album: "Onwards Into Battle" (2012)
1. Dark Clouds Gather2. Onwards Into Battle
3. Thyrfing
4. By The Hammer They Fall
5. Tveskægs Hævn
6. Brigands Of Jomsborg
7. Æresdød
8. Vinlandsfærd
9. Warriors Of Asgard
10. Hlidskjalf Gynger
11. Raise Your Horns
12. Fimbul
13. Sons Of The North
1. Dark Clouds Gather
2. Onwards Into Battle
A thunderbolt strikes, the battle is fierce
The gods of war rides over the field
The Ravens of Odin seeks the brave fallen
and through their death, they will find glory
Follow the ways of gods and their might
Warriors ready yourselves for the fight
Onwards to glory, forward to war
They'll flee when vikings land on their shore
Onwards into battle, sons of the north
Glory awaits when we're marching forth
Onwards into battle, show your worth
Our warcry alone will tremble the earth
We hold no fear to armies of Christ
Though they are many and their power is great
But when they arrive with their armies vast
They'll flee when our warriors march on the field
We don't need a plan, just point out the way
We'll strike like a thunderbolt unto the fray
Join us in battle, fight by our side
And you'll end in Valhalla the day you die
Onwards into battle, sons of the north
Glory awaits when we're marching forth
Onwards into battle, show your worth
Our warcry alone will tremble the earth
Weak christians think they can take our land
They'll regret their pride when they fall by our hands
Our god has a hammer, yours got a cross
Meet us in battle and we'll see who's the boss
Onwards into battle, sons of the north
Glory awaits when we're marching forth
Onwards into battle, show your worth
Our warcry alone will tremble the earth
Onwards into battle, sons of the north
Glory awaits when we're marching forth
Onwards into battle, show your worth
Our warcry alone will tremble the earth
3. Thyrfing
Skabt af dværge med hævnens list
Grådighed blev kongslægts brist
Født af flammer ved Dvalins hånd
Hvor Thyrfing døbtes ved hadets bånd
Dværges kunst ej nås med magt
Straffes skal kongers dødsforagt
Kongearv flyde til blodig sø
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Trende forbandelser smedet blev
Tre ondsindede gerninger ske
Sværdet går fra hånd til hånd
En dødsdom, et fald, en misteltensvånd
Historien bar dødens kongesværd
Blodigt var sværdet vede første færd
Kongearv flyde til blodig sø
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Barneleg endte i broders fald
Fra legens grin lød Thyrfings kald
Heidrek drog forbandet stål
og Angantyr blev da Thyrfings mål
Forbandelsen hævet da drengen faldt
Hvor kongeslægter har mistet alt
Kongearv flyde til blodig sø
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren dø
Slægters blod skal fylde
Trende gerninger af dværgenes gru
Kongers bane, slægters fald
Når Thyrfing vågner vil bæreren... Døøø!
4. By The Hammer They Fall
By the hammer they fall!
In the horizon we see; giants and beast
To Asgard they march, to burn and pillage our land
Filled with rage, we call to arm
Spear, axe and sword to bring their armies down
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
By the hammer they fall!
By the hammer they fall!
Giants of Udgard, you'll never win
At the mighty Thor, by his hammer you will fall
By the spear of Odin, your armies laid waste
We are the gods of men, we'll cleanse you from this land
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
By the hammer they fall!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
By the hammer they fall!
By the hammer they faaall!
Einherjer hear our song, to be sung proud and loud
We drive our enemies back, to see them flee from our attack
Praise the god of war; the mighty Thor
Raise your hammer unto their doom!
