Dark Lyrics


1. Turn From Heaven

[Female citizens:]
Birth of the sun
And all therein has been reclaimed

[Male citizens:]
We're all as one

[Female and male citizens:]
Turn from heaven
Turn from heaven

2. Where Will You Go?

Woe to you, earth and sea
Who may hold the lock and key?
Lift from me infant smiles
Chase the sleep from my newborn eyes

[Parish members:]
Eyes with the light of true disciples
Turn to behold your new way
Where will you go, beloved brother
Into the judgement day?

Lamb of God, names divine
Rise but soon shall decline
Stars of old raise their spears
Crack my shield, pierce my tears

[Parish members:]
Dark is the night that leads from heaven
Floating on light - a true hell
Hear, can you hear a choir of angels
Bid you a last farewell

3. Through Dust Through Rain

Dear child of mine, pain turns to destiny...
Down from the mountains, in the form of a rose
The thunder of oceans shall bring forth the ghost
Of an infinite star that will rest in my tree
Like the full moon of night
Descending like me
Such is my journey
No matter where my spirit shall travel
You will be there...

Winter sheds its grief in snow
Summer weeps
It must be so
Thus let thee live
Unseen, unknown
Light is the body and no more than a shell
Releasing our spirits to heaven or hell
While embracing my love to let go of your hand
And to reach for a kingdom forgotten by man
Forgive my sister, she would not come
This travel, she said, you must do alone...

Bring to heart Johanna's name
Through my blood you share the same
To hold, to keep through dust, through rain

Say you knew
Yes only you could grow the seeds of time
Run and flow through silver snow
Of mountains spring must climb
From this hill, to waters still
My heart will guide your way
Love and wrath, my epitaph before your name I lay

4. Signs Are Here

In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust
Watching the sign of the Capricorn
Daughters and sons of Adam
Darkness, Johanna
No longer sworn to cross the path of heaven

Enter night, enter night fallen angel Satan
Praised Master Jesus, enter thy dawn

I am
...still your Johanna

Stand, dearest Agnes by my side
And Mare join her in the light
Come, let our prayer rise and shine
The flame of holy war ignite

Jesus, save us, children of God!

Signs are here to tell of Antichrist

Jesus, save us, children of God!

Stars align to form the end of time

Two paths diverge in time
Choose the one light travels by

Free thy soul and unchain thy heart
Free thy soul and unchain thy heart
In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust
In the grace of God we trust

5. Never Again

Leader of all, elected I am by you, people
Leader of all, this I have risen to be, people

Ever, ever my friends, we stand together
Never, never again to fall from heaven

Leader of all that is me
Leader of all the U.S.E.

People - we are as one, heading for glory
People sing to the dawn, sing to the morning
Ever, ever my friends, we stand together
Never, never again to fall from heaven
People - we are as one, heading for glory
People sing to the dawn, sing to the morning

6. Bring Her Home

Hear my prayer, thee almighty God
For my mother - bring her home
Like an angel heaven-bound
So that she may find thy side

Don't sound so sad my child
No sorrow will prevail
Sophia knows every word
Be sure of this my child
I have to leave you now
No wish will be left unheard

What of darkness, Nazarene
Did it haunt your heart?

Who may he be?
Hope in doubt and fear
Golden atmosphere
And a cry so divine

I am the real Messiah, born where Christ did fall
Soon bringing eyes to the blind
Humanity refined, I will unite them all
Become to the truth for all mankind

Sister of mine - prophets may be false
Beware what you hear and see
Tolling bells I find no singing in the chimes

Join me sister as I pray:
Hear my prayer thee almighty God
For our mother - bring her home

7. The Solid Black Beyond

I am climbing and searching for the words of truth
'Cause I don't know what to say
Where are you - the new tomorrow
Deep in the maze of yesterday?

