album: "Incurso" (2012)
1. Abodement2. Where Angels Go Demons Follow
3. Bodiless Sleeper
4. The Evangelist
5. Servitude Of Souls
6. Deus Avertat
7. Spiritual Deception
8. No Light Spared
9. Apparition
1. Abodement
2. Where Angels Go Demons Follow
Welcome you fool of blunder, insert rite of nether dreams
Sheep or leader, your worth equals filth
I grant illusions of purging flesh no dog shall be spared
Pollution I carry unsuspected
Erupted sanity I hereby sell you reign
Fallen figures on their knees cry sacrilegious
Enticed by fruits of life as death was sent to collect
Silent praying spreads through the air without response
Storm of sick and wealth
Lights go out, stunning chill, waves of sin brought to kill
Screams eroding panic explodes to their delight
Storm of sick and wrath
Fair angels demons follow, where there is grace they shall nest
To smear their loathing and put them to rest
Wings of gold ripped off cold left dead without a soul
Upon dethroning their glory, a bleeding fist
Bereft of life indeed
Ripe and sweet, birth out of grain
Rotting meat all that remains, sin may bring relief
Witness in awe the sight of celebration
Plow through it all, find nothing but deception
Leap into the furnace flames attack in numbers, let them stroke
Sanctimony breeds here undisturbed for reasons, no one knows and no one will
Darkness leads, eminent in gifts levitate and shifts
Watched from below transformed and flawed
No one’s left behind pain is here to stay these last of days
Silent praying spreads through the air without response
Storm of sick and wrath
Lights go out, stunning chill, waves of sin brought to kill
Screams eroding panic explodes to their delight
Storm of sick and wrath
Thief of them all portrayed as distant somber
Hence they shall fall, provoked and in time to reap the call
Fair angels demon follow, where there is grace they shall nest
To smear their loathing and put them to rest
Wings of gold ripped off cold left dead without a soul
Upon dethroning their glory, a bleeding fest
All that’s left dies here with sorrow, where angels go demons follow
Declining not shining deep is the pit where they all now sleep.
3. Bodiless Sleeper
Sunless skies stared at him as he escaped
Warned by doctor after doctor but nothing could keep him away
From that which for years had kept him insane
Obstinate and keen to seek out all remaining elements pertaining the blemish on
his soul
Ran off with a strong conviction that what he had seen was real and not
He knew it, he felt it, all those pigs in white scrubs tried to fuck his mind
Locked away since that delirious day but now free by choice to once again
Rattle the forbidden cage, deep in those treacherous woods he found it
A spot on the ground, marked with the three pebble stones he once found
He should’ve walked away instead he ferociously began to dig deep
Clawing through the dirt and roots, unfed desire, a resurrection at last shall
With nervously chewed down finger nails, kept on delving further down
What he finally found was breathing still, breath of the
Bodiless sleeper revived, tender skull acquired
Deformed beyond reason, he gently pulled it out of its hole
Lips touched, tongues played, time to do what had remained unique
Insurgent abominator wrecker of all shifting prayer
Though no one can comprehend its meaning and its act
Bodiless sleeper revived
All the knowledge in this head he now possessed to stir from resting
Forever since he got caught he knew replacement was the key
Tender skull acquired
Their bristly chins scraped one another
As he measured between his shoulders
He made a mark at his neckline
Where the blunt and rusty saw soon would be placed
Closed his eyes and let the jerking motion cut to finally remove the weakness
His head fell off yet still alive, his headless body replaced it fast
Slowly he worked with a needle and thread to carefully secure the head
Connected they fused very well, the stitches healed so nicely
This body now wanders around slightly confused but with knowledge like few
Under the three pebble stones, grave of the head is now empty
4. The Evangelist
Sleeping pills can keep one drowsy, shut out the angst and feel but nothing
Yet to find total closure for terrors of the past, a saddened man now entered
the hospital at last
Ninth door to the left, laid all answers to what had kept him drunk for all
those years
A gently knocking but no answer, hesitated for a second then turned the knob
and stepped inside
In front of him a well made bed, in it a woman sleeping, he pulled up a chair
So fragile and so helpless, he took her hand and held it and whispered in her
“My dear Ms. Sinclair, you are my mother and a whore of evil
How could you leave me there in that old church, why
My first vague memories of Father Dorian and me on my knees
He stole my boyhood early, him and the other priests
While preaching I was dirty and needed to be cleansed
Baptized my young face with soggy semen every evening while tears ran
Alternated with violent whipping in God’s name, I was a child of shame.
