album: "The Legacy of Wyrd" (2021)
1. Prologue2. Mendo
3. The Coming of Aland
4. The Legacy Of Wyrd
5. The Rising of Death
6. Edevane
7. Travelers
8. Immortal Family
9. Rhythm of Time
10. The Well of Ice
11. The Giant Pilar of Rock
12. Everything Silent
13. Aftermath
14. Epilogue
1. Prologue
It's cold outside. Can you feel it?
It's not a good day, although funerals were never considered a sad event in my family.
Hela knocked on the door of the last person who could managed this arrival, which has consumed and tormented us for years.
Let me tell you our story.
I come from am ancient blood line from a hidden place which I do not wish to speak of, more so from fear than out of respect.
We were given the responsibility to pass on the ancient knowledge that nowadays no one wants to hear.
It will fade into oblivion, just to rise again, though I... I won't be here to see it.
Today was the day I have feared the most since the moment I was born, the last will and testament of my mother and with that I've sealed my destiny, the spinners have been weaving this tapestry for a long time, sharpening their knives.
My inheritance will not be some old car, who's engine stopped working a long time ago, or keys to some house I will never visit, no... it's a duty, it's a burden on the conscience which I pass to you, stranger, because everything ends with me, without any offspring, without any escape. The norns are about to cut my last thread and it's time to die.
Here I offer you three stories, in each one three times lie asleep: the past, the present and the future, maybe you will never manage to understand it, maybe you have already understood, before even hearing it. I can only give you this advice: search for them.
The ones who create adventure, in who's tapestry our life is being drawn, the ones who share only one eye and who are capable of seeing far beyond anything what you ever will.
Goodbye, stranger. Remember don't let them in.
2. Mendo
Without death absent, let life cease
A spell of darkness so severe
No god dare be mortal to feel its reach
An eternal rest without sleep
The young man Mendo consumed his mind
With thoughts of withering and age
His days roll by, nights fly across the sky
He's a man now in despair.
Oh, the sands of time run down
The medic returns once again
Bringing tales of a man in the ancient forest
A man who can bless immortality
Mistress obsession blows her kiss
A weary Mendo sets off in the night
Ancient forest shivers at his pass
Whispering tales, of his search
The ox and the deer blocking his path
Nature spirit warning –
Turn back, this cruel gift forever lasts
On so he goes, child of his fate.
There came a sorcerer, Gwyndion
A man without present, future or past
Cheat of death and mortal sleep
Warning of the price to be paid, paid.
Spirit of death demanding tribute
A shroud of deceit – the soul bleed
His body fell cold on grey eyes
Performing the ritual against fate and time
Unaware of all, his first days are well
No snow traces – in his long hair
Sands of time have been washed away
Looking well to the universe – continue fray
These waves of day never kiss
The sun fails to crack his smile
Moon bringing nothing but the while
Now just a corpse – he mourns his eternal beat
In the words of old death comes when cold,
Oh, so return,
The old sorcerer describes tricks against death,
300-year-old legend alive now he returns to the abode foretold
The flame of his soul
Has gone out
The sky is silent
His mind is vacant
Slumping down on a wooden stump
Never to walk again
Repeats in his head "why did he ignore the trees?"
Now a thousand years will pass, 'til he is found
These waves of day never kiss
The sun fails to crack his smile
Moon bringing nothing but the while
Now just a corpse – he mourns his eternal beat, oh!
Now just a corpse – he mourns his eternal beat, his eternal beat.
3. The Coming of Aland
Set off on a journey that took many days,
Our traveler set out with the olden ways
Scarred from a lifetime of terrible ill,
His family and close ones dead long ago still
The Meadow of Ash proved a treacherous path,
Yet he was too far to be turning aback
He followed the legends and voices of old:
A warlock named Gwyndion lived here, he's told
Surrounded by forest of oaken design,
The elderly path fell into a decline
One glance to the front and a few more beside,
He carefully looked at the trees far behind
The shape of the trunk gave a vision of death,
And the bark of the tree moved a slight with each breath:
Eerily silent and eerily strange;
Aland continued the journey through day
The voices, the voices: they live in the trees
Reminded of undying mortality
A sacrifice taken, he'll sacrifice still
Beware of the promises made on the hill
Resting alone in the shade of a tree,
Aland relaxes in his company
Not a trio of minutes had passed in the peace
When an ancient and hoarse voice spoke out from the tree
The voice was of Mendo, an immortal old
And many years past of his legend he told
The traveler listened and asked what to do
But Mendo felt silent and gave not a clue
By the words of the tree, Aland took the right path
And made it to his destination at last
The warlock of old sat in his home the same,
Awaiting the day when a traveler came
At first Aland stated what he had once sought
But then he explained what now it was he fought
The warlock of old told him to think it through:
"For the soul we will need from you."
