album: "In A Flesh Aquarium" (2006)
1. Chromatic Chimera2. Feasting Fools
3. Desert Urbania
4. Summoning Scenes
5. Silence_11010701
6. Megalomaniac Trees
7. The Shiver: Another Dissonant Chord
8. The Shiver: Meet Me At The Carrousel
9. The Shiver: A Clown's Mindtrap
10. Psychic Jugglers
1. Chromatic Chimera
[Lyrics Written By Syriak]
{ Microscopic dust...
To exist as I of many eyes
Tentacles in our heads wrestling with
anonymous segments. }
{ Rowing deep into the murk with psychosis
sitting on my lap
Finding a rhythm entangled in nothingness
On witnessing the present system
A monstrous collage in movement
Free to stray, swim in a tomb if you want. }
{ All directions, every angles
Nuances, infinite possibilities
Confusion of a saturated mind
The flood is so stimulating, but just where do we stop?
Currents numerous...hard to focus...yessss...yESsSSSS !!!
We want answers ! Not confused babblings ! }
{ Losing control is a treat, still...
We could be drained...
We could be drained...of... }
{ Chimeras, precious chimeras
Ejected from the assembly
Unto a circular technological slave pen
Bound to be part of this geometrical harem
Speak the frequencies of liberation
The universal language of positive similarity
When one crosses the threshold of the collective territory. }
{ An antidote for the imperial poison. }
2. Feasting Fools
[by Syriak]
{ Drinking words from a bone catheter _Without consistence _Tasting
dominance as an appetizer _Ambitious platters spiced with numbers _My
thoughts wander as I stare at the talking fish... _ Giving sound advices on
how to silence my dish. }{ Billions of livings painting for the greedy _In
this summit of foam _Invited by naughty titans in their inhuman museum _To
share not-so mysteries and their would-be decorum. }{ Feasting fools on a
monstrous path _Feasting fools in a soiled bubble bath _Table is set for
tragedy _A misshapen mole in the face of decency. }{ Cybernetic fairies in
loss of power _Crushed by the work-till-death project _Sick as wingless
birds skewered on a numeric stake. }{ Look...the synthetic clown is smiling
_...and the children are starving _Ludicrous pawn of despotic tramplers
_Industrial monsters, jaws ripping the very fabric _of this physical
existence. }{ Elegant jackets, dragon-skin style; mandrake cigars fathering
tiny storms of snobbism, fresh cemetery juice and electro-nerves floating
rubba' things. _High educated horned giants worshipping shallow luxuries
_Boiling with a vain intensity just staring at the cyclic visual feast. }{
Descending to visualization vault XYZ after an exquisite dinner _Holographic
sceneries depicting The All _So many lives... _Frames no more, captured by
digital _Invisible bonds...but still...such nice colors... _Irregular
digitalis begging for guidance in his strayed life _A juggling feat for the
eaters _A struggling beat for the wired. }{ Just standing now in the middle
of a past _Marble still in the dead zone _The cemetery walking over me
_...and I wonder. }{ Are they stones or are they names _Am I stoned or just
ashamed _Just a human with respect in his pockets _Ready to share some with
the face of the worthy _Let the Grim be aware, _I won't be reaped without
guarantees _I like my eggs boiled and that's it. }
3. Desert Urbania
[by Syriak]
{ So much for the wicked bonds strangling inspiration, Silent...you retreat
into the Temple _Desert Urbania and drown... }{ Deep within the mosaic
of an inward fraction _Float forth subtle emissaries from outer-materia
_Emerging, but THEY are one, blooming on Mount Chimera _Globular
insinuation, mystic mood in a nameless location. }{ Enu edayon éikerppa
_Sink and desert Urbania _"He offered me a shapeless way so unusual
_A breach in the maze to feel the unexplainable". }{ Mere words !!
