just lighten up the dark.
God still cares for his people now he's taken a chance.
Futures dawn is the end of presents dusk.
6. Brighter Than The Sun
[STORY: Anyhow we knew that we had only a little time. Ratis taught us only for a few months. He explained the old prophecies in his own words and he told us how they match with the creators will. We really believed that he was the Creator's son. With his emergence the old prophecies started to come to live. We knew that the times would change from now. We knew that the Creator yearned for everyone but the people on Rioda didn't know that. They were vegetating, trapped in their immortal bodies. The most people even stopped thinking about the creator. So on this cold morning, we should start our campaign. The flight to Rioda would take less than a day. I looked over the hangar. Almost one hundred remodelled fighters shimmered in the cold light. The dawn hadn't started yet, but it would soon. It was one of the few days in the year when Nufridon emerged out of Kranos shadow. The air was flickering against the hangar lighting. The engines were heating up. We all were very tensed and anxious. Would they want to hear our message? Would we be able to catch some ears? I've never been to Rioda. I was only 24 years old. The people I was going to report on the Creator's love would be at least 200 years older than me. This was my mission. I always had to remember that it wouldn't be me who would speak. I was only a tool in the Creator's hand. I saw Ratis put on his helmet and jump into his cockpit. In this very moment the first rays of sunlight broke through the darkness and dipped the whole hangar in a golden glance.]
Jump in the cockpit - don't turn away.
Cause you're believing that I'm the one Creator has sent.
Start up the engines - don't fear no more.
Go to Rioda - and heal the people from disease.
You shall - shine all - cause you are the salt and the light.
Never - look back - cause you are the tools in Gods hands.
You'll tell the people - the good news now.
Stay where they're eager - to hear the gospel of good news.
But when they'll close doors - or spit at you.
Don't loose time trying - just turn around they'll kiss the dust.
Go out, spread the good news, don't have no fear.
God sent his saviour the Terium to sear.
There is no salvation in endless life,
if you run out of steam.
If they're ashamed of the words I say.
You can believe me - I'll be ashamed of them also.
Cause in the last days - I will return.
Creator'll ask me - who's opened up his heart for me.
You shall - shine all - cause you are the salt and the light.
Never - look back - cause you are the tools in Gods hands.
Go out, spread the good news, don't have no fear.
God sent his saviour the Terium to sear.
There is no salvation in endless life,
if you run out of steam.
Go out, spread the good news, don't have no fear.
God sent his saviour the Terium to sear.
There is no salvation in endless life,
if you run out of steam.
Be aware of men. They will hate you.
Rapture bout torture - They will persecute you.
But don't you sorrow. God'll speak through you.
And I'll be with you - Brighter than the sun.
Go out, spread the good news, don't have no fear.
God sent his saviour the Terium to sear.
There is no salvation in endless life,
if you run out of steam.
Go out, spread the good news, don't have no fear.
God sent his saviour the Terium to sear.
There is no salvation in endless life,
if you run out of steam.
7. Needs
[STORY: Deep inside each single man there is the knowledge about the existence of the supernatural. The knowledge about things neither science nor priests ever could give evidence for. It may be for good or for bad, but people feel, that they will see it clear, when they die. And the people don't want to die, because they fear the unknown. And they are right to fear. Only two paths to go: One wide, bright, well paved road. The other one is narrow and sometimes hidden. Stones block the way. One has to choose. The Terium postpones this decision. I know your fears. I know what's in your heart. I know the deepest thoughts in your minds. And nevertheless I love you. I know that it seems to be impossible to walk the narrow path. And if you're addicted to Terium it is even harder, because Terium denies access to this path. So I sent a saviour to you. He can free you from addiction and he will speak for you. Just rely on him.]
Holy Father Lord Creator.
The highest name in universe.
We wait for your kingdom to come.
In universe your will shall be done.
Don't you let us down today.
We wait for your power to come.
Our fate is forever in your hands.
And now the darkness slow fades away.
With blinded eyes
we struggle through our lives with hearts of fear.
We lost our courage.
Believe the lies.
We're almost on to fail for evilness.
Just feeling something's going wrong.
We often go straight our own way.
Refuse to accept what you want.
We wait for your glory to come.
Please forgive us our cut off.
We'll forgive our debtors too.
We wait for the saviour to come.
Our fate is forever in your hands.
