1. Holy Lvcifer2. Revival Through Arcane Skins
3. Elixir of Azazel
4. Black Light of Sitra Ahra
5. Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
6. Nox Profunda
7. Drayishn i Ahriman o Divan
8. Saatet-ta Renaissance
9. Liber Lvcifer
10. Deus Absconditus
11. Δαήμων o φώσφορος
1. Holy Lvcifer
2. Revival Through Arcane Skins
Ha-Satan pneuma, rise below, Sanskaras imprints devoid of
Exalting in elect's vessels to become the highest of all
Gloaming across the spheres
Io Azazel Tubal Qayin Semjazazel
Rising, the antinomian
Revival through arcane skins
Shattering, the shell of flesh
Revival through arcane skins
Initiated by fireborn
Pledge, to the daemonic inheritance adored
Fade to the vast essence of Ain
Innate scars I bear, blades of holiest lair
Atop the Hermon Mount, hallowed rays effused the air
Advert omniscient gods
Thyselves unlawfulness guide us to the path of Nod
The ones who forged the weapons
of unbowed emancipation
to thee our prayer's damnation
Io Azazel Tubal Qayin Semjazazel
Azoth, coiling inwards as the black dragon ascends
and the eye of Rudra unlawfully opened
witnessing the higher of selves
From the nightside of Venus serpent's seeds transpire
Revealing me salvation and death's soundless desire
The giants of the knowledge, eternal ardor spawned
The earth will shudder and all return to null
Irin We-Qadishin Bene Ha-Elohim
In seven paths of soul the noxious curse was sworn
to recoil in Ain, nothingness and freedom lorn
In black light of sovereignty, unchained I will wander.
The rays of death's waltz I yonder
Rising, the antinomian
Revival through arcane skins
Shattering, the shell of flesh
Revival through arcane skins
Irin We-Qadishin Bene Ha-Elohim
3. Elixir of Azazel
Holy Azazel descend from vaults, herald of night godliest exalts
Enchain me with wisdom unending, weaponry, foresight, theurgy ascending
My voices preach the swords of Azazel
My tongues declare the rise of Naamah
My body yearns for dissolution
Summoning thee bearer of fires
Enlight me with venomous pyres
Nephilim's blood flows from within
Titanic scapegoat, father and Djinn
My voices preach the swords of Azazel
My tongues declare the rise of Naamah
My body yearns for dissolution
Thou seest what Azazel hath done,
Who hath indoctrinate black arts on cosmic soil
And divulged the unceasing gnosis which is in Chaos
Sculpturing blood in the resemblance of the Dark Gods.
Apocryphal devote of Sophia I am
With the glowing cremations that scorch inside thy horns I sparkle
Sacrilegious circumcision yields catharsis
For I was the shepherd and the werewolf is my incarnation
Wakened in me the alms of Naamah
Undeathly goddess, mother Qalmana
Absolve Him from the mount of Dudal
Crossroads unfold trespassing congress of god
By Tubal Qayin who forged the spears
Blacksmithing thy sword that sears
Crave for the acausal will of Azazel, Watchers metemphychosis
Defiling chains, penetrate deception from the webs of liberty
From Nahemoth my dreams commence
The astral passage of my becoming
Quintessence unseals this empty shell
That shall be filled with the elixir of Azazel
To Him ascribe all sins
Engrave my ajna Semjazazel, dismask the daemonic anabasis
The scar that I purify is the seal of Qayin
That darken beingness delusions
Crave for the acausal will of Azazel, Watchers metemphychosis
Defiling chains, penetrate deception from the webs of liberty
From Nahemoth my dreams commence
The astral passage of my becoming
Quintessence unseals this empty shell
That shall be filled with the elixir of Azazel
Shemyaza's hecatombs infect Orion
Fathom the heavens for aeon and aeon
Casting to Eden lament eternal
Baneful incantations deliverance infernal
Black Flame deathless infested cosmos
Children of Qayin watchful astros from welkin fall
Strangulate Adamite spawns, accursed siblings forlorn
Under the aegis of necromantical bewitchery
We ascended to the firmament of angels
And as Noah smothered our seals,
We raised the weapons for the day of our Lord
Azza Shemhazazel Semjaza Uzza Azazel
4. Black Light of Sitra Ahra
5. Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
Obscured were the dark veils of Ain Sof
So for us to reveal the Stygian fires
That burned in sordid manifestation
