album: "Velvet Darkness They Fear" (1996)
1. Velvet Darkness They Fear2. Fair And Guiling Copesmate Death
3. Bring Forth Ye Shadow
4. Seraphic Deviltry
5. And When He Falleth
6. Der Tanz Der Schatten
7. Black As The Devil Painteth
8. On Whom The Moon Doth Shine
9. The Masquerader And Phoenix
1. Velvet Darkness They Fear
2. Fair And Guiling Copesmate Death
[Play by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy]
"Gaunt and gnarl'd
Reflecteth the silver shield this welkin aghast,
And with haste translateth to gild'd black post and fast."
"Anon - anon, say I! - the lid aside,
Crawl without this velvet-clad coffin blest,
The bottom sand of the hourglass is at tide,
"Sensing this pine is as deep as the deepest chasm,
'Tis and hath e'er been merry blood to pest -
Hither! - cede and fulfil my phantasm!
To be adust for time longer can I not bide,
Cherish me and sonorously do me laud -
Hence the heart hale out thro' the chest!
For dread! - thine eyes will behold a guise faugh'd."
Misery thee?! - Rather misery me! -
For in Time's durance am I naught but wee."
"This tender and loving pest I to thee bequeath,
Thence switly wilt thou errant to 'Neath."
"And to me should'st thou be the humblemost knave,
Lest fear! - spit I on thy cist and grave! -
Lest leer I at thee and do bewitch,
And the tharms fluttering claw'd and eldritch."
"To conquer thee and thy blood for glore
Art thou my afeard and reluctant whore;
Irksomely coy, save wiliéd by alarum,
Bear this torture and maim with decorum.
"If e'er always was I this blissful and blithe
Would I resign to but its wee tithe."
"Purvey my ache and quench my profoundest urge,
And to thee will I sing the lull-dull dirge;
Deliver thy blood like the rill filleth the ghyll."
"Burrow to the trothplight with Night and Devil! -
Bid Him to league with me - forsooth, merry to 'come 'twill."
"Whilom wast thou vestal, yet now flit to thy tryst,
Elsewise will I coerce thine consonantry to turn whist;
Grasp I the snath and cut off thine breath,
"Death - oh! fair and 'guiling copesmate Death,
So that thou canst in darkness and inferno vester,
Be not a malais'd beggar; claim this bloody jester!"
For do I solely what He to me liefly saith."
3. Bring Forth Ye Shadow
[Poem by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy & Pål Bjåstad]
Time is an abyss -
Profound as a thousand nights;
I sojourn my haste, I make respites
For what availeith this eager pace?
One step more naught to face,
Save the heirloom fatal kiss.
I rave no more 'gainst Time or Fate,
For lo! my own shall ne'er come to me,
Yet! - Who doth my future narrate?
Dim the lights - I cannot see!
Bring forth ye Shadow! -
With whom danceth thou?
Time hath stopp'd -
Yet for others ne'er halteth;
For me the Pages of Life do not turn,
Lo! - on the funeral pyre they burn.
The oh so eathing Velvet Darkness they fear -
Heed! - wherefore delve a burrow,
When in my arms "O! Come here"? -
I say, elsewhither is naught but sorrow!
For what deemest thou so dear thy blood
When through my veins it could flood? -
Bide to merry - make me unaptly;
And hence grant me the fell gift,
The gift of passing on the dark trick.
'Tis such a brazen act of erotic;
Trifle for thee, yet for me grandly thrift,
O! such an innocence depriv'd so hastily -
Alas, for what deemest thou so dear thy blood
When through my veins it will flood?
4. Seraphic Deviltry
[Soliloquy by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy]
Whether He the quaint savant's power doth held I know not,
Albeit aetat a thousand stars' birth He is -
Zuoth I that for reasons to me oblivious
August of a granditude of servants is He held,
And by plastic consonantry e'en more servants to the host addéd are -
Pelf they are, dare I say!
Maugre His diurnal seraphic deviltry
I say that deviltry - 'tis forsooth deviltry! -
Mind not this in scintillating shades clad is;
To claim the glore is He suffer'd.
"Grant me the fatlings", gouth He, "the fatter the better!",
And died they of starvation;
They are not slaughtering their fatlings -
They are slaughtering 'hemselves.
Sith I at time of yester the questions durst ask,
And dare I say this burthen weightful was,
Wrack of His machine - like motion was I nam'd,
Tho' blind and fond the jesters rebuilt
The machine alike - yet whettéd and dight are its edges...
5. And When He Falleth
[Play by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy & Pål Bjåstad]
"Be my kin free fro varnal sin,
Bridle the thoughts of thy Master."
"There hath past away a glore fro the Earth;
A glore that in the hearts and minds of men,
Men dementéd - blindfoldéd by light,
Hourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garths."
"Might I too was blindfoldéd ere,
"The quality of mercy and absolution,
Tho' years have master'd me
Whence cometh such qualities?
