album: "Kurbads" (2010)
1. Curse Of The Witch2. Son Of The Mare
3. The Nine-headed
4. Bewitched Forest
5. In The Yard Of The Father's Son
6. The Devilslayer
7. The Stone Sentinel
8. In The Underworld
9. Black Rider
10. The Last Battle
11. Kurbads
1. Curse Of The Witch
[Raganas Lāsts]
[Par to, kā cilvēki ar savu naidu, mantkāri un nemitīgu asinsizliešanu atmodina senus ļaunos spēkus…]
Izsalcis vilks nāks un aprīs sauli
Gaisma izdzisīs
Purvos balēs kauli
Čūska izlīdīs
Tikai ledains mēness spīdēs debesīs
Čūska indi spļaus – lāstus izgrūdīs
Ļauna acs visu redz!
Jās melns jātnieks
Līdz sev atvedīs
Sumpurņus, mošķus
Tie locīsies, rāpos
Zemi piepildīs
Raus un plosīs
Karš, mēris, bads
Būs tam jātnieka vārds
Ilgi gaidīts, gadsimtiem krāts – raganas lāsts
Ļauna acs visu redz, visu saskatīs
Nepaslēpsies neviens – visus ieraudzīs
Ļaunā mutē indes vārds – pasacīts
Melnā burvju grāmatā sen jau ierakstīts
Viens otram rīkles
Ļaudis pārgrauzīs
Dēļ mantas un zelta
Arvien vairāk un vairāk
Tos iekāre dzīs
Kļūst tie vergu tauta
Kurlas ausis
Kurlas ausis melu vārdus saklausīs
Nav vairs ilgi
Gan jau drīz...
Izsalcis vilks nāks un aprīs sauli
Gaisma izdzisīs
Purvos balēs kauli
Čūska izlīdīs
[English translation:]
[Story of how people with their greed, hate and endless bloodshed wake up ancient evil forces.]
Hungry wolf will come and devour the sun
The light will fade
Bones will whiten in swamps
Snake will slither out
Just a frozen moon will shine in the skies
Snake will spit venom – and spew curses
Her evil eye sees all!
The black rider will ride
Bringing with him
Werewolves, evil spirits
They will writhe, crawl
Fill up the Earth
They will tear and rip
War, plague, famine
Will be the rider's names
Long awaited, for centuries collected
Curse of the witch
The evil eye sees all, views everything
No one will hide, everyone will be seen
The vicious mouth has said – a poisonous word
In the black book of magic written long ago
Each other's throats
People will gnaw
For goods and gold
More and ever more
Desire will drive them
They become a nation of slaves
Deaf ears
Deaf ears will hear words of lies
Not that long
Soon enough…
Hungry wolf will come and devour the sun
The light will fade
Bones will whiten in swamps
Snake will slither out
2. Son Of The Mare
[Ķēves Dēls]
[Par to, kā piedzimst Kurbads…]
Skaidravota malā
Kalna galā
Laima likteni raksta
Pavedienu pin
Zelta ratiņu kājas min
Kam dzīvot, kam mirt
Kur skanēt smiekliem, kur asarām birt
Cits garš, cits īss
Kādu lems, tādu pavedienu vīs
Kūkoja dzeguze kokā
Sēž jauna saimniece, sēž, raud aiz loga
Kaut jel Laima dēlu man dotu
Es viņu auklētu, apmīļotu
Neraudi meitiņ, Laima jau zin'
Laima likteni raksta, pavedienu pin
Kad laiks būs varonim nākt
Varonim nākt, savu stāstu sākt
Sapnī tu redzēsi ko tev būs darīt
Līdaku noķert, ķidāt un vārīt
Kura to līdaku ēdusi būs
Tā no tās dienas grūta kļūs
Pus cilvēks, pus zvērs – dzims ķēvei dēls
Kā tērauds, kā krams – neuzveicams
Notiks viss tā kā jau Laima to lēma
Trīs būs pavisam, kas līdaku ēda
Piedzims dēls saimniecei, kalponei arī
Trešais visskaļāk brēks ķēves stallī
Pus cilvēks, pus zvērs – dzims ķēvei dēls
Kā tērauds, kā krams – neuzveicams
Kā brāļi tie kļūs
Tomēr pārāks par citiem viens būs
Ne par gadiem, bet dienām viņš augs
Ķēves dēls, Kurbads to sauks!