My starless night may never come to fruit
I will not kneel or plead forgiveness
You turn away, gone from my heart
So - why God, should you pity me my lord
As I'm bound for darkness
You're not risen from your grave
The solid black beyond
To go where light cannot
Nazarene, that shall be my fate

I am your father and you are my beloved son
Why do you seek the other one?
The crucified one?
He's not you
Receive my power; I ask nothing in return

My lord - I will open up the gate
I'm the one and only now who can save us
I come in my father's name for peace

8. The Crowning Of Splendour

Resolve and descent

On your tongue - taste starless passion
May its nectar flow through the heart of mankind
Path of reason will take you away
Shine on my son and glow just like an ember

I fall into night
I turn in a spiral
And still in my eyes - the crowning of splendour

[Seth & Satan:]
Words inflaming seeds of power
Build a temple to the dawn of man

9. Morning Has Broken

Wisdom of insight in bloom I thought I knew
And still these pages portray it is not true
The fruit of Eden grows ripe between my hands
New age of mankind born within this man

What troubles you my love?
Why are you not with me?
The dawn is soon to come
Please tell me what you see
Will we still make patterns leading to heaven's gate?

Oh these words fly, roaming the old sky
And search high through the speechless clouds
They cross the oceans where knowledge roams the waters
Their echoes guide us to sail the hunger we long to feel
Visions of shadows, the past drowns in the dark
I hope to be there when light fulfill its spark
The tales of future shall hope soon provide
Only the truth in his words shall purify

Our leader still you are, through the heavens dreams soon shall be carried far across the world again
And my heart will stay closer to the pain

Dearest, now hear me, you do not understand
Voices already sing throughout the land
Join me in silence and listen to the wind
In the break of dawn this morning it will begin

Morning has broken
A new day has begun

10. Garden Of Peace

Greet the sun, bright and beautiful
What better day to be king?

Such it may be - dawning of Eden
I'm here to answer its call
But in darkness I tremble in fear of tomorrow
Fate - let me go, let me fall

In the garden of peace, beneath ancient trees
Here is a wisdom

I wish for you to share with me

Deep in the slumber of answers to be

Sir, behold garden of delight

Yes I have heard of your art

Such is my life, simple but always true
I wish to share this with you

When in darkness I tremble in fear of tomorrow
I will remember this day

Open your heart

For to drown in silent rivers cold
Means that we are soon floating
On the green - forever we behold - surface

Of dreams

In the garden of peace
We'll lay down our deeds to make them blossom unseen
To make them blossom like dreams


Deep in the slumber of answers to be our dreams

11. Our Destiny

Buried under veils of failure from the past
Dreams are fading slowly on the ground
We search for the seeds of pride
That once used to flourish inside

People hear me - our destiny
It used to be the ghost of mirrors
Our destiny, today we see reborn amongst us
Nothing reaches heaven but the human soul
Every earthly kingdom has to fall
We stand on our own with time
Still bound for the eternal tide

People join me - our destiny
Now rest with thee, rejoice together
Our destiny shall never fail to shine forever
Now rest with thee, our destiny

12. Anthem

Blessed now be all friends in faith
Placing trust deep where future burns
Peace is rising from this day on
So will all of us return

For where mornings used to bring no hope
A new form of light shall reign
The source of this left a spark in my heart
Glowing to form a tone of ending pain
Out of the darkness to rise side by side
Let's join forever to the sound of pride

We will follow you Caesar Seth
You are sacred, from heaven sent
Nevermore shall we turn and flee
Truth in us shall fight for thee
In the future we will leave behind
Ceasing things we cannot find
Deep in our minds we will place hand on heart
Calling on angels you keep from the dark
Follow your light will we all, Caesar Seth
Until our savior brings the end

[Female voter:]
Trace the bloodline of ancient kings
It will tell us what future brings

[Male voter:]
Hope of lanterns within our souls
Will soon be glowing to behold

Lead lost ages to your open hand
They will fall into your heart again

Tomorrow we'll forge no chains for ourselves
Of peace and plenty we will live to tell
Our names take flight and this day will live on
Wingless its riding circles of the sun

13. The Palace Ball

Light of moon is falling through the evening curtains
Glittering when finding jewels, gold and all
Strolling in excesses, fancy suits and dresses
Raising our glasses to the palace ball

Follow me Johanna
Join me in a toast

Not so fast, Helena
Where is our host?

