album: "Live In Midgård" (2002)
1. Ginnungagap2. Invocation Of Naamah
3. Birth Of Venus Illegitima
4. Enter Vril-Ya
5. Riders Of Theli
6. Symphony Of The Dead
7. A Black Rose
8. The Return
9. Baal Reginon
10. Flesh Of The Gods
11. Seawinds
12. Schwarzalbenheim
13. In The Desert Of Set
14. The Wings Of The Hydra
15. Asgård
16. The Secret Of The Runes
17. The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah
18. Summer Night City
19. Beauty In Black
20. Seven Secrets Of The Sphinx
21. The Wine Of Aluqah
22. The Raven Of Dispersion
23. To Mega Therion
24. Cults Of The Shadow
1. Ginnungagap
[The Black Hole]
[In the beginning there was a void, a big gap of darkness, filled with the primal forces of creation. The heat of Muspel and the ice of Nifel made the essence of life come forth from the void. The first living being, The Giant Ymer, was born out of darkness and he is the ancestor of the creatures of the universe. The world was formed from his slaughtered body. Ginnungagap is the black hole from which everything came out and into which everything will return in the end.]
Fall deep into Void
(in the) black hole of Nothing
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Heat of creation
Hail, Flow of Vergelmar
Hail, Old Void!
Spark in the Nothingness
Heat of creation
Make the ice start to melt
Life wake up in the void.
Ymer is born, fire and ice
Chaos will form, Megin will rise
Fader Ymer drack från urkon
En ström av mjölk som gav oss liv.
Öppna gapet i rymdens mitt
Flöda av blod från Ymers kropt
Världar skapas utav hans kött
Nio (till) antal på Yggdrasil.
Ymers gap - Ymers runa
Ymers ond - Ymers urlag
[English translation of Swedish part:]
Father Ymer drank from the primal cow
A stream of milk which gave life to us all.
A void has opened in the middle of space
A rush of blood from Ymer’s body
New worlds take shape throughout his flesh
All the nine of them upon Yggdrasil.
Ymer’s mouth – Ymer’s rune
Ymer’s suffering – Ymer’s primal law
2. Invocation Of Naamah
In the glory of thy sparking might reflect the world its essence.
O' Naamah, let the pillar of existence break down and give place to the
gloom that emanates from thou.
We reach for thy lore
Thou Babylons whore
Thou scarlet whore
Riding the Beast
Lilith through Naamah
Guardian of dreams
Let thy water flow
May we come forth, through the mirror, and become one, with thy
We reach for thy lore
Thou Babylons whore
Thou scarlet whore
Riding the Beast
Lilith through Naamah
Guardian of dreams
Let thy water flow
Naamah daughter of thy heart of darkness, emerge from the womb of the night.
Come in your blazing garb and open up our eyes to the concealed.
Open your self and bring forth the shades as hover in the unknown up
against us.
Let your black fires emerge over the threshold and bestow to us from your
May we come forth, through the mirror, and become one, with thy abundance.
3. Birth Of Venus Illegitima
Aphrodite is rising from the shell.
A newly born to be seen to expel from
from the paradise,
to drink from her well.
