EP: "Chapters Of Misery" (2015)
1. Intro2. Hell (Ад)
3. Beast (Зверь)
4. Death (Смерть)
5. Misery (Страдание)
6. Crowned & Conquered
7. As The Vultures Circle
1. Intro
Chapters of... misery
2. Hell (Ад)
My te kto atstranyajet razum litya na vily nenavisti, zveri
Zhizn’ drugova nichivo ni stoit jesli uzhe ubil ijo f sebie
Chornyje vrata atkryty dlya teh kto zhelal byt’ nesudimym zdes’
Fse jediny nafsegda astanetes’, nafsegda
Zdes’ ad dlya teh kto uzrel no nie pazhelal izmenit’
Volya i ches’t’ tiper’ gnijut, sovis’t’ pazryvajet tibya f kloch’ja
Muki vechnyje ne umiret’ zdes' zhertva preispodnej manastyrya
Mes’t’ za mes’t’ vechnaja uchest’
Ad jes’t’ zdes’ sovis’t’ jes’t’ ad zdes’
Fsyo zlo zhivyot f tibie i ty boh v katorava very net
Ty ubijca patom zhertva, sotsium jedinstva ne paznal vazvyol ad
Gnief parazhdal pichal’ i da gala razdel
Gryaz’ ne skryt’ tibye, gryaz’ ne skryt’, net
Ad sazdal paradil jivo fsyu rat’
My voiny etoj rati shto zhazhdut ubivat’
Ad sazdal paradil jivo fsyu rat’
Tsel’ naplevat’, smert’ parazhdat’
Sozdal ad, paradil jivo fsyu rat’, naplevat’
Ad sazdal paradil jivo fsyu rat’
Tsel’ naplevat’, smert’ parazhdat’
Sozdal ad, paradil jivo fsyu rat’, naplevat’
[English translation:]
We're the ones who dismisses mind! Flying on the fork of hate! Beasts!
The life of another is worthless if it's already killed a
Black gates open to those who wished to be tried here,
All united forever stay! Ever!
Here hell for those who saw, but did not want to change.
Will the honor and now the rot! Conscience is tearing you to shreds.
Suffering eternal. Do not die here! The victim of the underworld monastery
Revenge for revenge, consider the eternal!
Hell is Satan!
Hell is here
Conscience! Hell is here!
All evil lives in you, and you're a god in whom is no faith!
You're a murderer, then the victim
Social unity does not know
He constructed hell! Anger gave rise to grief and goals section!
Dirt does not hide dirt you do not hide, no
Hell created, spawned his entire army!
We are soldiers of the armies of that thirst for murder!
Hell created, spawned his entire army!
The goal spit death generate!
Created hell spawned his entire army! To hell!
Hell created, spawned his entire army!
The purpose of spit, produce death!
Created hell spawned his entire army! To hell!
3. Beast (Зверь)
Bleed the soul of the earth, your conscience screaming.
Living hundreds of lives exactly like one.
The look is directed to the heavens but it is silent.
Killing hope in you
You are damned!
I am here for what would destroy your stereotype riddled with lies to the bone!
The whole world wants to do so would have killed you, in this world there are no people!
There is no them!
Father take away my ashes to the earth!
After going through the fire,
I will not kill!
Mother come up and give us the light to see the light and see death, to see sin!
Alien wants to ascend to the throne!
Decorate your temple pain, and become us.
There is a war!
Every sixth person on the side of evil!
There is a war for you! 6 6 6!
The time has come, and each will be judged on their business,
And everyone will be on someone else's lie the graves,
And each will be cast as Eve and Adam.
The chaos and false your God!
Now there is no salvation but only the bold will leave
No salvation for those who fear moving
Come pain!
As your god will come to you?
Satan take away! How is your God will come to you?
Your face - Satan!
