album: "Captors" (2012)
1. The Harvest2. Awaken
3. Morning Star
4. Dead Man
5. In Your Wake
6. Slaves
7. Step Out To The Water
8. Amnesty
9. Safeguards
10. Through The Night
11. Man Of Sorrows
1. The Harvest
The valley is wide and the canyons are deep
For a harvest is ready of that which to reap
Many before grabbed a sickle to shear
But their days have past and your time is near
So listen to me
And heed my words see
The world will tell you
That we are foolish
My words are not of simple flesh and blood
My words are not of simple flesh and blood
There is a famine of truth and love
So we must press forward, forget what's behind
But still we must go and advance His Word
But still we must go
We must go now!
We must go now!
No looking back we press on
No looking back we press on to the kingdom of God
Have our hands worked the fields for Your glory?
Or have our tongues spoken of Your story?
Have our feet seen the pain in the labor?
Or have we wandered off and wavered?
Racing the clock with our selfish involvement
Pacing our walk till the sun falls, the day's spent
Have the stalks seen the blade of your sheer?
And will you labor and work for your rest, rest is near?
If only I could see things through Your eyes
Ignite in me a burning flame
Forsaken life I count it as loss for the sake of the cross
Before the sun goes down
Before the coming of night
One will have I, and testament I will observe
One will have I, and testament I will
I will serve
Have our hearts felt the anguish of toil?
Or worked the ground tiling broken soil?
Have our eyes seen the joy in the reaping?
Or have we shied from our work with our sleeping?
Racing the clock with our selfish involvement
Pacing our walk till the sun falls, the day's spent
Have the stalks seen the blade of your sheer?
And will you labor and work for your rest, rest is near?
If only I could see things through Your eyes
Ignite in me a burning flame
Forsaken life I count it as loss for the sake of the cross
Before the sun goes down
My family as one unite
The time is ever nearing as we're losing daylight
So listen to me and heed my words see
The world will tell you that we are foolish
Hear you now the Master's voice it calls
Hear you now the Master's voice it calls
The harvest is plenty, the workers are few
The harvest is plenty, the workers are few
2. Awaken
Who's shut the mouths of beasts
And with the sound of his voice it renders peace?
Who's drowned the earth with rain
And made a promise to man to never do the same?
Who's crushed the walls of stone
By the use of the sound of the trumpets blown?
Who appoints the kings to throne?
The One True King!
Who's quenched a violent fire?
Raised and destroyed empires?
Oh how you manifest your grace and power
My Great King!
You're my Great King
My Great King!
You're my Great King
How can I question Your power?
For where was I when You laid the earth
In that time and hour?
How can I question Your might?
When even angels bow down to you
To kneel at your sight?
When men cast their doubt upon Your name
You are unchanging
Still the immutable God
When nations rage against Your throne
You are unchanging
Still the immutable God
Awake my soul
Give me eyes to see
The King exalted
Deserving and worthy
Awake my soul
Give me words to sing
Among the nations
Proclaiming Your glory
Awake my soul
Awake my soul
Oh how You've proven
That there in no one
Like You
Ever faithful
To such faithless men
Like us
Awake my soul
Awake my soul
Oh how you've shown me
That this isn't a blind faith
In a distant God
You went before me and You
Bore my sin
Who am I to doubt You?
Let me hear Your voice
My ears have heard You
Let me see Your face
My eyes have seen You
For I believe
For I, I believe
Great is Thy faithfulness
O' God my Father and King
There is no shadowy presence
To Your promise I cling
Thou changest not Thy compassions
As Thou hast been
Thou forever and ever will be
When men cast their doubt upon Your name
You are unchanging
Still the immutable God
When nations rage against Your throne
You are unchanging
Still the immutable God
Awake my soul
Give me eyes to see
The King exalted
Deserving and worthy
Awake my soul
Give me words to sing
Among the nations
Proclaiming Your glory
Oh how you've shown me
That this isn't a blind faith
In a distant God
You went before me and You
Bore my sin
I believe
Awake my soul
I believe
My faithful King
For I believe
3. Morning Star
I can see the end in sight as we pacify our itching ears
Quickly we are trending light and absolving self of all eternal fears
Until our conscious clears
Hear this voice engage the fight as I pound my chest still knowing my end nears
Still knowing my end nears
The sun is burning out and your rule is left, your rule is left in doubt
We'll sing, and scream, and shout "For You have won, You have won the bout!"