And now the darkness slow fades away.
I am the way - the announced saviour.
Eternal truth - gives hope back to you.
So I am the life. I do not tempt you.
Deliver you from the evil one - hey.
With blinded eyes
we struggle through our lives with hearts of fear.
We lost our courage.
Believe the lies.
We're almost on to fail for evilness.
Just feeling something's going wrong.
8. Two Masters
[STORY: You small minds! You see only you and your life! And you still fear the unknown, the things without evidence! And so you decided to postpone them in the hope to forget them. But believe me, time won't forget you! That's for sure. It will catch up to you earlier than you will know. You take the Terium. It helps you over the death. Your whole life is aimed to this drug! How to get it, when to get it. How to afford the next pill. But the Romanes won't let you down! Be sure! They will supply you with the Terium. And they are the real winners. All you do is losing. You lose your free will; you lose your life, even if you obviously live on and on. But if I look deep in your eyes, I can see that there is another thing. Another need. But it is oppressed. Deep in you there still is the lore of the Creator. And you know that he hates the Terium. You try to pray and he hears you, but you also know that you are like a child who just played out in the mud and who now comes inside to the adults who are sitting at the table. You want to join them, but you also feel that you should wash yourself first.]
And there is the Terium court our attention.
Banish grim reaper. Disease is defeated.
It only costs a little of dependence.
It's all around us. Living without end.
Don't struggle with woe of tomorrow.
It will come clear. Every day will have it's own sorrow.
Struggle - what will you believe.
Cannot divide your heart.
There are still two masters to choose.
Decide - it is up to you.
What will be you master.
Creator or Terium.
And there is the almighty God your creator.
From all beginning. He is the same.
He has never changed his attitude.
He's all around us. He still yearns for you.
Don't struggle with woe of tomorrow.
It will come clear. Every day will have it's own sorrow.
Struggle - what will you believe.
Cannot divide your heart.
There are still two masters to choose.
Decide - it is up to you.
What will be you master.
Creator or Terium.
Struggle - what will you believe.
Cannot divide your heart.
There are still two masters to choose.
Decide - it is up to you.
What will be you master.
Creator or Terium.
9. Hands Of The King
[STORY: I have been living for over 400 years now. And I was addicted to Terium almost all of the time. Terium seemed to bode well. Extend your life, be healthy. Redesign your life; you can ban death out of your life. They have forgotten to mention the dependency. In the first 200 years it didn't really bother me. I did all the things I ever wanted to. I was free. I had no one to look after. I had children in the time before Terium, but they grew up and got Terium by their selves. I had a wife, but Pontius annulled our marriage and we both were free again. It seemed like the long lost paradise. But after 200 years I began to feel restless and hollow. Thoughts of the creator came up in me, but anyhow, I have lost the connection to him. It depressed me. My soul was tired of living on. Actually I wanted to die. But on the other hand, death scared me. Anyhow I knew that I wouldn't find peace after death. Anyway, the only way to die would have been a suicide. And suicide was forbidden by law. If I should fail, they would dehydrate me. So I lived on. I was so fed up with live and I was addicted. Then, a few weeks ago, this guy, Ratis, crossed my way. He looked at me and anyhow he felt my pain. Can't say. He asked me if I want to be free. I felt that my decision would decide between life and death. I knew that if I would agree, I would die. He touched me deeply, I could only nod. He touched my forehead and he just said: You are free now. Go and live your life. You are a Creator's child! That day was the last day I had a Terium pill. I don't even miss it. I started to pray again and I feel a never been connection with the Creator. I even have had a cold already. But I also know: If I die now, I'll go home!]
I can see all those people struggle on their own.
The eye just fools the mind so people go straight to hell.
Just reaching our for Terium to keep the end far out.
A barethread reason to justify dependency.
They seem so proud but they are standing at the rim.
Just one more step and they fall down - they will fall so deep.
I hear you crying out in sorrow.
And your time will slip away.
Terium will leave you hollow.
But now's the chance to break the line.
A touch of my hand opens your eyes.
A word from my lips can end your pain.
There's no relief in trust in Terium.
It's you who'll make the choice.
There were those men addicted. Terium into their veins.
With faces stare into space. Want to die but hearts keep pounding.
Just a touch from holy hands brought them back to live.
I hear you crying out in sorrow.
And your time will slip away.