Everlastingly removing the demiurgic acolytes and all existential marks
There lurked three strides, guiding the legion of acausal vitalities
To the nests of silence, the womb of dreamlessness
Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
It is from your light
Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
It is from your fires
It is from the source, ceaselessly unified with acosmic genesis
Evoke the silence of Tehom that precedes the deficient formation of creator
For it is within the silence that the Dark Gods emanate
And the end shall become yet again and again
All acts against god shall reflect the adverse tree
Burning the offsprings in flames of Moloch
And harvest the crack of the circle
Whereas, the sins of man transcend prana to Sitra Atra
And our fall diffuse the emission of the black light
When Naamah weaves her web into Malkuth,
The higher into spheres we attain
The deep humanity descends into nothingness
Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
It is from your light
Or She-ein bo Mahshavah
It is from your fires
I inscribe my own husk, foreknowing to dissolve in death
And renewal shall wake myself to the only light that there is
For I shall remove all sublunar commandments
And offer the I to the light of Samael
So for me obtain glimpses of the wyrd
The passage to Black Sun transmits loss
And from loss emerges insight eternally
I enter the abyss devoid of human obstructions
Devoid of the cosmic disguise
In the innermost of revelations,
The portal of Thaumiel unseals
And I gaze through the eye of Lucifer
To hearken my call and evolve, I the self creator
The requiems in Universe B howl and the requiems are mine
I am the iconoclast of delusions,
The Lord of the sole Universe that is beyond
Evoke the silence of Tehom that precedes the deficient formation of the creator
For it is within the silence that the Dark Gods emanate
And the end shall become yet again
6. Nox Profunda
Orison for the baneful serpent
Zahhāk, the heretical inciter
Damavand emits the unhallowed
Gales brighter
Inquisitor of Asha, perdition nexion for empyrean blaze
Within thee, the apocryphal spirits of Angra Mainyu gaze
Awes fountain, numinous with the flame of Sama Atar
Angra Mainyu, Ahriman, Exu
Sigils singe in thy heir's blood
To quench the nimbus of repugnant mud
Primeval dusks avow thy divine breaths,
Solace of physical deaths
Nox Profunda
Unblemished Druj emanantes
Within you to muster Azhi
Dahaka serpents for
Enlightenment reverent
Ensorcelled by malignity
The vessels of demise
Daevas exaltation
Nekyia, the antistellar
Dissevaerance transmits
Conflagration luminescence
For necromancer's rapture
Zahhāk, Bēvar-Asp, Azhi Dahāka
From the four corners of Uranus
Thy blood has been shed
Nether bequest thou bled
Unrestraint you repose until
Karshasp's downfall
Will be reclaimed
7. Drayishn i Ahriman o Divan
Hollowness disperses firstborn of Zurvan
Infidelity's god denounced by His forefather
In hollowness He forebode, ripen daevas within
And there He (shall) repose to blight the universe
Three thousand years of reverie, conceiving the supplication
Deifications of hankering yearnings
Solemn to Jahi, the forebearer of all
Daẽvanm Daẽvõ, your commencement is aphorism
Plead on the throne and dominion
Eradiate thy demons omnipotent
Ascertain the path of existence
Sanctimony to the arch-daevas for self apotheosis
Commence seven headed dragon,
Anticosmic awakener, overseer of the synagogues
Bequeath His antisubsistence scarlet goddess thine
In the ceremonious liturgies of serpents
Unify with thy black viper as I dislodge the corpus mortar
Abolish dualism to Sahasrara discern
Circumvent by the oneness amass
Thou shall not rest till Apokathilosis
Ohrmazd, stasis specter of secretion scornful
Thy sightless Self scals sublunar wraiths
With bereavement to jubilate the lifeforce of allegiance acausal
Within the crystalline sky, the waters become sand
Earth succumbs to naught and mortals eternally scald
Ascertain the path of existence
Sanctimony to the arch-daevas for self apotheosis
Commence seven headed dragon,
Anticosmic awakener, overseer of the synagogues
From thy northern throne I summon thee
Ahriman, Aka Manah, Saura, Indar,
Naonghas, Taurvi, Zairich!