O Venus Illegitima
Born again without shame
Child of sin is my name
Aphrodite is falling into the hell of her sins and the lust
for that spell of the forbidden nectar from her well
4. Enter Vril-Ya
Enter the underworld
Enter Vril-Ya Enter Vril-Ya
A step down the stairway
Enter Vril-Ya Enter Vril-Ya
Inside earth there was a land of mystery
Lighted up by the black sun of underground
In this world they got the key to time and space
And the forces to strong for mankind to know
O land Vril-Ya
An Vril-Ya
Secret chieves of Agharti
Will reveal the lore of Vril
And Aldebaran (and) Aldebaran
Ansa Agarthi
Yani-Ya Koom-Zi Vril-Ya An Sumer An Drakon A-U-Ran
Yani-Ya Glek-Ya Sol Nax An Sorat An Drakon A-U-Ran
When we unlock the hidden lore of Vril
We fold space and travel across the time
With this force man will become like a God
And rule earth trough the light of the black sun
Enter the underworld
Enter Vril-Ya Enter Vril-Ya
A step down the stairway
Enter Vril-Ya Enter Vril-Ya
Yani-Ya Koom-Zi Vril-Ya An Sumer An Drakon A-U-Ran
Yani-Ya Glek-Ya Sol Nax An Sorat An Drakon A-U-Ran
Enter Vril-Ya Man of Sumer
Enter Vril-Ya Man of Sorat
Enter Vril-Ya Man of Drakon
Enter Vril-Ya Man of Vril-ya
Enter Vril-Ya Man of Sorat
Enter Vril-Ya enter it now
5. Riders Of Theli
You Riders of Despair
Surrounders of The Throne
Deep in the Dragons Lair
With blood you've signed The Oath
With DEGGIAL allied
Preparing for the worlds
Transform into the dark
You're a knight
Sworn to fight
Your soul you've sold
There's no turning back
Come on
My Brother of the North
There is no turning back
Your faith is to go forth
Reality no more
Fulfill your destiny
Attain the final goal
And join eternity
There's no hide!
There is no death!
So ride, ride, ride. . .
6. Symphony Of The Dead
Your life is fading to death
When gates are open you'll pass
You are alone outside your shell
The astral landscapes awaits
A discovery of the secrets of life
You'll reach through the skies
Your eyes can see a world in the beyond
The world of the demised
7. A Black Rose
8. The Return
Strike at mother earth
No one will survive
Kill the human race
With radioactive air
Egregios disfiguring
Drubbing the earth
Edacious dynasty's denaturalise
Comminutes the nature
When come the return
Of a clean nature?
Without all the weapons
Without war and pain
Egregios disfiguring
Drubbing the earth
Edacious dynasty's denaturalise
Comminutes the nature
Will it ever come?
Or must we die
In a holocaust
Or in a poisoned world
Egregios disfiguring
Drubbing the earth
Edacious dynasty's denaturalise
Comminutes the nature
Death !!!
9. Baal Reginon
Hail mighty warrior of doom
Qliphoth, Raven, rise up from the dark
Rise up, fly high, earthquake shakes the ground
Thunder, lightning - give me all your signs
War! Kill my enemies!
Make them drown their own blood!
Come through!
Baal romerac A'arab zaraq miliom
Baal reginon
10. Flesh Of The Gods
The black earth luxurance
Is the food of the mind
In the alchemical lab of the nature
Is the true tunnel of Set
The serpent coil, out of earth
And offer fruit of knowledge
Eat it and become like God
And enter the astral skies
There is a secret network of below
Here in the tunnel the flesh of Gods grow
The Gods of the earth of mind from the stars
Eat the flesh of Gods and become one of them
Revive the old sacrament from the days of paganism
That open the third eye and eneter astral skies
Falling down stardust into planet pores
Embryo of Godhead is i this spores
Enter dreamtime, the continuum of space
The gate of time
Is what you can reach
Flesh of the Gods will fertilize the mind
The fruits of Gods id what you will eat
11. Seawinds
In Cold And Dark December
As I Walk Into The Rain
Sit Beside The Room
All Night Long
In A Grey december Morning
I Decide To Leave My Home
Took A Train To Nowhere
Far Away, Far Away
Many Thousand Miles Away
Where The Moon Took To The Stars
Dreamed About The Days
Days Gone By, Days Gone By
In The Night, The Seawinds Are Calling
And The City, Is Far Far Away
Soon, The Sea Turns To Darkness
It Is Night, And Seawinds Are Calling
Seawinds Call, Seawinds Call
Ten Tousand Miles Away
Where The Moon Took To The Stars
I Dreamed About The Days
Days Gone By
I've Been Told So Many Stories
And Dreams My Friends Have Made
So It's No Illusions
Sail Away, Sail Away
In The Night, The Seawinds Are Calling
And The City, Is Far Far Away
Soon, The Sea Turns To Darkness
It Is Night, And Seawinds Are Calling
12. Schwarzalbenheim
Horet ihr der Hammer hall?