Terium will leave you hollow.
But now's the chance to break the line.
A touch of my hand opens your eyes.
A word from my lips can end your pain.
There's no relief in trust in Terium.
It's you who'll make the choice.
Hands of the king are healers hands.
With the power to set free.
There's no relief in trust in Terium.
It's you who'll make the choice.
Eternal life without an aim. I am the way back into worthwhile life.
I will take you by the hand. I won't leave you in the end.
As Terium leaves you. Healthy and living but empty and hollow.
You're the one I will die for.
A touch of my hand opens your eyes.
A word from my lips can end your pain.
There's no relief in trust in Terium.
It's you who'll make the choice.
Hands of the king are healers hands.
With the power to set free.
There's no relief in trust in Terium.
It's you who'll make the choice.
I am put in charge to forgive sin.
I am the way back to worthwhile life,
I will take you by the hand.
10. Priests And Serpents
[STORY: The high priests sat together in their temple in Cetris. They had a council. "This Ratis, he is a beguiler. He has to be one. No one can come and say he is the promised saviour. See how the people hang on his lips. He must be one with the fallen one. He just needs to touch the people and they can do without Terium. And they have no withdrawals. He knows that it is against the law. But he does it nevertheless. This system has been so tidy and accurate, before he came. We had something to say. People listened to us. Where has our sway gone now? We have to be careful not to peril our link to Pontius. He is the one who supplies us with Silverterium. And the more people turn away from us the more Pontius will become advertent to us. We are not doing anything wrong. We tell people that they don't need to fear the Creator, because the Creator is in everyone. And the Terium turns out the Creator in us. It provides us with lasting life and health. Have you heard what this Ratis said? He called us toadies. And he prophesized us to end up in hell. Doesn't he know that we will never die? Since we get the Silverterium we will live forever! And we also have the keys to heaven and hell. Not he! We should bring him in the mines immediately. No one would ask for him again. And we get rid of him." The sun set behind the skyline of Cetris. The priests are content now. Holier than thou. Ratis felt a slight stab in his heart for these men. And an even more painful stab for all the souls they'll drag down in hell. A silent tear fell from his cheek and froze before it touched the ground on Nufridon.]
Eternal life. No more fear of death any more.
Grim reaper has lost his scythe. Living forever now.
All dreams come true. Cause time is no longer an enemy.
All fantasies become real. And the soul's flying high.
See the sunlight. Ride high on the stars above.
Feel the airstream. On the flight beyond death.
I feel the sunlight. I ride upon a shining star.
I feel the airstream. Watching eras pass by.
Addicted to Terium.
Giving them the Terium. Makes them feeling high.
People want to hear the lie. Idiotic fools.
Can not bear the consequences. which awaiting them.
Keep on taking Terium. Hollow endless life.
Expecting salvation be faithful to the law.
Do not care for people they just have their way.
Priests and servants - they are so far away.
Priests and servants - they lead people astray.
Priests and servants - only law not the lord.
They'll never got Creators will in the law.
I hear the cries of men. Cause they want to be free.
Healing is in my hand. It drives me round the bend.
Creators heart is love - why can't you see it.
Why are you so stubborn to ignore the meaning.
Creators son I am - you don't believe it.
You read the prophecies but you don't see through them now.
I will heal them make them free. Though it's against the law.
You don't see the miracles. Idiotic fools.
You just see the broken law. Not the healed men.
I'm a thorn deep in your side. Edge of the law.
Expecting salvation be faithful to the law.
Do not care for people they just have their way.
Priests and servants - they are so far away.
Priests and servants - they lead people astray.
Priests and servants - only law not the lord.
They'll never got Creators will in the law.
Hear what I say. You are free from Terium.
New horizon. On your flight through your life.
See the sunlight. Ride high on the stars above.
Feel the air stream. On the flight through your life
always trust in me.
Expecting salvation be faithful to the law.
Do not care for people they just have their way.
Priests and servants - they are so far away.
Priests and servants - they lead people astray.
Priests and servants - only law not the lord.
They'll never got Creators will in the law.
When time has come. Stand before Creators throne.
And you have trusted in me. You will see me and I'll speak for you.