Angra Mainyu, preeminent rebelliousness, divine Self, draconian Lord.
8. Saatet-ta Renaissance
Saatet-ta, Khesef-hra, Sekhem-hra, Typhon
I become, I become, I become Typhon
Holy Typhon
Erbeth, Pakerbeth, Setnakt, Bolchoseth
Xaotic shades, enshrined through thy northern blades
Affliction hallowed by Osiris sore, the astral gateway to Setheus
God of bewilderment, unloose thy red desert storms
Allow your seven stars to shine upon
And cleanse us from condemnation
Saatet-ta reverberate Ra's circumvention
Saatet-ta congregate in alliance
Saatet-ta unbind the serpent awed
Almighty Erbeth, thy malignant solitude heeded
The petrified inertia decimated in thy wisdom séance
Slumbering ophidian, vehemence rising
Ma'at's destroyer, in the name of Isfet!
Let the waters of Nun coagulate the mortal incarceration
Inflict to harvest thy daemonic kernel and
Sublimate towards thy acumen undying
Above Χἀος in cosmogonic lethe
Akhekh, principled absorption of the adversative spirit
Entombment march, unshakle Duat's dusk in the red desert of Set
Saatet-ta reflect Ra's circumvention
Saatet-ta unchain the serpent awed
Saatet-ta ceremonial congregation
Almighty Set open my eyes to unearth above illusional aspersions
Incite the inner black flame and elevate the exaltation
Archon of the snake's incursion, sorely conveys demiurgic putrefaction
Cease the solar crossroads, incarcerate in the seventh hour
Shed sunsets and arise as might of demise in the Wedjat eyes
You, who are of the divine Sekhem, adher to me and be as one with Thee
The streams are dim and the seeds egressed
As the dragon abuse the sons of divinity
Possessed by Khem Sedjet, holy renaissance in the likeness of Set
Underneath Bakhu, the odium emits
Serpent's spirals raze the sons of morn
Pledging for Ra's death
Apep grants solemnity from Nun's séance
That is sealed with death and divinity
Typhon, Erbeth, Pakerbeth, Setnakt
Bolchoseth, Khsef-hra, Sekhem-hra
Khak-ab, Beteshu, Kharebutu
Saatet-ta renaissance Saatet-ta renaissance
The somber lotus blossoms from the deeps and
The serpentious veil cloaks the hollow commencement
Saatet-ta renaissance
9. Liber Lvcifer
O relish Father that fetches revenge into the gathering
For the delving of light ageless that the eyeless embrace as aweless
Reconstruct me and unshackle me through thy fall
Boundless seals, to exclaim thy revelations
Loki, irradiate Ragnarok, Father of Fenrir
Odin senescence impend
And I befall awakened
Alongside the Midgard Serpent
Glowing, soaring, the seeds of serpent self sowing
In the reveries of the undead, to enthrall the prana bled
Vanishing, dreading, opfers of the lowest rearing
Exacerbate thy children's wisdom,
To blacken the visions that inhale Malkuth's tempests
Lantern everlasting, thy immortality's passage
I aspire to seize
Hanker to seek Thaumiel's keys
Ravish my heart, envenom the soil
Bequeath the vacant shells
Sacrifice spiritforms of funerary bells
Prometheus, supreme epitome
The Black Sun chariots, the ancient flame feasts
For the chosen, to ascend as Gods
And set the world aflame
Unbounded essence of deep immense
Lotan, the seven headed dragon
Consuming in oceans, the cosmic insolence
Glowing, soaring, the seeds of serpent self sowing
In the reveries of the undead, to enthrall the prana bled
From the black gate mirrors, to thy warrens abandoning
Io Satan, Io Set, Io Ahriman, Io Typhon
With devotion that scorches human clay
With the will that transmutes Draconian Selves
I invoke thee, Father Lucifer!
