album: "Bigger Than The Devil" (1999)
1. Bigger Than The Devil2. The Crackhead Song
3. Kill The Assholes
4. Monkeys Rule
5. Skool Bus
6. King At The King / Evil Is In
7. Black War
8. Celtic Frosted Flakes
9. Charlie Don't Cheat
10. The Song That Won't Go Fast
11. Shenanigans
12. Dog On The Tracks
13. Xerox
14. Make Room, Make Room
15. Free Dirty Needles
16. Fugu
17. Noise That's What
18. We All Bleed Red
19. Frankenstein And His Horse
20. Every Tiny Molecule (We All Eat Shit)
21. Aren't You Hungry?
22. L.A.T.K.C.H.
23. Ballad Of Mike Hutchens
24. Ballad Of Phil Hartman
25. Moment Of Truth
1. Bigger Than The Devil
It's been so long
since I became the undead
spreading my stain on the world
from all the slaves I've bled
carve a swastika into your head
dance around a fire wearing goat skin legs
the cult of personality none shall resist
I'm bigger than then the devil combined with Schindler's list!
You won't pay for your sins
I'll absolute every one of them
so offer your soul for Sgt. D. to claim you
cloven hoof is with your tail between your legs
Beelzebub you're through.
carve a swastika into your head
dance around a fire wearing goat skin legs
the cult of personality none shall resist
I'm bigger than then the devil combined with Schindler's list!
yes I'm bigger than Christ and his cross
yes I'm bigger than Buddha he's lost
yes I'm bigger than Allah and his lot
yes I'm bigger than the devil, his disciples and flock
I'll take you to suffer
where there's no redemption
so offer your soul for Sgt. D. to claim you
cloven hoof is with your tail between your legs
Beelzebub you're through.
2. The Crackhead Song
The governments got a deal for you
take a puff, bring along a friend too
a deal you'll make until you die
the marriage made in hell
the glass dick you won't deny
savior self not me
thanks to crack you can get a blow job for a buck
VCR with remote if you have good luck
you can find most anything at a bargain price
courtesy of the crack heads who roam your streets at night
savior self not me
thanks to crack you can't keep a nickel in your car
doors are locked windows are shut and everything's alarmed
we've become the prisoner our home a prison cell
the time has come to pay the rent and sent you back to hell
savior self not me
crackhead, crackhead burning bright, gasoline in insta-light
sold me my own stereo throw the match and watch'em glow
think you smart your almost dead, now your baked outside instead
no more brainless mindless gumbo frying deep inside that head
savior self not me
save yourself, save yourself
stop the madness save yourself
go blow your brains out with a gun
try it out, it's loads of fun... it's not like I'm recommending it, though
3. Kill The Assholes
assholes and opinions, everyone's a saint
I say don't discriminate
let's increase the hate
manipulating governments,
the t. V. is their tool
God is saying just be praying
everything is cool
preachers praying on their flock
mounting them on holy cock
shove a bull whip up your ass
call it art, I have to laugh
our world is run by power hungry,
selfish, greedy pricks
they want us to divide,
unite and turn the tide
kill, kill, kill
kill the assholes! kill all the assholes!
we're gonna rise, unite and turn the tide
join in the fight, kill the assholes tonight!
politicians, looking to get their pecker piped
Jesus freaks killing in the name of human rights
ozone decay, what's the fucking deal
looking for a meteor in your unhappy meal
space ships, aliens, titanic sinks again
peace in the middle east
when will the madness end?
our world is run by power hungry, selfish greedy pricks
they want us to divide, unite and turn the tide
kill, kill, kill
kill the assholes! kill all the assholes!
we're gonna rise, unite and turn the tide
join in the fight, kill the assholes tonight!
when the toilet is full you flush down the waste
and our toilet is full and is floating in space
we're human waste floating in space
human waste
4. Monkeys Rule
I don't want this world to be like planet of the apes
who the hell put you in charge,
you only make mistakes
blow it up and tear it down
then let the apes start over?