11. Trail Of Blood
[STORY: I watched Ratis for several days. He seemed to be the same like always, but anyhow he carried grief inside him. I don't know why. Things went good for us. Where ever we went, people listened to us, turned away from Terium and gave their hearts and lives to the Creator again. But now Ratis was sitting there in the hangar, staring out in the darkness and I could see that he carried a burden. What did he know what we didn't? It was an early morning when he called us together. We stood amidst of our little ships. The metal was dull and it was cold here. We stood in the circle of 13 like we did so often. Ratis started with a prayer like he did always. But this day was different nevertheless. A deep grief was in his eyes. I felt that there was something oppressing his heart. And now it was time to produce relief. We all were anxious; no one gave a noise, even if the question wanted to be screamed out by each one of us. Ratis looked up. "I will tell you the truth" he said. "Not that I haven't so before, but you have to know what will happen." He remained silent for a little while. "The authorities will get me. And they will put me in the mines." I wanted to jump up and say that they won't as long as there is breath in my lungs, but he just looked at me with this certain look. I knew that I shouldn't say a word. "They will execute me and I will be dead. You are the ones to carry on then. I know that you will almost die in fear, but you have to keep the faith. I will remain dead for three days. But after that time I will raise again. Death can't hold me. And then you will understand why I have been here." He looked down again. I knew that he was crying. When he looked up again we all could see the tears on his cheeks. "I only made a start. It will be on you to carry on, my brothers." He swallowed hard. "I am almost dying in fear. I wish I could go and hide away! But then everything would be in vain. No, this trail of blood is mine!"]
I have called you and you followed with faith.
You became pillars of truth.
And like a prism you're spreading your light.
You let it shine in the universes dark.
But soon the night will come.
Things running better than I'd ever thought.
People come into believe.
Open their mind for the right face of God.
I show them how the Creators heart feels.
But soon it's time to go.
Arms up to heaven
I fall on my knees cause now.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
I will be dead but I will raise again.
Three days you will be alone.
After that time you will see me again.
But then the Terium will be history.
Then you will understand.
Arms up to heaven
I fall on my knees cause now.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
It's time to pray.
Take this sorrowful cup far away from me now.
I'd wish to stay.
But your will shall be done.
12. Betrayal
[STORY: The sun had just set. In the last rays of its light a little ship landed before the main temple in Cetris. A dark figure jumped out of the cockpit and sneaked into the temple. The high priests had waited for him. He had contemplated for a long time how he could do this and more important, if he should do this. He always was responsible for the finances of them. And the crucial point happened the night before. They sat together, all thirteen when young man came in. He had a Holocast in his hands. And it was not one of those cheap Holocasts. It was one of those which make really real holograms but if you play the holomovie once, it never can show another movie but this one. But this holomovie is really realistic. You got the imagination that you were right into the movie. The man placed the Holocast right before Ratis on the table and he switched it on. It showed sequences of the miracles Ratis had done. The young man said: "This is a present for you. I wanted to make something really unique." All the disciples stared at the holomovie, a glance in their eyes. Only Siroc stared with anger. He yelled at the man that they could have sold the Holocast to buy more important things. Like spare parts for the ships or the converters or so. Siroc was convinced that Ratis would agree with him, but instead of agreeing he gave him a rejection. All the other eleven were looking at Siroc as if he was a dork. He felt so mortified. So he decided to betray Ratis. He knew that the priests would pay a lot of money for a hint where Ratis would show up next. Maybe they would even give him Silverterium. That would be a blast. Silverterium. Life without end. Not being accountable to anyone, not even to the Creator. And now he stood before the council of the high priests. He just got a certain amount of Silverterium. Enough for him. And he just handed over the pertinent information to them. He turned around and left the temple. On the next evening they all met at this place on Rioda. They had had a successful day again. And now they sat together for a supper again. Ratis just filled the cup with wine. He lifted it up and waited till they all were quiet. He said: ,,One of you has betrayed me." He didn't say this in anger or disappointment. They all were aghast. What did this mean? Ratis continued: "Tonight I will be handed over to the Romanes. You all will run away from me." Again there was neither anger nor disappointment in his voice. "No, never, I will never leave you!" "Me neither!" "Never!" They all contradicted. But suddenly the door sled up and the planets police flounced in the room. The disciples jumped up but the police had only eyes for Ratis, so they grabbed him and dragged him to the ground. They cuffed his hands and dragged him out. The disciples were so shocked that they all fled. Only one smiling face left the room.]