Neviens darbs nav tam par grūtu
Trešajā gadā jau mežā to sūta
Septītā droši viņš zobenu ceļ
Kā zirņus akmeņus veļ
Kurbads - Ķēves dēls
[English translation:]
On a mountain top
By a clear wellspring
Laima * weaves fate
Plaiting the thread
A golden spinning-wheel runs under her feet
Who will live and who will die
Where joy will be heard and where tears will be shed
One thread is long, the other is short
As she decides, so shall she weave
A cuckoo calls from a tree
Behind the window a young lady is weeping:
- "If only Laima would give me a son I would nurse and fondle him as best as I could!"
Don't cry young lady – Laima already knows
She weaves fate, plaiting the thread
For soon there will be time for a hero to come
For a hero to come and start his story
In your dream you will see what must be done
Catch a pike-fish, gut it and boil it
She who will eat that pike
Will soon become pregnant
Half man, half beast – the mare will bear a son
Like flint, like steel – undefeatable!
But everything will happen as Laima has decreed
There will be three who eat that pike
A son born from a lady, another from a maidservant
But loudest cried third one in the white mare's stable
Half man, half beast – the mare will bear a son
Like flint, like steel – undefeatable!
They will become like brothers
But one will be above them all
Not by years, but by days he will grow
Kurbads - son of the mare he will be called
No work will be too hard for him
On the third year they send him to hunt
On the seventh he boldly lifts his sword
He will roll boulders like they were peas
He's Kurbads - son of the mare
[* Laima - the goddess of fate and destiny]
3. The Nine-headed
[Par to, kā kurbads dodas iztīrīt jauno klēti no mošķiem un uzzina, ka, lai to paveiktu, jāuzveic trīs milži, kas jās pāri tiltam naktī. Pirmo nakti Kurbads cīnās ar Trīsgalvi un uzveic to. Otro nakti viņš uzveic Sešgalvi. Nu trešo nakti tam jācīnās ar Deviņgalvi. Kurbads piesaka brāļiem, lai neguļ un vēro ūdens trauku, un, ja tas kļūst asiņains, lai sauc Ķēvi talkā, jo Kurbadam tad iet plāni...]
Vakars garas ēnas stiepj
Aiz mežiem sārta saule riet
Kur asins upe strauja tek
Kurbads tiltu sargāt iet
Pusnakts klāt, zeme rībēt sāk
Šurp deviņgalvains milzis nāk
Vai, Kurbad, galvu tam gana daudz
Pie tilta apstājies tas sauc:
- "Kurbad, maita, pāri laid
Tev dzīvot ilgāk vairs nevaid!"
- "Nāc labāk spēkiem mēroties
Būs arī man kas talkā ies":
Stingra roka un droša sirds
Trīs zvaigznes, kas zobenā mirdz!
Nu varons cērt cik dūšas tam
Redz dažas galvas nokrītam
Trīs vietā aug kur viena krīt
Jau dzīrās milzis viņu zemē dzīt
- "Nu, nelga, gan tev gals ir klāt!"
- "Ļauj brīdi rokas atpūtināt
Tā īstiem karotājiem klājas
Jo arī vējš un lietus reiz stājās!"
Sen traukā asins pāri plūst
Bet brāļi guļ vai tur plīst, vai lūzt
Met Kurbads vāli viņus modinot
Lai steidzas mātei ziņu dot
Kur Kurbads cērt – tur ķēve sper!
Nu tā lieta iet
Nu var izdarīt
Kā praulu bluķis
Deviņgalvis krīt
Stingra roka un droša sirds
Trīs zvaigznes, kas zobenā mirdz
Stingra roka un drauga plecs – rīta saule lec!
[English translation:]
[Kurbads goes to cleanse the new barn from evil spirits and finds out that only by defeating three ogres, who will ride across the bridge at night, can he succeed. On the first night, he fights the Three-headed ogre and kills him. On the second night, he kills the Six-headed. Finally, he stands against the Nine-headed. Kurbads reminds his brothers not to sleep and watch over the jug of water. If blood starts to flow from it, let them call for the mare, because this means the fight is not going well for Kurbads...]