why don't someone speak for me,
is my name fucking rover?
don't wanna go in the forbidden zone
never knowing anything outside of your home
finally realize that's there's no escape
get your filthy, stinking paws of me you damn dirty apes
most people I see are less human then an ape
cranking babies out, like factories of hate
I hate it when I have to wake up from my fantasy
where everybody works and pays taxes just like me
don't wanna go in the forbidden zone
never knowing anything outside of your home
finally realize that's there's no escape
get your filthy, stinking paws of me you damn dirty apes
lock them in a cage like a monkey in a zoo
stare at me and laugh, but I am telling you the truth
lock them in a cage like a monkey in a zoo
We'll see who laughs last the day when monkeys rise to rule
5. Skool Bus
Kill the chinks, kill the spics
Compensate for your small dick
Kill the Niggers, kill the Jews
Why not kill the Guineas too?
Kill yourself you fucking dick
Your rhetoric is pure bullshit
No more neo-Nazi, redneck
Burning crosses fuckin' prick
Skool bus [x3]
Hit by a
Skool bus [x3]
You got hit
Skool bus [x3]
Hit by a
Skool bus [x3]
You got hit!
6. King At The King / Evil Is In
It's Friday night the moon is full I'm looking for a sacrifice
My leather coat with painted goat is armor for my quest
Blood will run into my chalice fitting for unholy deeds
The cross is turned, hells unbound
Fire burns your churches down
All praise Satan... prince immortal
All praise Satan... blood and torment
The wolves are singing now
The howling beckoning
Their most unholy song
Invoke the sacrifice
A heart heard beating loud
Will beat its very last
A slit throat, life spills out
I fill my chalice now... evil is in
Sunday's here the time has come to put away the leather coat
By ten o clock I'll be in bed dreaming of my evil deeds
When day breaks the morning light
Wakes me from my deepest dreams
To be the slave who works all day sweeping up at Burger King
All praise Satan... prince immortal
All praise Satan... blood and torment
Evil, hell, Satan, goat, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun
7. Black War
I can't believe you ever thought I even gave a shit for everyone
except my friends and family
Go and ask me bout the world, yeah I could give a fuck
you want to make things right, well go ahead, just don't ask me.
save the fish, save the trees, save the air
Well what about the children?
Mother natures come to frag our fuckin ass
you cared too late for a lost cause
BLACK WAR I can't fuckin wait
burning plastic hate
choppin the trees down
black war, black war marching towards the breakdown
You tell me things I say are, violent, mean and wrong
you really think I'm violent
why don't I show you just
how violent I can be
Against your right to even have a place
to show your face
it don't take balls to walk and talk the edge that's fucking straight
you say everything we do is gonna hurt our mother earth
toxic waste and oil spills also did our mother birth
Mother natures come to frag our fucking ass
you cared to late for a lost cause
BLACK WAR I can't fuckin wait
burning plastic hate
choppin the trees down
black war, black war marching towards the breakdown
hey, hey, hey pollution ain't gonna go away
don't free Willy I say kill him today
8. Celtic Frosted Flakes
What ever happened to Celtic Frost?
Is it true that they got lost
in the pandemonium
Never to be seen again
Tom Warrior fell from a tree in cherry orchard
Martin Ain drowned in a cold lake
Reed St. Mark went to Mega Therion
and remains there 'till this day
Tom Warrior is waiting for the emperor's return
Martin Ain's trapped in the circle of tyrants
Reed St. mark was blinded in the crypt of rays
where he remains 'till this day
9. Charlie Don't Cheat
It's time to hear what's really fast
to hear the first to do the blast
so many try but can't keep up
they're just too slow to make the cut
it's padding the beat you play
we'll see you later, flam away
in death or grind or speed or thrash
you certainly will come in last
take a chance, you step right up
he leaves you choking in the dust
with bmp's right off the scale
intrinsic timing as he wails
into the groove that's called the blast
he'll knock your socks right up your ass
so be a man and use your wrist
don't chicken out you little bitch
charlie don't cheat.