Hor der Hammer Hall!
valdens Sohne sind es, hor
Sie schmieden der gleissend' Schatz
Der Gotter Gottlichkeit
Schwarzalbenheims Gewurm
Schmiedet solch schimmerndes Gold
Der Gotter Glorie gestaltend
Aus der erde Geader
Tief unten drunter Stein und Wurz
Findest Du dieses selten' Volk
Der tefe und Lass den eifr'gen Schmied
Schweissen schlau deines Wunsches Bild
Unter unterdes Fjorgyn Haut
In der Erde verborg'nem Herzen
Arbeiten Zwerge der Unterwelt
Mit der Gotter gar glanzendem Gold
Draupnir, Mjolnir und Gullburste
Kunst de Schwarzalben
Brokk da Eitre und Sindre
Lass den Hammer schlagen nochmals
Schwarzalbenheims Gewurm
Schmiedet solch schimmerndes Gold
Der Gotter Glorie gestaltend
Aus der erde Geader
In den Tunneln und den Hohlen
Gleich 'nem Myzelium in Untergrund
Treiben sie voran die Alchemie
Die der Erde Fruchte Schein verleihn
Erinnerungen erschaffend
Aus weiter Ferne zu Goldene
Traume des Morgen zu schaffen
Gotter Runen aus der Erde Tiefe
Sonn' erbluhn!
[English translation]
World of the Black Elves
[Gold of the underworld]
Do you hear the hammers' echo?
Hear the the hammers' echo!
It's Ivalden's sons, listen,
They forge the gleaming treasure
The gods' divineness
Schwarzalbenheim's worms
Forge so gleaming gold
Shaping the glory of the gods
From the veins of the earth
Deep beneath stones and roots
You find this rare folk
Of the depth and let the eager smith
Smartly weld the picture of your wish
Meanwhile beneath Fjorgyn's skin
In the earth's hidden heart
The dwarves of the underworld work
With the gleaming gold of the gods
Draupnir, Mjölnir and Gullburste
Art of the Black Elves
Brokk da Eitre and Sindre
Let the hammer strike again
Schwarzalbenheim's worms
Forge so gleaming gold
Shaping the glory of the gods
From the veins of the earth
In the tunnels and the caves
Like a mycelium in the underground
They press ahead the Alchemy
Which gives shine to the earth's fuits
Creating memories
From far distance to create golden
Dreams of tomorrow
The gods' runes from the depth's
Sun of the earth blossom
13. In The Desert Of Set
In the desert of Set the seeds of pandemonium lie
The darkened paradise under the sand await to rise
The ancient passed
Seeds in our minds
That constantly has grown
Now blossom up
Begin to flower
And soon we'll reap the fruits
The domains of the
Black Diamond Eye
Opens up as the
The dawn of time
Is revived through the
Completion of the
Circle of Chepera
In the desert of Set
Through Aiwass Shaitan
Through Shaitan Set
The message spoken long ago
As Set feed Teth
Future's the past
And Set is rising in our souls
Like Kheperas circle
We'll be fulfilled
As we awake the dream of Bast
Mental perfection
Draconian Cults
Millenium will change aeon
Is on the rise
The new Empire soon to come
To Mega Therion
Behold the Beast
Teth, Lion-Serpent awaken
14. The Wings Of The Hydra
Open up the gates and I'll follow
Let's tread what's supposed to be hollowed
On our journey we're facing our fate
To find the balance of destroy and create
I ride the Mighty One
I burn my self with fire
I ride the Mighty One
I drown my self in might
Give me the strength that I want
As I wait through nights until dawn
Rise up Dragon and bring me the fire
Bring to life my deepest desires
Rise up Dragon, awake from the cave
Rise up, free me, take off my chains
Lend me your wings and I'll be free
Let's rise
As I ride the Mighty One
As I burn my self with fire
As I fly above the skies
As I drown my self in might
As I ride the Mighty One
As I burn my self with fire
As I fly above the skies
I open up the gates...
15. Asgård
Riding on the rainbow and they'll pass the gate of Heimdal
Open up Gladheim and the Walhall!
In the house of Odin the fallen one is standing
With all Einherjar, ready for war.
