album: "Once Dead" (1990)
1. Warfare2. Can't Get Out
3. Cut Into Pieces
4. Frontal Lobotomy
5. Herod's Violent Death
6. The Whipping Post
7. Arise
8. Space Truck'in
9. Out Of The Will
10. The Wrath To Come
11. Into The Abyss
12. Among The Dead
13. Interruption
1. Warfare
"Our Father which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
For ever and ever
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
Take the sword and prayer, understand the cause
The brothers in Adam, you're to call
Into the priesthood, warning all
Fight as a Lion
What are we in: Warfare
Onslaught against hell-bent deception
Through apologetics, confrontation
We're calling you, who will come
Show your fist, that you are one of us
What are we in: Warfare
The weapons are not of the flesh
God given doctrine, not dogmatic mess
Some battles won, some battles lost
But we've got the war and that's what counts
It's about redemption
What are we in: Warfare!
2. Can't Get Out
I'm not addicted I'm over my head in freebase affection
I load a bowl, light the pipe suck it as it sucks my life
This is a war of attrition taking my life as I seek a decision
I smoked my check, smoked my car, when I smoked my house have I gone too far
I've got a friend you see, he's my dealer
I smoked his coke, smoked his crack, he said it's time that I paid him back
I've got a problem I've got no dinero
If I sold some coke would he let me go, if I paid him back would he front me
some more
Can't get out
I smoked away my frustrations
Can't Get out
I took them out on my wife
Can't Get out
I even tried to smoke her too
Can't Get out
But she wouldn't fit in the pipe
Can't Get out
I really can't get out
Can't Get out
So I went to a Doctor
Can't Get out
He said he'd help me for sure
Can't Get out
Give me $200 bucks a night
Can't Get out
In 8 weeks you'll be cured
Can't Get out
I've really got to get out
Can't Get out
Then I opened my Bible
Let me out
And it opened my mind
Let me out
2 Timothy 4:18
Let me out
I'm gonna give it to Christ
Let me out
Jesus Let me out
Let me out
He Let me out
3. Cut Into Pieces
His hands were ripped right from the limbs, t'was dagon
His head was broke off his torso, this false god
You'll find that great destruction comes from Gods hand
As it will across the earth, deniers beware
Cut into pieces
In the days, when there was no king in Israel
All did that which was right in their own eyes
Sex offence, and murder, they cared not for God
Said, strike them down for this, it is coming again
Cut into pieces
Levite took the knife and sliced her up
Because of the sin that had been in Gibeah
Immoral man in sex, outside God's will which
God gave for man in marriage, not to be profaned
Cut into pieces
Warn the world, The Master comes, be aware
Separate now yourself unto him
Or you will be found in the left of judgement
Consecration in the son, or eternal hell
Cut In Two Pieces
4. Frontal Lobotomy
False prophets speak empty words of deception
They promise you freedom, but are slaves to corruption
Scripture is given for reproof and correction
Untaught people are their own destruction
Frontal lobotomy
Those who do not confess Christ has come in the flesh
Or that his blood sacrifice & Grace has saved us from death
Those who do not abide in the doctrine of Christ
Don't receive them or ever take part in their
Frontal lobotomy
Check it, we did
Bereans follow our step
And avoid the trap of the deceivers
Follow the Word, and come to battle
Don't be deceived, by philosophical reason
Out of empty deceit or man made tradition
Live not by the world but according to Christ
We're not the ones who are trying to give you
A frontal lobotomy
5. Herod's Violent Death
This Herod he was troubled, when he first learned of Christ
Like so many of today, who neglect salvation life
And do not give the Lord Christ Jesus, the glory due his name
They try by their own righteousness, to enter Heavens gate
Herod's violent death
Another killed John the Baptist, for some wicked chick
Like those who kill the Word of God, that is, make no place for it
They claim that they're just busy, that maybe one day they'll get with it
But as the thief comes in the night, guess what they'll be hit with
Herod's violent death
A lesson to be learned, as History will repeat itself
The scripture, it does not lie
Billions will follow them to Judgement, because they will not receive Christ
Why don't you repent tonight
Herod's violent death
This death is just a type of the terror, that you will live in
If you refuse to become a Saint of God, consecrated to Him
Holiness is not the eradication of evil in the fallen nature of man
But consecration unto God, Come by Faith, you can
Herod's violent death
6. The Whipping Post
A garrison
Dreams of horror
It will end
Guess who's the father of it
Some people think, he was weak, so he died
He was bad, no one touched him, unless he let them
Like dominos, they all fell, and they will fall
He accomplished what he set out to, the warrior prince, defeating all
Tied to the whipping post, for what he had not done
Substitutionary sacrifice, we're covered in the blood
Check it out, Noahs ark was covered with the Pitch
That kept it from sinking, sin is sinking people every day
Propitiation, expiatory blood atones
For that which you commit and what you do not know
You may think "I'm driving 55 so what's the big deal dude"
But you are in the 35, guilty, me and you
All have sinned, and that's just the way it is
But we are saved through conversion, based upon what he did
Conversion is the point where your total trust is in Christ
For salvation, but it imparts a new life
You do not get cleaned up to take a bath
Like receiving Christ, You'd better do it while you can
Regeneration, that which happens to the true
Born Again Believers, Inner conflict
Imputation, given the righteousness of Christ
Hamertia, the price is paid
Redemption, that encompasses the whole
Be diligent to understand, then speak it and be bold
Pilates wife, knew the gig and she freaked out man
Bar-Abbas understood substitution and
Simon Peter, a disciple in denial and
Roman soldiers long since dead, times got the upper hand
A King and Robbers
Eli, Eli
Lama Sabachthani?
