album: "Destination Set To Nowhere" (2012)
1. S'io Fosse Foco2. The Dream Maker
3. Beyond The Sun And Far Away
4. The Ark
5. Mermaids From Their Moons
6. The Lighthouse
7. Message To Home
8. The House Of The Angels
9. The Sin Is You
10. Here We Die
11. Destination Set To Nowhere
1. S'io Fosse Foco
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics taken from 'S'i' fosse foco' di Cecco Angiolieri 1260-1312]
S'i' fosse foco, ardere' il mondo;
s'i' fosse vento, lo tempestarei;
s'i' fosse acqua i' l' annegherei;
s'i' fosse Dio, mandereil'en profondo;
s'i' fosse papa, serei allor giocondo,
che tutti christiani embrigarei;
s'i' fosse 'emperator, sa' che farei?
a tutti mozzarei lo capo a tondo.
S'i' fosse morte, andarei da mio padre;
s'i' fosse vita, fuggirei da lui:
similemente faria da mi' madre,
S'i' fosse Cecco, com'i' sono e fui,
torrei le donne giovani e leggiadre:
Le vecchie e laide lasserei altrui.
[Disgusted by a world which is sinking into the deepest despair and
is a slave to the politicians, who care for nothing else but their own
money and power, I decided to us all my resources in order to
create a huge spaceship names Elpis (like the ancient goddess of
Hope), so that I could finally leave this planet, together with every
other man and woman who see things the same way I do and maybe
one day find another planet, on which we could start a brand new
life, far away from these people that cause us despair.
They lie, they think they can fool us and they fight as if they really
wanted to conquer the whole world. Well, they can have it all. We're
leaving tonight, and it will be forever.]
2. The Dream Maker
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
Open your eyes and you will see
The world is falling
While they continue telling lies
They rule this world pretending smiles
But here we're dying
And still they try to keep you blind
I'm no more believing
The lies they tell to keep their power
I want to leave
When tomorrow comes I won't be here
Come with me
It's a new world I'm searching
I'll give you a life
Just tell me what you need
Your hopes will be mine
I'll give you a smile
Just tell me what you dream
I'm gonna make it real
Over the horizon we will fade
This world is over
Beyond the Stars We'll fly tonight
We leave this planet falling down
Our fate is calling
Turn on the engines don't you cry
We're no more believing
The lies they tell to keep their power
Just empty lies
Time to raise your heads and scream "NO MORE"
'cause out there there's a new world
We'll find it
I'll give you a life
Just tell me what you need
Your hopes will be mine
I'll give you a smile
Just tell me what you dream
I'm gonna make it real
[Finally, we took off! While the Earth becomes smaller and smaller
behind us, we all know that we won't ever see our homes no our
friends anymore. Goodbye: we choose freedom and we're ready to
fly beyond the sun!]
3. Beyond The Sun And Far Away
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
While we cross the sky and the stars get closer
Tears fall down
We're leaving our world, there's no way back
We're The Chosen Ones
No Repentance While we fly high
And our ship's flying into the sky
We're breaking the silence, loud is our cry
A scream for freedom, into the stars we fly
We say goodbye, time to fade away
Beyond the sun and far away
And while Earth becomes a tiny blue light
Fear takes us
We're facing the infinite out there
We won't fail
We're the chosen ones
And we're giving you our farewell
We left hell to find heaven tonight
[Days, weeks, months have passed since we started this ad-
venture. While roaming deep into the unknown, every time we spot
a new light, a new planet, we all cross our fingers and we hope.
So far our spaceship, this ark, has been our only home and it
seems it will be like that for a long time...maybe forever...]
4. The Ark
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
We fly at light speed into the universe
The Earth is so far, our homes are empty
We break through the silence cradling the galaxy
Sailing this ocean of stars and planets
Searching for a land to claim
For a place we can call home once more, maybe
In this never-ending night every time we spot a light
We hold our breath in silence
Roaming in space
If There's a home we will find it
Calling from space
We're here, can't you see?
And while our small lives sturggle with our fears
We face the deep space, we hear it's calling
It calls for a new hope, hope for a future
Into this darkness we follow a bright light
It's the light of our hope
Guiding us in search for home, we will find it
In this never-endintg night every time we spot a light
We hold our breathe in silence
Roaming in space
If There's a home we will find it
Calling from space
We're here, can't you see?
[Such a long way, such a long time. Even if we knew it since the
very beginning, being lost in space for all these years is a hard
thing mining our sanity. We almost lost the hope and all this
silence is giving me strange feelings; sometimes, when I close
myself into my room trying to fall asleep. I think about Ulysses and
his never ending trip on the way back home... cometimes I even
seem to hear voices calling me from out there, just like mermaids
calling us from their moons...]