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
For glory we fight,
With honor we fall
In battle side by side,
Brothers one and all
5. Tveskægs Hævn
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor store drot
Herre over høje nord
Nordens kongers skæbne
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor høje drot
Herre over nordens sø
Når du bli'r Englands skæbne
Høje drot fra Daneland, nordens overherre
Din hær overvinder alt og kæmper til din ære
Ved Tveskægs banner samles vi, vikinger af nord
På togt vi drager for danegæld, at vinde engelsk jord
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor store drot
Herre over høje nord
Nordens kongers skæbne
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor høje drot
Herre over nordens sø
Når du bli'r Englands skæbne
Din søster Gunhild de har dræbt, nu bringer du dødens bud
Danegæld og mandebod, betales skal som hævn
Vor økser møder fjendens kød, de drukner i blod og galde
Deres skrig i en blodrus driver os, deres mænd og sønner vil falde
Vi slukker hævnens tørst, brat ved æggen fra vort sværd
Vort kampråb runger højt, når Englands konge falder
Vort banner flagrer stolt ved hver en kamp vi sejrer
Tveskæg kongedræberen, vor brave danske konge
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor store drot
Herre over høje nord
Nordens kongers skæbne
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor høje drot
Herre over nordens sø
Når du bli'r Englands skæbne
Ved svold du knuser slange snu og generobrer Norge
Herre over nordens sø, Tveskæg du nordens drot
Og Londons bro den falder ned, de brænder den af frygt
Når de ser Svend Tveskægs hær stå klar ved Themsens bred
Vi slukker hævnens tørst, brat ved æggen fra vort sværd
Vort kampråb runger højt, når Englands konge falder
Vort banner flagrer stolt ved hver en kamp vi sejrer
Tveskæg kongedræberen, vor brave danske konge
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor store drot
Herre over høje nord
Nordens kongers skæbne
Hil Harald Blåtands søn
Tveskæg vor høje drot
Herre over nordens sø
Når du bli'r Englands skæbne
6. Brigands Of Jomsborg
Looting and robbery
A life of jomsblood men
We set our sails from Jomsborgs shores
For women, glory, and gold
Brigands and warriors,
They call us many names
Strong as the god of thunder
We kill, burn, and plunder
Jomsblood - Runs strong in our veins
We will crush your fleet
and bring down your gates
We set sail, for glory, honour, and coin
Mercenaries and warriors of the north
The ocean stirs,
The enemies attack
We hoist our sails
And prepare to fight back
Their numbers are many
But we fear them not
We are Jomsvikings
Warriors of the gods
Jomsblood - Runs strong in our veins
We will crush your fleet
and bring down your gates
We set sail, for glory, honour, and coin
Mercenaries and warriors of the north
Looting and robbery
A life of jomsblood men
We set our sails from Jomsborgs shores
For women, glory, and gold
Brigands and warriors,
They call us many names
Strong as the god of thunder
We kill, burn, and plunder
Jomsblood - Runs strong in our veins
We will crush your fleet
and bring down your gates
We set sail, for glory, honour, and coin
Mercenaries and warriors of the north
7. Æresdød
Se de stolte skygger rejse sig fra jordens støv
Over bifrost går de brave mænd til Odins heltesal
Se valkyrier fører vores faldne brødre bort
Krigens æresdøde nu venter dem bag Heimdals gyldne port
Se valkyrier fører vores faldne brødre bort
Krigens æresdøde nu venter dem bag Heimdals gyldne port
8. Vinlandsfærd
Over søens stærke storm
Mod lande fjernt mod vest
Sejler stolte skibe frem
Og trodser havets blæst
Stræke mænd og gæve folk
Tvinger skibet frem
I stormens styrke skælver vi
Længes mod vort hjem
Over hav og mørke søer
Havet sletter alle spor
Stormen bruser, skibet skælver
Vinden hvisker bøn til Njord
Hræsvelg blæser storm til kamp
Og Ægirs vrede stor
I skibets stavn vi beder bøn
Til Odin og til Njord
Bølger tvinger skibet rundt
På havets sorte vand
I stormens styrke skælver vi
I søgen efter land
Over hav og mørke søer
Havet sletter alle spor
Stormen bruser, skibet skælver
Vinden hvisker bøn til Njord
Nu hvor vi ser det åbne land
Med fjerne horisonter
Slipper frygten hver en mand
Glemt er vind og klippeskær
Vinlands vidder breder sig
Frugt og træer står frodigt
Her vort nye land skal gro
Vort hjem vi aldrig ser igen
Nu hvor vi ser det åbne land
Med fjerne horisonter
Slipper frygten hver en mand
Glemt er vind og klippeskær
Vinlands vidder breder sig
Frugt og træer står frodigt
Her vort nye land skal gro
Vort hjem vi aldrig ser igen
Over hav og mørke søer
Havet sletter alle spor
Stormen bruser, skibet skælver
Vinder hvisker bøn til Njord
Frem mod Vinlands åbne vidder
Sejler stolte skibe frem
Odin pris den nye verden
Bølgen slået, Hil dig Njord!