Over there, I see him
Elegance and pride

Let us go to greet him
Look into his eyes

Enchanting, yes it is to meet Madame again
Allow me now to kiss your tender little hand

Such an honor, Caesar, to kneel here at your feet
Next to me, my sister, I wish for you to meet

This must be Johanna
Your eyes do mine entrance
May I have the pleasure to offer you a dance?

Like wings you cross the air of our tune
As night birds do when tides obey the moon

Deeper is your soul than a waterfall
Drowning in your memory of God

To dance among the somber shadows
Pain shall be the drying sun of every rain

What have you to show?
Powers from below
Powers that are dangling from a string

Light and darkness are the chords we play
Two melodies will find a common way

Listen I will not to this evil plot, Caesar
So I thank you for this dance

Light of moon is falling through the evening curtains
Glittering when finding jewels, gold and all
The silence is unbroken, a million words unspoken
By sleeping ghosts awoken at the palace ball

14. Jewels From Afar

Lovely is this night

Evening falls - nothing I do behold

Moments of childhood days come back
A few precious seconds I fly out
Shining beyond the moon, my beloved star always inviting me, born of secrecy - my morning star
Dear Majesty, oh please look at me

Speak the truth, my dear
From where come the tears?

Your soul I hear
It sings in silence, utterly alone

Riddles in your eyes, jewels from afar
Tell the evening sky who we really are

Dear Majesty, do not plague yourself
Do not turn your mind to the dark
Silence speaks to us, so sush
Let it be

Angel of my dawn, take me by the hand
And your morning star will arise again

15. Hail Caesar

Oh thee, Caesar Seth, mightiest of men, the chosen one
Light us, Caesar Seth, by your hand, the flame of liberty
Fly us, Caesar Seth, over distant land and over sea
Light us, Caesar Seth, by your hand, the flame of liberty

People, I serve you for one and for all
By the devotion and hope in my heart
Yes I will bring paradise on earth
Empty of sin, proud to burn

Caesar Seth, 'til the end and beyond do us defend
Beautiful will your art shape our world to whom you are

See, joy that thrives

He seems but harmless, so mild yet so strong
Upwards to heaven he will carry us

Don't be misled, his angel eyes are dark
Hear what I say
He is false

Caesar Seth, 'til the end and beyond do us defend
Beautiful will your art shape our world to whom you are

Greet Helena, love of mine and remember this:
Never any sweeter lips could I kiss

Hail to our Caesar, his beloved wife
And all true believers passing through time
Hail the new born season, all we do behold
Mark the age of reason prophets foretold

16. What Is Wrong?

Johanna, you do not seem to rejoice
Please tell us what is wrong

Helena seems to be happy now

This was predestined, sisters
She would find his soul
Our war for salvation must go on

17. Nothing But My Name

Powerful in mind and soul
Yet little I know of when to reach for the gold
And when to let it go

Through the darkness I did fall
Through the darkness I will rise
But who am I?

Trapped somehow in the silence deep - domain of myself
To my shadow I am calling
Is there anybody there?

Through the darkness I did fall
Through the darkness I will rise
But who am I?
Bearing nothing but my name, every mystery remains in the one face that sees me cry

18. The Arrival Of Apollonius

Hear me now
Greet the one approaching you
One man so amazing from the dawn of time
Master of the eastern light

Wisdom from afar
Answering the stars
Guiding to embrace
Every human eye collecting secret wonders from grace

Tell us more

He is the answer

To our restless minds
Gazing through the blindfolded eyes of pride

Sorcerer of dreams
Bringing magic
Sailing on the seas deep to purify all that we have seen with rivers between

Sorcerer we find thee beautiful and mighty
Serpent of temptation, what will your creation be?
Foreign is your flower in our sleeping garden
Sparkling from the diamonds we can't see

And never so strong we admire, envy who you are
Immensely your strength and pride

Mighty one, come to me
Might one mine shall be now

[All citizens:]
Marching into heaven through the use of magic
Meeting our savior
Has he maybe sent for him?
Everything will silence in the final moment
Ready to behold him and to dream

Soon awaken and then we will...