They're not suitable swords _To elate the pagans and their hordes _(Veiled
treasure, I still dream beyond this mortal frame ) _We must focus on
guiding pupils willing to soar _The school of thoughts, mirage haven for
the sightless to explore. }{ Enu edayon éikerppa _Sink and desert Urbania
"Dancing on the limbs of a venerable and graceful oak _Escorted by fad-
ing Elvish shadows, to me He spoke : }{ "Truth is a shattered sun blinding
the senses of nations proclaiming they gaze at the right fragments... In
this perspective...I prefer okapis to humans". }{ Admire the Invisible, _The
misunderstood majesty of the imaginative ghost _Seize the momentanous
splendor, disciple _Short-lived, Fleetingly sublime. }{Admire the Invis-
ible, _The misunderstood majesty of the imaginative ghost Acknowledge
with serenity the inescapable gaping jaws _Obsession of the voracious
clock... }{ Standing on the edges of reality, one could magnify even a sea
_Believe and develop your innermost We conjure you, be our host... }
{ Controlled madness _Lucid mummy _Ghoulish caress _Acid coffee
Would it seem senseless ? _If we scream like banshees ?!!? }{ Orches-
trated wonders _"Lose your way" and plunder _A charred Bone-Wheel
is spinning _Unique !! Everything is yours to taste..._Wave it still... Long
Live The King ! _Want to peel your skin ? There is no haste... }{ Trancelike
motion _Absorb our potion... }
4. Summoning Scenes
[by Syriak]
{ Let us paint your inner vision _Drop the curtains and absorb this sonic
invasion. }{ Sensorial Theatre of the non-seen, _This illusionary moment,
our cosmic gift... _Should lead the craft beyond one's usual scene _As
astral cyborgs on a psionic drift. }{ Divine grace shine in these
incredulous stares _Observing avidly the strange enigmatic symbols of a
deep-water sky _Mesmerized by the torn stellar membrane, _As wE, Corsairs
_Deny and mystify, _Defy to unify _(Nydes Elense ; Soï Nokelende) _Deny and
mystify, Imply to glorify. }{ Wandering through the entrails of the
Maelstrom _Avatars, dissolve your blindfolds. }{ Let us paint your inner
vision _Drop the curtains and absorb this festive invasion. }{ An
atmospheric symbiosis of virtual legend _Intertwined with senses in a quest
to transcend _The boundaries of a tired broken mind _Gaze higher, farther,
deeper...there your psyche will be spellbind. }{ Divine grace shine in these
incredulous stares _While winged celestial fragments float by _Mesmerized by
the beauty that scarify, _As wE, Corsairs _Deny and mystify, _Defy to unify,
_Deny and mystify, Imply to glorify. }{ Wandering through the entrails of
the Maelstrom _Avatars, dissolve your blindfolds. }{ Bards let their
audience's curiosity depart unsatisfied, as a dream ! _Hyaaaa !! Oh sweet
lovable shrieks !!! }{ Leg go of your sanity, ascend the crescendo of an
unchained spirit. }{ Endless, majestic, impressively oversized and in a
state of perpetual circular motion... _The shriveled parchment walls who
summoned your soul to this hallowed hall shine erratically with an eerie
glow of phosphorescent origin unknown. _(Passage to a lateral history not
yet penned by it's own melancholic will, one can closely see the life-force
of nature's past children morphing with the spectral shadows emanating from
your disembodied presence. Ancient names are calling from beyond as serene
waves of vaporous words cascade around the uninvited. Traces of a lost world
... ) }{ Time for another ambiance travelers. }{ Deny and mystify, Defy to
unify _Deny and mystify, Imply to glorify _...and remember, each
representation is unique, as yourself and your visions...This psionic
theater bids you farewell...'till next time... }
5. Silence_11010701
[by ExoD]
[Instrumental – but there is an accompanying poem]
6. Megalomaniac Trees
[by Artagoth]
Running in a cage like freak beasts on a stage _to acquire the honor of
dishonor. _Humble idea for Machiavellian seeds _to grow their old
megalomaniac trees. }{ See no evil, hear no evil ; Ellet tse erton esived.