The voices, the voices: they live in the trees
Reminded of undying mortality
A sacrifice taken, he'll sacrifice still
Beware of the promises made on the hill
Dead voices, dead voices: they rumble the trees
With the thought of returning to mortality
With much time for thinking, he still cannot find,
For the thought of the Spirit of Death plagues his mind
Why would you tell me such things? Do you expect me to sit idly by and do nothing to help you?
[MENDO does not reply.]
I came here seeking ancient knowledge. I have heard tell of a warlock living within this wood. Do you know of him?
I know of him all too well, traveler. He gave me what I so desired. For that, I am damned.
Surely a man of such magic knows how to save you. There must be a way.
I deserve my fate, traveler. There are things of this world that cannot be undone. I had but one chance at life, and for cheating it, I must ponder it for eternity.
Your legend is a tragedy. Do you truly hold still to an end so dreary?
[MENDO does not reply.]
I will rescue you, and you will be returned to the life you sacrificed all those years ago. You have my word.
[MENDO does not reply.]
I have lost myself in this wood; do you know the way to the man I seek?
Take the weaving path to the hill up ahead. And you will find who you are searching for.
The passage of days and the passage of nights
The traveler rests as he thinks what is right
He ponders and ponders and asks from the tree:
"Why need the soul from me?"
Mendo tells him that Death's a dangerous she,
And can only be swayed with his mortality
For if he is to die, then the trees will be saved
But the traveler's not to blame
The time passed again as the days followed through
Aland still could not think of what he's to do
Shall he sacrifice his life for those who seem dead or merely go back instead?
With Mendo's dissuasion betwixt every thought,
Our Aland decided to do what he ought
He called on a friend from a past many day,
Who nearly took him away
4. The Legacy Of Wyrd
Surrounding the Well, we stay as still
Gazing to the stitch of an upcoming weave
Relates to the never-ending stories that repeat
Rather poorly, about glory for a never-ending caring deal
Wyrd shall come, Wyrd shall go
Our sheltered one gently feeding thy roots
If it's meant to be we'll provide
If it's not we shall deny
That which became as old as time remains
She grabs and cuts the thread
She sees what you have learned
And learns from your pretext
Say your fortune comes and around it goes
But we're meant to intervene if the looming strokes
Shall its water nourish the wood
Shall its mud protect its branches,
Our mission is to care for the Ash sustains the actors
That which is happening, the most but yet the least
For the sins are way too many
Choose wisely, dear friend or as foe she'll take your meaning
Spin the threads of time
So mischievous destiny
The legacy starts with a tissue out of memories
That what should become
The youngest of ambitions
She knows what needs to occur
She ought to find your owe
She knows what you deserve
For we see the poor, for we see the rich
For we see your grandness and we thread your fears
We mourn your greed, we cry your loss
But shall a great duality remain untouched
5. The Rising of Death
With ingredients gathered and spells at the ready,
The clouds in the sky grew rather heavy
The traveler, Aland, awaited the word
To signal the Spirit of Death had been heard
With circle of magic and wave of the arm,
The warlock was moving and casting his charm
He spoke and he chanted his words through the air
Before moments longer, a woman was there
With hair that was pale as the fresh fallen snow,
And deep, sunken eyes, and a mild white glow,
She turns to the warlock, a face full of rage,
And demands to be told why she's taken the stage
With scythe in her hand and her arms pulled back,
She starts to step forward, she starts to attack
Our traveler steps in the path of the blade
The Spirit of Death, startled, starts to behave
Aland does mention the crimes of the man,
Who crafted the magic from his waved hand,
But he swiftly offers himself as a gift
In hopes that the curse of the land she will lift
She turns to the traveler, seeing his face,
Remembering kindness, remembering grace
She offers to give him his chance to make peace
And say what he must before she takes her leave
To bargain with death is to sacrifice soul
