Dark Lyrics


1. Anno Dracula

Here occurs the shocking and frightening history, of the one Prince Dracula:
"I impaled people most of them, boiled their heads in a kettle, I skinned them alive and hacked them to pieces then drank their blood..."
Yeah Dracul... The blood is the life...
[Inspired by the book "Die Geschichte Dracole Waide"]

2. Love Never Dies

[Written by Justine, but title and Romanian words are taken from "Dracula", the 1992 movie]

"Tu esti dragostea vietii mele."

I've been trying to see your face, I've been imaging your skin
I've been living for the day to kiss your beauty once again

A sudden vision in the night an empty shadow in the sky
You are my dream inside me eyes that hid the secret of delight

I glared at you in a gloomy day you walked silently in the wood
You were a solitary angel I kissed the sweet light of desire

(It was) the only time touched your skin (and) was with a bloody, eternal kiss
and time goes by, and so we died seeking for love is a blissful joy

Love Never Dies

We sacrificed our mortal lives in change we won eternal love
(but) we didn't know we had to pay everlasting pain for a drop of joy
Now we are shadows of blood seeking for place, seeking for love
Condemned to be separated forever, buried in the tomb of our own desire

The blame is to be forever alive, forever to seek for blood in the night
Forever alone with no light to rejoice for survival, and hunger we have no choice

A prison of dreams that never realizes the memory of her is my only solace.
I'll always love her, so pure full of grace, I'll always remember, I'll never forget

Love Never Dies

"Tu esti dragostea vietii mele."

3. Vampyrica (Theme For Vampyria)

This night I feel your breath
This night I hear your voice!!
When you walk my dark path, love like a bloodbath
Other vision, other eyes, a vampiric sado-enchantment
When you walk my dark path, love like a bloodbath
Other vision, other eyes, a vampiric sado-enchantment


Your pain, you don't want this
You want...you want another life
When you walk my dark path, love without hear
Other life, other power, a vampiric transmutation
When you walk my blood path, love like a bloodbath
When you walk my dark path, love without heart


4. Dances With Satan (Cut The Throat Version)

Dances with Satan into the pentagram, drink the blood of virgins
Rape a nun on the altar, your mine's out of control!!

Enchanted from this macabre atmosphere
Body...in the cell...mind...in other dimension

Dances with Satan in the burning church, suck the essence of the black priest
Crucify the priest, spit on his face, set on fire his body
Enchanted from this unholy visions, body in agony on the bed...pulsing brain!!

Dances with Satan

Laudate Deum Nostrum !

"Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,
Now are visions ne'er to vanish ;
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more, like dew-drop from the grass."
[Taken from "Spirit of the dead", E.A Poe]

Laudate Deum Nostrum !

Quis Farabit Librum Istum...Non Videbit Jesum Christum
Sed Descendt In Infernum...Ad Paenadum in Aeturnum
In Societate Diabularum...Per Infinita Saecolorum
Lucifer, Pape Satan, Pater Filius et Spiritus trinitas Universi
Rex Imperator, Deus Infernorum
Ave Patri Nostri! Ave Satani!

5. Blutdivine

Welcome in the abyss!!!
This is my realm...fucking souls of heaven
I'm in search for the Liar Christ
I want to drink his blood
I want to rape the virgin Mary and drink, and drink, and drink...
The Blutdivine!!!

Oh angel Lucifer...against the Christian plague we fight!
Welcome in my castle
This is my torture chamber
I'm waiting for you...
I want to whip you
And lick your wounds

"Per plegas Jesus Christi dominus custodiat hodie animam meam"

Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust

6. The Brides Of Dracula (Love Never Dies Reprise)


7. Dracole Waide

"Iohannis Dragulae immanis atque nefanda crudelitas eiusque
In regem Hungariae deprehensa perfidia et tandem captivitas..."
[from the book "Pius II : Commentaries", Pope Pius II]

"Rex tremandae maiestatis, qui salvandos salvas gratis, salva me, fons pietatis. "
[Taken from Mozart's Requiem]

"Hie facht sic hangar ein graussemliche erschröckenliche hystorien, von dem wilden wütrich Dracole wayde.
Wie er die leüt gespist hot epraten und mit den haübtern yn eine kessel gesotten.
Item er lies allen petlern ein gut mol geben.
Noch dem mol likes er sie in dem stadel dorynnen sy gessen hetten alle verbrennen.
Er meynt sy essen den luten das yr umb suns tab und kunden das nit verdienen."
[Taken from the book "Die Geschichte Dracole Waide"]

My hands cut off the heads and bring the law! My law!
Violence...this is the greatest freedom! Violence!
John the Baptist uses water to baptize...I will baptize you with BLOOD!

"Utrum tentare sit proprium diaboli!"

"Rex tremandae maiestatis, qui salvandos salvas gratis, salva me, fons pietatis."

"I am Dracula. And I bid you welcome to my house,
come in, the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest."
[Taken from "Dracula", Bram Stocker]

I will kill you in the name of my justice ! Only my justice !
Empty ! Desert ! An empty desert, a desert empty !
Diabolus, daemon, inimicus, tyrannus, spiritus fornicationis !
After me the devil will be named Dracul ! Dracul !

Hail Dracul! Rex Mortis! Imperator Mundi! Sic transit Gloria mundi!

I will kill you in the name of my justice! Only my justice!
Empty! Desert! An empty desert, a desert empty!
Diabolus, daemon, inimicus, tyrannus, spiritus fornicationis!
After me the devil will be named! Dracul! Dracul!

Thanks to slappyhappy6 for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to Hystéria for sending track #1 lyrics.
Thanks to Hystéria for correcting these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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