The evening casts long shadows
Red sun is setting beyond the forest
Kurbads is going to guard the bridge
Where the swift blood river runs
It's midnight and the ground starts to shake
The Nine-headed ogre is heading here
Look, Kurbads, that's a lot of heads there!
Stopping by the bridge, ogre shouts:
- "Kurbads, you bastard, let me pass
Your life is drawing to an end!"
- "You better come and fight me here
Because I have something for you":
Strong hands and a brave heart
Three stars which shine on my sword!
Now hero strikes as hard as he can
A few heads fall down
Three new ones grow in place where the others fell
Ogre is going to ram him into the ground
- "Your life ends here, you bastard!"
- "Wait, give me a break to rest my hands
That's the way true warriors fight
For even rain and wind must sometime cease"
From the jug, blood already overflows
But brothers don't care, they sleep tight
Kurbads hurls a mace to awaken them
Let them hurry with the news for his mother
Where Kurbads hacked, his mother kicked
Now it's working
Now it can be done
Like a rotten trunk
The Nine-headed falls
Strong hands and a brave heart
Three stars which shine on my sword
Strong hands and a friend’s shoulder – the sun is rising!
4. Bewitched Forest
[Noburtais Mežs]
[Par to, kā Kurbads taisās iet pasaulē laimi meklēt un veikt lielākus varoņdarbus. Bet naktī pirms aiziešanas viņš noklausās kukaiņu sarunu un uzzina, ka trīs nokautie milži bija raganu vīri un tagad raganas grib viņam un brāļiem atmaksāt un ar savām burvībām viņus nomaitāt...]
Maldu ugunis dedz
Vētru sauc
Krēslas palagus sedz
Mežu tumsā tin
Pēdas jauc
Par avotu kļūsti
Liec slāpēm tos mākt
Kad kāri tie dzers
Trejgalvja bendēm
Būs atmaksāts
- "Tam avotam pāri krustu cirtu
Kas te dzertu - tūdaļ mirtu!"
Ļaunas zīmes bur
Indevi vāri
Kaula adatu dur
Zirnekļa tīklu ceļam velc pāri
Par pļavu mežmalā kļūsti
Liec miegam tos mākt
Kad saldi tie gulēs
Sešgalvja bendēm
Būs atmaksāts
- "Tai pļavai pāri krustu cirtu
Kas te nāktu - tūdaļ mirtu!"
- "Ko var man raganas padarīt?
Jau divas guļ savās asinīs!"
Lai divas nomācis, trešo jau tev neuzveikt
Nav vēl izgājis no viņas nagiem neviens dzīvs un sveiks
Pār īsu brīdi nāk čūska šņākdama
Spārnus vēzdama, indi spļaudama
- "Ne jau tāds mošķis kļūs man par biedu
Trīs saujas dzirksteļu rīklē tai sviedu!"
[English translation:]
[Kurbads decides to go and seek his fortune across the world and do greater deeds. But on the night before he leaves, he hears little bugs speaking and finds out that the three ogres were the husbands of three witches, who have sworn vengeance and with their dark magic seek to kill him and his brothers...]
Let loose the wildfires
Call forth the storm
Lay sheets of dusk
Wrap the forest in darkness
Cover the tracks
Turn yourself into a springhead
Let them feel thirst
And when they hungrily drink
Death of the Three-headed ogre will be avenged
I slash my sword crosswise over the spring
Those who come here to drink – they will die!
Conjure evil signs
Boil the poison
Prick the needle of bone
Weave cobwebs across the road
Turn yourself into a meadow on fringe of the forest
Let them feel fatigued
And when they fall asleep
Death of the Six-headed ogre will be avenged
I slash my sword crosswise over the meadow
Those who come here – they will die!
- "What can witches do to me?
Two already lie in their own blood!"
You've killed two, but the third is undefeatable
For no one has escaped her claws with their lives
Shortly the Snake Witch comes across the sky
Flapping her wings and spitting poison
- "No monster like this can frighten me
Three fistfuls of sparks I will hurl down her throat!"
