album: "The Extinction Prophecies" (2011)
1. Seedling Dirge2. Cancer Of Blades
3. Flowers To The Furnace
4. Famine Storm
5. Dead Sylvan Prayer
6. Demeter's Reckoning
7. Ocean Scorn
8. Fever Mist
9. The Willow's Edge
10. Reaping Requiem
11. Intoning The Old Ones
12. The Litany
13. Eldritch Hunger
14. War To Feed The Ancients
15. Forgotten Depths
16. Obelisk
17. The Golden Plague
18. Dispelling The Sacred Seal
19. Circle Of False Gods
20. The Astral Harvest
1. Seedling Dirge
2. Cancer Of Blades
The Madness festers… more potent than ever before
Ancestors… those I once adored
Bear witness to their sons!
The blasphemies I beheld…the soil in which I dwell
The cradle burns as tinder to this Hell
And still they are blind to what they have done…
Once my fecundity was wisdom
But soon only tears filled my glade
Serenity no longer binds me
I’ve sprouted a cancer of blades.
Too long I have slept…dreaming of better days
Too long I have wept… while the world fell to decay
The blasphemies I behold… False Gods poised to consume
An ocean of frozen souls – an eldritch doom
The earth pines for a Panacea to its misery.
All Mortals must perish before the prophecies come to be…
This is your fate.
[Written by: Morte McAdaver / Thomas Cyranowski]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
3. Flowers To The Furnace
The fires of the civilized world…sparkle in the evening shade
The comforts warm the creatures She made…
Leeches form the webs…that provide their peace
Cities borne of desires and caprice…
Like Flowers to the Furnace
Beauty ebbs away
Wonders put aside
Thrown to yesterday.
I remember when
Times of better men
Paradise denied
Never to return again.
The modern world no longer has life or death
Only addiction and the fevered dreams of a purpose to fulfill…
It must be what they’ve always wanted
To surrender their will
And keep the world so still… so still…
(And kill the world…kill…kill.)
Burning the cradle of the earth helps them fall asleep
Burying themselves in falsehoods too deep.
Progress is the call that has led to this
Forgetting who they were in the name of bliss.
Like Flowers to the Furnace
Consuming everyone
Nothing ever grows
Nothing can be won
I remember when
Before they drank the chemicals
So long ago
Now forever condemned.
[Written by: Morte McAdaver / Thomas Cyranowski]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
4. Famine Storm
Darkness descends from the firmament
Shredding winds sever the lifelines
Unbound in torment – these victims of sentience
They mourn the scattered fragments of their designs.
These are the remnants of a fragile civilization
Terror takes the reins in the fate of the storm’s manifestation.
Oh, see them wither in the wake of a carrion rain
Worms erupt from the soul to lay claim to the grains.
Corrosive waters fall to drown the vermin
Mortals perish alone in rusted enclosures
Sinking – the undertow begins
Such fallible creatures cannot hope to endure.
The stentorian call of thunder
Awakens me to the true nightmare
Cyclones harrow through the headstones’
Sundered cityscapes in despair
Long ago, they prayed to Her
To guard crops from malignant swarms
Now, wreathed in a cloud of locusts
I watch the defilers waste away in the famine storm.
The famine storm…
[Written by: Morte McAdaver]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
5. Dead Sylvan Prayer
6. Demeter's Reckoning
Once upon a time…
When I seeped with wisdom
Nestled deep in your earth
Nurturing mankind from its birth
Your weeds have borne steel
And I weep for your hunger
As your forces grow stronger
It is I who remember your crimes…
To the blasted fields and wilted air
To a fallen future and a fate laid bare
And you would gouge your own Mother from within
To beget dust and skeletons.
I watch you betray yourselves…
And She is too withered to care.
Once upon a time…
They beseeched me for guidance
Groveled on their knees
For the wisdom of trees
Now I reap their disease!
Their pitiful defiance
These dregs of science
In sorrow and hatred entwined…
Decrepit crops unsought by mankind
Scarecrows laid bare for the starving soil.