A masque of this to fashion:
Build thyself a mirror in which
Seer blest, thou best philosopher!"
Solely wanton images of thy desire appear!"
"'Tis the Divine Comedy -
"'Tis the Divine Tragedy -
The fool and the mocking court;
The fool and the mocking court;
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!
We hold the Earth fro Heaven away."
Make us guffaw at thy futile follies,
Yet for our blunders - Oh, in shame;
Earth beareth no balm for mistakes -
We hold the Earth fro Hell away."
"Believe? In a deily long dead? -
I would rather be a pagan suckléd in creeds outworn;
Whith faärtytales fill'd up in head;
Thoughts of the Book stillborn."
"Shadow of annoyance -
Ne'er come hither!
...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer,
Ne'er to ascend again..."
[Dialog from Roger Corman film "Masque of the Red Death" (1964):]
[Prince Prospero (Vincent Price):]
That cross you wear around your neck; is it only a decoration, or are you a true Christian believer?
[Francesca (Jane Asher):]
Yes, I believe - truly
[Prince Prospero (Vincent Price):]
Then I want you to remove it at once!
- and never to wear it within this castle again!
Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear?
Her eyes are sown shut.
Blinded temporarily she suffers the whims of her God patiently, until her will is submerged and she learns to serve - as your God taught and blinded you with crosses.
[Francesca (Jane Asher):]
You had me take off my cross because it offended....
[Prince Prospero (Vincent Price):]
It offended no one.
No - it simply appears to me to be discourteous to... to wear the symbol of a deity long dead.
My ancestors tried to find it. And to open the door that seperates us from our Creator.
[Francesca (Jane Asher):]
But you need no doors to find God.
If you believe....
[Prince Prospero (Vincent Price):]
Believe?! If you believe you are gullible.
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it?
Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!
They rule this world.
[Francesca (Jane Asher):]
There is also love and life and hope.
[Prince Prospero (Vincent Price):]
Very little hope I assure you. No. If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place.
"Believe? In a deily long dead? -
I would rather be a pagan suckléd in creeds outworn;
Whith faärtytales fill'd up in head;
Thoughts of the Book stillborn."
"Shadow of annoyance -
Ne'er come hither!
...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer,
Ne'er to ascend again..."
6. Der Tanz Der Schatten
[Schauspiel von Raymond (von T. Wolff and G. Magin korrigiert)]
[Musik von Theatre of Tragedy and Pål Bjåstad]
"Meine Augen sind so dunkel,
"Gleichwohl hast Du Deine Augen versteckt
Auch sind die Visionen schwarz,
Lichtschein hinter der Dunkelheit;
Schwarz wie die Nacht;
Ein Licht das mir gezeigt hat,
Der Dämmerzustand des Menschen -
Daß Du von Angst erfüllt bist.
Ist meine Zeit des Daseins."
Erzähle mir bitte
Warum Du diese Angst in Dir trägst!"
"Ich bin so alleine;
Einsamkeit in Ewigkeit -
Gedanken nur für mich,
Mit dem Schatten flüstere ich -
Mit dem Schatten tanze ich -
Einsam wandere ich,
Das Blut begehre ich: Totentanz."
"Den tödlichen Kuß zu empfangen;
"Tanze nicht mehr mit dem Schatten,
Folge der Finsternis in das Nichts! -
Tanze bitte nicht über das Grab;
Süßer Nektar auf Deinen Lippen;
Tanze mit mir den Walzer Luzifers.
Ein Rinnsal blutfeuchtes Leben,
Ich sehne mich nach Deiner Liebe
Ich lecke die Liebe aus Deinem Gesicht,
- Um Finsternis zu werden."
Ich lecke den Haß aus Deinem Gesicht."
"Ein so berauschendes Gefühl:
"Für immer und unendlich:
Meine bittere Existenz zu schmecken!"
Ein Seelsorger Deiner bin ich."
"Laß mich Deinen Kuß begrüßen;
Den selbstzerstörerischen Kuß..."
"Gebe Dich mir hin!
Ich war von Trauer erfüllt,
Ich war so untröstlich,
"... Bis ich sterbe, umarme mich,
Doch Du hast die Liebe entfacht..."
Und ich werde wieder auferstehen...
Ich liebe Dich..."
[English translation:]
"My eyes are so dark,
Nevertheless you hid your eyes.
Even the visions are black
A flare behind the darkness
Black like the night
A light that has shown me
The endless sleep of humanity
That you have lived up to
Is the time of my existence
Please tell me
Why you carry this fear within you?"
"I am so alone
Loneliness for eternity
Thoughts just for me
I whisper with the shadow
I dance with the shadow
Alone I wander
I desire blood: Dance of death"
"To welcome the kiss of death
Dance no longer with the shadow
Follow the darkness into nothingness!