Carry home colors from the sun

Eyes in shadows, sleeping has still...

...come to pass, dreaming has begun
Great shining star!

In the sky bright you are

[All citizens:]
Everything changes and flows
Magical man, we are part of your plan
And shall be flowing again

19. Pledging Loyalty

Born beneath the eastern sun, river nymph conceived me
God Surya, hear thy son, as I call to greet thee
Let me introduce myself:
I am Apollonius

Raise your people, raise them high
Slowly they are falling into boredom
Hear them cry, silently they're calling
Caesar, I am here for thee, pledging you my loyalty
I am Apollonius - insincere and devious
Showing who I am

[People at the palace:]
Truly unbelievable
And so inconceivable
Insincere and devious

Join me, Apollonius
Everyone will follow on our path
When both of us reach a new tomorrow

[Seth & Apollonius:]
You and I will be as one
Brothers on the human throne

20. Night Reborn

Here I am
Night reborn
Bridges burn
I am yours

Magic bring to us Apollonius
Hail Apollonius
Turn darkness into reason,
You will show again age of the past
To follow you like dreamers true
Life and death will do.

Eastern light magical
Watch it rise heavens fall
Black and white shall entwine
Come the dawn
Evening sky.

21. Dagger Of God

Behold this dagger
Dagger of God, wrapped in this cloth
Purpose it has only but one

Unveil the prophecies and what this blade must do
So much I've heard
Tell me if it is true

Dagger of God has come to me
The Antichrist - my nemesis
Dagger of God - do touch the blade
We all must be ready and brave

Nothing but this can kill, conquer the evil one
Oh Lord tell me, what will of this become?
Blessed be this dagger, this dagger of God

22. Temple Of New Jerusalem

Listen now thee:
Caesar to me
Christians are speaking of pain
Open shall I
The gate beyond high to the astral domain

Gates must not be opened
Nothing but the flow
is for us to follow
hear me now
There used to be a temple
in Jerusalem
that shall reach the heavens
once again

Palace dreams of ancient might
Bring the past trough time to the light

Let's build a temple!
Caesar, we hear
Let's build it now

Let's build a temple!
Future and past
Unite the world

Congress of the truth
Within the temple walls
One day soon shall triumph
Holy, Holy majesty

Palace dreams of ancient might
Bring the past trough time to the light

Let's build a temple!
Caesar, we hear
Let's build it now

Let's build a temple!
Future and past
Unite the world

Rise through time
The given sign
Always to remember thee divine

We all hail
May it prevail
Temple of new Jerusalem

23. The Lions Roar

[Building master:]
Towers that shall tremble not
Will reach for heaven's hall
And shall strike a chord within us
Mighty calls that winds forgot
Are the grace that's standing tall
In the palace high for Caesar Seth

Listen to the roaring voice, the sound of truth and stone
When the sun comes up from another side of the moon
We are building hope for a future world
A temple full of stairs to a golden door where the lion's roar fills the air

[Building master:]
Gilded stars bid lovers wait
Tomorrow they shall see what the shadows dark will bring us
Glowing walls restoring faith
All of which he's wisely sown
And that safely he may call his own

Listen to the roaring voice, the sound of truth and stone
When the sun comes up from another side of the moon
We are building hope for a future world
A temple full of stairs to a golden door where the lion's roar fills the air

Raising high
Raising high
Raising high
Raising high - future tolling
Raising high - angels calling
Raising high - palace of dreams

24. Bringing The Gospel

Gratias agimus
deus meus
gloria, gloria
ave, ave

Evangelists arriving,
the Catholics, their words,
and Orthodox from all the world.

With pride we bring the gospel
in hordes of mortal men –
the pride to crown Jerusalem.