You would choke willingly upon your Mother’s ashes
And rue in millennia of Reckoning
[Written by: Morte McAdaver / Thomas Cyranowski]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
7. Ocean Scorn
Bathed in brine, drowned by time
A place where the titans submerged
Downtrodden seas, home to scores of debris
Where Mother’s nightmares converged.
Choked upon salt, embalmed in silt
Erosion gnaws at the shores
A maelstrom of tears where all hope disappears
Horrors from the gulfs below…
Sediment in the wind, corruption within
Vessels will sail to their deaths
Painted by oil, the wellspring despoiled
Devouring denizens of the depths.
When the waters reject your tongues
The famine will be complete
I will drink your remorse as your bones feed the shores
To nourish my cancerous roots and replenish the seed…
[Written by: Morte McAdaver]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
8. Fever Mist
9. The Willow's Edge
Surely they must know that the end is near
The locusts breed, infesting eyes and ears
Civilization lies in ruin beneath a cold sun
The tempest has torn through the world
And my harvest time has come.
Starvation is your fate
Your ignorance prevailed, and now it’s too late.
One last sacrifice for a withered womb
Her body shall be your tomb.
Extinction is on the rise
An offering…before the whole world dies.
One last genocide upon the Willow’s Edge
Upon the Willow’s Edge…
Come ever closer and be purified
Absolution is obtained through suicide.
Expiation to feed the fields
Coffins forged in factories of steel
(Your) senses too deadened to feel the pain I feel…
My Harvest Time has come…
The world will come undone…
The reaping has begun…
One last offering – let it be done!
So alone… in my bleak eternity
So alone… I must find serenity.
It’s the end of all their dreams
They never heard their Mother’s screams
I bring an exit from this world, so obscene
As I reap this Sorrow Seed!
I grant the release from their suffering… the suffering of ignorance.
I bring them back to the soil… back to innocence…
So alone… in my bleak eternity
So alone… There is no serenity
[Written by: Morte McAdaver]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
10. Reaping Requiem
[Part I: Violent Fecundity]
A gift for humanity
My violent fecundity
The Harvest Time has come to be
I lay the world to rest.
Mortals pleading for release
It’s all for the best…
Castigate… the foul flesh of a despotic race
War… feel the blade’s embrace
There is no love that remains for this unworthy disgrace.
No… there is no future anymore
You are but husks of what you were before
In my shadow, a procession falls to nevermore.
Grown is the Sorrow Seed
Requiem resounding as they bleed
Mortals pleading for release
The Reaping must proceed…
Suffer… for the transgressions and neglect
A pestilence of voracious insects
The salt in the Earth abjures; you shall never resurrect!
Failures… in the eyes of all creation
Cenobites of a profane invasion
There is no salvation; Humanity has chosen extermination!
[Part II: Glamour (the Others)]
Illusions once pacified men into reverence
When the Gentry protected the forests
How I miss the voices of the Others
The victims of spiritual severance –
Banality – now doomed to rest.
Once upon a forgotten time…
Men feared to tread in the dark
Their laws meant nothing to the Others
Now, reason is their crime
And they have left their mark.
The Glamour is shed to reveal
The world’s ugliness to be all that is real
I call upon the thorns of the hedge
To join me in mourning and slaughter
By the grace of the Willow’s Edge…
[Part III: Silent Slaughter]
[Part IV: Heralds of Ash]
Her blades will till the wasteland
(Her) hatred tends the flames
No longer bound by mortal men’s will
The stars are ours to reign!
We are the Heralds of Ash
Into blackness let this world be cast.
Annihilation of the weak
To grant them the solace they seek…
The sands of time have fallen
And the Chaos is crawling.
This is all that remains
Fettered roots are my veins – the earth is mine to reign.
[Part V: Respite]
And so, as the cradle comforts the bones
I stand alone.
This guardian can finally fade away
Know that even as my colors fade to gray
I am filled with respite to share this wedding grave.
