album: "Too Many Humans" (2010)
1. We Are Future Housing Developments For Maggots2. Too Many Humans
3. No One Would Notice If You Died
4. Do Not Defend Me
5. Quandary
6. Most Unclean
7. Overrated Existence
8. Televisionary (He Hung Himself In A Public Bathroom Part 1)
9. Water Cooler Suicide (He Hung Himself In A Public Bathroom Part 2)
1. We Are Future Housing Developments For Maggots
Bureaucracy – A democracy in an office. But I don’t remember electing the
bastard I work for. He just sucked cock all the way to the top. Come to think
of it then, I guess it really is exactly like our government. Look at this
world; we created order where their was emptiness rather than chaos. Fill out a
form, take a seat, and wait for your turn to die. Might as well just hang
yourself with red tape. You’ll just end up dying in the process of asking for
help, crushed in the gears of our shitty health system. None of this makes any
fucking sense. A society believing it’s own hype, built on borrowed power,
forever calculating nothing with exact precision. Think about it, if were at
the top of the food chain, since it’s a cycle, we’re also at the bottom. At
least a maggot eats and shits for a purpose and feeds the earth, we defecate in
porcelain sculptures and pretend it disappears when it’s flushed away. It’s a
good thing we die eventually or else it would be even harder to take any of
this seriously. And it’s only in death that we really find our place, where we
finally belong. Inner peace is nothing compared to having a purpose and a
reason: We are meat for maggots
2. Too Many Humans
Kill the children first! We won’t see a difference for a few years, but we’ll
eventually be able to have a seat in the subway. It’s the cause of each and
every problem in this world; over population. Infestation. Call it what you
will, in the end it all means the same thing; too many fucking humans. Never
again will I have to feel a stranger’s skin in contact with mine or have their
human stench lingering on my clothes. Drowning in their blood is a small price
to pay to avoid having to touch their flesh. Prove your worth and we’ll let you
live. Uselessness will no longer be rewarded by welfare checks, but rather with
a blast in the fucking head. And just like in China, we’ll make your family pay
for the bullet as well as the salary of the poor bastard who’s paid to drag
away your lifeless body. Sometimes I think communism had the right idea, it was
just implemented by underachievers. It’s the basis of our society, every man
was created equal: Worthless
3. No One Would Notice If You Died
[Based on actual events]
`Why don’t you smile?` she asked. `I’ll smile when you’re dead` I answered, and
I wasn’t lying either, the image of her head caved in from being repeatedly
slammed into the asphalt would of brought a huge grin to my face and give me
that look that people say I get when I just did something really fucking mean…
She leaned in closer, to my disgust. `And who the fuck do you think you are,
talking to me like that?` she drunkenly slurred, to which I deadpanned `Someone
who doesn’t suck cock for a living`. At that moment I thought to myself that no
one would ever notice if she died, this street walking whore obviously had no
family that cared about her, even her so-called ``clients`` wouldn’t miss her
as some younger, probably slightly-less disease ridden prostitute would take
her place within minutes. I wouldn’t even be the aggressor in this, she’s the
one who launched an all-out assault on all my senses, her putrid odor of stale
cigarettes and dried cum digging so far up my nostrils that I can taste it in
my mouth, something I could of went my whole life without experiencing, her
grating, nasal voice making the verbal diarrhea spewing from her probably most
prolific money-making orifices even more aggravating to match her nauseating,
unkempt appearance, yet she’d probably be even uglier had she showered in the
last month and let her ugliness be fully exposed from under the dirt and scum
she is now thankfully covered in… now this has to be considered self defense!
In degrading herself to the point of swallowing cum as a means for financial
survival, she has now become the perfect victim, to a point where it just
takes all the fun out of it
4. Do Not Defend Me
You don’t have to agree with anything I say. You have every right to hate me,
but for fuck’s sakes do not defend me. You do not know me, and most of these
songs are probably about people just like you. The last thing you ever want to
do is try to psychoanalyze me, it’s not because every action you ever committed
was a direct reaction to the fact that a family member touched you `down there
` when you were a kid that it’s the same for everyone, some of us actually
manage to get over our daddy issues instead of going through life as a
pathetic attention whore, and you can’t really blame your father, I wouldn’t of
hugged you either you fat, ugly bitch. I’m not putting up a front, and any
limits I impose upon myself are for your own safety, not mine. Don’t waste your
time telling me to be true to myself, because this is what I believe, and if we
were actually true to our inner-self we’d be slaves to our animal instincts and
all we’d ever do is eat, sleep and fuck. By your logic, the people who listen
most to the little voice inside their heads would be junkies, living only to
find their next fix, even if it means sucking some faggot’s cock. Is that
really who you want to use as a role model? It’s what you decide to do that
establishes who you are, and I’ve decided to be a miserable motherfucker here
to point out everything that’s wrong with everything and everyone, even though
I have no tangible solution to offer you… other than killing yourself that is,
you useless piece of shit. Inside this asshole shell I’ve created for
protection, is an even bigger asshole just wishing he could come out and kill
you. You’re the ones who need protecting, not me.
5. Quandary
I still remember when it started. How do we fall asleep? Unanswered it kept me
awake. Am I a series of reactions (A constant domino effect from the big bang/
nothing lost, nothing gained, everything changes) or have I been perverting my
essence since birth, with every action I regret? Is true self a labyrinthine
course towards my metaphoric heart or rather the whole of my destiny’s design?
Or is the whole of myself a quest to balance these states? Therefore I'd be a
quandary, a state of perplexity or doubt. But did an enigma lay dormant 'til
unearthed or did the question create the state? Crudely said: Is it my fault?