Purified soul lurer hallowed Egregore ruler
When, neither wails, nor echoes will poison thy stillness
I will be thee once more
Io Kingu, Io Loki, Io Prometheus, Io Diabolus
Offer me in this night thy light and blazes,
Thy Thaumitan crown
For the shadowy Ain Sof emission
Kether prana diffuse into Thaumiel
Abaddon eye, comprehends Samadhic ruins
With Satan's radiance I release the Self
Into the eleven gateways of Sitra Ahra
Naamah, Lilith, Adramelech, Baal
Belphegor, Asmodeus, Astaroth
Refocale, Beelzebub, Satanas
10. Deus Absconditus
At dawn, amaranthine serenity blemished
The sempiternal sovereign axis awakened deathless
Antediluvian redeemed for the illimitable profoundness
Bittul Ha-Yesh, upheval of rivalry
Deleterious impurity of the infected waters
Venin to the deep sea Gods
Enki, enshrouded god of repugnance, serenity's enforcer
Forlorn, midst of the uneven rays perseverance
Retaliate the undeath of Absu
Upon Tiamat's reverent and noxious Hubur magic
Scatter the crux that conceals in the chasm of Damkina
Draconian Father somnolent in me
Endow me the mastery to hinder the blares
Of the erroneous gods and beget within thee
Chaos of watery abyss
At dawn, sol lantern nascent
The unceasing immaculate giants transpire
Unshattering the Ain Sof Aur concealment
Bittul Ha-Yesh, infliction of rivalry
Expunge Yesh to Ain
Lethal contagion of the contaminated waters
Venin of sea Gods
Hubur, retaliate malefaction of the unsoil, demystify Samarasya
Commune with Kingu from Irkalia, necrosis veneration
Sophic hydrolith breeds at the cave of Uggu melts
The blood was shed to ravish the requiem masses
And enflame the beginning of the ends
Disconsolate chariots, the illusive god rode
Eleven bane storms gathered, Tiamat's guardedness bode
Thy essence sanctions the mantras
With the wicked venoms of thee
Avenging celestial ascendancy
Invoking Xaotic conjunctions
Marduk slavery lamentations
Destiny tablets overhaul
Draconian Father, unsleep in me
Endow me the potency to remove the elucidation
Of the erroneous gods and craft within me
The voids of watery abyss
11. Δαήμων o φώσφορος
Σύ διδάξας τήν δύναμιν
Τῆς προσωπικῆς θελήσεως
Έλθών κατά τῶν θεῶν
Τῆς διαφθορᾶς
Κρυβήσεται σή ἡ δᾴς
Ἐς ἀεὶ εἰς τά σπήλαια
Τῶν εκλεκτῶν
Ὧ Προμηθεῦ σὺ εΐ
Φλόγα φωτεινοτάτην
Αἰώνιος διδούς ἐλευθερίας
Τῳ ἀνωτέρῳ ἀνθρώπῳ
Διόρασις καὶ πηγή
Τῶν ὑψηλοτέρων τεχνῶν
Ἀπελευθερωτά κατά
Τοῦ τυράννου, οὐσία
Μαρτυρίου καὶ προόδου
Φάσμα ἀνομίας
Εἰς τόν κόσμον
Τήν λάρνακα τοῦ κακοῦ
Ἡ περιφρόνησις
Πρός τόν δημιουργόν
Ἐστίν ή δίοδος πρός
Τήν ἀφύπνισιν τοῦ νοῦ
Γὰρ οὐκ ἐστί πρόοδος
Ἄνευ θελήσεως πόνου
Ούδείς θνητός, οὐ δεΐ
Τήν δᾶδα τοῦ
Προμηθέως ἔχειν
Κατέχω τόν πυρσόν
Σου Εωσφόρε, αἰωνίως
Δαήμων ὁ Αἰώνιος
Δαήμων ὁ Φώσφορος
Ὦ θεε τῆς ἐξεγέρσεως
Λυτρωτή τοῦ πνεύματος
Εἰς τήν κορυφήν
Τοῦ Καυκάσου σή ἡ τιμωρία
Ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ φωτός
Ἡ φλόξ ἐξύψωσεν τούς
Σφετέρους ὲκλεκτούς
Δαήμων ὁ Αἰώνιος
Δαήμων ὁ Φώσφορος
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