5. In The Yard Of The Father's Son
[Tēva Dēla Pagalmā]
[Latviešu tautasdziesma]
Tēva dēla pagalmā
Pieci velni zem akmeņa
Man pērkona kumeliņis
Visus piecus saspārdīja
Ko var velni man darīt
Ko manam kumeļam?
Es var' velnu samīdīt
Zem kumeļa kājiņām
[English translation:]
[Ancient Latvian folksong]
In a yard of the father's son
There are three devils hiding under stone
I have steed of the Thundergod
He kicked all the devils
What devils can do to me
What to me steed
I can trample down them all
Under legs of my steed
6. The Devilslayer
[Čūska ragana aizskrien uz jūru ūdeni lakt un dzesēt rīkli, bet Kurbads tikmēr nonāca smēdē pie Debesu Kalēja. Te viņš pavada kādu laiku, palīdzēdams kalējam, par ko tas apsola nokalt Kurbadam zobenu...]
Plēšas elš, lakta dimd
Varoņzobenam drīz še būs dzimt!
Pats pirmais es biju, kurš savaldīja
Pakļāvu gribai savai
Uguns garu iedzinu ēzē
Cilvēkiem iemācīju
Ieročus kalt, veseri vēzēt
Plēšas pūst, metālu slīpēt un dzesēt
Ei, nokal, kalēj, man zobenu tādu
Kuru ne katrs viss pacelt spētu
Plēšas elš, lakta dimd
Varoņzobenam drīz še būs dzimt!
Trīs birkavi smagumā
Vai būs pašā labumā?
Nav vēl gana
Jābūt manam zobenam
Nokal, kalēj, man zobenu tādu
Kuru ne katrs varonis pacelt spētu
Uguns un dzelzs, kas viņu cels?
Ķēves dēls!
Kā viņu sauks?
Velnukāvējs - tā viņu sauks!
Smēde dārd, ēze rūc, dienu un nakti plēšas pūš
Veseris zveļ, lakta dimd
Varoņzobenam drīz še būs dzimt!
Trīs birkavi vēl kal klāt
Vai varēsi pacilāt?
Nu būs pašā labumā
Vajadzīgā smagumā
Nokalu, Kurbad, es tev zobenu tādu
Kuru tu pats viens tikai pacelt spētu!
[English translation:]
[The Snake Witch flees to the seaside to drink water there and cool down her throat. Meanwhile, Kurbads arrives at the smithy where the Sky Forger is working. He spends some time there helping the blacksmith. In return, the blacksmith promises to forge a sword for Kurbads...]
Bellows blow, the anvil pounds
Sword of the hero will soon be born
I was the first who gained control
Subdued by my will
The spirit of fire
Drove it into furnace
And taught the people
How to forge weapons, swing the hammer
Blow the bellows, cool and grind metal
Hey, blacksmith, forge a sword for me
As heavy as only few can lift it
Bellows blow, the anvil pounds
Sword of the hero will soon be born
Weighing as much as three heavy iron bars
Will it be heavy enough?
Not yet
My sword must be heavier
Forge, blacksmith, a sword for me
As heavy as only few heroes can lift it
Iron and fire, who dares to lift me up?
Son of the mare!
What will you call me?
The Devilslayer!
Forge roars, the furnace burns, bellows blow day and night
Hammer strikes, the anvil pounds
Sword of the hero will soon be born
Three more iron bars are forged!
Can you lift it?
Yes, now it is the proper size
And a proper weight for me!
I forged a sword for you, Kurbads
A sword which only you can lift!
7. The Stone Sentinel
[Akmens Sargs]
[Kurbads nonāk valstī, kur ķēniņam meita pazudusi. Viņš apsolās atrast. Pirtī, kur ķēniņmeita nozudusi, Kurbads noķer velnu, kurš pastāsta, ka purva vidū guļ milzu akmens. Kam izdosies to novelt, tas ieraudzīs melnu caurumu, pa kuru var nolaisties Pazemē, tur lai meitu ar' meklējot. Kurbads dodas uz purvu meklēt milzu akmeni...]