4. Death (Смерть)
Смерть порождает боль! Наши желания палач и новый бог Нет судей, но страх приказал дрожать! Боитесь умереть? Мы уже давно мертвы! МЫ ДАВНО МЕРТВЫ! Паразиты всей земли. Мы несем искаженное понятие, словно идеал для всего! Ненависть купаясь в ней мы медленно гнием! Время
нет! Это ложь! Искажая замысел истина будет на судьей! Искушение разрушает твою волю! Подавляет человека. Умирает всё. Идеология о боге, разжигает ненависть на войне. БОГА НЕТ! Ты тот кто убил в себе его! Ты тот кто сеяли в себе зло! Ты тот кто судил и был жертвой! Время
нет, нет тебя. Парадокс устраняет неизбежность от наказания, лишь следствие тебе судья, ошибочный смысл бытия развивает в нас страх. Бога нет, здесь есть лишь смерть Бога нет, здесь есть лишь смерть Здесь есть смерть
[English transliteration:]
Smert' porozhdayet bol'! Nashi zhelaniya palach i novyy bog Net sudey, no strakh prikazal drozhat'! Boites' Umeret'? My uzhe davno mertvy! MY DAVNO MERTVY! Parazity vsey zemli. My nesem iskazhennoye ponyatiye, slovno ideal dlya vsego! Nenavist' kupayas' v ney my medlenno
gniyem! Vremya net! Eto lozh'! Iskazhaya zamysel istina budet na sud'yey! Iskusheniye razrushayet tvoyu volyu! Podavlyayet cheloveka. Umirayet vso. Ideologiya o boge, razzhigayet nenavist' na voyne. BOGA NET! Ty tot kto ubil v sebe yego! Ty tot kto seyali v sebe zlo! Ty
tot kto sudil i byl zhertvoy! Vremya net, net tebya. Paradoks ustranyayet neizbezhnost' ot nakazaniya, lish' sledstviye tebe sud'ya, oshibochnyy smysl bytiya razvivayet v nas strakh. Boga net, zdes' yest' lish' smert' Boga net, zdes' yest' lish' smert' Zdes' yest' smert'
[English translation:]
Death awakens pain!
Our desires are a butcher
And a new god
There are no judges
But fear ordered to shiver!
Afraid of dying?
We've been dead long
(We've been dead long, DEAD)
Universal vermin,
We carry crooked notions
Like ideal of all HATE,
We slowly rot deep in it
No time, that's a LIE!
Twisting sense
The truth will be our judge
Temptation destroys your will!
Depresses a man, everything dies
Gods ideology releases hell at war
There's NO GOD
You're the one who killed God inside
Seeded evil in yourself
You're the one who judge the victim
There's no time, and no you
Paradox removes inevitable punishment
Only trials your judge
Wrong meaning of life grows fear in us
There is no god, only death is here [2x]
[Alternative English translation:]
Death begets pain! Our desires and executioner new god
No judges, but the fear is ordered to shake!
Are you afraid to die? We have long been dead!
We are dead!
Parasites of all the earth. We have a distorted notion seemed ideal for all!
Hate bathing in it, we slowly rotting! No! That's a lie!
Distorting the truth of the plan will be the judge!
The temptation to destroy your will!
Suppress person. Everything dies.
The ideology of god, incited hatred in the war.
There is no God!
You're the one who killed himself in it! You're the one who sowed in itself evil!
You're the one who tried and was a victim! No, no you ..
Paradox removes the inevitability of punishment, but a consequence you judge
An erroneous sense of life develops in us the fear.
There is no God, there is only death
There is no God, there is only death
Here is death
5. Misery (Страдание)
Stradanije! Vremya panyat’ razdilenija jedinstva
My f poiskah fsej pravdy, no vryom drug drugu v litso
Chilavek kak slova v knige davno uzhe mirtvo
No astavajas’ v drugih planah mnagamierna
Izvrat prishol va vlas’t’ on znajet shto my raby
Raby umof slipije zveri drazhaschije at straha
My proklyali sibya i predali i net u nas uchenija lyubvi
My astajomsya glupymi, my haatichna sazdajom shto nepodvlasna nam
Kantrolyu i hodim na tsepi u nezhyvoj talpy
Ty razrushil svoj mir, pragnil s jedra kipyaschej krasnaj lavy
Da bal’noj zimnoj kary
Ty pragnil s nog da galavy s kipyaschej krasnaj krovi
Da seraj niezhivoj talpy
Ty pragnil
Stradanije parazhdajet krizis tvajej dejstvitel’nasti
Privadya tibya k bezumstvu i smerti, no tol’ka istinyje bogi
F silah asaznat’ zhizn’ kak savershenstva i kantraliravat’ ijo
Zhyvi ili umri
Izvrat prishol va vlas’t’ on znajet shto my raby zhyvyje
My f poiskah stradanija, my f poiskah chumy
My proklyali sibya i predali i net nam apravdanija
Sijchas my patiryali uvazhenije k sibie
I nashi znanija zhazhdut razdilenija
Jedinstva patiryala smysl bytija suschestvavanija Yeah!
My proklyali sibya i predali i net nam apravdanija
Nashi znanija zhazhdut razdilenija jedinstva pateryala smysl bytija
Izvrat prishol va vlas’t’ on znajet shto my raby
Raby umof raby talpy
My proklyali sibya i predali i my f poiskah chumy
My proklyaty sdes’ sgareli fse masty
[English translation:]
Time to understand the division of unity!
We are searching for the truth, but at each other's faces.