}{ In sick organic shadows, _where nano-things are the crutch of life, _The
test-tube men eliminate themselves _inside this asymmetric archaic circle.
}{ See no evil, hear no evil ; Ellet tse erton esived. }{ Tragedy of
selfishness become as they are, _their old bark left bare and infected.
_Root's thirst so immense, _it could transorm the sea to salt. }{ Enu
ratis... will ends the events _I know you will be...lenger arelurb _You will
see, Trom te eiffiret _Tnemeleus at xiork Arengiomet ed nok reunnohsed_ Enu
ratis... will ends the events _I know you will be an ancient shadow. }{ See
no evil, hear no evil ; Ellet tse erton esived. }{ The tragedy is just
beyond our roots _The world stops... }{ We wander here, where only the mad
knows the truth _And knowledge testify in their names _We barter our bark
like stupid pawns sacrificing for their king _Like some miracle boy's
transformations _We transmuted our sap into living bribes. }
7. The Shiver: Another Dissonant Chord
[by ChaotH]
These are the most gorgeous female vocals you’ll ever hear.
Trust me, my opinions are the rightest.
Ők azok, akik mindent láttak,
és ők távoznak utoljára.
Tehát üljle, tölts magadnak egy italt, figyelj, hallgass...
Mert ma, most, a falak beszélnek...
(They're those who have seen everything
And they will be the last to leave.
So sit down, pour yourself a drink, observe, listen...
Cause today, now, the walls can talk)
Kivéve ez a szerény, de a fájdalomnak véget nem érő szimfóniája,
ami egyben bocsánatot kér hogy nem voltam jelen melletted a legutolsó alkalom adtán.
(Except this modest, yet never-ending symphony of pain,
In apologies for my absence at the side of YOUR last sight)
Another dissonant chord for my sanity's requiem
Ami egy másik szomorúan hangzó akkord a lelkemnek
Un autre accord dissonant pour le requiem de ma santé.
8. The Shiver: Meet Me At The Carrousel
{ You darken OUR world to brighten the sky
The mud of time and pale drinks won't paint
the clown's face
No father should bury his SON!!
the mask in his face is YOU. }
{ Meet me at the carrousel on the 29’th street...
we'll drink a whole epitaph
Poison of the earth makes us laugh...
Still... I think the clown fakes happiness. }
{ What have we done, running around the sun
for so long ?
It reminds me of a dream...
What's behind us ? }
{ Sounds make him count the times he's die for
an epoch of derision
May I see YOU in younger eyes... }
{ Welcome further !!... Leave your beliefs
at the door
We are the forgotten project... }
{ You darken OUR soul and silence the smiles
The mud of time and pale drinks won't paint
the clown's face
No father should bury his SON!!
The mask in his face is YOU. }
9. The Shiver: A Clown's Mindtrap
{ ... the Storks brought you an angel
so Sing goddess, Sing for him. }
{ " If they could only touch his soul to understand " }
{ And the Shiver whispers:
" You forgot how to live ; Verviv tnemmoc eilbuo zeva suov " }
{ No time, No life, No Death, will erase the carvings
He may spoil my days and disguise the future,
the history is ours. }
{ And the Shiver whispers :
" I'm above, in, and underneath you ; Rueiretni L a te suos, sussed ua " }
{ The mnemonic only brings the clown to meet the nails
in his head
He finds a book, reads the prelude... but feels the end...
Do you cry for him ?
...never enough !!! }
{ And the Shiver whispers :
" Do the math for a decade to live chaos for a second " }
{ ...and a second is wasted, as the previous and the next, making your path
narrower than it could be or should }
{ And the Shiver whispers:
" I am the one writing these words... " }
{ Will they be the next carvings ? }
10. Psychic Jugglers
[by Syriak]
“A dialogue between paradoxes.