Zem pelēkām debesīm
Krauc un riņķo kraukļi
Starp līkiem purva bērziem
Mirkst seni kapu lauki
Sen saule šeit nespīd vairs
Ik dienas smalks lietus līņā
No dzīviem retais kāds
Te ceļu atrast zinās
Drēgna migla pār purvu lien
Caur zālēm un dumbriem - Kurbads brien
Stāv baigs un draudīgs te viss
Miglā novaid kāds žēli
Puskrēslā sārtas acis zib
Lokās spocīgi tēli
Kā sala jūrā
Viss zaļām sūnām klāts
Tur purva vidū
Guļ milzis kāds…
Drūms un bargs purvā guļ akmens sargs
Nav vairs tālāk ceļa kur iet
Drūms un bargs purvā guļ akmens sargs
Tur viņš vārtus uz pazemi ciet
Ja vari to celt, malā velt
Melna atvērsies eja
Tikai tas, kas bezbailīgs būs
Spēs tur nolaisties lejā
- "Kas ir, Kurbad, vai dūša papēžos jau?"
- "Laižos es lejā, velns viņu rauj!"
Nu gaidat velni,
Kurbads jau nāk
Drīz galvas ripos
Velnukāvējs kapāt kad sāks!
[English translation:]
[Kurbads arrives in the kingdom where the king's daughter has been kidnapped and promises to rescue her. In the bathhouse, where the king’s daughter was last seen, he catches a devil, who tells him about a tremendous stone in the middle of a swamp. If someone rolls aside the stone, a black hole will be seen. It is deep down to the Underworld. There, he must search for the king’s daughter. Thus, Kurbads goes to swamp, looking for the huge stone...]
Beneath grey skies
Where the ravens croak and circle
Between the crooked swamp birches
Lies ancient burial ground
The sun never shines there
Every day fine rain drizzles
Only a few among the living know
How to find the path there
Across the morass dank mist drifts
Through grass and wet soil Kurbads is wading
Everything there seems dreadful and gloomy
Woeful moans resound in the mist
Red eyes flash in the dusk
Ghostly figures twist and sway
Like an isle in the sea
Covered with green moss
There in the middle of the swamp
Sleeps a giant…
Menacing and grim in the bog stands the Stone Sentinel
And there's nowhere further to go
Menacing and grim in the bog stands the Stone Sentinel
It keeps gates to the Underworld closed
If you can lift and roll it aside
A black passage will be seen
Only those who are fearless enough
Dare to descend down below
- "What's up, Kurbads, has your heart sunk into your boots yet?"
- "To hell with it, I am climbing down!"
Be warned, devils
Kurbads is coming
Soon, heads will roll
As the Devilslayer starts to work
8. In The Underworld
[Pēc ilgāka laika Kurbads beidzot pārrodas mājās. Mājinieki lūdz, lai viņš pastāsta, kur bijis un ko paveicis. Kurbads pastāsta, kā nokāpis Pazemē, kā atpestījis no velniem ķēniņmeitu, kuru ķēniņš nu atdevis viņam par sievu. Par to, kā ragana čūska pārkodusi virvi pēc tam, kad viņš uzvilcis meitu virszemē, un ko viņam nācās piedzīvot, lai pašam izkļūtu laukā no Pazemes...]
Teic Kurbad, kur gan biji
Tālās zemēs ko ieraudzīji?
Sen par tevīm dziesmas dzied
Kā ar sumpurņiem, velniem esi cīnījies
Biju pazemē es
Vai kāds noticēs?
Trīs velnus sacirtu
Pārvedu ķēniņmeitu!
Teic Kurbad, pastāsti
Kā melnā pazemē tu nokāpi
Vai tad tev tur viegli gāja
Kā gan tiki tu atpakaļ mājās?
Gāja grūti gan
Bet stipri vārdi bij' man! *
Tie līdzēja, pasargāja
Pati Laima ceļu līdzināja!
Ragana Čūska virvi pušu koda
Atpakaļ kritu
Nācās meklēt, iet man ceļu uz virszemi citu
Sumpurni - mošķi
Aklajam redzi
Atgūt palīdzēju
Ērgļa bērnus
No krusas glābu
Godam atmaksāja tas par darbu man tādu
Izveda ērglis virszemē mani
Pārnācu mājās
Tā man gāja, tā man pazemē klājās
[* Stiprie vārdi:]
Es piedzimu dzelža bērns
No tērauda māmuliņas
Es apģērbu dzelža svārkus
Tēraudiņa kažociņu
Sita mani, dūra mani
Kā ozola bluķeniņu
Neiesita, neiedūra
Kā tērauda gabalā
[English translation:]
[After a long time, Kurbads finally arrives home. People ask him to tell them where he had went and what he had done. Kurbads tells them about how he climbed down into the Underworld and freed the king’s daughter, who is now his wife, from the clutches of devils, how the Snake Witch bit the rope after he pulled up his new wife, and what he passed through to find his way out from the Underworld...]