Future gates will set us free.
Dawn will bring us hope.
Future gates will set us free.
Caesar, we believe in thee.

This day we enter congress,
oh Lord we build our hearts
a vessel made to keep thy art.

The dreams that were forgotten,
the thousand lights of man
to minds from heaven shall ascend.

Gratias agimus
deus meus
gloria, gloria
ave, ave

Together love has taught us –
if nothing life avails,
a heart of God can never fail.

We march through time with Jesus,
our days and nights dissolve
in light that soon will conquer all.

Future gates will set us free.
Dawn will bring us hope.
Future gates will set us free.
Caesar, we believe in thee.

Gratias agimus
deus meus
gloria, gloria
ave, ave

25. Laudate Dominum

Laudate Dominum
Laudate Dominum
Laudate Dominum
Laudate Dominum

Children, our mighty God
Greet you this day as one
Please enter this holy temple
And bow before the throne

Brothers and sisters true, proudly we welcome you

Brothers, sisters, rise together and praise our Emperor!

[Seth & Apollonius:]
History plagued by warfare
Every bond cut by blood
Starvation, death filled our eyes
All with rain, poisoned pain
Bombs and faith brought destruction
Famine, grief
Shattered dreams
Never forget our past - souls and hearts torn apart

Child, be remembered, who suffered and died
Close to the heartbeat of another

Oh how I feel the pain
I share but every tear

[Seth & Apollonius:]
Let us rejoice to heaven
Let us rejoice together
Let us rejoice forever

I made this world a better place
No more injustice slips through grace

Endless prosperity
Peaceful humanity

The greatest man to reign the earth...

Is Seth, our Emperor
Endless prosperity
Peaceful humanity
So rise up now and sing of praise to our Emperor

26. Remaining Silent

Dubious thunder, Lord, creates thy sword

I tell you all this simple thing - winter changes to spring
Join me here upon the stage if you do recognize my soul
Join me as my warm embrace bid you welcome all

[Pope Peter II:]
So much that you have done - it's true, but still...

...it may be true what you have done
But what is your true will?

Join me here upon the stage if you do recognize my soul
Join me as my warm embrace bid you welcome all

[Pope Peter II:]
Filled with our true gratitude, we now ask you
To bow before Jesus Christ and his reign over you

I have come as the true Messiah; silent I remain
Not again will I bow, never again

27. Behold Antichrist

Hear my name - Caesar Seth
Understand who I am

[Mare & Agnes:]
Godless and forsaken you are
Hush your nonsense

Do not fear - Caesar Seth
Trust again who I am

[Mare & Agnes:]
Behold revelation
Beware of the serpent

I am the one, the one you desire, the voice of God
I am the one, the one you desire, the voice of God

[Pope Peter II:]
Sublime thy soul
It will lead us into Sodom

[Mare, Agnes & Johanna:]
Behold Antichrist!
Beware Antichrist!

[Pope Peter II:]
We challenge you, spawn of the abyss, seductive beast
The fallen one, by our Lord expelled from him

Behold, our Lord has spoken
To protect the truth from the lies awoken

For this treason and accusations false
God avenged his son

Always remember Johanna
Holy one of grace eternal

Save thy servants for all to see
Us thy children who trust in thee

[Professor Pauli:]
Always remember these two hearts
Father, greet their souls immortal

28. Cursed By The Fallen

[Professor Pauli:]
Words we have been told -
Rise of glory
End of pain -
Are all betrayal
He is the Antichrist
Cursed be the fallen

[Mare & Agnes:]
Blessed be thee - heavenly wonders

With thee we all soon shall rise

[Professor Pauli:]
Beyond the desert dunes
The secret coming of our Lord awaits us from heaven

29. Ressurection

Just like the moon, the sun, and our savior I rise
Nevermore I shall succumb or fall

[Professor Pauli & Johanna:]
Never, never again will darkness...

