album: "Bloody Lunatic Asylum" (2001)
1. Preludium To Madness2. Till The Last Drop Of Blood
3. Une Saison En Enfer
4. Dances With Satan
5. Lilith's Child
6. Pale Religious Letchery
7. Altar For The Black Mass
8. Lunatic Asylum
9. Oath Of Supremacy
10. Dominions
11. Les Litanies De Satan
1. Preludium To Madness
Adveniat regnum tuum.
rex regum et imperator coeli
terrae et maris et omnium animalium
quae vivunt in ills
Venite et per meritis Davidis et Salomonis
sanctorum regum et claviculoe ejus
ad adjuvandum ne festina:
Sice te obsecro cum virga virtuis
Ego vos benedicto in nomine dei nostri Satanas.
Diabolos vobiscum et cum spiritu tuo.
2. Till The Last Drop Of Blood
I want to drink your blood this night
A Satanic night of fullmoon
She meets pure essence of evil
Masquerade as an angel of light
She becomes Bride of Darkness
licks the burning cross, bleeding mouth
"I want to drink from you"
"You can drink from me"
Till the last drop of blood
If you want to enjoy this night
let me suck from your neck
The wolves will dance around you
Your orgasm in the Pentacle!!
3. Une Saison En Enfer
What are his nets and gins and traps; and how does he surround him?
with cold floods of abstraction and with forests of solitude
to build him castles and high spires.
Where kings and priests may dwell;
till she who burns with youth and no fixet lot is bound,
in a spell of law to one she loaths?
And must she drag the chain... of life in weary lust?
Must chilling murderous thoughts obscure the clear heaven of her eternal spring;
To bear to wintry rage of a harsh terror driv'n... to madness,
Bound to hold a rod over her shrinking shoulders all the day and all the night
to turn the wheel of false desire,
and longings death wake her womb
To the ahborred birth of cherubs in the human form
that live a pestilence an die a meteor and are no more;
till child dwell with one he hates, and do the deed he loathes.
And the impure scourge forge his seed into its unripe birth,
ere yet his eyelids can behold the arrows... of the day?
[Taken from "Visions", William Blake]
4. Dances With Satan
Dances with Satan into the Pentagram, drink the blood of virgins
Rape a nun on the altar, your mind out of control!
Enchanted from this macabre atmosphere
Body in the cell, mind in other dimension.
Dances with Satan
Dances with Satan in the burning church
Suck the essence of the black priest
Crucifice the priest, spit on his face, set on fire his body
Enchanted from this unholy visions.
Body in agony on the bed, pulsing brain!!
Dances with Satan
"Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,
Now are visions ne'er to vanish ;
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more, like dew-drop from the grass."
[Taken from "Spirit of the dead", E.A Poe]
Quis Furabit Librum Istum... Non Videbit Jesum Christum
Sed Descendent In Infernum... Ad Paenandum in Aeternum
In Societeate Diabularum... Per Infinita Saecolorum
Lucifer, Pape Satan, Pater Filius et Spiritus trinitas Universi
Rex Imperator, Des Infernorum
Ave Patri Nostri! Ave Satani!
5. Lilith's Child
You are the Lilith's child born by a sacrifice
Under a full moon... rites of black masses
The purity of the sin will show out
When the Antichrist's advent will be near
The mark of the Beast will be imprinted on us
Everyone will become its children in his kingdom of darkness
He will hammer the thorns of the crown in the skull of Christ
and the blood of God will come again and for the last time spilled
before falling in the domination of Lilith's child...
Caput mortum, signo Lilitu, impereti tibi, signo Lilitu !
Sanguis vita !
Sigillum Lilitu !
In nomine mater nostri Lilitu regina immortalis humana nocturna !
The wolves celebrate your birth! Rise from hell!!! Rise!
Slaughter of Christians, snatch their hearts
Burn their bodies on the crosses
Sodomize their brides! Impale the priests holocaust!
"Comme les anges à l'oeil fauve,
Je reviendrai dans ton alcôve
Et vers toi glisserai sans bruit
Avec les ombres de la nuit ;
Et je te donnerai
Des baisers froids comme la lune
Et des caresses de serpent
Autour d'une fosse rampant."
[Taken from "Le revenant", Charles Baudelaire]
You are the Lilith's child born by a sacrifice
Under a fullmoon, your revenge will be completed!
6. Pale Religious Letchery
[Words taken from "A song of liberty", William Blake]
Let the Priests of the Raven of dawn no longer in deadly black, with hoarse note, curse the sons of joy!
Nor his accepted brethren, whom, tyrant, he calls free: lay the bound or build the roof.
Nor pale religious Letchery call that virginity, that wishes but acts not!
7. Altar For The Black Mass
Black candles around the altar..
A naked virgin lying ready for the sacrificial ceremony
The black priest invokes the demoniacal entity
seize the chalice and drink the blood on the altar ready for the black mass
Red velvet on the altar
A naked virgin lying ready to give her soul to Satan
He feels Satan has arrived... He comes to take the soul of the virgin
The Black priest invokes the demoniacal entity
seize the knife and made himself a cut on the hand
and the virgin suck the wound
He feels Satan has arrived... He comes to take the soul of the virgin
Red velvet on the altar
A naked virgin lying ready to give her soul to Satan
He feels Satan has arrived... The body and the soul of the virgin for Satan
She will become his bride, she will become her daughter
She will become his sister on the altar !
8. Lunatic Asylum
I Have seen Satan and I have seen God
I'm closed in this cell from a long time
"If the Damnation is eternal !