Tell us, Kurbads, where have you been
In the foreign lands what you have seen?
People have long sung songs about you
Of devils and monsters you have fought
I have been in the Underworld
Can anyone believe that?
I chopped down three devils there
And saved the king's daughter
Tell us, Kurbads, say the truth
How did you descend into the Underworld?
Did it really go easy for you?
And how did you ever return back home?
It was hard down there
But I had powerful words with me *
They helped and protected me
Even Laima herself paved my way
The Snake Witch bit my rope in two
I fell back
And was forced to go and find another way out
The monstrous werewolf
I overcame
I helped a blind man
Regain his eyesight
The nestling of a great eagle
I saved from the hail
For such deeds
Eagle repaid me greatly
Great eagle carried me
Out to the surface
Then I arrived home at last
That's how it was
That's what happened to me in the Underworld
[* Powerful words:]
I was born a child of iron
A mother of steel gave me life
I put on a jacket of iron
A coat made of steel
They struck at me, stabbed at me
Like a block of oak
They couldn't hit or stab me
Like to a chunk of steel
9. Black Rider
[Melnais Jātnieks]
[Kādu laiku Kurbads dzīvo mierā. Bet čūska ragana nevar rimties, neatmaksājusi Kurbadam. Viņa sakūda deviņus valdniekus no deviņām valstīm, lai tie nāk Kurbadam virsū ar karu. Ved viņus milzis nepārvarams - raganas dēls, saukts par Melno Jātnieku...]
Lai jau lai jau, gan jau drīz
Smaids no lūpām izdzisīs
Par visu tiks tev atdarīts
Asinīs kad ausīs rīts
Kārni vilki maitu rīs
Zem dzelžu soļiem zeme trīc
Laužu kaulus es kā skalus
Zemē saminu naidniekus savus
Dzimis nav vēl kas stātos
Pretim man – gana plāni tam klātos
Melnais jātnieks, ļaužu kāvējs
Kaulu lauzējs, rīkļu rāvējs
Melnais jātnieks, asins dzērājs
Galvu griezējs, cilvēkēdājs
Paliek aiz manis asiņu pēdas
Visur sēju es postu un bēdas
Visam dzīvam esmu lāsts
Karš, mēris, bads – tas ir mans vārds
Četras mātes dzemdēja mani
Melnā sumpurņa alā -
Skaudība, Mantkārība
Iekāre, Alkatība
Tūkstošs ausu mani klausa
Akli seko katram vārdam
Jūs jau paši mani saucat
Paši man šurp ceļu rādāt
Jā, Saimniek, jā Saimniek – mani klausa
Jā, Saimniek, jā Saimniek – paši saucāt!
[English translation:]
[For some time, Kurbads lives in peace, but the Snake Witch cannot forget what Kurbads had done to her and seeks revenge. She instigates nine kings from nine kingdoms to go battle against Kurbads. The great army is lead by an invincible ogre, called Black Rider...]
Whatever, whenever, soon it will come
Smile from your lips will fade away
For everything you will pay
When the bloody dawn breaks
Starved wolves will feed upon carrion
Hark! Earth is pounding under footsteps of iron
I break bones like splinters
Crush my enemies underfoot
There is no one yet born
To stand against me – he would fail miserably
Black rider, the merciless killer
Bone breaker, cutthroat
Black rider, the blood drinker
Head cutter, man eater
Bloody footprints trail behind me
Wherever I go, I spread misery and pain
I'm a curse for all the living
War, plague, famine – those are my names
Four mothers gave birth to me
In the black cave of a monstrous beast -
Envy, Avarice
Lust and Greed were their names
A thousand ears hear my every word
Blindly follow all my commands
It is you yourselves who called me
You yourselves showed me the way here
Yes Master, yes Master – they obey me!
Yes Master, yes Master – they call me!