[Written by: Morte McAdaver / Thomas Cyranowski]
[Vocals: Lilith Astaroth]
11. Intoning The Old Ones
12. The Litany
Once among the mortal men
Now I traverse the realms beyond
The material plane is but a crossroads
The epicenter of a temporal abyss.
Anchored by the webs of stasis
Made brittle through the ignorant years
At long last, I find passage
To elucidate with chaos and fear.
Once among the mortals, I elected to ascend
To seek the truth and the answers
At whatever the cost or end
Now, beyond all sanity, I’ve come to realize
That the aegis of morality
Is just a seal of lies.
Once abjured by the Great Ones, imprisoned and obscured
Now driven by an eldritch hunger
No longer interred…
There is no natural cycle; no afterlife awaits
The universe is ruled by mindless gods
And you shall see them… when we emerge from the gates
13. Eldritch Hunger
Born from the ancient void
Spiritual Dementia
Called by congregation
Blinded by faith.
Reverence and destruction
Strife and mass production
Bred for mass consumption
The perfect race…
We are the ones to whom you have pledged yourselves
Devotion to satiate an Eldritch Hunger!
Prophecies foretell of the poison in the wishing well
We manifest to rend the future asunder…
(Born into flesh at last – The feast is at hand!)
Oh…and still they come
Seeking answers to their fate
At the mercy of the Circle…
Hopeless…and still they come
Laying down their lives
Willing to fight for nothing!
Incursion… this world shall tremble and fall
Just as all of the others before…
I speak for the myriad maws and the flesh of the gods.
Behold! Oblivion unfolds
The howling throat of the vortex
Brings the end to this ignorant age
This is your fate.
14. War To Feed The Ancients
Millenia of systematic slaughter
Bodies populating the outer crust of the scorched earth
Cremation crusades sprayed ashes unto the water
Tormented soldiers dread rebirth.
Deliverance is a fragile dream
The comfort of a fool
Behemoths pull the war machines
Lit by a molten core
The mortal man is cruel
With merciless designs for nevermore
A self-contained genocide
To condemn the slain to the other side…
Cosmic eyes watch with eternal patience
The war to feed the ancients.
The illusion of peace prevails
A mask of sanity for a dying species
Artillery fire rips through the veil
Serrated blades draw blood to rid the disease.
With each mortal shell that crumbles away
One more soul is released
Uncounted scores of fallen prey
Languish at the gates of oblivion
Outer gods and their servitors
Prepare for a stygian feast
The festering fabric of reality will split with a gaping incision.
15. Forgotten Depths
16. Obelisk
I beckon to the souls of the desperate
Gather your energies within the forgotten depths
In the catacombs beneath unhallowed ground
The Faceless shall now look upon you
And none shall hinder your descent
To the buried temple of the Old Gods, waiting to be found.
Glimpse beyond the limited mortal perceptions…
To the nightmare that encircles the blind senses
Unfathomed, the chaos of Astral conception
As one we shatter the Elder Sign’s defenses.
Transmutation of reality in purest form…
Whispers of madness undulate and resound from the Obelisk…
Pantheons have fallen to appease this hunger
So too must worlds fall as well
Renounce your beliefs in the Great Ones at last…
The Nameless shall now be exhorted
And none shall prevent their ascent
To pick apart mankind in grisly repast.
17. The Golden Plague
It is a merciful blight to bring about their end
For even vermin would not envy the world they have designed
A Golden Age where men have become as herd beasts
Festering meat bound in madness, side by side.
Ignorance prevails, and they breed like insects
A virus infecting the world
Civilization spawned species of glutton
Alone and weak, they pray…
The Golden Plague of mankind
Has stood firm for too long
Their gods have fallen,
And Oblivion shall swallow them whole in time…
(The time is now
and the astral storm hungers for flesh…)
Wasteland…scavenging souls
We bring the cleansing pestilence
They cower in terror beneath darkened skies
As we converge upon our prey…
18. Dispelling The Sacred Seal
19. Circle Of False Gods
[Part 1: The Endless Circle]
You truly have no purpose to question why
As frail truth breeds only slaves to a lie
Falsehood stitched to a shroud of deception
Daily masses molding nightmarish conceptions
Creation is as constant as stagnation and decay
Celestial rape breeds new horrors every day.