[Professor Pauli:]
...escape wonders of our Lord

Faith in thy heart are counting the stars
Eastward, our faces are set
Weaving is night in front of our eyes
Morning we cannot see yet

[Professor Pauli & Johanna:]
Drink from streams of life
Rivers are all blessed with sky
Find the truth unheard
Light shall unfold every word
Prayers, sweet and fair, hover like wings in the air
Sending waves to grow
Into the desert we go

30. To Where I Weep

The rays of sunlight glitter as they play upon your face
The touch of heaven lingers in the shape of God's embrace
And a voice from down the ages so sweet and beautiful
Is reaching out to answer the calling of our soul

The sculptor's art so proudly, it does form a masterpiece
You're shaped unto perfection, from what eyes of man can see
But with time a magic moment reveals from where it's dark
No human hand may ever portray what's in your heart

The final light is streaming deep down to where I weep
Your face begins to ashen - your mystery to keep
But as your eyes grow darker to mankind you must seem
A stroke of light at nightfall, the temple of our dreams

I so much long to travel where only you can go
No matter where you'd lead me, beyond or far below
No man nor god would find us if truth was ours alone
A place to journey further, a place to journey home

31. Astral Sophia

Colored shadows taste
Astral Sophia
Scarlet juices hear
Astral Sophia

Have you been here long
Floating in the dark
Like a shining stream?
Have you, Majesty?

Many are my names
Moving above me
Ominous my touch
Searching beneath thee
Locked beyond the gate of stars
I've been sent to travel far
Broken seals from long ago
Wells below await to flow
Burning, grieving
Ruling this lonely world
Glorious entity, dear child of mine
Hear him, hear me
Hear all and every word
Knowing, believing
A new form of light

I see in you...
A new form of light

My Helena brings peace to thy son
And my Johanna, his fate

They're mesmerized by their false disguise
Cradle set alight leads us into night again

Walls of sleep shall fade away
Rid them of their human waste
Spirits of their misery
Shall embrace the enemy

Our children seek the way
They will not be afraid
No seed may be condemned
When revelation ends

[Satan & Sophia:]
Viewing horizons of future serene
Born on the night sky to all of our dreams

32. Thy Will Be Done

Thy will be done!

[Pope Peter II:]
To battle! Conquer!

Grant us strength, enlighten our hearts
Christ, holy savior
Bless this ground, uncover thy path
Lead on and guide us

[Professor Pauli:]
Lord, fulfill our souls
On the verge of tears

Lord, embrace us all
At the gates of heaven

[Pope Peter II:]
Demons, demons, Satan's spawn
Godless, evil passion
Waltz around Johanna's heart, darkened
Leave! Be gone!

[Professor Pauli:]
Lord, release thy child in the name of thee

Set me free, God, set me free
I trust in thee

Lord, eternally
Send thy grace, thy morning

33. Shoot Them Down

Death to the tyrant
He must go down
Death to the tyrant
He must fail

His time has come
Cursed be the evil one

Antichrist, hear us now
We will bring to an end...

[Professor Pauli:]
...all thy evil temples on earth

Soon the wrath of angels
Are marching down your halls

Something's going on

Forces of the Prince of Hell bring the tears unwept

[Soldiers of Antichrist:]
Shoot them down
Shoot them down
Every one
Shoot them down
Shoot them down
Every one

To you all is given cries of future words
In the empty heaven - echoes left unheard

Ripples of anger
Splashing of bloodshed
In the name of Caesar Seth
Scarlet glow above thee, dragon's eyes
Flames that I breathe

34. Beneath The Starry Skies

I am still lost between the whispers and the cries
Forgotten in your arms beneath starry skies
A human touch still embracing who I am
Embracing me, silencing the pleas of this man

A wind bringing us rain never again
Beneath the starry skies

Dissolve words on my tongue
Behold waters flow into the sea
Tides will carry us home, undress for spring
On my lips place your name
For your eyes are pearls beyond this world

Poets may promise us all gold that can never come true
But what will be left through the glass of love
Starry skies sparkling above, you and I
My angel eyes, my angel eyes
Dripping darkness cover morning
Enter our hearts
Beneath the starry skies

[Seth & Helena:]
Dripping darkness cover morning
Enter our hearts
Beneath the starry skies

[Demon choir:]
Lost in chaos of time you are
Turn of future shall rise for thee
So seek the hall of the empty God
Fate will bring you eternity

35. Forgive Me

In thy grace...