Dorian, he sodomized my weak and childish body
The cross went inside my ravished rear end and bent me open
Those yellow teeth still haunt my dreams
Caged from daylight inside a cellar, he kept me locked up ‘til pleasure he
I know God’s light is shining but this molested soul will never see a heaven
that I am certain of
My dear Ms. Sinclair, you are my mother and a whore of evil
How could you leave me there in that old church, why
Then one night I noticed he’d forgotten to lock the doors and I saw my chance
I sneaked out and ran off, foggy air, morning dark, the grass was wet
I’d been there for so long, not sure of my age, the wicked Father D. may he
burn in hell
You must die oh spiteful bitch, you put me there.”
Slowly she opened her eyes and stared at him silent at first
Felt she was squeezing his hand, the wrinkly old hag
Ms. Sinclair
“My dear boy, my dear Edward let me tell you of your past
Please son ease down, sit down and listen to me
I was born where you grew up, daughter of Father Dorian
His line of blood runs deep, deeper than you can possibly imagine
Night after night he robbed me of pride
Pleasing his need, a child of his breed that never could smile
Instead of playing with a dolly I had to play with him
In my mouth I can still taste his salt veiny skin
Barely fertile yet daily raped, his holy seed
Finally my girly womb managed to impregnate
My father, my lover had now made me a mother
As he delivered my baby I wept to God
I left the church right after my baby boy was born
I was replaced by my infant to be my father’s toy
That toy was you dear Edward and I’m glad I left you there
Our Father’s love for his children can never be compared.”
5. Servitude Of Souls
Souls are to some
the key to living
but these can be severely hidden.
a cellar so sordid
home to a doctor born morbid.
his quest in life
was to cut out souls with his knife.
snatched his victims
after night's fall, random targets
all humans have a soul
then one night, out and stalking he saw a glow
around a lonely walker whom he tracked, jumped and overthrew
this had to be a special one,
he tied her up and brought her home.
dragged downstairs, head bumped the steps, all bruised and swelled
on the gurney strapped and gagged her screaming yap
steady breath
behind the surgical mask no thought
of giving anesthesia
servitude of souls, master robbing anima [2x]
the knife went deep, the shining grew
her spastic body of pain showed proof
secret sermon uttered for the soul to stay intact before caught
she bit off her own tongue
a jar of glass placed carefully next to the...