A man that wants to mutilate himself is really damned, isn't true ?
I think to be in Hell, then I'm here !"
[Taken from "Une nuit en Enfer" (A night in Hell), Arthur Rimbaud]
"Helpless, naked, piping loud,
Like a fiend hid in a cloud.
Struggling in the nurse's hand
Striving against my swaddling bands,
Bound and weary !
In the secret shadow of his chamber: the youth shut up from
The lustful joy shall forget to generate and create an amorous image
In the shadows of his chamber and in the folds of his silent pillow.
Oh sweet goat, here I am, come and lick my white neck; let me pull your soft wool; let me kiss your soft face !"
[Taken from William Blake's poems]
I'm Satan ! I'm God !
I'm an angel ! I'm a vampire !
"Liber scriptus proferetur,
in quo totum continetur,
unde mundus judicetur.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
quidquid latet apparebit,
nil inultum remanebit."
[Taken from Mozart's Requiem]
9. Oath Of Supremacy
[Part 1:]
Under the shadow of the goat...I live !!!
We hate the holy things. We are bloody vampires...
in search of victims
We are like God... We are God!!!
[Part 2:]
Oh Horned God... Infernal Horde
Help us in our mission of blood
I'm eternal...king of destruction & misery
Blood shaded on your body
You feel a shiver of terror
in the desecrate church
Under the sing of Evil...he comes baptized
I baptize you in the name of Satan
"De causa peccati docent, quod, tametsi Deus creat et conservat naturam,
tamen causa peccati est volontas malorum, videlicet diaboli et impiorum, quae,
non adiuvante Deo, avertit se a Deo, sicut Christus ait Ioh,
cum loquitur mendacium, ex se ipso loquitur."
[Taken from "The confession of faith"]
Impure...forwarded on the world
to carry evil...spokesman of evil
and unholy glorification!!!!
Oath of supremacy
"In happy copulation,
Drawn the pleasures of this born joy.
The moment of desire ! The moment of desire !
The virgin that pines for man shall awaken her womb to enormous joy !"
On his stormy bed lay the faint maid, and soon her woes appall'd his thunders hoarse."
[Taken from "Visions", William Blake]
I want an unholy passion, an enchantment of blood !
10. Dominions
Power of the Dark. Age of eternal fear
We pray the moon and the dark lord...
Against the light, against the light
We are the sons of the dark we are the sons of an unknown mother
Revelation from the underground! Sensations of supreme pleasure!
Power of the dark, age of eternal pleasure
We pray his majesty the King Belial...
Oath of bloodblood for life
Believers of a pagan faith...We are the black heart of an ancient legion
I can all woman, flood me with your vaginal blood
wound in your dark mantel, suck my penis and immerse our body on
this bed of thorns that trasude blood.
Open your legs so that trees without branches can enter in the forest!
Power of the dark, age of eternal war we pray his majesty the king Lucifer
Oath of Blood Eternal life. Necromantical Love! BLOOD BATH!
Immolation of unholy bodies! Sacrifical Ceremony!
11. Les Litanies De Satan
[Words taken from Charles Baudelaire's poem, in the section "Révolte", and music of Beethoven]
O toi, le plus savant et le plus beau des Anges,
Dieu trahi par le sort et privé de louanges,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Ô Prince de l'exil, à qui l'on a fait du tort,
Et qui, vaincu, toujours te redresses plus fort,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui sais tout, grand roi des choses souterraines,
Guérisseur familier des angoisses humaines,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui, même aux lépreux, aux parias maudits,
Enseignes par l'amour le goût du Paradis.
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
O toi qui de la mort, ta vieille et forte amante,
Engendras l'Espérance, - une folle charmante!
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui fais au proscrit ce regard calme et haut
Qui damne tout un peuple autour d'un échafaud,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui sais en quels coins des terres envieuses
Le Dieu jaloux cacha les pierres précieuses,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi dont l'il clair connaît les profonds arsenaux
Où dort enseveli le peuple des métaux,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi dont la large main cache les précipices
Au somnambule errant au bord des édifices,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui, magiquement, assouplis les vieux os
De l'ivrogne attardé foulé par les chevaux,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui, pour consoler l'homme frêle qui souffre,
Nous appris à mêler le salpêtre et le soufre,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui poses ta marque, ô complice subtil,
Sur le front du Crésus impitoyable et vil,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Toi qui mets dans les yeux et dans le cur des filles
Le culte de la plaie et l'amour des guenilles,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Bâton des exilés, lampe des inventeurs,
Confesseur des pendus et des conspirateurs,
Ô Satan, prends pitié de ma longue misère !
Père adoptif de ceux qu'en sa noire colère
Du paradis terrestre a chassés Dieu le Père,
Gloire et louange à toi, Satan, dans les hauteurs
Du Ciel, où tu régnas, et dans les profondeurs
De l'Enfer, où, vaincu, tu rêves en silence!
Fais que mon âme un jour, sous l'Arbre de Science,
Près de toi se repose, à l'heure où sur ton front
Comme un Temple nouveau ses rameaux s'épandront!
Thanks to Ritualsilence for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to Damned for sending track #11 lyrics.
Thanks to Hystéria for correcting these lyrics.
Thanks to Mélancolia for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Thanks to Etherealoathes for correcting these lyrics.
Thanks to Damned for sending track #11 lyrics.
Thanks to Hystéria for correcting these lyrics.
Thanks to Mélancolia for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Thanks to Etherealoathes for correcting these lyrics.
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