album: "I, Devourer" (2010)
1. An End To All Things2. Dread Messiah
3. Unspoken Names
4. Crimson The Sand
5. Bloodied Hands
6. Ash And Tallow
7. Spiritus Nes Sancti
8. Reborn As One
9. I, Devourer
10. An Elegy (For Tomorrow)
1. An End To All Things
Arise from your mortal slumber
Hear the words of the Eater of Worlds
Obey the creed of the Great Devourer
Abbadon, chained to his iron throne
I, herald of ruinous ends
Serve the master of un-creation
Bring upon you a birthright to claim
O Prophet of the Void
Open your eyes
Your legacy's nigh
A pledge forged in blood, stone and ice
From the lord of the Stygian Depths
Adorn your breast with strength of his rage
Unleash it on the treacherous human race
As herald of ruinous ends
Serve the master of un-creation
Bring upon the human stain
A reckoning… an end to all things!
The prophecy unfolds
As the ancient scripts foretold
Apollyon reborn
Destroyer of all
Go Prophet of the void
Seek the gates to Netherworld
Break the spells of the stygian seals
Unleash almighty Abbadon!
Humanity has thrived
On the grace of borrowed time
While the master lays caged
Through the ages
No more!
The strength of his armies grows
The earth trembles with the drones
Of the locust horde's fervor
For the battle to come
And when all man has died
Your place by his side
Awake from your half-life existence
Deny not mankind's unmaking
You are chaos-born, entropy, the hand of fate made flesh
O, herald of ruinous ends
Serve the master of un-creation
Bring upon the human stain
A reckoning… an end to all things
The prophecy unfolds
As the ancient scripts foretold
Apollyon reborn
Destroyer of all
Go Prophet of the void
Seek the gates to Netherworld
Break the spells of the stygian seals
Unleash almighty Abbadon!
Go Prophet of the void
Seek the gates to Netherworld
Break the spells of the stygian seals
Unleash Abbadon!
2. Dread Messiah
Caked in ice-cold sweat as I wake
My spectral visitor fades…
His words cascade through sleepless dreams into a waking nightmare
Who was that man before me?
Not man… more devil or demon…
or did my eyes deceive me?
Leaving my senses jarred…
My sanity scarred!
Dark thoughts exude my being
Can his words go unheeded?
What is so precious in this life that merits kindness or mercy?
I might be righteous fury
I might be unjustified
The promise of sweet oblivion at the side of the Destroyer
I am tempted
And yet I am terrified
Will I descend into madness?
Or answer a higher calling?
Take your place
Dread Messiah!
Will I descend into madness or become the Dread Messiah?
In the warm dark of my cell where shadows rake at my mind… my nails tear at my flesh to let me know that I’m still here
I might be righteous fury
I might be unjustified
Will I descend into madness?
Or answer a higher calling?
Take your place
Dread Messiah!
Will I descend into madness or become the Dread Messiah?
For gain
For my selfish gain… Will I be vilified?
Through pain, through man’s destruction… Will l be purified?
Am I the chosen one or am I the unwitting pawn?
The promise of sweet oblivion at the side Abaddon
Am I the chosen one or am I the unwitting pawn?
The promise of sweet oblivion at the side of the Destroyer
Who was that man before me?
My spectral visitor. Can his words go unheaded?
What in this life merits kindness or mercy?
Unwitting pawn?
I am the chosen one
3. Unspoken Names
So there I stood, exalting in the lurid revelation… my purpose, my destiny echo from an ancient time where I once lived… where I once died
Memories unrepressed, they flood my mind… I am swept away by a torrent bringing with it the debris of hundreds of past lifetimes with vividness that belies reality
I am a reincarnation of origins unremembered… so I swim against the current of the flow of eternity… my muscles burn, but each stroke brings me closer to the source
The putrid stench of failure permeates in the river mist, and yet… through the stink… I detect it… like sweet ambergris… intoxicating, addictive…
This is the scent of vengeance
Back through time, I swam to the banks of the Nile where I saw the city
In an age that knew no pharaoh, no human king… ten thousand years before the rise of the false human civilization… she stood with her proud ziggurats and towers … ruled by mighty gods…
Gods with unspoken names
The city streets were slick with blood, the gods demanded flesh
the dark cravings of the unholy
Human slaves from the holding pens are led to their deaths
sacrificed by curved bronze knife, their corpses piled by the score
Never to be grieved
Passed to the hands of the Necropriest
Abaddon… the Stealer of Souls…
Animator of the Dead… General of the Locust Horde
The fallen rise
Through vilest rites
Purged of life
Carved by knife
The Dark Ones feast
On the souls of the weak
The fallen rise with Abaddon’s might
In the inner sanctum of the City of the Dead
The Magus and his coven hold council
searching for the weaknesses of the Ones with Unspoken Names
covetous of greater power, yet fearful of the priesthood
By twist of fate, they found the keys to the Nethergate
A portal to the world beneath
An eternal prison… Abaddon and the Locust Horde will be no more
They conspired
That on this night
The tides would turn
The city would burn
The slaves will rise
The gods will die
The priesthood crushed
The horde ground into dust
I ran through the ancient corridors of the city’s catacombs
stumbling, tripping in the abysmal dark until I was lost like a fool
Beware their deception!
