album: "A Pagan Storm" (2007)
1. Growing Storms2. A Pagan Storm
3. The Path
4. Midnight Gathering
5. A Wolfchant From The Mountain Side
6. Guardians Of The Forest
7. Winter Hymn
8. Stärkend Trunk Aus Feindes Schädel
9. Voran
10. Feuerbringer
11. The Axe, The Sword, The Wind And A Wolf
1. Growing Storms
2. A Pagan Storm
With power and Might this storm wind blows
Tear down the Christian monuments this night
Take hold of our trembling Enemies bodies
Fear the force of the pagan storm
Since 2000 years
we hear these lies
every day and every night
since the time of our infancy
All these invented stories
The peoples' mind
poisoned by wrong
promises A heart full of
fear to suffer to suffer purgatory
With power and Might this storm wind blows
Tear down the Christian monuments this night
Take hold of our trembling Enemies bodies
Fear the force of the pagan storm
But time is coming
and the first free thought
is running trough your head
But deep in you heart
you can feel something
is wrong with this story
In ancient times this wind was born
grows up again, to a storm
We ride on its wings and fly through the night
together we stand and we fight
With power and Might this storm wind blows
Tear down the Christian monuments this night
Take hold of our trembling Enemies bodies
Fear the force of the pagan storm
3. The Path
I'm standing on top of a mountain my face against the wind.
My fingers are touching stones millions of years they are old.
The spirit of this old place increases the power in me.
Nature is the real god the reason for our existence.
As long as my heart will pound
and as long I can breath.
As long as I stand like a man
I will never forgive.
That's the way I have to go
my chosen path.
With pride and honour I fight
for the glory of my gods.
My conviction, my destiny
I have the heart of a wolf
please bring me back home again
I'm standing in a valley
my heart touched by the wind.
The aura of trees in my nose
the same like thousand years before.
The magic of this moment
unique an incomparable.
Nature is the real god
and the reason for our life.
As long as my heart will pound
and as long I can breath.
As long as I stand like a man
I will never forgive.
As long as I'm a warrior
and as long I can fight.
As long as I'm wild like a wolf
nobody will tame me.
A raging beast is unleashed
and sharp are its fangs.
It is coming to you
take care and prepare.
That's the way I have to go
my chosen path.
With pride and honour I fight
for the glory of my gods.
My conviction, my destiny
I have the heart of a wolf
please bring me back home again
4. Midnight Gathering
In a warm and mild summer night
The light of the moon is glaring
Friends and brothers are by my side
And we are sitting around a fire
The flames are dancing for us
We are dancing in this night
The Flames are shining for us
We are brighter than the light
We all hold our hands into the wind
Free like the eagles tonight
All sorrows are forgotten
We drink and sing in our gathering
We all hold our swords into sky
Free like the wolves tonight
The guitars are playing
We drink and sing in our gathering
The wind is touching my face
We fill the horns with beer and mead
A perfect night to celebrate
And the best meat I will get
Many litres of beer and mead are in me
I'm trumbling through the fresh grass
A girl will follow fast my path
Oh night please never end!