To be trapped in an endless eternity hole
To give up a life is to save it tenfold
Returning mortality unto The Old
Make a deal, strike a trade
Sacrifice soul
Unto her blade
The Spirit of Death told the Story of Man
Who lived on the hill and betrayed her again
The warlock was shunned by his actions of old,
Turned swiftly to hide in the walls of his home
But then, she explained, there would have to be one
The deal had been struck and the magic was done
If not for the warlock, there would be no Death
And she had been forced to give him his breath
He was the one who had given the curse
He ruined the land and he soiled the earth
If Aland were looking to free all the trees,
He would have to take the place of thee
One final deal, she said, one final trick
She'd sacrifice Gwyndion, starting the switch
Aland becomes the next warlock-to-be
With Gwyndion killed, the trees would be free
Took not a thought for our traveler friend
With a shake of the hand and the nod of the head
The Spirit of Death swung her scythe through the sky
With that one sweeping motion, Gwyndion died
The bark of the trees crumbled down to their feet
The Old Ones were mortal, and finally freed
Our traveler, now the great mage of the wood,
Practiced his magic and did what he could
To bargain with death is to sacrifice soul
To be trapped in an endless eternity hole
To give up a life is to save it tenfold
Returning mortality unto The Old
Make the deal, strike the trade
Be bound in eternity
Unto her blade
6. Edevane
The tale tells the following
That there lived a family
Edevane was the name
Edevane's blue blood reign
Joyful, abundant happiness
Went up as far as gold could get
Then the plague struck the plain
Any touch would cause your bane
They built a tower to contain
Their family from the plague and the pain
No doors, no windows was the bet
Built from the inside, to avoid the threat
The tale tells the following
That there lived a family
Edevane was the name
Edevane's tower domain
Nothing comes in, nothing comes out
This tower was in complete lockdown
All their riches took inside
And no one ever saw them alive
Some may say they never existed
Others are sure their riches persisted
The tower stood still, began the thrill
No one returns without getting killed
Joyful, abundant happiness
Went up as far as gold could get
Built a tower inside the plain
Have all their efforts been in vain?
The tale tells the following
That there lived a family
No one saw their fate again
"Tower of Ghosts" is now the name.
What are the secrets they hide?
Is it even worth it to try?
No one comes alive from there
All of the roads converge to death
Some people say that at night
Golden flashes light up on sight
Even the bravest turn red
Who's chosen to come ahead?
7. Travelers
Once in a ruined town
Four thieves settled down
In booze and gambles they drowned
While no one was around
One of the thieves did spoke
About a deal he saw
He said he's got a map from the mysterious land
The grand tower of ghosts
He talked of riches, the vision, the ambition
And that in the map there was granted admission
There lived a family in all full of glory
The Edevane's vanished, lost in history
Bricks in the map were highlighted and guided
Inside of the house, then their hearts fully ignited
The four men agreed upon raiding the tower
Without knowing any at all of its power
How could they even succeed?
They were no guild or creed
Four thieves forsaken with greed
Would chase this endless deed
Are these the chosen to unveil this legendary tale?
Challenging the course of fate
comes down to triumph or fail
They travelled across from the town to the plains
Where the Edevane's tower stood and remained
No windows or doors to be seen in the distance
The highlighted bricks offered too much resistance
Their hopes and dreams started to fall
Could this be the ending of all?
Beaten and weakened they failed on their mission but then a man tripped on a root
It was a tiny deep burrow
It suddenly stopped all their sorrow
There's no entry on the surface
A tunnel exists, that is certain
Looking around they found the entrance
In a ravaged tree a door seems resemblant
Some runes covered it from the top,
The travelers filled with hope
How could they even succeed?
They were no guild or creed
Four thieves forsaken with greed
Would chase this endless deed
They rested and wandered around
Until they found...