I carried on in the labyrinth till a blessed breeze of fresh air guided my way out… I scurried through the city streets
I must not fail!
Breathless, frustrated, too late… I saw them with Abaddon leave through the city gate
They conspired
That on this night
The tides would turn
The city would burn
4. Crimson The Sand
They led him through the desert to the gate of the Netherworld
The Magus and the Coven of Six… disguised as loyal servants
I followed close behind
This treachery will not go unanswered!... Thus Apollyon pledges!
Their arcane verses carried through the night
Their voices made the hairs of my neck rise
I saw their witchery seal the Gate
I stood there watching…
waiting for something
Waiting for a signal, for a sign
Your true servant is here!
Hidden from the eyes of the betrayers
I witnessed the confinement of my master behind the stygian seals… locked forever
Abaddon, give me a sign!
Abaddon… Master… Hear my prayers... Abaddon… On bended knees… I pledge myself to you
The hours turned to days… the days to weeks… months... seven years… seen only by Sibu, Sahu and Sopdit...
Prostrate in the sand before the gate, waiting for your word, your will, your blessing
Flail in hand I make thee offerings
Each strike rending flesh from my body
Each shred of fragile flesh falls in your name... Crimson the sand… sand stained with my blood
My blood!
Seven years, Abaddon, answer me!
Seven years, Abaddon… your loyal servant will set you free!
Seven years, Abaddon, answer me!
Seven years, Abaddon… grant me power, I beg of thee!
Flail in hand I make thee offerings… each strike rending flesh from my body… each shred of fragile flesh falls in your name… crimson the sand… sand stained with my own blood!
My blood!
My body bled dry, mutilated my flesh
Starved and blistered till nothing is left
But for you, my master, I would do this again, and again a thousand times!
Is there salvation or delusion in death?
Your voice in my head serves to quicken my breath
Your wrath and your hatred infuse me with strength to avenge you a thousand times!
The Magus… the coven… will answer for their crimes!
Avenged a thousand times!
5. Bloodied Hands
Vengeance meted through the assassination of the coven across time!
I stood before the Nethergate… my strength returned
Fortified by the voice in my head
Promising to forgive my failures
Promising penance through righteous murder
Now I see what it was the herald meant
Now I see for what it is I was destined
Now I know what it is I must do
Now I know I must prepare for the fall of man
And with man’s fall
As the Herald foretold
I will be saved... redeemed
Forward through time
The eternal flow sweeps my mind
With the grim purpose
Of hundreds of lifetimes
In the many forms of Apollyon, we saw victory, we saw defeat
Now this sacred duty is mine to bear, I see six of seven seals
The one belongs to the Magus
Vengeance meted through the assassination of the coven across time!
To the streets, I took my knife, I tracked him down
Waited for the moment when he was alone
I, the predator, he the prey
I stuck it in his back when he least expected!
I felt no pity when his wounded body hit the floor
I pinned him with my knees and ran my blade across his jugular
I savored every moan, every jerk of his final death throes
I rolled him onto his back… I carved the flesh just above his wrists and hacked and broke through the bones… his arms just stumps, I had both
Bloodied knife, bloodied hands
And with man’s fall, I will be redeemed
In the many forms of Apollyon
We saw victory, we saw defeat
Now this sacred duty is mine to bear
I have claimed all seven seals and the Magus’ severed hands
6. Ash And Tallow
Time stands still before the storm
Alive, I have wakened… all those years spent wilting to nothing… and now, my crowning moment
Enactment of the ritual…
The blackest rite to fulfill the darkest pledge
Let the flames consume the mage of earthly flesh and bone
Let his ash, in candle light, by the winds be claimed and strewn
Let these words of power unlock the gate to Netherworld
“Vash Na’Rekht Nar’Gath
Vash Na’Rath Kah Lhey Mas”
In the twilight hour let the prophecy unfold
“Vash Na’Rath Kah Lhey Mas
Vash Na’Rul Ar’Ghaal”
Reveling in my blood lust for the coming end to all things
Mankind will learn to
Woe the light
A glorious night
Woe the light
The end is nigh
Reveling in my blood lust for the coming end to all things
Behold the Gate slide open!
The winds claim the ash…
Smouldering, forgotten…
Smoke from the wick of a blackened tallow stump
Woe the light
A glorious night
Woe the light
The end is nigh
The end has arrived
Time stands still before the storm
The cycle ends now
I am prepared… ready for the astral journey into the gate to the world beneath where no corporal form may enter unscathed
I am prepared… and destiny awaits with open arms
Time stands still before the storm
7. Spiritus Nes Sancti
Mists of the Nether enshroud me
Sever me from this empty husk
Unfurl this mortal coil
Lift me beyond my humanity
Carry me through the Stygian Depths
Take me to the Iron Throne
Where the master is chained to cold stone
Stonework unworn through the centuries
Carved with sigils of the Betrayer and his host... who’s foulest of sorceries bind thee
But lo, I come on shadowed wings
Your servant to set you free
And bring the worms to their knees!