A quote of David, in praise to God
Veil torn
Graves open
This is the Son of God
7. Arise
Hagioi, apologeite peri tou pistos dia tou logou Theou
Saints arise
This ones for the brethren
Who've not won one soul yet
Let me ask you what are you doing, with your time
I speak of Grace not debt
Think about it
What you were left here for
Initiate conversion
And the discipleship the hardcore
You say I'm not prepared
Well what do you think your church is for
Your pastor labors weekly
So that you will learn involvement
When's the last time
You spoke about this with him
Or an elder to help you out
That's what they're about
Soul winners will shine like the stars forever
In the endless time
Who warn that the flood is coming
Like Sacred Warrior the servants of Christ
Jesus said, make disciples
And ask yourself, have you obeyed
It's personal evaluation time
We call the righteous, to the front line
Saints Arise!
8. Space Truck'in
[Controlled composition]
9. Out Of The Will
There I was, a Prophet of God
I didn't want to go explain to them Gods mercy
I had my reasons
I said, hey man have you got a ticket to Tarshish
That was the first mistake
I was spending my money on something God didn't want me to
It all boils down to disobedience you know
All that God had asked of me, was that I warn them all to flee
To flee from the Wrath to Come, but I wouldn't, man I was dumb
What if it had not been done for me, and I went off to flee
To Tarshish to leave them dead, and what I thought inside my head was
God can't find me now
And then it came, a gnarly storm
I knew it was God
I told the sailors, throw me over
And they said What?
I thought, man if it were Christians they probably wouldn't hesitate
And they said, No man, were going to help you out
And I said, hey man, it's God, throw me over
Into death I went, God's mercy alone could save my neck
I'll tell you man, I don't deserve it, that is Grace, you'd better learn it
Dead but on the third day, resurrected, a sign, catch it man
But on the way, into the death, this is what I prayed and said
God please find me now
Mercy and Grace
This is what God wants from you and me
Love acceptance and forgiveness
As he did for us, you see I was dead
Mercy and Grace
He's a God of second chances
Don't be out of the will
10. The Wrath To Come
There is a point, that is very clear
A wrath is coming, in judgement near
7 Seals and 7 Trumpets
7 Bowls in the Prophecy
You are on a crash course with Eternity
We persuade you, be reconciled
The sons of disobedience
Will give account
Over and over, the scripture warns
And warnings are because people care
The penalty never ends
Violence with vicious intent
The destruction, it will never end
You can escape the wrath to come
By believing in Jesus Christ the Son
And to the Priests, redeem the time
Warning every man, they cannot see they're blind
The time is limited
Don't die a pointless life lived
That which you do, matters for eternity
You were left here, to warn the world to flee
And if like with Noah, they won't listen
Their blood be upon their head
Lord is not slack, as some count slackness
No wanting you to perish, but that you might repent
Let him who has ears hear
11. Into The Abyss
Blessed is he who reads
And hears the words of the Prophecy
And keeps the things that are written in it
For the time is near
Every eye will see him coming
All the tribes of the earth will mourn
They will realize what happened
This is real and we weren't wrong
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
The Destroyer will also be destroyed
With satan in Judgement that is Eternal
And for a thousand years we reign
Before the final crushing of his head
For this purpose, the Son of God
Was manifested to destroy the works
Of the adversary who hates your soul
He speaks lies to you, but don't believe him
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
Don't you know, we know the end
So why don't you come with winners
If now you deny the son
He will deny you in the judgement
Jesus Christ, He is almighty
The conquering Lion of Judah
All powerful, the Holy one
Even his Angel is stronger than satan
The devil he goes
Into the abyss
12. Among The Dead
Do you see the people, lying in their living graves
Knowing not the Mystery, totally depraved
The backdrop of the Law, shows man the sinner that he is
Doesn't need to be some heinous crime, point out what Adam did
THAT is the reason
WHY we are here
TELL 'EM of Salvation
The WORK of God is dear
LET the light shine
OUT and darkness ends
ADOPTED children
We walk among the dead
Awaiting the Hour preparing for war
To slay the deniers of Christ
Until that day, invite them
Come and be one with us in Christ
Time here is so short, as the elders do know
Listen up ambassadors for Christ
Redeem the time, I'm calling you
To get out there and fight
There's action thats needed, the call, your to heed it
Eternitys coming, they're entering hell
And there blinded by satan, in darkness so great
That they don't even know what it is that they fall on
But you need to understand, just what they believe, so check it out
We wait for the King, and till he comes we occupy
Forcefully advancing, no need to wonder why
13. Interruption
Thanks to deathmariachi for sending these lyrics.
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