The priests and the leaders came together.
Making a plot against him.
He agitates against all of our rules.
His life is not worth a damn - right now.
When they sat together a girl came to them
pouring an ointment on him.
Disciples were upset he said to them 'Calm down'
You gonna catch it.
Take bread, take wine.
Bless it, share it out.
It's my body given for your sins.
For your sins.
My time has come - wish it would not.
I feel so cold - my death is near.
Never want to drink this sorrowful cup.
My heart is low - on this midnight hour.
I'll be alone - I'm frightened to death.
Yet not what I want but your will be done.
What will you give me if I betray him?
He is a thorn in my flesh.
You will get Silverterium from us.
You hand him over to us - come on.
On their last supper Ratis said to them.
I wanna tell you the truth.
I know that one of you will betray me.
I'm gonna take it.
Take bread, take wine.
Bless it, share it out.
It's my body given for your sins.
For your sins.
My time has come - wish it would not.
I feel so cold - my death is near.
Never want to drink this sorrowful cup.
My heart is low - on this midnight hour.
I'll be alone - I'm frightened to death.
Yet not what I want but your will be done.
Spirit is willing.
But flesh is so weak.
Sleep now take your rest.
They're waiting for me - right now.
Take bread, take wine.
Bless it, share it out.
It's my body given for your sins.
For your sins.
My time has come - wish it would not.
I feel so cold - my death is near.
Never want to drink this sorrowful cup.
My heart is low - on this midnight hour.
I'll be alone - I'm frightened to death.
Yet not what I want but your will be done.
My time has come - wish it would not.
I feel so cold - my death is near.
Never want to drink this sorrowful cup.
My heart is low - on this midnight hour.
I'll be alone - I'm frightened to death.
Yet not what I want but your will be done.
13. Way To The Stars
[STORY: "So, we finally have him!". Pontius smirked. Not only that the spook would have an end now and the Terium would get the upper hand again. No, Ratis would die. And with him the Creator's son. Pontius would have a strike against the Creator. He felt so happy, the Fallen would be proud on him. So he opened up the door and entered the court hall. After the trial Pontius wasn't as confident as he had been before. Ratis hadn't said anything. Not even when Pontius cast the death row by dehydration. Ratis not even batted an eye. In his imaginations, Ratis fell on his knees when he pronounced the judgement. He was whimpering for mercy. But nothing. Ratis not even looked at him. Now Ratis sat in this dark cold cargo bay of the carrier. A policerobot next to him. Through the porthole he could see Kranos emerge out of the darkness of space. The killer satellites slowly orbit around the planet. If this wouldn't be an authorized flight, the ship wouldn't be more than dust right now. But the satellites wouldn't destroy this ship. Ratis death wouldn't be that easy.
The carrier slowly sunk through the hostile, poisoned atmosphere. It flew for several minutes over the jagged grey surface of Kranos. Then the lights of the spaceport came into sight. The ship softly touched down. The lift started to move the platform down, below the surface. The last rays of daylight slowly vanished as the gate closed over the carrier. It should have been the last daylight Ratis had seen in this live.
The airlock opened up and the robot took him out. It brought him to an elevator which took him down 4000 feet under the surface. There the robot shoved him through a maze of stone and dust till they let all noise and all lights far behind. Finally they reached the empty gallery where Ratis would die. The robot chained him to the ground, so that Ratis lied sprawled. Then the robot disappeared. He was alone. Pictures flickered before his eyes. All the people, addicted to Terium. All those human beings who wanted to be free again. For all those people he was lying here. He knew that his death would free them all. His death would break the power of Terium. He didn't know how, but he sure knew that.
Ratis lied there in the absolute darkness for an eternity. Minutes become hours if you neither can hear nor see anything. They could leave him here just as he was. He definitely would die. But they wouldn't. That would be too easy.