Behold the severed hands of the magus!
Witness, hordes of Abaddon, as I break the magic seals
Gaze upon the blood of man in rapture
The annals of Adam’s sons draw to a final close
Yet your soul weeps for them morose
These are lies! Lies!
They all had to die!
Shades of my memories haunt my waking dreams
Be gone, blasphemous thoughts, I tire
As was decreed, I will rule supreme!
(So why can’t you shut out their screams?
So it has been written
So it must be done
What’s done is done
(You are undone)
What’s done is done
(You are undone)
What’s done is done
(You are undone)
I am undone!
What have I done?
8. Reborn As One
The mystic chains are broken
His tethers finally severed
Behold his shriveled corpus
Stir on the iron throne
As your soul fills his body
You will come to be reborn as one with the swarm
We are the Locust Horde!
Our lord regains his vigor
Praised be his dark virulence
We are his tools of ruin
Weapons of man’s destruction
We are man’s fears embodied
We are the spawn of nightmares
We bear his seed of madness
Of plague and strife and bloodshed
There will be war!
Glory through countless battles
Disease and rot will flourish
Slaughter the sons of Adam
The onslaught of the swarm!
Last of reincarnates… Apollyon
Your soul consumed by Abaddon
Now disincarnate, your consciousness extended to the hive mind
Giving life to the lord of death
Glory through countless battles
Disease and rot will flourish
Slaughter the sons of Adam
The onslaught of the swarm!
Last of reincarnates… Apollyon
Your soul consumed by Abaddon
Your consciousness absorbed by the horde Assimilated to become as one with the swarm
We are the bringers of death!
Our lord regains his vigor
Praised be his dark virulence
We are his tools of ruin
Weapons of man’s destruction
We are man’s fears embodied
We are the spawn of nightmares
We bear his seed of madness
Of plague and strife and bloodshed
The mystic chains are broken
His tethers finally severed
Behold his shriveled corpus
Stir on the iron throne
Restored by your life’s essence
Fear not your mortality
As your soul fills his body
You will come to be reborn as one with the swarm
We are the Locust Horde!
Praised be the Devourer of Worlds
Glory be to the bringers of death!
Devastate them!
Annihilate them!
Desecrate them!
Glory to us!
Devastate them!
Annihilate them!
Desecrate them!
Send them all back to the void!
Behold his once mortified splendor
Our lord is returned…
9. I, Devourer
Banished into the infernal dark for ages
Ten thousand years, I have burned in this cage
Once I was mortal, a sorcerer vile
High Necropriest to the gods of the Nile
Death’s embrace could never take hold of one whose powers shook the pillars of the world!
I was as God!
By foul deceit betrayed
The Magus and his treacherous Coven of Six bound me!
I, devourer of souls
I, devourer of flesh
I, devourer of lives
I, devour mankind
Come forth and bow
Before your lord
For I have unleashed
My fury through disease
"To kill and to crush"
The words of my creed
None shall live
None shall breath
All will die!
All will die!
Ten thousand years
Imprisoned and weak
Released and unleashed
I'll shatter your world!
O, so long I've burned up inside
My rage and my wrath herald the end of your time
Ten thousand years
Of prayers and pleas
Will not save you from
The Armageddon to come!
Victory, greatest of victories!
The might of the Locust Horde
And my minions of the nether-depths rejoice in the fall of the world
Since man awoke in the valley of time, the hope in his eyes I have loathed
And now the final battle is won… behold man's jaded eyes close
Now you know
The strength of your lord
For I have unleashed
My fury through disease
"To kill and to crush"
The words of my creed
None shall live
None shall breath
All will die!
I, devourer of souls
I, devourer of flesh
I, devourer of lives
I, devour mankind
10. An Elegy (For Tomorrow)
The night sky yields to the misty dawn
The birdsong surrenders to the clamor of a procession
That marches along a forest of tombstones
To where the earth readily awaits to greet their dead
Mist won’t veil these tears
What’s left to fear?
I will mourn my love
Under the dim sky
How proud you lie
Sleep with calm, my love
Fate stole you from me
But your memory
Will live on, my love
Our bond ends not here
I know you’ll be near
I’ll wait for you in my dreams
In my dreams
What comes after the night?
Will the day bring regrets?
What if tomorrow never comes?
We’ll know tomorrow
We’ll see tomorrow
Won’t grieve what might have been
If tomorrow never comes
What comes after the night?
We’ll see tomorrow
Will the day bring regrets?
Won’t grieve what might have been
If tomorrow never comes
Mist won’t veil these tears
What’s left to fear?
I will not grieve
If tomorrow never comes
Our bond ends not here
I know you’ll be near
I’ll see you in dreams
If tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow Never Comes
Tael: Guitars
Voidhanger: Guitars, Bass, Vocals (backing)
Busac: Guitars, Drum programming
Mardus: Vocals
Thanks to asmirsaric123 for sending these lyrics.
Voidhanger: Guitars, Bass, Vocals (backing)
Busac: Guitars, Drum programming
Mardus: Vocals
Thanks to asmirsaric123 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.