How could they even succeed?
They were no guild or creed
Four thieves forsaken with greed
Would chase this endless deed
Are these the chosen to unveil
This legendary tale?
Challenging the course of fate
comes down to triumph or fail
How could they even succeed?
They were no guild or creed
Challenging the course of fate
It comes down to triumph or fail
The family sleeping in there
Gather around to take care
They decided not to stare
Luck it out to take the dare
Someone decides to come close
To meet his fate he just chose
The younger woman he touched
Her eyes shined and he got froze
8. Immortal Family
Wake up and notice how people is watching you
Ashes is what your previous life has become
Secrets that shouldn't have ever spread
Have finally unveiled life over death.
Immortal family lived 300 years
Under the tower and no one shed a tear
Cast of immortal mages living in despair
A pact lead them to it, condemned with no repair
Grakal the primordial, ruled the sacred path
Between the dead and living, in an act of pure wrath
Hiding it under the land
Blacked left eye, deep as the night
The other white, clear as the sky
Sealed in fate, never to die
Every night, wondering why?
How could they even be sane?
Shut since then, living in pain
Sealed inside, darkness will reign
The only light, the gold that remained
Blacked left eye, deep as the night
The other white, clear as the sky
Sealed in fate, never to die
Every night, wondering why?
How could they even be sane?
Shut since then, living in pain
Sealed inside, darkness will reign
The only light, the gold that remained
Hiding it under the plains
But there's still hope
Thieves could have robbed
They all have seen
What they have been
Froze and cold
Give bags of gold
It isn't worth
Any at all for them
Immortal family lived 300 years
Under the tower and no one shed a tear
Cast of immortal mages living in despair
A pact lead them to it, condemned with no repair
A group of thieves, found them in the cave
Now all their secrets start to unveil
They leave the tower with gold within their hands
They never talked of what was in the lands.
People still wonder how they got this rich
It all started one day in a wasted town
They all returned with not even a hitch
No one revealed what was deep down
Hiding it under the ground
9. Rhythm of Time
Beware, beware, for what you seek
Inhibits the strong and riddles the meek
Everything lost, and never found
Beware the grief of the curses around
The Time's dance burns
The time was not now, nor would it be soon
But one day he's cast to his eternal tomb
The cloud overhead gave the pouring of rain
As aging of time brought all about pain
The word of the wind and the word of the vine
Told tales of a man who they say could not die
With nothing but grief for a swift-nearing end,
So came its journey to be bent
His path was simple for much younger men
But Time did struggle once again
Not willing to lose what wouldn't pay,
He goes astray
Time will run out for demons in this world
We are its slaves, we only heed the call
Prayin' for an end to all this doom and pain
We'll crack your lies and raze your law
Soon after the creature had given its word,
The man of the forest was close to be heard
Time approached him, bewaring what's next,
Perhaps some black magic or crippling hex
The Spirit of Death was a dangerous she,
Claimed every life from the land to the sea
But she could be fooled into keeping a lie,
And Time was made sure he'd not die
Still thinking in mind on an endless deed:
Strong vines emerged and spread onto his feet,
Mendo becomes the eternal tree
Beats time indeed
I see a world that's full of fake
I see a world that's steeped by fear
Where am I meant to be?
What is my destiny?
Winds, eddies, hurricanes of loss
From one place to another on Earth
In the distance will shape the Holy Rays
And they will crash our chains!
Time has run out for demons in this world
We were its slaves, heeded the call
Prayin' for an end to all this doom and pain
We cracked your lies to raze your law
So Mother Earth can quietly clap and fall
All willing beings shall hail in peace and walk
When Time has come the nightmare will be over
And we'll fight this last battle undercover!