...open wound she watched her soul slip into it
closed the lid and smiled as he let her die,
cold and empty. now came the time to merge with glowing treasure of his
his dirty glasses reflected his hands as they slowly opened a drawer
pulled out a vast collection of jars
they all contained his victims sparks
the thievish doctor had formed a plan
through surgery insert them all into his body
slashed a laceration and poured them in, the dead was lying rotting and wouldn't miss a thing
servitude of souls, master robbing anima [2x]
6. Deus Avertat
Even the purest of sinless souls sometimes attracts themselves to spirits long
forgotten sleeping
A man of curious nature this soon would learn, in his grandma’s old attic
He found the hidden piece of wood that forever would change his blissful life
Tool of evil, board of riddle, transmitter to the ancient
Unforgiving, lures the living, of hell designed mechanics
Sends a signal to the shunned side, one asks it, one reads it
Whom will answer God only knows
Although his Granny warned him deeply he still brought it home for study
All he wanted was to try it, for mood he list some candles, poured a glass of
vintage absinthe
Innocent, wonder, soon to leave for hell, seance begin
His hand grabbed the planchette, sweating exited of it went
In backwards circles back and forth, demon speech of unknown
Twitched his hand and took control, letters started shaping into several words
Come join us the sentence read, why he wrote, no reply
Who are you, we are mere friends, hear our offer gentle caller
You may have goodly gifts just for us to simply visit you
The short conversation led on, convincing our host to trade what the spirits
Debauching intent, plotting for his soul, brood of ill, attributed to his newly
found friends
Their agreement sealed a subconscious deal though he could not foresee
The effects coming, nails and hair fell off, a lump in his throat was born
He started feeling woozy, bowel control he kept losing, soon swimming in his
own filth
As he got invaded by the tricksters from beyond
Wrenching on the floor, the voices pounding in his mind, raving on about death
Started to get owned in fetal position, realized the mistake he had made
Yelled out tortured leave me be, badly choking on his phlegm
Begged in tears for deaf ears, serpents from the other side his body now
A broken human woke up in daze, first thing his eye caught
On the floor a pile of ash, must’ve lit the board on fire
Not sure of what had happened, it all felt weird and blurry
He managed to stand, still in pain from last night’s ordeal
Back flashes started to haunt his weak memory
Grandma’s face covered in blood, limping steps took him there
To her house door unlocked called her name silence would not break
Up the stairs, met by a horrible death sight of what he’d done
Old granny torn apart, down her throat he had rammed her heart
Her eyes stared open wide and cold, what was all this meant for?
The spirits of the board for years had tried to take her soul
This was their vengeance, that’s why they sent him
To execute her and be freed forever
7. Spiritual Deception
Years have passed since that night
Still the scars are fresh and alive for those involved
A mother deep underground
A father to a cell forever bound, the child nowhere to be found
Spiritual deception once showed its face, an evil passed on through its blood
A wicked grim incentive that cloudy day when horror stepped through their door
Journeyed to the east far and long ago
Once a feeble child but now has grown, still black in his soul
His uncle, the poor man worked hard yet unsuccessful
To feed his father’s leverage
Spiritual deception once showed its face, an evil passed on through its blood
A wicked grim incentive that cloudy day when horror stepped through their door
Meanwhile, aging in a bedlam, innocent still took the blame
He was sane when he entered but those walls drove him mad
Conjuring up a grave revenge
Kept his diary closest when he finally broke out
Time for them to alas reunite
Compelled to place his vengeance upon the bastard progeny, his only creed
As he arrived to the house old Damfee waiting outside
Gnawed and faint, leaning on his frayed cane
“Why did you come here?”
“Bring him before me, he must die
I shall have his head, you cannot deny me that”
The old man grinned and whispered
“Things are not all what they seem, I once brought forth a demon
That had its way with your wife one night, her uterus defiled
Raped by the demon, befouled all heaven’s light
Please close your eyes and come inside my home”
He then followed Uncle Damfee, when he looked there was a rancid setting
Everything was just appallingly dirty, in front of him stood the lost child
In frustration he attacked the androgynous child of evil
In the background there stood Damfee chuckling at the whole damned spectacle
All turned black ‘til he later woke up
In his cell with the padded walls that he once left, was it a dream?