10. The Last Battle
[Pēdējā Kauja]
[Melnais Jātnieks iebrūk Kurbada zemē, un sākas izšķirošā kauja, kurā Kurbads beidzot sastaps savus niknākos naidniekus aci pret aci!]
Arvien skaudrāk ziemeļu vēji pūš
Melnus vētras mākoņus pamalē grūž
Nekas vairs nebūs kā bijis
Laiks ir visu pārmainījis
Nekas nebūs vairs kā kādreiz bijis
Laiks ir it visu pārmainījis
Laika dzīlēs pazudīs varoņa vārds
Pārmainīts taps arī pats stāsts
Tie, kas krita aizmirsti tiks
Uz viņu kauliem jauna zāle dīgs
Bet vēl nav gals,
Vēl kauja dārd
Tur Kurbads stāv
Un nikni cērt
Viņš sauli apturēs debesīs
Pret straumi upi pagriezīs
Neņem to lāsti, ne ļaunas likstas
Nespēj tam burvības darīt ko sliktu
Droši viņš visam cauri ir gājis
Nu melnais jātnieks pretim tam stājas
Kurbads zobenu ceļ
Milža galvu pušu šķeļ
No zirga melnais jātnieks krīt
Nu tas vienreiz ir padarīts
Jau naidnieks bēg
Tam zeme deg
Aust pamalē rīts
Zelta stariem vīts
Melnie mākoņi klīst
Ir atkal zilas debesis
Bet ļauna acs, tā neguļ, tā visu redz
Kur plecā cirsta dziļa vāts
Vel čūska savu indi spļauj
Pirms varonis viņu kauj
Paceļ Kurbads kreiso roku un nospiež čūsku raganu
Paceļ labo un pāršķeļ milzim galvu
Un tikai tad no nāvīgās žults nonāvēts
Krīt uz sava zobena un mirst…
[English translation:]
[The Black Rider invades Kurbads’ land and decisive battle begins, where Kurbads finally meets his two archenemies eye to eye!]
Northern winds blow ever stronger
Black storm clouds gather on the horizon
Nothing will remain as it was
Time has changed everything
Nothing will be as it was before
Time has changed everything
Hero's name will vanish in depths of time
The story itself will be changed
Those who died will be forgotten
New grass will sprout from their bones
But still it is not the end
The battle rages on
There Kurbads stands
And fiercely fights
He will stop the sun in the sky
Turn the river against the stream if needed
Neither curses, nor afflictions can affect him
No black magic can do him harm
With courage he has survived it all
But now Black Rider stands before him
Kurbads lift his sword up high
Splits the ogre's skull in two
Black Rider falls from his horse
That job is done at last!
And enemies run
As Earth burns beneath their feet
A new dawn approaches
Woven in golden rays
Black storm clouds scatter
And the sky is blue once again!
But the evil eye does not sleep, it sees all
Where the deep wound splits the shoulder
Snake still manages to spit her venom
Just before the hero kills her
Kurbads lifts his left hand and crushes the Snake Witch
Raises his right hand and cleaves ogre's skull
And only then, killed by the Snake's deadly venom
Falls down upon his sword and dies…
11. Kurbads
[Bonus Track]
[Grupas OPUS PRO dziesmas koverversija, oriģināls ierakstīts 1986. Gadā Mūzika: Guntis Vecgailis, teksts: Normunds Beļskis]
Tur jau nāk mūsu sirmais Kurbads
Zobens rokās varonim
Metāla gars dzīvo arī šodien
Jo tik daudz ir vēl pelēkā
Kā no pasakas zvaigžņu mētelī
Viņš nāk. Vai tam tic vēl kāds?
Aizdzīs mošķus viņš Kurbads
Mūžīgais. Kurbads!
Tautas spēks viņa pirkstu galos
Dūrē cieši savelkas
Lai tā nu krīt, ja kāds šobrīd melos
Tāpat vien acīs skatoties
Tev, tev, tev zobens rokās
Vai gan to kāds pacelt spēs?
Tev, tev, tev melnā dienā
To ir jāprot nosargāt!
[English translation:]
[Cover version of the old song from Latvian hard rock band OPUS PRO, 1986]
Thanks to brencis for sending these lyrics.
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