The earth is screaming against its bondage of decay
Creation eager for the coming new day
My lungs are breathing stealing every single breath
Not my soul, but my body is put to death
For if heaven's not your cry, you're still afraid to die
I'll tell you now the end is not far
The sun is burning out and with all creation shout
Enter in the bright Morning Star
I know this is a voyage, it's not my destination
I know this is a voyage, it's not my destination
Not waiting for no dying sun, or watching for a fading moon
No shooting star has caught my eye
Nothing in my hand
Still there is nothing in my hand I bring
Only to the cross
For only to the cross my arms will cling
Only to the cross
Nothing in my hand that I will bring, there is nothing in my hand
For if heaven's not your cry, you're still afraid to die
I'll tell you now the end is not far
The sun is burning out and with all creation shout
Enter in the bright Morning Star
I can see the coming light as the nights will pass and the dawn it clears
Screaming out with all my might for the Morning Star, the Morning Star He nears
I see a new day is coming
I see a new day is near
4. Dead Man
And I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
I stood opposed to god himself
And yet he pardoned me
With all my heart
And the fiercest will
Desired not but to
Thieve and kill
I hadn't a thought of peace, but war
Surrender was not what I'd endure
I was a murderer
Filled with lies and deceit
Faced with my list of crimes
That I would always repeat
Deliver me!
Wake me up from this damning sleep
I'm surrendering
Pull me out from this wickedness
In this thieving heart of stone
I realized all these sins
I could not atone
I was a murderer
Filled with lies and deceit
Faced with my list of crimes
That I would always repeat
And I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
I stood opposed to god himself
And yet he pardoned me
So just at the right time
When we were dead in our sins
You took this heart of mine
And gave me life again
And gave me life again
This is where I begin
So far apart
And a debt to fulfill
This purchase bought on redemption's hill
An ailing disease I couldn't cure
Oh this grace!
How rich and pure!
Abide in me
My god!
I am found in you
Pardon me
My god!
You know my deepest thoughts
Deliver me from sin
I am made anew
I'm surrendering
This heart
For which your blood it bought
For which your blood it bought
For which your blood it bought
The mob, they yelled and screamed for justice
That wrath was ours, we are to blame
You made a spectacle of rulers
Denying you of a king's fame
Having crushed the written cannon
That wrote of all our guilt and shame
Displayed upon the tree it was nailed
The saving power of your name
And I was once a dead man
A stranger with no home
You saw this wretch and you gave my life
Forever I'll praise you!
I will praise you!
5. In Your Wake
A selfish man, a wretch I do stand, just as you we are the same
But how is it that justice follows in Your wake and grace remains?
And grace remains? Your grace remains! Still grace remains!
This is justice for my wickedness with your Son descending
Onto this world bearing our sin
We're helpless in need of Your grace
This freedom is not in our hands
Still Your grace remains
It was not nails that kept You there on that tree
It was not thorns that caused You your pain (fully)
For it was my sin, it was Your burden
It was my sin, it was Your love for me
It was not nails that kept You there on that tree
It was not thorns that caused You your pain (fully)
For it was my sin, it was Your burden
It was my sin, it was Your love for me
Then at the cross You bore my sin
And as You bled You thought of me
And still these bones will cry
Who am I that you would give Your life and die for me?
Not just a myth and not just a story
Becoming my sin and all for His glory
Not just a martyr, not just a saint
He's risen, alive
Death had no restraint!
Bride, arise! And lift up His holy name
Oh yea bride, arise! And life up His name
It was not nails that kept You there on that tree
It was not thorns that caused You your pain (fully)
For it was my sin, it was Your burden
It was my sin, it was Your love for me
Then at the cross You bore my sin
And as You bled You thought of me
And still these bones will cry
Who am I that you would give Your life and die for me?
6. Slaves
I saw these chains locked on my wrists
Around my neck no shackles missed
I'd tried to shake them off and flee
Nowhere to go without a key
Awoke my eyes drew the first breath
New to the world but not to death
This plan devised in secrecy
May take my life or set me free
No more to work this simple life
To toil only met with strife
The evening still and passed the sun
The night crept in my chance to run
I wait for dark!
I wait for dark!
I wait for dark!
No looking back I'm running
I'm running out of sight
I wait for dark!
No looking back I'm running
Running into the night
I wait for dark!
