album: "Tetragrammaton" (2013)
1. Gods Amongst Insects2. H.W.A. (Human Wave Attack)
3. Drugs, Thugs & Machetes
4. Todesnacht Von Stammheim
5. S.A.D.M. (Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal)
6. Qasr Al-Nihaya
7. Aslimu!!! - All Slain Those Who Bring Down Our Highly Respected Symbols To The Lower Status Of The Barren Earth
1. Gods Amongst Insects
Can it be a peace between us?
Peace? No peace.
I swear to spill the blood of Unicron
The devourer of worlds
I wear dark energon as a garland
Possessed of all sparks of greatness
There is nothing apart from me
There is nothing other than me
Whatever there is, is me
There is nothing, which is not me
There is no time, which is not me
To be aware of this is to be aware of me
Inferior fleshlings lay before me as barely breathing hunks of meat,
With the blood of Unicron in my veins I reign like a god
A dog amongst insects
I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a god
No peace
No peace
When it came, suns turned black and stars wiped out the sky
Solar harvester, slumbering titan
Even in death, there is no command but mine
No peace
No peace
When it came, suns turned black and stars wiped out the sky
In tobacco light, stumbling figures die
White vapour rode on the winds of annihilation
A thickening darkness which burned the tissues of the eyes
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Gagging to breathe drew us further into suffocation
I have existed from the morning of the universe
And I shall exist until the last star falls from the night
My ultimate peace would be granted by the destruction of all life, stars and nebulae
Leaving only nothingness and void
Although I have taken the form of this machine
I am all men as I am no man
And therefore
I am a god
I awoke from stasis
Once we were gods
Dogs amongst insects
Even in death there is no command but mine
Your race is of no consequence
Kill them all
2. H.W.A. (Human Wave Attack)
Standing proud in endless rows of volunteers
Craving for the glory of a Basij martyr
They are in for the kill for the prophet and Allah
Fueled by the hatred of the ayatollahs
Marching in straight lines to exalted battlefields
Where morbid clergy urge to colossal casualties
Sculptured hordes unleashed from the blackest madrassas
Fueled by the hatred of the ayatollahs
The scenery of corpses quenched the rushing adrenaline
A Pasdaran suicide mass wiped away by Iraqi killing spree
Devout mothers arrived in droves to serve their sons to God
Revenge the death of our beloved Hussein
And fiercely strike down the progeny of Yazid!
Hold the line
Human detonators
Religiously inspired and highly motivated
Craving for glory
Longing for death
Readiness for martyrdom results in massive slaughter
For those cowards whose courage still waned in the face of death
Shalt seek comfort in sacred defense through a Human Wave Attack
Our death is no death
But merely the transition
To the world where we live on forever and in splendour
Against the Yazid of our time
A new Karbala awaits us, ready for refinement
Life is worthless
In this cult of self-destruction
And death is the beginning of genuine existence
Twelfth Imam,
We are waiting for you
Emerge from occultation and lead us into battle
For those whose courage still waned in the face of death
Shalt seek solace in sacred defense through a Human Wave Attack
Devout mothers arrived in droves to serve their sons to God
Khomeini preaches death and fuels the fire for the next Human Wave Attack
Standing proud in endless rows of volunteers
Craving for the glory of a Basij martyr
They are in for the kill for the prophet and Allah
Killed by the hatred of the ayatollahs
God wants you dead
3. Drugs, Thugs & Machetes
Black power, Hutu power
Powerless filthy beasts
Cockroaches, murderers!
Pure Blood Traitors
Judas of our kind
Gash the Inyenzi
Let us squash their infestation
Black power, Hutu power
Powerless filthy beasts
Cockroaches, murderers!
Cleanse the sacred Hutu land from traitors and invaders
Anyone whose neck you do not cut is the one who will cut your neck
Wretched Machetes
Anyone whose neck you do not cut is the one who wields the machete
Wretched Machetes
Black power, Voodoo power
Black power, Tutsis cower
Powerless filthy beasts
Collaborating Tutsi scum
Black power, killing hour
Powerless filthy beasts
Collaborating Tutsi scum
Interahamwe, we kill them all!