Man as a word in a book has long been dead,
But leave the other plans is multidimensional.
Pervert came to power,
He knows that we are slaves,
Slaves minds blind beasts trembling with fear.
We cursed himself and betrayed,
And we do not have the doctrine of love,
We remain stupid! We randomly create,
Which is not subject to our control
And go on the circuit in non-live crowd!
You ruined my world, rotten to the core boiling red lava
Before the patient of the crust you rotten from head to toe
With boiling blood red to gray not live crowd you rotten
Suffering generates a crisis of your reality,
Takes you to the madness or death,
But the only true Gods in power to recognize life as goodness, and control it!
Live or die!
Pervert came to power!
He knows that we are slaves!
We are in search of the suffering,
We are searching for the plague!
We cursed himself and betrayed,
And there is no justification for us
Now we have lost self-respect,
And our knowledge crave separation!
Unity has lost the meaning of life, the existence!
We cursed himself and betrayed, and there is no justification for us!
Our knowledge crave separation!
Unity has lost the meaning of life!
Pervert came to power,
He knows that we are slaves
Slaves minds slaves crowd!
We cursed himself and betrayed, we are in search of a plague!
We are damned, here we burned all the bridges!
6. Crowned & Conquered
[feat. Lucas Mann of Rings Of Saturn]
The cold eyes of seething hatred forever control us
Settle in the minds of chaos & immortality
In the dead heads of my pathetic enemies
I'll treat my sword like a trophy
As their bodies fall to knees
Blood will stain like all of the disgust of humanity
Know now that we are mortal flesh
Fear my hate I go to the throne
A throne to be covered in blood
You'll all be sure to watch as I rise
& you all want to kill me
You all want to wear my skin
Open the gates of Hell
Death looks into your eyes
Fear permeates through your bones & they break
By creating this place God made a mistake
There is a war [2x]
You're forgotten so go to paradise to create a Hell
A slave of a God born to destroy
Your perfect God made a fucking mistake
& feel to the depths
So prepare to die
You pieces of shit
Violence for the sake
Of the throne
Let mankind die & be reborn as a beast
We are animals
We give birth to death
7. As The Vultures Circle
Всё в мире людей совершается только ради того, чтобы человек обрел ослепительное, бессмысленное величие безграничного заблуждения.
Воля слаба, гниющие процессы заполняют тем сознания, что будет здесь господствовать то страшное явление, в которое родился человек и не был им.
Не забудь, что нас всех ждет лишь смерть.
Это жизнь, подготовка к ней с самого рождения, пробуждения своего Я — это бред ожидания в виде приходящего события.
Я есть то, что неизвестное человеческому разуму слепому.
Я есть то, что было бесконечно внутри и во вне.
Я есть то, что будет бесконечно при свете и тьме.
All we got is hate
All we can feel is hate
All we got is hate
All we can feel is hate
Мы — смерть, да.
Мы — безумие, боль.
Мы — негатив.
Мы — страдание.
Мы — отчаяние.
Нет спасенья тем, кто смог убить в себе начало человека, убить в себе хозяина.
Блуждая по вселенной мы сносим всё на своем пути.
Святое умирает, погибает всё живое, но не мы.
Всё в мире людей совершается только ради того, чтобы человек обрел бессмысленное величие безграничного заблуждения.
Red sun burns
Humanity is looking for the truth in war
Death reigns over everyone
We are so fucking blind to see the apocalipse
We insane [2x]
Вся планета дико кричит от нас, устала нас носить, как мать дитя всегда наказывать.
Смысла нет воспитывать, ведь человека нужно казнить.
Придя к Богу он с лица снимает маску, а за ней — зверь.
Вся планета дико кричит от нас, устала нас носить, как мать дитя всегда наказывать.
Смысла нет воспитывать, ведь человека нужно уничтожить.
Мы — бесконечный, чёрный мрак тот, который несет смерть.
Плодим её, как паразит.
Бесконечный, черный мрак тот, который несёт боль.
As the vultures circle
Мы растоптали себя в грязи безграничного гнева, лжи, предательстве и похоти.
Мы — предатели самих себя.
Thanks to mariomedrano2014 for sending tracks ## 1, 7 lyrics.
Thanks to marcus_9074 for sending tracks ## 2, 5 lyrics.
Thanks to seanpimentel44, avatar1364 for sending track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to brandondenetsosie for sending track #6 lyrics.
Thanks to eldemente1258 for sending English translations.
Thanks to marcus_9074 for sending tracks ## 2, 5 lyrics.
Thanks to seanpimentel44, avatar1364 for sending track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to brandondenetsosie for sending track #6 lyrics.
Thanks to eldemente1258 for sending English translations.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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