My feet be quick for this racing heart
Come morning's light will the chasing start
With the fear of pursuit comes a fear of the flight
And if I stop they will shoot so I continue to hide
In the cover of the night
The morning bright all darkness gone
I see the distance fade
I take to flight my fears withdraw
My heart is now betrayed
Not a slave to man anymore!
Not a slave to...
Set me free
Set me free
Hammer these chains and
Set me free!
Break these chains
Break these chains
Unbind my hands and
Pardon me!
Ran all this way with the hope this pain would
Now release
Finally cease
What is this freedom if I haven't
Haven't peace
Haven't peace?
Serpent you lied and told me to run
I haven't found repose for I still am undone
This isn't life!
This can't be it!
I've run so far away yet
None of the pieces will fit
I couldn't see
I should have known
This peace abounds at my master's home
Now my heart be still or these feet will fall
All for the will of the master's call
The morning bright all darkness gone
And not afraid
Shown the true light against the dawn
My debt has now been paid
I was lost to save
For I'm the master's slave
For I was lost to save
No looking back I'm running
Running with all my might
No looking back I'm running
Running to the true light
I saw these chains fall off my feet
I stand amazed at this work complete
These not Your they were my own
"Now run no more My son, come home"
7. Step Out To The Water
Step out to the water and you'll see what I believe
Come out to the water and you'll see of whom I sing
For the seas are raging and the ocean grows
I see your arms are flailing as your panic shows
Look beyond the waves to the One who saves
Still this storm is waging with its fiercest blows
For your knees are shaking at your darkest woes
Look beyond the waves to the One who saves
So just as You have given grace to me
I'm pleading Father that their eyes will see
The clearest vision of Your love shown on Calvary
For redemption's story's in my heart may be seen through me
For the seas were raging as the ocean rose
These very bones are aching and my voice it grows
“Call out to God! Call out to God!”
The only hope is found in Him
“Cry out to God!”
Look to the One who calms the seas
His very words cause the storm to seize
I'm calling out, I'm crying out
So as You've given grace to me
Please Father give them eyes to see
Your blood, our sins. It did atone
Without You Lord I'm a sinking stone
I see your body sinking slow
And yet you still fight on your own
How long you'll last I still don't know
Don't you know you're not alone
Step out to the water and you'll see He won't deceive
Come out to the water and you'll see what trust can bring
Cry out to God!
For the seas are raging and the ocean grows
I see your arms are flailing as your panic shows
Look beyond the waves to the One who saves
So just as You have given grace to me
I'm pleading Father that their eyes will see
The clearest vision of Your love shown on Calvary
For redemption's story's in my heart may be seen through me
Step out to the water those with faith can receive
Come out to the water and you'll see the risen King
8. Amnesty
“Doctor! Doctor! Check all the vitals
This tragedy struck is done and it's final
Don't you, don't you know it's been said?
You can be alive while already dead”
Once laid in darkness with no plan devised
The slightest glimpse of light would burn my eyes
I feel the life His wounds impart
Oh how much grace You've afforded to me!
Of a burden lifted from my heart
How many graces been given and free?
My chains fell off, my heart was free
Arose went forth and followed Thee
I was a slave to sin with wrists bound by steel
It was an open wound from which I could not heal
So dull I couldn't feel; Your fangs had caught my heel
Those lies they did conceal; the truth my God reveals
Hell is an open grave, my sin was pushing me in
Helpless you heard my cries
You are the hand to save, dove in You're pulling me out
Rescued from my demise
I feel the life His wounds impart
Oh how much grace You've afforded to me!
Of a burden lifted from my heart
How many graces been given and free?
My chains fell off, my heart was free
Arose went forth and followed Thee
I was a slave to sin with wrists bound by steel
It was an open wound from which I could not heal
So dull I couldn't feel; Your fangs had caught my heel
Those lies they did conceal; the truth my God reveals
Long had my soul been prison bound
Awaiting till the death march sounds
My chains fell off, my heart was free
Arose went forth and followed Thee
I feel the life His wounds impart
No longer prisoned I'll lay
I feel the Savior in my heart
Nothing will take that away
Nothing will take that away
Nothing will take that away
Nothing will take that away
Nothing will take that away
Take that away
I bow before the throne of amnesty
My sins are washed away, how can it be?
You rule with grace and love to show mercy
To show mercy
To show mercy
Oh how much grace You've afforded to me!