The job must be done, 800,000 dead
Their treachery and wickedness defile our country's history
Cleanse the sacred Hutu land of traitors and invaders
We will have war with the Tutsis from generation to generation
We will utterly blot out the memory of the Tutsi tribe from under heaven
They will face total destruction
We will utterly blot out the memory of the Tutsi tribe from under heaven
Black power, Hutu power
A cockroach brings forth a cockroach
Remember what the Inyenzi did to you
You must not forget what they forced you to do
A cockroach brings forth a cockroach
Their race is of no consequence and willing to die
The cockroach cannot bring forth a butterfly
Pure Blood Traitor
Guardians of the Hutu land
We cut "the high trees" with machetes
As was ordered by the Ten Commandments of the Bahutu
Pure Blood Traitor
4. Todesnacht Von Stammheim
Wir sind die Waffe Mensch
Der Kampf geht weiter schwer und ohne Ende
Der Deautsche Herbst fangt an
In schwarzer Atmosphäre und extreme Gewalt
Wir sind die Waffe Mensch
Kommandomitglieder, der Kampf geht weiter
Die Schwein Armeen sind im Anmarsch
Darum marschiert die RAF nicht ab
Du hast es nicht gewusst!
Ihr sagt ich habe es nicht gewußt!
Du hast es nicht gewusst!
Ihr sagt ich habe es nicht gewußt!
Wir sind die Waffe Mensch
Das letzte Bollwerk gegen das Vierte Reich
Der Hungertod tritt sofort ein
Rammt den Schlauch mit Gewalt in die Speiseröhre!
Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!
Der Hungertod tritt sofort ein
Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!
So macht Kommunismus Spaß!
Erblickt die Waffe Mensch
Die Körper sind die Waffen
Entfu-hrung und Ermordung
Jaaa! Alles ist erlaubt!
"Nie zuvor in der Geschichte des kriegerischen Konflikts verdakten so viele so wenigen so viel"
[Winston Churchill]
Wir verstehen nur Gewalt!
Gewalt, Gewalt, extremer Gewalt
Wir verstehen nur Gewalt!
Gewalt so macht Kommunismus spass
Ho-Chi Min
[We are brutal with ourselves..., and one of the consequences this could have is that we will be equally brutal and cold with everyone else. Perhaps that's exactly what I've been missing... A stroke of a sword, a well-aimed bullet must be less than what I feel when I think of being near you."
-- Gudrun Ensslin, showing the true face of Communism]
5. S.A.D.M. (Svpreme Avantgarde Death Metal)
"So The Monolith Deathcult spake,
Leader of those Armies bright,
Their mighty Statures; on each hand the flames
Driven backward slope their metal spires.
...Farewell happy Fields, Where Joy for ever dwells:
Receive thy new Possessors: Those who bring The Deathcult, not to be changed by Place or Time.
The Deathcult is its own place, and in itself can make a Hell of Heaven, a Heaven of Hell."
We are the vile assault of the Ancients' inheritance
Adorned with gargantuan pinnacles of human genius
Soporific mediocrity hath reigned this world for ages
Pyrrhic victories lead to mass self-congratulation
Unnumbered hollow claims steeped in deep inanity
Teeth were gnashed in anticipation of this atrocity
Our confidence and mockery lead to hysteria
As it suffers another day of us not having disbanded and died yet
Heretic malicious tongues doubt our assumptions as saviors
Branded by envious claims, downtrodden, raising hell
The uncouth four-letter expletive banned by Inquisitions
Depraved sinister Death cults wailing hymns of tribulation
Infidels whipped and flogged fierce with harsh pomposity
Free faculty of the sword against the Deathcult enemies
Stalin organs, sonic booms and mammoth orchestral stabs
The Old Continent is on the brink of a total collapse
Forthwith upright they rear from off the Pool
For what celestial light? Hail horrors, hail
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence
The superior Deathcult
Was moving toward the shore; their ponderous shield
Ethereal temper, massy, large and round,
Hung on their shoulders like the Moon
Forthwith upright they rear from off the Pool
Their mighty Statures; hail horrors, hail
Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; aid the Winds,
And leave a singed bottom all involved
With stench and smoke.
So The Monolith Deathcult spake,
Leader of those massive Armies bright
Eternal glory, massy, large and round,
Hung on their shoulders like the Moon
Like a fishbone in your throat
Come upon you as foretold
Chaos bringers, debauched and cruel
Shall weigh your gods and you
LIke a fishbone in your throat
Charlatans start smelling rat
Bedazzled crowds thrilled to consume
Shall weigh your gods and you
"Before time began, there was...the Cult.