5. Mermaids From Their Moons
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
In the silence of my room
If I close my eyes I can hear voices like a whisper
Someone's calling
Like old mermaids from their moons
Singing melodies to those who pass by,
Then surrender
My reason's falling, falling, falling...
Silent's the empty dark cosmos
As silent we sail through the stars
The planets seem like lost islands
Floating in a transient sea
Like Ulysses and his sailors
Now we face our Odyssey
Roaming lost we search a harbor
Trying to keep our sanity
In the silence of my room
If I close my eyes I can hear voices like a whisper
Someone's calling
Like old mermaids from their moons
Singing melodies to those who pass by,
Then surrender
My reason's falling, falling, falling...
Time in our cabins goes slowly
All we can do is to wait and hope
Like Ulysses and his sailors
Now we face our Odyssey
Roaming lost we search a harbor
Trying to keep our sanity
In the silence of my room
If I close my eyes I can hear voices like a whisper
Someone's calling
Like old mermaids from their moons
Singing melodies to those who pass by,
Then surrender
My reason's falling, falling, falling ...
Like Ulysses and his sailors
Now we face our Odyssey
Roaming lost we search a harbor
Trying to keep our sanity
In the silence of my room
If I close my eyes I can hear voices like a whisper
Someone's calling
Like old mermaids from their moons
Singing melodies to those who pass by,
Then surrender
My reason's falling, falling, falling ....
[I don't know if I've turned completely mad, but yeterday I had a dream:
in this dream, a child (or an angel, I don't know), talked to me and he
clearly told me our trip is almost over. When I woke up today, I just
went to the control room of the Elpis and I saw that big light over there,
right in front of us. We'll soon find our if it was just a trick of my broken
mind or a real vision, but in case it was all true, then I also wonder
why, before waking up, this angel or child warned me about the human
nature of men, before fading away with a sad face...]
6. The Lighthouse
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
In the night he called my name, I cannot forget
Face of a child, Angel eyes
In my dream he said today we'll find the way
For the new world we've been craving
Nothing more, then a sign out there
"Follow the light, you will find it"
A lighthouse in the dark
Like an answer to your many prayers
You'll find salvation
A lighthouse in the dark
Like and anchor in a stormy sea
Showing you all the way
The last words the angel said, made him change his face
From a big smile he turned grey
"You don't know the human race, your big mistake.
You'll see what I mean with your eyes"
Nothing more, then a sign out there
"follow the light, you will find it"
A lighthouse in the dark
Like an answer to your many prayers
You'll find salvation
A lighthouse in the dark
Like an anchor in a stormy sea
Showing you all the way
[HOME! After so many years, I cannot believe it. While all of the crew
members are excited and use the capsules to leave the spaceship and to
land on the new planet. I am the last one still aboard. I ordered Elpis to
turn everything off and to get ready for the stand-by in orbit, but before
leaving myself to reach the new planet, I felt like writing a message on a
sheet of peper, like the old mariners used to do. I put it into a bottle and
I shot it in the direction of the Earth, even though I know that nobody will
ever read it. This was my very last message to my old home...]
7. Message To Home
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
If I could take a piece of time and save it under glass
To make it stay, to make it last forever
If I could change my state of mind
And freeze my thoughts like ice
And be like tonight, whenever I feel the need for peace
I would choose this night to get lost in my dreams
To release my mind forever free
Message to home, letter from far away
From a distant sky
Just a few lines into the dark fall
Look at the sky,
One of the million lights you see at night
Is our home, it's where we live right now
If I could stop the flowing of life
And live like in a picture, frozen in time
I'd surely choose it to be today
I would choose this night to get lost in my dreams
To release my mind forever free
Message to home, letter from far away
From a distant sky
Just a few lines into the dark fall
Look at the sky,
One of the million lights you see at night
Is our home, it's where we live right now
[What a heaven! Everything's so perfect here. A new planet to be explo-
red, no pollution, no sort of troubles in sight. It's all ours and here we
can build our lives once again, the way we want it, like a second chance
for our sons and the next generations that will come. I feel as if we've
entered right into the house of the angels...]
8. The House Of The Angels
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
Open these doors, after many years in space
I wanna breathe fresh healthy air,
I want to walk over the green grass
I want to go where the water runs so clear
From a river I will drink then I will sleep
Here in this silence
I will dream of a adistant world lost in space
Then I'll wake up and smile
Warmth by the sun rising
Here we are, to the heaven's doors we came
We just want to be angels
From the sky with our broken wings we fall
In the house of the angels
We will live here, we will leave our kids a world
Free from politicians and stupid laws.