If the answer is that there is no answer and the question will not die what
then? How do they pass trough life with (or without) these questions? If it
would, at least, block my reasoning at myself: For if I do not understand my
mind, what is it worth trying to figure out the world? Why do I still try? And
finally I question the very basis of the crisis, is this a lucid state? And
what if it’s all genetic? Depression passed down, wires shorted out.
Pre-disposed to think? Pre-disposed to be sick? Seems like this is the deepest
it goes… my own body, which I cannot trust, so no reasoning is possible. I’m
forever blocked at my first step… and sometimes I think I’d rather stumble like
the blind. The final level of questioning, self-doubt leads to nihilism. No
knowledge will ever be gained. But with silence comes questions. Unanswered
they’ll keep me awake…
6. Most Unclean
[the continued story from Starving Your Apathy]
Yeah those were the days, but I’ve changed my ways since then, I have found faith
But you, you’re all the same, all dripping wet with sin…
I watch you sleep, you seem at peace, you’re pretty lips are even smilin’
Why does the fact that you're a whore hurt me more than it hurts you?
This is going to hurt us both but we’ll be closer because of what we’ve gone through
You're just like that original bitch, what could one little apple hurt, right?
Keep talking, with every step your just walking towards the light.
What exactly got into you're fucking head to make you expect a fair deal ‘cause it’s a lie
The only god-given birth right you have is your right to fucking die,
Of course this existence follows a grand design,
But what makes you think He owes you any answers?
This world owes you nothing bitch!
He gave you life, gave you flesh and gave you the freewill to fuck it up as you wish
I've bled for your sins, now it's time for you to bleed from mine…
…it’s time for you to get your first taste of the divine
The backlash from the snapping of you're neck almost sprained my wrist
Where are your smart ass comebacks now? One day this world will be clean
Look at you, regurgitating bile on yourself, you even fail at vomiting
Tainted from birth because you're parents felt they we're above an immaculate conception
Couldn’t your whore of a mom do it the old fashioned way;
Getting impregnated by a fucked up angel with a virgin fetish?
You dumb slut you damned us all,
Couldn’t you keep your legs together to save us form the hell of your gaping cunt?
I know the blood is on my hands, but I'm not the one to blame anymore
I'm just doing God’s work... it ain't my fault the good Lord hates whores
7. Overrated Existence
Apathy is divine. The day I stopped caring I became god and this world’s
secrets opened themselves up to me. ``Why are we here?`` Well, where the fuck
else would you be you dumb motherfucker? If their was a God, do you really
think he’d give a fuck about you? You’d just be like a useless little ant to
him. Life exists because the only alternative is absolutely fucking nothing,
and if you were nothing you couldn’t really realize it now could you? Not that
you’ve really amounted to anything. Pop out a couple of kids to gain a false
sense of immortality like you were programmed to and move the fuck on. We blind
ourselves to what is truly going on here because we can’t accept it’s immense
simplicity. Life is not a miracle, it’s a daily occurrence. The only
astonishing facet of it is the astonishing amount of bullshit we feed ourselves
to make it seem so much more grand, so much more epic. You are who you are
because you had to be someone, and it just happened to fall on the ugly prick
known as you, the randomness of it all is cheapened by the fact that it happens
a thousand times every fucking day. I know what they say, every snowflake is
completely unique… but once it falls on the ground it’s just fucking snow, and
you’re flesh and bones, just fucking human like everyone else. So find yourself
a reason to live, just remember that beyond the confines of your mind, that
reason is without value. If it keeps you motivated to go on, good, but be
honest with yourself about what you are truly doing: you’re just finding a way
to pass the time ‘til you die.
8. Televisionary (He Hung Himself In A Public Bathroom Part 1)
`He was discovered early this morning by former co-workers in a public
bathroom at his former workplace. It was revealed by the police that he had
been there since Thursday evening. It is presumed that he choose that date
because of the extended weekend to provide an extra day of decaying before he
would be discovered. The body was found naked, with all major arteries slashed
and as is the case with most hangings, both the body’s bowels and blather gave
out. It was revealed through forensics that he was also covered in vomit,
caused by having swallowed rotten milk presumably on purpose, and semen from
having masturbated one last time before using the blade to mutilate his
genitals and along with his whole body to cause as much blood as possible to
come out. One can safely assume that he wanted to be found covered in as many
vital fluids as possible when he would be discovered. Co-workers described the
sight, and especially the smell, to be intolerable and are noted as being in
need of immediate psychiatric help as a result of making this gruesome
discovery and were all sent home from work to try and recover…`
9. Water Cooler Suicide (He Hung Himself In A Public Bathroom Part 2)
That’s how I want it to end. A footnote on the back of a crappy newspaper, a
short report by some faggot with a bad comb over on the morning news. Something
everyone would discuss that day at work and start their day off thinking about
the uselessness of their own existence. A real water cooler suicide. If you
want to be remembered, you have to go out with a bang, people judge a story
solely on it’s ending. You have to give them what they want, blood, sex and
controversy. The more embarrassing the better! Most people can’t remember the
singer from INXS’ name, but we all know he was found in a hotel room hanging
from his own belt with his limp dick in hand as a result of an over zealous
game of autoerotic asphyxiation. If he only managed to cum a bit faster, he
might still be alive and we’d probably all have forgotten about him by now. He
has attained the status of a legend through one final, disgusting,
self-gratifying, quasi-suicidal, carnal act. It doesn’t matter what you
accomplish in life, as long as you give them something to talk about when you
die. I want to be remembered for one single stupidity I committed, and
completely forgotten for who I really was.
Thanks to grimthumb for sending these lyrics.
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