[Johanna & Agnes:]
...turn to me and bless the soul of this faithful child
None more divine than thee our lord

Lead me on to be strong - holy mission
And guide my hand

Now face thy foe

Our lord has brought you here

I heed no call, none but my own

To be boastful suits no mortal man

Join the night supreme
I will be your guiding star
I will set you free

Into the darkness forever you must go

Still the dawn may rise and shine

Out of the darkness, my love
I knew that you would come

Join with us
Join with God

It must not end, not like this
If we conjoin as one

Join the night supreme
I will be your guiding star
I will set you free

Into the darkness forever you must go
Fallen you are, fallen from the heavens to our world
Fallen you are 'til the end of our time and beyond

Sister, O blood of mine
Hand me the dagger
Hand me the answer
Hand me the voice of God

Come to me, to the fallen, my love

Deep down somewhere, in me, I knew what I had to do

Come to me, to the fallen, my love

My love
Forgive me

[Johanna & Agnes:]
Hear the whisper within you, sister
From God and may peace come to your heart

[Johanna, Mare, Agnes & Seth:]
In the cloak of night, fallen you are
Thou shall rise again
Enter the void

In stillness keep eyes of gold your name
Night birds take flight and sing

[Johanna, Mare & Seth:]
In the cloak of night, fallen you are
Thou shall rise again, enter the void

[Agnes & Seth:]
Bless you into moonlight and the temple you shall now meet in turmoil
The soul will flow and shine

Give me your hand, receive this tool for it belongs to you

[Choir of angels:]
Float, float with time
And the night soon shall see you, green you, tell you of dawn

36. The Wasterland Of My Heart

Here I am where once we did sow our seeds
Seeds of time - garden of truth inside my chest

Now I enter the wasteland of my heart
Now I perish deep in this empty room
Hear it whisper - the wasteland of my heart
Hear the longing, the loss, the sound of you

Time breaks in pieces - bow my head and weep
A welter of tears flowing down to where you lie

Now I enter the wasteland of my heart
Now I perish deep in this empty room
Hear it whisper - the wasteland of my heart
Hear the longing, the loss, the sound of you

37. Burning The Palace

So, it has come to this

Yes, it has come to this
Heaven will have its way

Trust me: this holy temple remains not for thee
Hear me, Johanna
Be gone
Take heed

I'll not run
Nor will my soul hide
For time has come
Prince of Night
Thy fate awaits thee
Light this day will prevail

[Mare & Agnes:]
Bless you, Christus!
Bless you, Christus!

[Wounded soldier:]
Hailing from who we are
He is the master
Ever to conquer, ever to rise again

Future reaching yesterday
Such a painful human touch
You will feel it soon

Thy kingdom shall return to dust
Cursed be thy name

Cursed be thy name and thy spirit

[Troop & Johanna:]
No throne of darkness shall remain
No echo from your fall
Prepare for fire, spawn of hell

All, Lord, for you

You can't reach me: soon I will be gone
Into battle, into war we will go

[Christian army:]
Heroes unite
Summon to fight
Hearts of God are protected by swords
Martyrs of grace
Soon we shall face
We'll ride into dawn

[Seth & Apollonius:]
Unleash morning, meet us face to face
Into battle, into war we will go

[Christian army:]
Mighty and strong, still marching on
Never surrender
Curtains fall down
End of our time

[Christian army & Johanna:]
God of creation and of man

[Christian army:]
Heroes unite
Summon to fight
Hearts of God are protected by swords
Martyrs of grace
Soon we shall face
We'll ride into dawn

38. Prelude To War


39. Day Of Wrath

Slowly, mist erases dawn
Turn to dust shall the island of dreams and silver

[Sophia, Seth & Satan:]
What will of this day become?
Colored red is the heaven behind our darkness

Oh savior, show me the way
Oh savior, show me

Out of the dark
My nocturnal art
Soon shall become morning
Echoes of pain
Following my name
None shall remain - fire bring

When the tales of love are gone
One by one on the stairway of no returning...