We are free now!
In this new world we have found our promised land
We can build our destiny,
We can hope for a new future
I will dream of a distant world lost in space
Then I'll wake up and smile
Warmth by the sun rising
Here we are, to the heaven's doors we came
We just want to be angels
From the sky with our broken wings we fall
In the house of the angels
[I knew it: not even one year has passed since when we arrived, and once
again it's all the same. People started to claim their own properties,
building fences all around and getting greedy, even if this world is way
too big for the few of us. They already talk like the old politicians we left
on Earth, trying to get more and more power and starting to arrange
themsleves into parties and trying to get more power over the
others. Now I understand the warning I got in my dream the day
before we found this planet: it's in our own nature to be greedy,
and it doesn't matter how far and how fast we will run: the sin
will always follow us, cause we are the sin!]
9. The Sin Is You
[Music: Lucatti, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
Maybe It's the human nature pushing people to want more
Maybe you just can't get by with what you have, who knows
Once again it's all the same
Then I guess you'll never learn
To live in peace without complaints
I can't stand it anymore
This was not the plan I drew
This ain't what we came here for
Fire in Eden once again
Who will take the blame now?
You took this heaven down, digging your own grave
Fire in Eden once again
Tell me where you run now?
Wherever you may go things won't change
'cause the sin is you...you are the sin
In the end it's all a failure, I can only feel the shame
For the people like you living with no peace, no smiles...
You're the proof that God was right
When he kicked us out of Eden the first time
You'll never learn...
I can't stand it anymore
This was not the plan I drew
This ain't what we came here for
Fire in Eden once again
Who will take the blame now?
You took this heaven down, digging your own grave
Fire in Eden once again
Tell me where you run now?
Wherever you may go things won't change
'cause the sin is you...you are the sin
[May you all be damned! You quickly turned this heaven into the
same hell we all left. There won't be any other chance, and anyway
it would be just useless to try. Go on with your stupidity, see this
new world falling down and be happy, while we all die here!]
10. Here We Die
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
I left my home with a vision
With a new world to be built
I took with me many people
All with the same will to succeed
All now has fallen down
Gone, destroyed by your greed... Your greed
I see you fail and I cry
Can you tell me why
Tears for this dream falling down
While here we all die
This is the end of a future
We'd have made perfect for good
We held our destiny in our hands
You made it blow once and for all
All now has fallen down
Gone, destroyed by your greed... Your greed
I see you fail and I cry
Can you tell me why
Tears for this dream falling down
While here we all die
[I've taken my decision: I used a capsule to go back to my spaceship.
I'm alone here, and alone I will leave. me being alone is the only way
to find peace, then alone I will be, forever. People do not realize that
the good and the evil is right inside each one of us. If we could all be
just and honest, there would be no need of police, borders, money,
laws and politicians. There needs themselves are the declaration of
an announced failure, a failure which I refuse to witness.
Let's go, my dear Elpis, after all it's only you and me left, now.
no need for any route set, just go: destination set to nowhere...]
11. Destination Set To Nowhere
[Music: Magnani, Tordiglione, Lucatti]
[Lyrics: Magnani]
Destination set to nowhere
Out there I'm gonna fly
Let the vessel sail a new way
It's time to say goodbye
In this moonlight I will fade in silence
Where the darkness melts with the horizon
Into the unknown... I'm on my way
Destination set to nowhere
Who knows what will come
No direction set before me
Lonely my destiny called
In this moonlight I will fade in silence
Where the darkness melts with the horizon
Into the unknown... I'm on my way
Destination set to nowhere
Out there I'm gonna fly
Let the vessel sail a new way
It's time to say goodbye
Olaf Thörsen ‒ Guitars
Fabio Lione ‒ Vocals
Federico Puleri ‒ Guitars
Alessandro "Bix" Bissa ‒ Drums
Alessio "Tom" Lucatti ‒ Keyboards
Andrea "Tower" Torricini ‒ Bass
Thanks to adveser for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to garzoncaicedo for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Fabio Lione ‒ Vocals
Federico Puleri ‒ Guitars
Alessandro "Bix" Bissa ‒ Drums
Alessio "Tom" Lucatti ‒ Keyboards
Andrea "Tower" Torricini ‒ Bass
Thanks to adveser for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to garzoncaicedo for correcting track #5 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.