Beware, beware, for what you seek
Inhibits the strong and riddles the meek
Everything lost, and never found
Beware the grief of the curses around
The Time's dance burns
10. The Well of Ice
A stranger has come into town
Everyone's looking around
A tiny town across the sea
Beautiful as it can be
Getting a house near a well
That was mysteriously on sale
She started a garden place
Beautiful, filled with grace
Elara was her name
Florist working all her days
Weddings, parties, she gained fame
Never trusty, filled with shame
Elara was her name
No one knows from where she came
Lizzie Dankworth fell quite ill
With a fever that could kill
Everybody's at her side
They surrender, she might die
Elara refuses to accept
Chrysanths she made in attempt
To make her feel better fast
Extend her days at last
She recovers quick
Everybody sees
She gets in demand
But one day tragic lands
Flowers stopped to work
Everyone got shocked
As a punishment
They killed her flowers
Elara was her name
Florist working all her days
Silent, hidden on her base
Never trusty, filled with shame
All the cultives got infested
No one knows from where she came
Sentence dictates no mercy
All her living is not worthy
Got condemned to be left aside
Right in the well, she must be inside
She does not resist
Crying she persists
People close the well
That's how tells the tale
Elara was her name
Florist working all her days
Silent, buried in the well
Never trusty, filled with shame
Flowers grown inside
Forgotten, left aside
An Ouroboros snake
Appears into the grave
Moving throughout time
There's no way to hide
When the snake depletes
The end will be here.
Memories remain
Of Elara's pain
Hidden in the well
They could never tell.
She paid the price in the Well of Ice.
11. The Giant Pilar of Rock
A hidden well lies under the surface
Of what was then a coastal town
Edith Dankworth has gotten a purpose
To meet the saviour again
Elara and the Ouroboros snake
Mysterious signs, the family awakens
Through the woods, white fire arise
Drive the self-eating snake
Change shapes as trees torn out
Edith sees this pattern on sight
The snake seems to close the gap
She wonders if it's a trap
Gather up, it's time to discuss
Should we leave our home
Can we defend ourselves at all?
On the uncertainty Edith goes out
Opened the well as starts to scout
What's it all about?
The well is open now
The giant pillar of rocks
No fear to drop
Lighting with a torch
Contact is at urge
Covered in black sheets
Her journey is complete
Elara and the Ouroboros snake
Mysterious signs the body made
For a moment reality fades
Then she talks to Edith in afterlife
She tells it's not the time to awake
Leave my body, it's rotten and dead
Live with passion, stay out of threats
There's a book on the tree outside
Use its content and return it when you die
Under the tree there was a black book
The first page said "Tales of destiny"
Through the tales of her past she looked
All her ancestors are on the wait
Now's time to make a new tale.
12. Everything Silent
Facing the moment, the snake will devour
The last grain of sand will fall within the hour.
Edith's prophecy in history unfolds
Written in the book that Elara told
Time has arrived and the wooden door frees
Shadows and guardians can now be seen
Grakal awaits for his last offering
One by one souls began to follow him
Everything's silent, no one can hear
No wind, no rain, no sound from beneath
The plain is clear, there's no living being
Anat will come from the depths to be free
Grakal will come and Elara wakes from sleep
They've done their labor, the snake sentenced it.
Everything's silent, no one can hear
No wind, no rain, no sound from beneath
Aland Rymer, Rosemary Dankworth, Lina Edevane bodies are here
Elara as the First takes Rosemary on her arms and a crown then appears
Everything's silent, no one can hear
No wind, no rain, no sound from beneath
Crown made of Chrysanth flowers
Put it on the Head of Rosemary
A new world has arised on them
Hidden the vestiges of past condemned
As a reminder the book will lay
Under the tree trunk in the Well of Ice
Right on the door of the structure in there
The snake has been drawn for the place to take a care
13. Aftermath
14. Epilogue
It has been three days since the sun stopped spinning.
I know that they are about to arrive, I can hear them surrounding the house, they have found me and I, I am tired of running, I no longer need to, because I have understood that the fog of the past is too thick. Now I can only wait.
I inherited your book, told the stories, climbed the top of the tower, freed the trees, and saw the Midgard Serpent devour its own head ...
I have seen them all die fighting ... a thousand times. But they never got far away enough for me to forget them. Like you.
I'm going to wait for you, I promise. In another life, with a different body, but with the same subconscious weight and the same work.
I just have one more question before I let them eat me.
Is that why you left it for me? In another life,
Because you knew it, didn't you?
That everything is doomed to repeat itself.
Thanks to puas.rock for sending these lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.