We all hold our hands into the wind
Free like the eagles tonight
All sorrows are forgotten
We drink and sing in our gathering
5. A Wolfchant From The Mountain Side
In wide lands, wrapped in snow
We walk through the mist
All the way up to
An Old Fields Mountain
A Mountain made of Stones
This Mountain is just one of
Many secrets of this place
Where an ancient forest is grown
Come on, follow me
Through Gadreta
Let me tell you
The ancient tales of my home
Mystic lands of magic forests
I show you
To recover the old way
Together, in that night
Let us remember
Our pagan tribes
Gathered at the campfire
To listen to a Wolfchant
From the Mountain Side
With poisoned words
Kilian and his followers
From Ireland they came
To destroy what was built
By our ancestors
Hundred years ago
To Build Houses
For their god
No longer
We want to be silent
Away with
Not to be suppressed
Any longer
To live our life
In freedom again
Hear my Voice,
Follow us
Do not Forget
Where we came from
Hear my voice
Stand up and fight
Free our land
Don't be afraid
Later this night
Enough was said
And tendency
Becomes more omitted
With poisoned words
Kilian and his followers
From Ireland they came
To destroy what was built
By our ancestors
Hundred years ago
To Build Houses
For their god
No longer
We want to be silent
Away with
Not to be suppressed
Any longer
To live our life
In freedom again
Our Journey ends
We open out
In the morning
To leave this place
Through the Forests on
The old pathways
Rivers left on the way
Down to the valley
Which I know
Back to civilisation
Back to the old fields village
Remembering last night
Mystic lands of magic forests
I've show you
To recover the old way
Together, in that night
Let us remember
Our pagan tribes
Gathered at the campfire
To listen to
a Wolfchant
From the Mountain Side
6. Guardians Of The Forest
Guardians of the Forest
Warriors of the fog
Sent by the elders, the wise
Defenders of Old fields
To fight against the foe
Gathered in the forest
Preparing their arms
Together they stand for valhall
Lords of the wolves
'til the day of crucial war
years went by
when their fiend was banned
land and honour were free
they gathered in fynn's tavern
conferred about what has to be done
to protect their country knowingly
that the enemy will turn back
they decided to call the ancient ones
who are resting in the woods
I call you, awake now, you brave ones
Dwellers of the fog
Raise your swords an fight against
The ones who attack us, at once
Guardians of the Forest
Warriors of the fog
Sent by the elders, the wise
Defenders of Old fields
To fight against the foe
Gathered in the forest
Preparing their arms
Together they stand for valhall
Lords of the wolves
'til the day of crucial war
Travelling through the ancient
Woods waiting for the final call
No one will be spared, when day
Of war has come
Once by gone an era
The dwellers of the fog
With our fathers they stood
Side by side as in tales it's told
With horses formed by wrath
And blades made of fire
When they call for battle
No enemy will survive
When they call for battle
No enemy will survive
Guardians of the Forest
Warriors of the fog
Sent by the elders, the wise
Defenders of Old fields
To fight against the foe
Gathered in the forest
Preparing their arms
Together they stand for valhall
Lords of the wolves
'til the day of crucial war
7. Winter Hymn
This is the nature‘s
Cold and powerful skin
Consecration comes this night
This is my unique ode
My winter hymn
Deep in the forest
I am still alive
Cold winds are blowing
Fast, fast through the night
I‘m in the forest
So deep and alone
The snow is shining
In the white moonlight
Oh Mother Nature
A wolf is coming home
All the trees
Above me so high
And I am surrounded
By the mountains
I feel the pureness
Of the winter's ice
Embraced from
Wilderness and silence
Ein Wolfe streift durch die eiskalte Nacht
Um zu entfachen ein Feuer
Ein Feuer stärker, als es jemals ward gebracht
Weil es von Götterhand gemacht
Flammen die brennen
So heiss und so stark
Schliessen dich ein mit ihrer Kraft
Sie werden dich fesseln mit ihrer
Schönheit und Macht
Bis sie dir die Freiheit verschafft
All my thoughts I leave free, free run
I am surrounded by the mountains
So high and wonderful they guide me
Trough the path of my
Inner pacification
The sun is slowly disappearing now
All is covered deep red like red blood
I feel the world is going to change the face
Back to the roots of our old gods
Cold is the wind and the snow in this night
Embrace my heart with pure ice
The Blood is running cold through my veins
And I lift up my mind to Valhalla
8. Stärkend Trunk Aus Feindes Schädel
Wir sind ein Haufen
Stolzer Heidenkrieger
Beenden jede Schlacht
Stets als Sieger
Wir sind furchtlos und
Wir sind jederzeit
Nicht nur im Feindeskampf
Zu allem bereit
Gefeiert wird die
Heimkehr nach dem Kampf
Den Wanst gewärmt
Durch Feuers Dampf
Zechen wir grölend
Im hellen Fackelschein
Schütten uns berauschend
Die Tränke rein
Singt und tanzt und
Hebt das Horn
Zum Feiern und zum Siegen
Sind wir geboren
Zieht das Schwert
In dieser Nacht
Denn Morgen geht es auf
In die nächste Schlacht
Wotan, heut dir zu Ehren
Die Schädel gespalten werden
Wotan , dir zu Ehren
Hoch des Feindes Schädel
Auch wenn bitter weint
Sein Witwenmädel
Bis zum Rand gefüllt
Mit köstlich kühlem Met
Zum Feiern nach dem Kampfe
Ist es nie zu spät
Bei uns hier ist es
Der gute alte Brauch
Sich zu füllen gar prall
Den feisten Kriegerbauch
Mit stärkend Trunk
Aus Feindes Knochenkopf
Der einst ritt mit
Langem Streiterschopf
Wehe, wer uns
In die Hände fällt
Uns Heiden, für die eins
Am Ende doch nur zählt
Allein für Wotan
Zu siegen und zu triumphieren
Bis zu unserem Ende
Aufrecht zu marschieren
Singt und tanzt
Und hebt das Horn
Zum Feiern und siegen
Sind wir geboren
Zieht das Schwert
In dieser Nacht
Den Morgen geht es auf
In die nächste Schlacht
Wotan, heut dir zu Ehren
Die Schädel gespalten werden
Wotan , dir zu Ehren
Hoch des Feindes Schädel
Auch wenn bitter weint
Sein Witwenmädel
Bis zum Rand gefüllt
Mit köstlich kühlem Met
Zum Feiern nach dem Kampfe
Ist es nie zu spät
9. Voran
Mein Blick schweift über die Felder
die Seen und Auen meine Heimat.