10. The Song That Won't Go Fast
This the song that won't go fast
try to sing along but it won't last
stand around and wait for the blast beat
anxiety tickles both your feet
this is going nowhere really slow
is there a freaking chorus, do you know?
This the song that won't go fast
This the song that don't get fast
11. Shenanigans
It's just another Saturday Hanging out at DBA
All I came for was whisky and a bunch of pints
I have a drink or two or three And I feel like I'm on TV
'Cause some girl across the bar is giving me the evil eye
I make a move to see what's up and bump right into some dump jock
The guy gets pissed and he throws his drink right in my face
Well now he started, but I'll finish
But first I'll have another Guinness
Fighting's such a boring thing I gave it up, I always win
Ask me how I sleep at night This is how I live my life
Drinking, smoking, screwing, right!
Don't tell me how to live my life!
Another guy, another day. Why won't this guy just go away
Talk my ear off and I don't want to smell your breath
You like my band, I understand When you say, "I love you man"
Can't I have just a minute to go take a piss?
The he asks me if I'm saved And do I walk with God each day
No way man, I have always been down with sin
He tells me God loves all of us as I get back on the bus
'Cause God just told me I was gonna get my dick sucked!
Ask me how I sleep at night This is how I live my life
Drinking, smoking, screwing, right!
Don't tell me how to live my life!
Good for you, you're born again Yuppie Young Republican
Being straight makes you happy Stay the fuck away from me
So you're gay, oh happy day And you don't smoke, that's just great
And eating meat, oh God forbid
You'll be more fun when you're dead
Another time, far away, I'm in Tampa, FLA
I saw my friends and we went out and got really drunk
Got in the car and drove around
and passed the Yankees training ground
We drove up close and then I went and hopped the fence
I ran around the bases twice and thought the on-deck mat was nice
I put it back though and ran back out to meet my friends
The cops were there, they saw the tape
Straight to jail at any rate
Three month later Howard Stern got George to drop the case!
Ask me how I sleep at night This is how I live my life
Drinking, smoking, screwing, right!
Don't tell me how to live my life!
12. Dog On The Tracks
13. Xerox
Rollins called up and he wants his tattoos
Laugh In is on and they need back their shoes
Bob Marley called and he wants back his dreads
just how many piercings can you put in your head?
Sid Vicious needs his razor blade and chain
the N.Y. Dolls are back so give then back their glam
the white riot's on and the Clash need back their sound
with patchouli and pitbull you're
looking so downtown
You're fucking kinkos
You're fucking kinkos
You're fucking kinkos
You're just a copy... xerox
14. Make Room, Make Room
I saw a pro-file sticker just other day
another fool who has no right to procreate
elbows bumping, tempers growing
veins bulge in my neck and eyes
we're just a bunch of animals
that fuck to survive... we gotta
make room, make room
spread the fuck right out
make room, make room
for the hand of doom
I built a wall around myself, form a world that's on the brink
there's a problem with my armor
cause there's just too many chinks
cyanide the water supply, take a drink and watch'em die
release ebola in the air, swell and bleed out everywhere
sarin gas for you to smell, take a train ride, next stop hell
a y2k census and we're all filled up
like a thick head of beer overflowing it's cup
a culling of humans, a matter of space
like herd management for the human race.
line'em up against the wall, aim & fire, send in more
dynamite, hand grenades, cold Guyanin lemonade
Judas Priest pumpin' loud, pump your shot gut, listen-POW!
poisoned, stabbed, mass contusion, chop'em burn'em fuck it - NUKE'em
fuckin nuke'em
there's too many people
too many mouths to feed
what is the solution?
when billions need to eat
there's not enough space
nowhere to put our waste
with a little salt and pepper
how do you think we'll taste?