9. Safeguards
These eyes have seen the joys yet suffered
Mind and body
Though still I'll sing
"How Great Thou Art"
Calm my heart
And give me
Still peace
Within my very soul
These eyes have seen the joys yet suffered
Mind and body
Though still I'll sing
"How Great Thou Art"
When strength turns
To crippled
I've learned to silence the world and listen
Blood staining
Your footprints
For surely You went before this son
Through all the chaos
And noise I've learned
I've learned to silence
The world and listen
Still I'm singing of
How Great You Are
For surely You went before this son
When safeguards
Turn captors
The haven never been seen so clearly
My constant
All the surety that He hears me
How can I
Repay You
Lord for
This all-forgiving love?
For it's the sight of Christ upon the tree
That surely
Will always still
And humble me
Guard my heart
And give me peace
Within my soul
Within my soul
How can I
Repay You Lord
For this bounty of love?
This bounty of love?
How can I
Repay You Lord
How can I
Repay You Lord
You will not abandon me
When this body sees decay
Grace and peace has made a home
In this heart that it will stay
It will stay
You will not abandon me
When this body sees decay
Grace and peace has made a home
In this heart that it will stay
It will stay
You will not abandon me
It will stay
When this body sees decay
It will stay
Grace and peace has made a home
It will stay
In this heart that it will stay
For when my safeguards turn to captors
For when my safeguards turn to captors
It will stay
For when my safeguards turn to captors
For when my safeguards turn to captors
10. Through The Night
I've seen the road and it's snares
I bore the load though it wears
I've heard your curses and taunts and yet it won't stop me
I've heard your curses and slights and still it won't stop me
Slept through the coldest of nights
From ever calling You “king”
Or hide the Gospel we bring
It's burning bright in my eyes
Come grow, come grow and light up the skies
We're hungry, tired, and sick
Faced with resistance on every end (in You we hide)
I've felt the scorn you inflict
Attack this mission I will defend
Still onward we will ride
We will ride
Onward we will ride
Forward with no end in sight
In You we shall hide
Our hope is found in the light
Tonight I rest, I rest in peace
Your will is greater than mine
And I haven't a thirst for wealth or man's empty praise
For the glory is Thine
And I haven't a want of fame in this world to claim at all
We will ride
We will face the world
We will ride
We will face the world
We're dirty, restless, and sore
But count it joy to be found worthy (against this test)
Endless assaults to endure
Upon our bodies with no worry
For one day I'll have rest
I've seen the road and it's snares
I bore the load though it wears
I've heard your curses and slights and yet it won't stop me
And yet it won't stop me
Tonight I rest, I rest in peace
Your will is greater than mine
And I haven't a thirst for wealth or man's empty praise
For the glory is Thine
And I haven't a want of fame in this world to claim
When the vile take aim on my flesh I'll call Your name
I've seen the road and it won't stop me
With Your strength bestowed upon me freely
And Your grace has flowed in us completely
Now let us cut through the night so that in me they would see light
I've seen the road and it won't stop me
No end in sight as far as I see
And I'll bear the weight of the victim
Onward we ride till kingdom come
I've seen the road and it won't stop me
No end in sight as far as I see
11. Man Of Sorrows
Blistered feet, bloodied alone
Walked the streets a man unknown
Battered face as He adorns
A mocker's robe, a crown of thorns
A tree designed for His demise
Cursed, maligned by guilty cries
The nails and hammer they did meet
Two in the hands, one in the feet
Risen up, put on display
For a guilty mob to scream and say
“Crucify! Crucify!”
The people yelled to crucify
“He must die! He must die!”
Without a fight He did comply
I do not know the pain you felt
Or lowly service as You knelt
Down before such lowly men You served (and washed their feet)
Who is this man they sent to die?
Many still could not reply
Betrayed and sold by His very own (with a kiss)
He met the needs of thousands fed
Healed the sick and raised the dead
“My God! My God!” The man did say
“Have you forsaken me this day?”
Bleeding, dying; words were few
“Forgive them Lord for what they do”
Gasping breath they heard Him say
“It is finished!”
Laid below the ground You knew it couldn't hold You
They thought that You were bound by nature's laws
He is risen! He is risen!
For the veil that was torn in two and the darkness that would ensue
A symbol alas that the debt was finally paid
When the stone it was rolled away, He was no longer where He lay
Surely our King had risen from the dead
On and on and on we're singing
Singing out for all to hear us
This is not a simple story
Our lives are for Your glory
Beyond my words and written pages
Your song across the ages
Thanks to ap663140 for correcting tracks ## 1, 2 lyrics.
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.