Boden der keine Früchte trägt
hinüber ist die neue Saat.
Dunkel ist die Zeit und getränkt
der Boden mit rotem Blut.
Häuser und Ställe sind zerstört
der Tod allein ist Sieger nun
Mit Kreuzen stehen sie vor den Toren
um zu zerstören an was wir glauben.
Die Götter zum Kampfe rufen
die Ehre wird uns keiner rauben.
So greife ich nach meinem Schwert,
die klinge scharf und hart durch die Glut.
Mein Zuhause werd ich beschützen
meine Liebsten mein Hab und Gut.
Nun ist die Zeit gekommen
und der Fein zieht übers Land.
Tag und Nächte vergehen
die Waffen fest in der Hand.
Wir wollen kämpfen
denn kein Zwang soll uns berühren.
Den Blick immer nach Walhall
die Götter werden uns jetzt führen.
Die Macht des Kreuzes ist groß
die Verkünder voller Arg und List.
Tausende werden brennen wenn man
den Leib ihres Gottes nicht isst.
Doch unser Schicksal
ist nicht dieses
es wird von den
Nornen bestimmt.
Wir geben niemals auf
weil wir Wotans Krieger sind.
Schlag auf Schlag
mein Schwert es singt.
Schlag auf Schlag
vom Feind umringt.
Schlag um Schlag
und Knochen splittern.
Die Feinde fallen
ihre Körper zittern.
Nun ist die Zeit gekommen
und der Fein zieht übers Land.
Tag und Nächte vergehen
die Waffen fest in der Hand.
Wir wollen kämpfen
denn kein Zwang soll uns berühren.
Den Blick immer nach Walhall
die Götter werden uns jetzt führen.
10. Feuerbringer
11. The Axe, The Sword, The Wind And A Wolf
The Norns warned Odin
To be careful
'cause a demoniac wolf
will bring a new age
The age of the axe,
The sword the wind, the wolf
This is the beginning of the end
The end of all time is near
The grey one is watching you
Hati and Skalli you will fear
Devour the sun and the moon
A wolf will bring you dead
Fight, leave the golden halls
And no mercy will get
Nobody takes pity on you
The age of the wolf
Has begun that night
We gather all warriors
A times for the brave ones
The bound one freed himself
He came to new power
Vidar you must tear
The Beast into two parts
So the gods decided to bind Fenris for all time
They took him away from his mother
And brought him to Asgard
No success to tame him his rage is to wild
Only Tyr is brave enough to feed his hungry fangs
The age of the wolf has begun in this night
We gather all warriors a time for the brave one
The bound one freed himself he came to new power
Vidar you must tear the Beast into two parts
But all these deeds
Of the gods are senseless
Because a wolf will
Never change his mind
They tried to bind him
With Läding and Droma
But Fenrir teared the
Ropes into pieces
At least the dwarfs made mighty ties
Gleipnir now is holding the wolfs legs
And Tyr gave his hand as a pledge
The wolf is waiting for Ragnarök
The end of all time is near
The grey one is watching you
Hati and Skalli you will fear
Devour the sun and the moon
A wolf will bring you dead
Fight, leave the golden halls
And no mercy will get
Nobody takes pity on you
Thanks to michael.moll for sending these lyrics.
Thanks to hoepfi for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Thanks to hoepfi for correcting track #7 lyrics.
Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com

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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.