Ripped out was a diary page
On it written all that happened in that godless phase, in someone else’s
Spiritual deception once showed its face, an evil passed on through its blood
A wicked grim incentive that cloudy day when horror stepped through their door
8. No Light Spared
How did I get here, surrounded by snow
Strong winds keep tearing the flesh off my bones
Frost and cold wants my soul, thrown into a blizzard led by crows
I hear them croaking to taunt my unfair demise
Finally I give up all my strength
There’s no point resisting when I’m dazed and lost forever in this white and
wintry hell
Then I see what looks to be a light
Could it mean salvation, I start crawling towards it unbeknown of its purpose
and plan
On my hands and knees I pull myself, my muscles ache from the storm
My heart is pounding hard and out of time
Then I see the light as I lie there ripped
Vanish out of sight, down the entrance to a crypt
Down the hole I go into the unknown
Slapped in the face by the smell, it’s so foul and hints something evil here
Still I keep going for what could be worse than the weather outside
Seemingly this place should be a peaceful haven
I keep pressing but where is the light that saved me
Getting further down the dungeons narrow passage
Fail to realize the gate behind me closing
I light up a match to find myself covered in blood spattered cloth
Something is telling me I’m not alone in this wretched sewer
A puff of air blows out my tiny flame
As a snorting, gnarling sound approaches me fast
From every direction, this is it
Cornered by a horde of godless creatures, can’t flee
I see myself get massacred, disjointed by these entities of demon
Their glowing eyes lights up my death bed
Tears me up and leaves me gutted, seems they found it inside my dead body
My soul was all they wanted in the end
9. Apparition
Heavily secluded from all but faith, a family in hiding from the world
Firm praying, blind loyalty, reciting words divine, from the eldest to the
youngest one
Their sheer belief in the son’s return, if not stayed true, in the abyss would
The apparition, a messenger of the eternal scripture
Phantom of shine, disembodied and descent of heaven
The apparition, her appearance was so real
Without suspicion, all the prayers of the family were finally heard
On a humid spring evening when the idyll couldn’t be more perfect
Out from their flower garden, through the blinders came an overwhelming light
They gathered on the porch and stood and watched in awe
Angelic deity, so clean, like the purest dream
Their fingers laced together, as they dropped to their knees worshipping
Happy pearly tears, oh such beauty lives
Sweet angels dei look up on me, the apparition spoke with a silky yet whirring
voice of wonder
You have been faithful to the omnipotent, I come to grant you a challenge of
Time to show your true worth to the Lord
A paradise awaits the few undoubting
To measure up and prove them self abiding
Fulfill the needs of dominus
Then it disappeared, the unearthly seer, left the witnesses impaired
Now they knew for sure that praying was the door to his holiness’ embrace
The parents and younglings went inside and began chanting pages
In front of the altar that they had built next to the tepid white tile store
The apparition, she came and gave them hope
The apparition, why would she dupe, poor the people thought
Their black bound bible got scrutinized, inside the father’s head a voice would
Which said
An unbeliever (the filthy child) among your flock (I order you to punish)
Your scrupling daughter (that whoring freak) is against us (and make her bleed)
He yanked her arm and pulled her outside, shoved her to the dirty wall of the
tool shed
While hearing the apparition
Whipped her good ‘til it got messy, grabbed an axe he was steered by frenzy
Just do it the voice kept ranting
As he cut away his little girl, someone walked up behind him screaming begging
Cried in panic
He turned around and saw his loving wife, without a blink he then knew to
attack her
Voice kept praising
Feeding her the hatchet as the apparition kept applauding the spouse’s
Limbs was flying
The only child remaining was his body who saw the whole thing from the kitchen
Shocked in terror
Then the voice said I shall appear, you have proven yourself worthy
Bring me the last life of your family
Called the boy out then came the light, there it was the apparition
Reached out for his traumatized son’s small hand
Free from sin you’ll come with me
The apparition, a messenger of the eternal scripture
Phantom of shine, disembodied and descent of heaven
The apparition, her appearance was so real
Without suspicion, all the prayers of the family were finally
The apparition changed form into a contorted creature
Held the child in its bosom and vanished in a laughter
The father now roams around the little flower garden
God’s work he did it with pride, the final lock on the gate is now open
Erlend Caspersen ‒ Bass
Henrik Schönström ‒ Drums
Christian Müenzner ‒ Guitars
Jonas Bryssling ‒ Guitars
Dennis Röndum ‒ Vocals
Thanks to kpblack227 for sending these lyrics.
Henrik Schönström ‒ Drums
Christian Müenzner ‒ Guitars
Jonas Bryssling ‒ Guitars
Dennis Röndum ‒ Vocals
Thanks to kpblack227 for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.