Please do not dance over the grave
Sweet nectar on your lips
Dance with me the waltz of Lucifer
A trickle of blood-soaked life
I long for your love
I will lick the love out of your face
So as to become darkness
I will lick the hate out of your face"
"Such an intoxicating feeling:
For always and forever
To taste my bitter existence!
I am a minister of yours"
"Allow me to embrace your kiss
The self-destructive kiss..."
"Indulge in me!
I was filled with grief
I was so comfortable...
... until I die, hold me
But you have ignited my love...
And I will arise once more...
I love you..."
7. Black As The Devil Painteth
[Poem by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy]
An artist is what is call'd the self that the brush holdeth -
Though hath it then caringly caress'd the Canvas of to-morrow?,
O Canvas! for thee I hold my tool - still! passionless it quivereth,
Minding not that my hands are more than apt;
My Muse,
Where is hidden
The blue-huéd arch'neath the High Heaven's rich emblazonry,
The flowery meadow, embrac'd by the horizon - snowflakéd and aery mountains,
In which the barebreastéd maidens dance to the lay o' midsummer,
Aloft the distant lazy flapping of the doves in vainglore.
O Canvas!, wherefore canst thou these images not allow? -
I deem a projection of my Theatre they should be! -
Then, I challenge thee the wisdom of naysaying the yearns o' mine -
What is this unforseen that not enjoineth light shades to be skillfully paintéd?
The raven sky prey'd on by the snowfill'd, blustery clouds,
Unadornéd the meadow - hunger driveth the wolf out of the wood,
The maidens chainéd and whippéd within a dreary dungeon -
And, lo! 'twixt the wizen roses a mossy grave:
"The Devil is as Black as he Painteth" -
O Canvas! wherefore?...
8. On Whom The Moon Doth Shine
[Play by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy]
"O soft embalmer of ye still midnight,
Allow me thee to adown,
Of any sort thou fancieth;
Each holdeth its own fancy, I say -
Yet the pleasure we partake in
Was caus'd by the fang'd grin,
Save!, do I for him anger hold?
Nay - I knew I was fey!"
"Had I what it taketh I would do;
I sense - I cannot sense,
I am - yet! I am not -
Once I kiss'd the image
Of the Seven Angels of Death..."
"Yet as thou so didst,
On my lips a kiss landéd,
And with the shadows blendéd
The tendermost silken mourn;
In which the light hidden is -
Yon Hell's brazen doors
Wrothfully it trieth to push."
"Then, lo! the Black Death,
Serpent-like 'twixt the breasts crept;
Hush'd with a gasp of life's breath,
"Hush'd with a gasp of life's breath,
Together red tears they wept,
Together red tears we wept - in vain,
And pass'd the procession of dancers dead -
And pass'd the procession of dancers dead -
As in darkness were we lock'd in wed."
As in darkness were we lock'd in wed;
I kiss'd the Seven Angels of Death."
"And Hell open'd its doors,
Yet what was 'fore my eyes
"Yet what was 'fore my eyes
But if not the brightest light."
But if not the brightest light."
9. The Masquerader And Phoenix
[Poem by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy]
Hist! - The sonorous orchestral ambience and the arabesque-stanc'd ballerina,
Her wee feel in an alacritic maelstrom-twirl,
And the dust-hurl with her tears blendeth - Egad! this quagmire;
Pasteth her unaptly apt feet to the stage;
Like the wither'd rose of the luciferous Eden
By the mummer'd masquerader espied vigilly and mockingly,
His behesting visage, tho' ruddily mummmer'd 'tis -
Embower'd and eddying oft and eft gloam by gloam,
Her sweetness ne'er cloy - further! further! -
His scratching and dallying hollow-heartéd eyes
Her breasts and vestal heart caress,
And like the dove and bird of prey leapeth she aerily,
Whileas the orchestra playeth on travailingly;
His one and sole swath
With the pizzicato'd ensemble blendeth -
And her umbral foetal scream -
As the song climaxeth
And slowly dieth
Raymond F.Rohonyi: vocals;
Liv Kristine Espences: soprano;
Tommy Lindal: guitars;
Geir Flikkeid: guitars and e-bow;
Hein Frode Hansen: drums;
Lorens Aspen: synth and piano;
Eirik F.Haltro: bass.
Thanks to ben.haran for sending track #6 English translation.
Thanks to sinav666 for correcting track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to admin for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Thanks to opheliasmelody for correcting track #6 lyrics.
Liv Kristine Espences: soprano;
Tommy Lindal: guitars;
Geir Flikkeid: guitars and e-bow;
Hein Frode Hansen: drums;
Lorens Aspen: synth and piano;
Eirik F.Haltro: bass.
Thanks to ben.haran for sending track #6 English translation.
Thanks to sinav666 for correcting track #4 lyrics.
Thanks to admin for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Thanks to opheliasmelody for correcting track #6 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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