When the seal is broken up in the midwinter sky,
all the dead will follow Odin and they're coming by the storm
in the middle of the world the rock of Gods stand high.
On the dark yule-night
The gods will descend with the dead of the brave.
Take us to Walhalla
when we'll pass the gate of Heimdal.
Let us meet gods (and) follow their ride.
If you watch the nightsky you will find their dwelling
in the stars they live (as the) zodiac signs.
When the bridge will make a way for all the northern gods
all the dead will ride on Bifrost and they're coming by the storm
Sagas from the ancient days are written in the sky
When you read the runes again Walhalla and Asgard are reborn.
16. The Secret Of The Runes
Hangatyr, Your whisper told me the secret of the runes.
I follow you to be come immortal.
I take a ride on the worldtree, offer me to myself.
I hear the song
I carve the runes of the Irmin.
I pick the leaves of the worldtree, Yggdrasil my stallion
Eighteen I find (when I) sing the song of Odin.
I eat the fruits of the Futhark
Yggdrasil my stallion
I take a ride (and fly) with the wings of Odin
Seek it low you go to find them glow
By the well of Mimameid
Eighteen runes will come to you Take the hand of Hangatyr
You feel the serpent rise
17. The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah
(The) Sun enter the Capricorn (and) the Star of Sin will shine
The King of Sodom drink again
Lady Babalons whine
(One) Hundred and Twenty days in the Depth of the Dead sea
And walk the Path of Peccatus
(and) the Setian alkhemy
Rise of Sodom
and Gomorrah
Reveal the gnosis
of Borora
The princess Justine
sing a song of her sin
of pleasure and pain
and the virtues in vain
to the ear that will hear
and the one without fear
to the old fallen ones and the forbidden thing they all have done
(The) Sun enter the Capricorn (and) the Star of Sin will shine
The King of Sodom drink again
Lady Babalons whine
Rise of Sodom
and Gomorrah
Reveal the gnosis
of Borora
Hear the king Bera
cry out in the land of Canaan
and the daughters of Lot
cry for their father and their god
('The Cry of Complaint of Sodom and Gomorrah
yes, it's loud and their sins are heavy')
18. Summer Night City
Waiting for the sunrise
Soul dancing in the dark
Summer night city
Walking in the moonlight
Love-making in a park
Summer night city
In the sun I feel like sleeping
I can't take it for too long
My impatience slowly creeping
Up my spine and growing strong
I know what's waiting there for me
Tonight I'm loose and fancy-free
When the night comes with the action
I just know it's time to go
Can't resist the strange attraction
From that giant dynamo
Lots to take and lots to give
Time to breath and time to live
Waiting for the sunrise
Soul dancing in the dark
Summer night city
Walking in the moonlight
Love-making in a park
Summer night city
It's elusive, call it glitter
Somehow something turns me on
Some folks only see the litter
We don't miss them when they're gone
I love the feeling in the air
My kind of people everywhere
When the night comes with the action
I just know it's time to go
Can't resist the strange attraction
From that giant dynamo
And tomorrow when it's dawning
And the first birds start to sing
In the pale light of the morning
Nothing's worth remembering
It's a dream, it's out of reach
Scattered driftwood on the beach
I know what's waiting there for me
Tonight I'm loose and fancy-free
I love the feeling in the air
My kind of people everywhere
19. Beauty In Black
Behind your sleeping mind
The beauty in black
The woman with a face as pale
As her soul is black
Painted with the shadows of the moon
Cloaked with your deepest dreams
Born out of the vessel of time
The beauty in black
The beauty in black
She's the serpent of lust
Coiling down the tree in your eden
To bring you the fruits
Of forbidden pleasures
And forbidden knowledge
Behind your sleeping mind
The beauty in black
Cast upon the nightheavens
Riding your desires
To be cast beneath the seas
Behind your sleeping mind
20. Seven Secrets Of The Sphinx
The Sphinx and star
The key and gate.
Seven secrets of the Sphinx
Eleven riddles of the star
Drink the wine of Babylon
And dance the dance of Yezidi
The Sphinx and star
The cup and stone.
Seven secrets of the Sphinx
Give all the keys to alchemy
And the making of the stone
That will turn the metal to gold.