We don't know where it comes from,
Only that it holds the power to create genius art.
That is how this scourge was born,
They ravaged the Steel until it was consumed by death."
Supreme Avant Garde Deathmetal
We are the vile assault of the Ancients' inheritance
Adorned with gargantuan pinnacles of human genius
Soporific mediocrity hath reigned this world for ages
Pyrrhic victories lead to mass self-flagellation
Fatal dumb ugliness sometimes has depths of expression
A pastiche of left-wing cant with fawning references
400 years after the abominable slave trade the Dutch have finally found
Another way to push another atrocity unto mankind
6. Qasr Al-Nihaya
Uday Saddam Abu Sarhan
A glassy-eyed giggling moron
Inbred "bull of the Sun"
Demands the Crown of An
Uday-Saddam Abu Sarhan
Sicker than a psychopath
Torturing athletes who failed to win
Behold the nation's greatest hate
Ready to kill and lacerate
Be my brother
Be my friend
Be my brother
Be my serf
Are you ready to die
It is time to enslave
Under the violent sun
You smell the stench of the graves
The Dobermans wait,
They hunt you down
When the slaughter is done
They lick the blood off the ground
The Iraqi media Czar
Outcome of inbred
Always in for the kill
Behold the nameless death
Dumped as a tongueless corpse
You will rot in the sand
And the wrath of the Ba'ath
Was upon you again
Brutal plastic surgery
Ankle-deep in hell I am
"I want you to be me
Everywhere, always"
Be my brother
Be my friend
Be my brother
Be my serf
Be my brother
Be my friend
Be my brother
Be my serf
Be my Fidai
Be Uday
Be my Fidai
Be my slave
7. Aslimu!!! - All Slain Those Who Bring Down Our Highly Respected Symbols To The Lower Status Of The Barren Earth
As a flaming fury we came
The Black Bannered army from Khurasan
Possessed by the ancient scripts of Qutb
We murmur the black speech of Mecca
Unexpectedly we strike
Sworn foes must be destroyed
We vent our Jihad against the infidel crowds
Their shame will be immense
They hath denied the divine pulpit
And the Prophet’s writing which they shredded
Bestow Your curses on them
Send such a harsh chastisement upon them,
Make them abide in Saqar forever
Fill hell with all of them
The Tryambakam smashed down on those
Who are doomed to slaughter in the Gateway of the Guru
We antagonize the Sphinx
The Great Death-Conquering mantra
Tried to exterminate us
And failed…
We are angered!
Chastisement must be brought down on those who opened the portals
To Jahiliyya
Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud,
Jaysh Mohammed saya’ud
Remember Khaybar
I call upon thee o House of war
Awake from thy slumbering State of Jihad
Stateless and exiled I lie in wait
To avenge the blasphemies uttered from their mouths
Their shame will be immense
They hath denied the divine pulpit
And the Prophet’s writing which they shredded
They brought back the shameful hapless days of pagan ignorance
When infidel army boots blasphemed our most sacred shrines
They have invited the Kafir swarms
Those who brought down our highly respected symbols to the lower status of the barren earth
We are angered!
Chastisement must be brought on those
Who opened the portals to Jahiliyya
Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud
Jaysh Mohammed saya’ud
A murderous fury rains down on those
We have chosen to slay in the Temple of Hatshepsut
We antagonize the Sphinx
The wicked eye of Cairo tried to exterminate us
And failed…
Wherever you are
Death will find you
Wherever you are
Death will find you
We shall not escape from the tomb of our brothers
Somber comfort replaces sanguine wrath
With martyrdom appearing on the event horizon
We throw ourselves to destruction
Wherever you are
Death will find you
Even in your Looming Towers
Sjoerd Visch ‒ Drums
Michiel Dekker ‒ Guitars, Vocals
Carsten Altena ‒ Keyboards, Samples
Robin Kok ‒ Vocals, Bass
Ivo Hilgenkamp ‒ Guitars
Michiel Dekker ‒ Guitars, Vocals
Carsten Altena ‒ Keyboards, Samples
Robin Kok ‒ Vocals, Bass
Ivo Hilgenkamp ‒ Guitars
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.