9. Warriors Of Asgard
I look upon this fearless horde
of mighty heathen men and valkyries of Valhalla
The bravest of Midgard, Odin's pride
All are you gathered here, with us here tonight
Warriors of Asgard, sons of the north
Raise every sword high, one and all
Warriors of Asgard, join us and fight
Brothers of battle, we'll never fall
All of you who stands united here
Are warriors chosen by the gods
And even at the face of a mighty foe
You'll stand your ground and fight
Warriors of Asgard, sons of the north
Raise every sword high, one and all
Warriors of Asgard, join us and fight
Brothers of battle, we'll never fall
and Valkyries fair
Raise your horns
Let the gods hear your voice!"
This heart of battle, is filled with joy
When I look upon this heathen force
And all of you who fight by our side
Will join the gods on the day you die
Warriors of Asgard, sons of the north
Raise every sword high, one and all
Warriors of Asgard, join us and fight
Brothers of battle, we'll never fall
Warriors of Asgard, sons of the north
Raise every sword high, one and all
Warriors of Asgard, join us and fight
Brothers of battle, we'll never fall
10. Hlidskjalf Gynger
På toppen af Valhallas sal sidder gamle Odin
Herfra han skue alt med Hugin og Mugin
Fra Idasletten kommer nu, Einherjer til festens sal
Klar til glide, druk og hor
Skål for gamle Odin
Odins vrede vækker vi med høje røster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Vores larm kan høres fra land til kyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Sund fornuft vi kender ej, vi følge vores lyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
I Valhals sal vi feste skal til daggry lysner
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Over Yggdrasil han ser, på alle verdener fjern og nær
Einherjer forstyrrer ham, det ryster i hans trone
Svinet er stægt og mjøden fyldt på tønde
Brave krigere vender hjem, gildet kan begynde
Odins vrede vækker vi med høje røster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Vores larm kan høres fra land til kyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Sund fornuft vi kender ej, vi følge vores lyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
I Valhals sal vi feste skal til daggry lysner
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Ravnene der flakker rundt, larmen overdøver
Støj fra salen breder sig, Valhals sal vil gynge
Hlidskalf gynger frem og tilbage, Odin bliver træt og vred
Einherjer ænser ingenting og råber, "Skål for gamle Odin!"
Odins vrede vækker vi med høje røster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Vores larm kan høres fra land til kyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Sund fornuft vi kender ej, vi følge vores lyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
I Valhals sal vi feste skal til daggry lysner
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Odins vrede vækker vi med høje røster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Vores larm kan høres fra land til kyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
Sund fornuft vi kender ej, vi følge vores lyster
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
I Valhals sal vi feste skal til daggry lysner
Vi fester hele natten lang, så Hlidskalf gynger
11. Raise Your Horns
"Raise your horns for Odin,
Raise your horns and fight!"
Night it glooms, the keg is full
The meat is ripe, we are here to celebrate
Druken men and beautiful maidens
All gather round, we are here to celebrate
Raise your horns for Odin,
Raise your horns and fight!
The bravest of warriors, the strongest of men
All stand united, raise your horns and fight
All gather round, ready to fight
Are you ready?