You self-sustaining hordes of meat
Pave and bathe in deceit and defeat.
It seems your mortal eyes failed to realize…
We are no more alive than the sands of time –
The Circle of False Gods.
Dead God-flesh obscures the future
Warming the secret dreams of nascent abominations
You cannot comprehend the depths of our creation
This day marks the age of your own extermination
Supernal and fetid we appear in your eyes
Our hunger shall arise with your nightmares’ reprise
A cynical age to cast away vestigial faiths
Madmen call to darkness, their will to desecrate
In this Feast we will see to your subjugation
We lick your bones clean and leave the lands in desolation.
[Part II: The Prophecy Unveiled]
We bring the oppression of ash and steel
Sandstorms and pestilence revealed;
The path of sorrows blazed in fear
Clairvoyance! Unveil the End Times!
I am the Scarab Prophet
Herald of cosmic eyes
From far beyond this seal of lies
The Old Ones shall arise!
Even the strongest of men plead to the skies;
This earth will be forgotten in the sands of time.
And with strange eons, even death may die
All shall bear witness to the truth of the divine.
Mortals flee in terror as elder gods encroach;
Monsters such as these were never meant to be seen.
Frail, fragile mortals would do well to flee.
Now unveiled; the darkest of prophecies.
As shockwaves ravage the crust of the earth
The subterranean horrors rise
Forgotten citadels emerge amongst the raging waves…
As cities burn, engulfed by a star of solar flame
A living pyre dances upon the charred and scattered corpses…
Now the path is clear to dreamscapes and from far beyond the stars
The cataclysmic rift gives way and the Astral Harvest can at long last begin.
20. The Astral Harvest
Astral servitors drone
Upon horns and pipes in sonorous monotone
To announce the Old Ones’ arrival
As the portal yawns from the bowels of the void
Screaming from the gulfs of the nether
Vast energies from beyond the stars gather…
The Outer Gods spill forth into this earthly domain
Conjured by rites of the insane.
Know that existence is without meaning
Eons I have spent alone, seething
Cursed by the knowledge I once sought
To see what the False Gods have wrought…
[Part II: The Path of Annihilation]
Cataclysmic feeding frenzy
Cities fall to this voracity
The elements are pushed beyond the threshold
Altered by dimensions of horrors untold
The path of annihilation is blazed
The world frozen in terror beneath an odious gaze
Al hope has been consumed
All that once was will soon meet its final doom.
[Part III: Supplicants and the Final Conjuration]
Apostles of a depraved faith
Acolytes gather to prepare
Initiates revel in a sacrificial fate
Let no soul be spared.
Blasphemous rites in the temple
Blood stains the stone
Intoned by desperate fanatics
Speaking the forbidden litany…
These are the incantations
The world hoped never to hear
The Chilling revelations
The Conjuration of a new Pantheon
The harbinger of ruin
The Goat with a Thousand Young
Supplication to the obscene truth within
Reality comes undone.
Let it be done!
[Part IV: Whispers from Beyond (instrumental)]
[Part V: Prelude to Oblivion]
The Dream Quest is over
It has come full circle at last
I have danced the wretched spiral
And all perils, I have surpassed
The knowledge that I have gained
Is a burden I yearn to discard
Only visions of madness have filled my mind
An ever-deepening scar
Thus, these portents have come to pass
And I watch this world fall to the Astral Harvest
Heed these words as I fade into the ether
As oblivion draws nearer…
Seek not the truth of this terrible universe…
Lest your fragile minds collapse
In the eyes of the Outer Gods…
…we are nothing at all.
Thanks to davepalmer18 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.