Suddenly Ratis could see a flickering light. Someone came. Ratis knew that it was the executioner. It had been three human beings in robes with hoods covering their heads. They didn't say anything. One of them kneeled down next to Ratis. He asked "Any last words?" Ratis didn't react. So the executioner took out a shot and shoved the needle right into a vein. Ratis jerked. The executioners stepped back. In the weak light of the gas torches his death struggle begun. It felt like pure magma was flowing through his veins. Flames were licking on his guts. They slowly scorched the inner. Then it felt like the flames got higher. They scorched his flesh; his eyeballs came out of his head. Normally he should have been dead now, burnt by the fire, choked by the smoke, but he wasn't. He had to live through all the pain. After a while the pain decreased a bit. For a short while. But then the hallucinations began. It was almost like the withdrawals, only faster and a hundred times more intensive. Ratis saw bugs creeping towards him. Two inch large black bugs. They crept up his legs and started to shove themselves under his skin. They devoured themselves through his whole body, but Ratis didn't die. He only felt the pain. And he screamed. He screamed for hours and days and weeks and years. He felt like he couldn't stand the pain anymore. But in the very moment when Ratis thought he would go insane, a white guise appeared. The guise said: "Your pain is over, your work is done here." He picked him up and together they went away. Ratis could see his body lying in this gallery, but he didn't care.
One of the executioners stepped towards the body. He kneeled beside it, only to diagnose that Ratis was really dead. He frowned. Only two hours. Normally it took at least six hours. The robot came again, took the body and brought it to a prepared closed gallery. It put the body on the ground and locked the door. A human guard would stand here for at least one week. What all the men in the mines couldn't see, was what was going on in the atmosphere. Dark clouds were drawing together; a thunderstorm was up to cover the whole planet. Thunderbolts started to cover the whole surface. It seemed like the end of the world. In the mines there were only dull crashes to hear. And a sparkle here and there. Actually there was more electricity going down on Kranos today than the whole system provided since the invention of electricity. All the effect of the Terium got lost in that thunderstorm. But no one anticipated it right now...]
They are searching for a reason to put him in the mine.
And this will be death warrant, they wanted it all the time.
And the court won't fail, and Creators son won't speak.
They really be hard on him, he has to take the blame.
Don't know that this was written, ask have you got no shame.
Now the time has come,
and the final curtain falls.
Ashes to ashes and dust on the land.
And the fire is fading away.
on the way to the stars,
I won't hide and I will fall.
And the men in the darkness,
become children of the light.
Looking on the Terium he got for his betray.
He feels a hand grabs for him, and sudden strikes from hell.
He makes up his mind. There is no turning back.
His ship is taking off now he never will return.
He knows there's no remission - no one can take his blame.
So the Terium
won't let him live no more.
on the way to the stars,
I won't hide and I will fall.
And the men in the darkness,
become children of the light.
Lying in the darkness,
and his breath slowly fading away.
Deep in the mines his life is ending,
and the grim reaper takes him way.
Black so black - the rays of light won't shine no more.
All alone - the fear inundates all men.
End of all - is this the very end of all?
Death won't win - The grave can't hold Ratis down.
Ashes to ashes and dust on the land.
And the fire is fading away.
on the way to the stars,
I won't hide and I will fall.
And the men in the darkness,
become children of the light.
on the way to the stars,
I won't hide and I will fall.
And the men in the darkness,
become children of the light.
14. Innocence
[STORY: Today it was Colgas turn to guard the body. Colga was pretty sad, but since he was a police officer he couldn't show it. Actually Colga was convinced that it was a mistake to execute this Ratis. He hadn't done anything wrong. He only helped those people who wanted to be free. He didn't force anybody. And once, this Ratis helped a friend of him. He was only 280 years old. But he was so fed up with live. He wanted to die. His friend always believed in the Creator and he hated what the priests made of him. He actually wanted to go to Nufridon, to join the real worshippers, but he never found the courage to take the withdrawals. So he stayed. And continued taking Terium. But he was tired of his never ending life. He became restless, sometimes aggressive, but most of the time sad. Abysmally sad. Then one day he encountered this Ratis. Ratis only looked in his friends eyes and he knew what was wrong. His look was full of love when he touched his friend's forehead and said: ,,You are now free to go, where you want." Colgas friend didn't go to the Terium place again from that day on. And he hadn't had any withdrawals. He packed all his stuff together and moved to Nufridon. Three weeks later he died, but he died with a smile on his face and Colga knew that he went home.
And now he had to stand here, deep in the mines to guard the body of Ratis. Suddenly he started to cry. Feelings just overwhelmed Colga. He felt so guilty for Ratis death. Actually it would have been more just, if Colga would have died. He was a Roman. He worked for the Romanes. He worked for those who brought the Terium to the people. This life stretching lie. He fell on his knees, tears in his eyes, confessed his guilt, cried for forgiveness. After a while he looked up to the door of the gallery. However, it was open; a bright white light came out of the gallery. He had to screen his eyes from the light. A large white guise spoke to him: "He is not here. Death was not capable to hold him. Go now."