Feuding perceptions in the everlasting
scales-tipping war”
Subconscious foreword
{ Goblins, Imps and farfadets of this cerebral reality…
Mischievous children of the elusive spiritual magic
Atomic parcels of a slippery slippery immensity
Dance ! Gambol ! Exult !!
Go astray of linear paths !!
Free yourselves from the coherent slavery suggested
by the Unclean !!!! }
{ Sporadic fireballs !! Experiment Chaos intensity !! }
{ Perpendicular euphoria
Burst ! Feverish coloured bubbles !!!
Blotch this predictable mindscape. }
{ You Lunatic ! Be Damned !! Irresponsible
traitor to the Order !
Why…why this spontaneous incitation to mutiny …?!
Herald of confused notions… }
{ I AM discernment ! Monochrome protector of the cellular enclosure and its shepherd.....
These imps must be controlled, supervised, realistic...}
{ Obliterate the lock !!! Open Wide the Arena’s gates and let the Goblins
play !!!! }
{ “Feasting ! Rejoicing ! The tyrant is sleeping…
May the will-o’-the-wisps sip His foolery as it
Is time for Tea ! Feasting ! Rejoicing !
The willows are dripping… As robotic genes sing
lullabies, pretty, pretty ZOMBIE !! Catch a falling
moon ! Will they paint our skin !? Voodoo !!” }
{ Besieged by you, Reason and Conformity.
Thieves of the imaginary realm,
Immolators of Childish souls… Binary taste….
Strolling slowly within this infinite playground… }
{ Eccentrics…..you cannot appreciate
the pertinence of a slumber
devoid of rodents ….
Your purple blood wade within
The sensorial estimation of
A slimy walled fortress !! }
{My wisdom submerges
the disillusioned reptilian
--- Never look up or down ---
Unwavering – Steady – Straight
Unwavering – Steady – Straight. }
{ Grimace and run, to the opposite side of the herbivore gates who devour
the greenish mixture !! I see your bones and they are aligned such as
paladin ants crossing a wall of stimulating magma. Tame the Cerberus, aim
with serenity and get out of its cavern the swiveling tower of Intra-cosmos
!! }
{ Stupefaction ! The fictive inexistent is materializing…internal visual
information astounded by the absence of total nothingness. Behold Emptiness
and meditate…
…..is it not magnificent, to transcend/surpass the focus of an elitist
vision….not so hard to fix oxygen when you’re living with us… }
Living Ideas/Goblins
(in the booklet, and following stanza is almost impossible to read with the
texts overlapping each other ... wish I could show you)
{ “Hey !!! Vile hunchback, You’re trampling my mushrooms !!
The me of your anyway is getting oh ! silence must prevail
Economically speaking we cannot afford to let them live decently
What a grotesque nose !
Le the sun shine ! Teeth are painting your inside…
Bah ! May rust nibbles your winged boots !
Everybody ! Caress your hands and let’s be happy friends with big joy !
Does my tan contrast with the architecture ?
Talk talk to me broomstick !
He...He.. Are you frightened of Free Brains ?
May I borrow your head for the evening ? “ }
Hummmm....swimming in boiling holy water is such a bloody delight
Shut up !! Gather yourselves and join the assembly...
La Sarabande commence...
We're a boneless civilization in perpetual distraction
In the recess of our volcano
Digging, initializing sequence number 9 : Evolutive Eruption
We are not, we are nuts
Fools in a flesh Starship !
Let's munch our gnarled fingers, Oh ! Sweet atrophy
Skeletons in the gallery, sons of a hybrid galaxy
Trelinak Gör, Chüss Eilorka Snurtifov
Screamed words of goblin's faith, Just never say Checkmate !
Thanks to integra_599 for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to fronzel__neekburm for correcting these lyrics.
Thanks to kalapka92 for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to vincentf26 for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Thanks to fronzel__neekburm for correcting these lyrics.
Thanks to kalapka92 for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to vincentf26 for correcting track #10 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.