Raise your horns and fight
Raise your horns for Odin,
Raise your horns and fight!
Raise your horns,
Praise your gods!
Raise your horns,
Drink my brothers!
Raise your horns,
Raise your horns!
Raise your horns,
Stand up and fight!
Raise your horns for Odin,
Raise your horns and fight!
Raise your horns for Odin,
Raise your horns and fight!
12. Fimbul
Fear! Hate!
All shall fall! When Fimbul comes!
Cold! Dark!
Draw your swords! The end has come!
I see the death of a son
I see a winter has come
I see the sun devoured
I see the end
I see darkness surrounds the world
I see mankind despair
I see all bonds break
I see the end
Fear! Hate!
All shall fall! When Fimbul comes!
Cold! Dark!
Draw your swords! The end has come!
I see Fenris loose once more
I see the worm on land
I see the dead arise
I see the end
I see Surtur's march of destruction
I see Naglfar setting sail
I see Loki freed from his cave
I see the end
Lightning strikes
The world is on fire
Revenge is now, the end is near
The northern gods will meet their fate
All bonds will break and brothers fight
Mankind despairs as their gods fall
Jormundandr falls by Thor
The brave son of Odin
Walks nine steps, fall to the ground
Poisoned wounds inflicted
Tyr has lost his second arm
and falls unto the hellhound Garm
Heimdal takes on Loki
as they fall to kill each other
Death and destruction fills the air
This doom is upon us all
Gods are now men alike
Jormundandr falls by Thor
The brave son of Odin
Walks nine steps, fall to the ground
Poisoned wounds inflicted
Tyr has lost his second arm
and falls unto the hellhound Garm
Heimdal takes on Loki
as they fall to kill each other
Fenris falls by Vidars hand
The silent son of Odin
Rips apart his jaws
and the chaoswolf lies bleeding
Surtur sets the world on fire
as everyone has died
All is lost the world has ended
Now a new world arises
13. Sons Of The North
The age of legends has come to an end
The stories we know, we stand to defend
and we wish to remember the glorious tales
Of giants and gods and heroes
Do you remember the songs about Thor?
The strong thunder god and the hammer he wore?
The brave son of Odin who defended our realm
against Jotunheim's dark armies.
And if you believe an old world will rise
Gods will stand strong and old songs will be sung
In the halls of Odin
Sad tales about the loss of a son
And joyful songs about wars we have won
Stories of brotherhood and powerful gods
And those of mighty heroes
These are the songs of our past and our pride
A link between ours and the ancient times
A memory of honour, the times we were strong
Which never shall be forgotten
And if you believe an old world will rise
Gods will stand strong and old songs will be sung
In the halls of Odin
We're the defenders of legend and myth
The tales will be sung to the day of our end
And when the times of our last breath has come
We pass through the gates of Heimdal
And if you believe an old world will rise
Gods will stand strong and old songs will be sung
In the halls of Odin
Gone are the days of adventure and might
The stories of gods have slipped into the night
And the strength of the north seems faded away
And only a few remembers.
And when we sing songs about gods of old
We are still strong, we are fearless and bold
We are the sons of the Northland.
And if you believe an old world will rise
Gods will stand strong and old songs will be sung
In the halls of Odin
Sara Oddershede ‒ Bagpipes, Vocals
Lars Bundvad ‒ Bass, Backing Vocals
Martin Holmsgaard Håkan ‒ Drums, Backing Vocals
Philip Kaaber ‒ Guitar, Backing Vocals
Andreas Bigom ‒ Vocals, Keyboards
Thanks to taggerung1 for correcting track #13 lyrics.
Lars Bundvad ‒ Bass, Backing Vocals
Martin Holmsgaard Håkan ‒ Drums, Backing Vocals
Philip Kaaber ‒ Guitar, Backing Vocals
Andreas Bigom ‒ Vocals, Keyboards
Thanks to taggerung1 for correcting track #13 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.
All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.