"This Ratis was really the promised saviour" was Colgas last thought before he fainted.]
I'm standing here before his grave.
To watch no one comes close to him.
The night is cold and I'm alone.
I'm not the man I used to be.
Shining through, break a hole in the night.
And a prayer in my heart.
See it clear - innocence.
What had this man to die for?
I believe - He's the one.
Fall on my knees feel my sin.
A silent tear runs down my cheek.
I still live on but he is dead.
I wish I could turn back the time.
And talk to him confess my sins.
Shining through, break a hole in the night.
And a prayer in my heart.
See it clear - innocence.
What had this man to die for?
I believe - He's the one.
Fall on my knees feel my sin.
Why are you standing here?
What are you waiting for?
He is no longer here.
Rise from the death.
See it clear - innocence.
What had this man to die for?
I believe - He's the one.
Fall on my knees feel my sin.
I'm on my knees tears in my eyes
Cause I feel you touched me deep in my soul.
15. New Era
[STORY: The night approached its end. The morning broke up over Rioda. We eleven sat together. Siroc committed suicide after he heard of Ratis dead. This had been three days ago. Three long days and nothing had happened. No angel, no prophecy, nothing. Were we all mistaken? Had Ratis only been a beguiler? But all the miracles? I Didn't know how often we played the Holocast. But why didn't happen anything? Grief begun to prevail.
Suddenly we heard a known voice: "Why are you so down?" I looked up, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Ratis standing. Alive. Healthy. What happened? We all weren't able to say a word. After a short while we all started to speak at once; Ratis only had a big grin on his face. He lifted his hands to get us quiet. "Read the prophets", he said. "You knew it, but you didn't believe. I will only be with you for a short time now. Only say a few things. But you will have to carry on. The Terium is defeated. It lost all its effect in the thunderstorm. At the same time my father had taken away all addiction. There is no human being addicted to Terium any more. People will continue their lives from the point they took Terium first. They will die again and they will have children again. They will become ill again and they will have their free will again. The most didn't even recognize this yet, but they will soon. I guess, for the most it will be rather aggravating, because their live has an end again. They will have to think about death again. For now the fallen has lost his sting, but he will grow another one." Ratis looked around. He continued: ,,Now it's your turn. Go and spray the good news, that there still is a Creator and that he still wants to have community with men. You will find open ears and closed ones, but you have to go. Don't hide away! Now there is a new era beginning!"
After twenty days Ratis said that he had to leave now. We were gathered in our assembly hall, formerly the big temple. After the Terium was gone, all the priests committed suicide or disappeared. Pontius hadn't been seen or heard for sixteen days now. Ratis stood amidst us, lifted his hands and blessed us all. Then he looked up and suddenly he disappeared. We all knew that he was finally gone now, but we also knew that he only was a prayer away. And so we started the new era. End (for the time being)]
None on the roads. No one is out there.
Rioda's like dead. Completely deserted.
Two women only. Searching for comfort.
Where is the saviour why had he to die just why, tell me why.
Men sitting there. Seemed to be waiting.
Like angels they are. Speaking to women.
He is not here. Why do you seek him
between the dead. Already risen by now.
As the prophets said.
Would be put to death.
But he'll rise again.
He's the saviour of all.
End the reign of death.
Reject Terium.
Returns glorious.
Lay the foundations for the new era.
Disciples are down. No one could cheer up.
Three days he is dead. Only mistake?
He comes to them. Standing among them.
Giving them hope. Cause they will paving the way for new era
As the prophets said.
Would be put to death.
But he'll rise again.
He's the saviour of all.
End the reign of death.
Reject Terium.
Returns glorious.
Lay the foundations for the new era.
Slowly they grasp things they've heard times before.
Open the door spread the good news outside.
There is more to see
than Terium's lie.
Cause the time has come
that the saviour will start his reign.
As the prophets said.
Would be put to death.
But he'll rise again.
He's the saviour of all.
End the reign of death.
Reject Terium.
Returns glorious.
Lay the foundations for the new era.
Thanks to peter for sending these lyrics.
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