Seven secrets of the Sphinx
Enter the desert of Apep
Through the tower of Yezid
That will turn mud to diamonds.
21. The Wine Of Aluqah
El-A'awer. Talbis Iblis.
Gulshan-i Raz. Zat-i Shaitan
Ya Zat-i Shaitan.
Drink the Wine of Aluqah and breathe the secret smoke of God.
Intoxicated by the green shadows of the Paradise.
Know that nothing's true and that everything is Permitted.
So read the Old Man of the Mountain in his Book of Lies.
El-A'awer. Talbis Iblis.
Gulshan-i Raz. Zat-i Shaitan
Ya Zat-i Shaitan.
Drink the Wine of Aluqah and breathe the secret smoke of God.
Intoxicated by the green shadows of the Paradise.
Know that nothing's true and that everything is Permitted.
So read the Old Man of the Mountain in his Book of Lies.
The Nectar Of Aluqah will run down my dreams.
The spring of this paradise hide deep inside unknown unconscious streams
22. The Raven Of Dispersion
Fly alone into the dark and the cloud of memory
to see the world and angels be hurled into the sea
of misery and cease to be
Black bird fly, rise very high
to a place above (the) sky
Take me away, lead astray
where I find another day
Fly high to a place above the sky
Fly away where I find another day
Black bird fly, rise very high
to a place above (the) sky
Take me away, lead astray
where I find another day
Fly high to a place above the sky
Fly away where I find another day
The Black Bird carry me on it's wings
to a place beyond the flood of memory.
The Raven of Dispersion from
A'arab Zaraq fly in ecstacy.
23. To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
For To Mega Therion
The Draconian melody
The Dragon open the eye
And reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy
Ride the Beast of ecstasy
Spiritual supremacy
Ride the Beast of ecstasy
Ialbaophs creative spark
Manifests the utmost dark
Ialbaophs creative spark
Meaning of the letter Theth
Hide the force of Baphomet
Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed
When sign of time is unsealed
The wound of Baal will be healed
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim
Ascending fiend of the sea
Will fulfill prophecy
Man will feel the wrath of Beast
When fenris wolf is released
The Dragon open the eye
Reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy
The end of revelation
A soulful violation
The end of revelation
Bear the mark of victory
And the spear of destiny
Bear the mark of victory
Powers of Thagirion
For To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
The Draconian melody
Watch the Great Beast to be
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim
Powers of Thagirion
Is the Great Beast you see
The To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
For To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
The Draconian melody
Watch the Great Beast to be
Meaning of the letter Theth
Hide the force of Baphomet
Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed
When sign of time is unsealed
The wound of Baal will be healed
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim
24. Cults Of The Shadow
Secret Chiefs cloaked in wisdom
Dark illuminators of ZYX
Brings the putrifaction process
To lead the soul across Styx
Ludul bel nimeqi ea
Naramtu dianau Apsu
The Seven Ones of Babel
offer the Grail of Ecstasy
to open the Eye of Shiva
through the Great Work of Ecstasy.
Celebrators of becoming
Appears in the Sethian mystery
To turn lead to gold
Through the Great Work of Al-Khemy.
The Secret Sign of Mendes
Unveil the Magick of the Goat
Cults of the Shadow
Under Ilan Hizon's root.
La tapallah puluthu
Utukke lemnuti Apkallu
The Seven Ones of Babel
offer the Grail of Ecstasy
to open the Eye of Shiva
through the Great Work of Ecstasy.
Celebrators of becoming
Appears in the Sethian mystery
To turn lead to gold
Through the Great Work of Al-Khemy.
Erset la tari ki-utu-kam
Adapa baru sar kissati
Ziqqurrat Kutha pet pi Girru
Erset la tari ki-utu-kam
Subigo inimicus
Ludul bel nimeqi ea
Naramtu dianau Apsu
Thanks to muckan for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to Masterzecke for sending track #12 English translation.
Thanks to claudiosilipigni for correcting track #1 lyrics.
Thanks to Masterzecke for sending track #12 English translation.
Thanks to claudiosilipigni for correcting track #1 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.