[Sophia, Seth & Satan:]
...love itself shall linger on
It will be there
Vibration, like rhythm burning

Savior, guiding my way
My faith shall never fail

[Seth & Satan:]
Shadows of light
Children of the night
Soon shall unite mankind
Eyes of the deep
Watching in your sleep
Dreams running free through your mind

Lord, your day has come-
Your day of wrath

40. Rise To War

Rise to your Emperor
Rise to war

Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail!

Fighting for the Emperor

Face the end and dawn of time
Rise to war

All rise to me

[Seth & Apollonius:]
Rise and unleash fury

History shall tell our tale
New age to be
Future will bring our name's supremacy
Summon pride for us to give
The strong and free
Courage and we shall live

Rise to war
Revelation soon will end with us
The past and all therein
Shall come to dust

41. Time Has Come / Final Battle

[Seth & Apollonius:]
Time has come

Slay them all
Leave none alive

[Seth & Johanna:]
We shall stand
And you shall fall

In my hand fate is woven
To a web striking darkness

Upon us - starless nightfall
Makes our day and light descend
Will we last 'til morning?
Will we last 'til morning?
Dawn may seem forever lost now
And somewhere in shadows
Flames await for all of us

42. My Voyage Carries On

Come to us now, Magic Master

Demons you did send
To possess my Johanna
My child!

Rest assured my lore will my soul defend
Reach me you can never who are from heaven sent

Come to us now, Magic Master

In this time and place, where will I go?
Sophia, be cursed
Eternally I shall haunt you

Not the only one with powers, magic man you are

I will cast you out, you traitors of the spell
Serpents of Sophia, be gone

Here we are still, all by the light rejected
And by your will in astral vaults created

Now from a kingdom of your own to the void you return

At this growing eve, could it be I am done?
Why should I come to grieve?
My voyage carries on

You will join us in the darkness
Come to us now, Magic Master

43. Striking Darkness

In thy name, my Lord

44. Seeds Of Time

Everything we held so close is lost
A lonely world has long since gone to dust
A weightless word, a rain of light
A silver tear will fall on fields of gold

If you touch my hand you'll seize the dark
And reach the sadness of a woken heart
A place that we can call our home...

In the earth I dig to feel you near
Your soil is black but I no longer fear

[Seth & Johanna:]
...will rise within a star and lead us there
You and me
Who are we?
Who is God?

War of man is over

[Seth & Johanna:]
No one has the answers
Of who will keep and
Sow the seeds of time

45. To Shine Forever

[Mare & Agnes:]
Melt your eyes, create a key to eternity

We had dreams
Where are they now?
The dreams in our hearts

[Mare, angel & demon choir:]
Ageless glass of light
Turn it on its head and we shall fall
Just like stars
Through time into night
Run and flow until dawn
Rise to all the beauty in the darkness divine
To shine forever

Bid farewell

[Mare & Agnes:]

46. Theme Of Antichrist

He came to our world, to save us all from disaster
In search of truth, to bring us hope for a new day
But haunted by his pride, mirror of a lie, he was led astray
Moving silence cold
Visions to behold
He would lose his way

A new kind of vision
Nothing may be what it seems

Consigned to the flames
Bloodshed would rise from my dreams

[Choir & Johanna:]
Hallowed be thy name
But what will remain
More than empty words?
Never take away questions from the
Answers to the world

[Seth, spoken:]
"Path of night, where dark is light
The only left to claim
Only one, to travel on, which shall remain the same."

Our bodies have parted
But never our spirits
Joined in my soul with him
With the morning star forever more (ah-ah!)

Who is good?
Who is evil?
Will we ever live to see the truth?

Thanks to skullandbonesband, larulkens for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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