15. Free Dirty Needles
junky, crackhead drugged out punk
sleeping in the dirt and piss
scheming of a better way
shit out of luck, he needs his fix
dirty, stinky, smelly bum
rotten teeth and bleeding gums
lying, crying always me
wanter of everything, everything free
why should I care, or shed a tear
life isn't fair, life isn't sweet
return to the dirt and piss where you sleep
with free dirty needles
and your rotten teeth... go!
Put it off, procrastinator
jacking off, alley masturbation
burden on society
working to fulfill your only true need
windshield washer, candy man
garbage picker, counting cans
bumming change from you and me
and claims he's the victim of society
free dirty needles...
...come grab a few
...dirty like you
...push hard to stick
...pin cushion prick
free dirty needles for you!!!
16. Fugu
17. Noise That's What
18. We All Bleed Red
People divided by color or creed
won't unite to fight the powers supreme
division & hypocrisy the governmental seed
freedom has a price, no, freedom isn't free
no longer can we hide in our private prison cells
we must socialize to live together well
understand, communicate,
we're practically the same
different style models of the basic human frame.
when done and said
it's in the head
we all bleed red... we all bleed red
unite! to find a better way
unite! together we'll have a say
we gotta fight together
we gotta bleed together
if need be, die together, together
when done and said
it's in the head
we all bleed red... we all bleed red
Chinese people tinkering with nukes and human rights
Pakistan and India, your dots are so alike
the fucking English monarchy, just can't bear the sight
of their little princess Di impaled on Dodi's might
America the melting pot of nationalities
Polacks hate the Greeks who hate the Lebanese
Christian killing Protestants in the name of Christ
Israel and Palestine both think they are right
Muslims who hate everyone there's no time for you
Buddhist seeking higher grounds wake the fuck up too
people are so ignorant, why can't they understand
we all bleed red, we're all one man, we all bleed red
19. Frankenstein And His Horse
Frankenstein and his Horse
Frankenstein and his Horse
He'll sell you an amp
He'll let you in his house
Frankenstein and his Horse
20. Every Tiny Molecule (We All Eat Shit)
Every tiny molecule, Every tiny molecule
Every tiny molecule I breathe is just another piece of you
Every tiny molecule is just another piece of you
and I don't wanna eat your shit
the fucking bathrooms gross
god it fucking stinks
the fucking bathrooms gross
we all eat shit
21. Aren't You Hungry?
[M.O.D. cover]
Sitting in my kitchen stuffed from having ate
what should I do now, with what's left on my plate
maybe I should save it, but nah, I got the cash
think I'll take the easy way and throw it in the trash
USA for you okay, what a fucking scam
charity begins at home what about our land
America has problems that's what should come first
don't look to us for charity to feed and quench your thirst
aren't you hungry? are you still hungry?
looking for a free buffet, in an alley on the way
to your meeting at A.A., losers lunch is on today
chicken, finger lickin' good, mashed potatoes, gravy too!
razzberry dressing, yum! Don't you wish that you had some?
I think of people starving do you think I care?
let them all die hungry so I can breathe their air
22. L.A.T.K.C.H.
yo! g! phat! dope! tongue... kid! son! motherfucker!
23. Ballad Of Mike Hutchens
You're dead!
24. Ballad Of Phil Hartman
You're dead!
25. Moment Of Truth
the tension in the air is so thick you can slice it
the general attitude is just a prelude to war
the strategy you plan must be concise & decisive
the army you command must be ready to die, for
the moment of truth is finally here
it's better that you make a stand, war is near
hold your ground, never plead, They'd rather
die on their feet than live on their knees
steel and flesh clash in battle, blood stains the fields
bodies burst, limbs are severed still they don't yield
3000,000 adversaries dressed in their best
300 Spartans stand as one they're not so impressed
the moment of truth is finally here
it's better that you make a stand, war is near
hold your ground, never plead, They'd rather
die on their feet than live on their knees
Go! Fight! Fuck! Kill
We may not live beyond this day
the hot gates stand for all to see
Once we were destined to be kings
Unconquered Spartan men were we
Thanks to garundi_123 for correcting tracks ## 5, 11 lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.