album: "Hopeless Shelter" (2014)
1. Half-Empty2. (Sin)ical
3. On My Own
4. Counterfiction
5. Mindfuck
6. Guilty Pleasures
7. Frigid
8. Parasite
9. Sun Beneath The Moon
10. Hellbound
11. Hopeless Shelter
1. Half-Empty
GET UP, GET UP! Drowning in my darkness, I’ve been tried, I’ve been tested, and I’m being pulled down. WAKE UP, WAKE UP! The more I see, the more I’m sick; and the more we seem so pathetic. LOSE HOPE, DIE SLOW! Never reach towards anything just let go. ‘Cause if you
always try, then you’ll always know, that life will let you down; so stay cynical. Lost in my mind with nowhere to hide. I don’t want to lose my faith in humanity, but I can’t help it I just hate what I see. Never finding silver linings in these black clouds that hang
over my head, while I’m hanging from a thread. GIVE UP, GIVE UP! I’m losing all of my hope. It’s getting harder to breathe. They tell me I’m a FUCK UP, FUCK UP, but every single one of you are just like me. Why can’t you see? Pitiful, a species so despicable. Making life
unlivable. Polluting the earth with our stupidity. What we've become, yeah it makes me sick. This is our reality. REALITY! I’ve been living a lie, waiting to die. Exile myself until I meet my demise. Ashamed that it took this long to realize; the truth in our existence
has been right before my very eyes. I’m not unconventional, nothing more than typical. Realize I’m not shit, while you’re all thinking you’re formidable. Everyone’s a hypocrite, everyone is full of shit. Robotic and psychotic so much more than we all want to admit. I
don’t want to lose my faith in humanity, but I can’t help it I just hate what I see. Never finding silver linings in these black clouds that hang over my head, while I’m hanging from a thread. This world is dead.
2. (Sin)ical
DECEIVER! How can you believe in someone you haven’t seen? While he’s stealing your thoughts and they’re collecting your green. If there's a God then what the Hell is he waiting for? Immaculate Conception was nothing but a LYING WHORE. All you know as biblical is nothing
more than fictional. Thinking that you’re noble, but you’re just hypocritical. Don’t attend your Sabbath Day, yet you still continue to pray; believing it will save you while you waste your life away. The power of Christ compels you to be nothing but a slave to selective
morality. So shut your mouth, get off your knees; and follow me, follow me if you want to be free. You will be CRUCIFIED, cross your T's and dot the I's. And then I think you’ll find that everything has been a lie. Fooled for thousands of years by something created from
fear, the fear that death is the final frontier. You think your savior can fix the broken? You think your savior can heal the sick? You think your savior can fix the broken? Well fix this, you motherfucking hypocrite bitch! “You will sit and wait for your king to arrive,
while he sits atop his throne and he watches you die!” All you know as biblical is nothing more than fictional. Thinking that you’re noble, but you’re just hypocritical. Don’t attend your Sabbath Day, yet you still continue to pray; believing it will save you while you
waste your life away. The power of Christ compels you to be nothing but a slave to selective morality. So shut your mouth, get off your knees; and follow me, follow me if you want to be free. The only reason I wish that there was life after death would be so that I could
see you in hell next to me. But you gave your whole life to a hope and a dream, that turned out to be as fake as who you pretend to be. DECEIVER! You lived a meaningless existence, and I will laugh in your face as you reach your death. You will rot six feet under just
like everyone else, while the stench of foolishness lingers on your last breath.
3. On My Own
On my own. It’s easier to be alone. It’s everything I’ve ever known and I am stronger than you’ll ever know. You always knew how to get the best of me. For the longest time I was blind I couldn’t see. But I opened my eyes, and I opened my mind, and now I'm finally free.
I try to think of one time, one time in my life when you made your presence known. Solely because I needed you, and not just to be your stepping-stone. I grew sick, grew tired, of feeling useless and all your excuses. Of why you were never there, though you still claimed
to care. So now just let me go. Let me go! ALONE, ALONE! That's all I've ever known. ALONE, ALONE! That's all I need to know. Regress and regret until I realized… On my own. It’s easier to be alone. It’s everything I’ve ever known and I am stronger than you’ll ever know.
I’ve relied on you for way too long, but now all the fucked up feelings I had are gone. If there's one thing that I've learned it's to rely on myself, because you can't trust your heart with anyone fucking else. There is a monster inside of you, and if there's one thing
that I live to prove… You may have blood, bone, and skin; but nothing about you will ever be human! You always knew how to get the best of me. For the longest time I was blind I couldn’t see. But I opened my eyes, and I opened my mind, and now I'm finally free. I’M
4. Counterfiction
You walk through life deaf and blind, as everything unfolds around you without reason or rhyme. Because it’s not about why, it’s simply all about time. And no, it’s not about when the fucking stars align. Everything around you is within your control. It’s not decided by
the supernatural. It makes me sick that your head is so thick. Open up your eyes. Why don’t you open up your eyes? You control your own fate. Don’t listen to a word they say, THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS DESTINY. And when you wish upon a star, it won’t get you very
((fucking)) far. Your view on life is through foolish eyes, believing all you see when all you see is lies. Hate to break your spirits, I can't help it I'm a realist. I don't rely on fairy tales to justify why I exist. You can try but you'll never convince me; I don't
believe in the make believe. Call me egotistical, overanalytical. All I want to do is to explain the inexplicable. It doesn't bother me that we disagree. Your views, your values, they don't mean shit to me! Everything is coincidence. Every situation is created by chance.
You control your own fate. Don’t listen to a word they say, there’s no such thing as destiny. And when you wish upon a star, it won’t get you very ((fucking)) far. You are no more predetermined than the VERMIN, the FILTH that lurks in the sewers and the streets.
5. Mindfuck
I know the pain isn't real, but I'm way too, way too scarred to heal. And there’s a fire burning at my heels, but I'm way too, way too fucking cold to feel. TOO COLD TO FEEL! Fearing this feeling of instability. Something wicked is growing inside of me. Trying my best to
avoid a catastrophe. Demons in my head, but I won’t go willingly. And I can feel my heartbeat racing. My veins are about to burst. I look in the mirror to see my own worst enemy. MY ENEMY IS ME! Sometimes I feel like a broken man. There are times when I'm not sure how
much more I can stand. All my childhood left alone, an exiled mind is all I know. Don’t try to take me, don’t try to change me. I feel a darkness growing every day. Don’t try to bend me, don’t try to break me. I'm already broken. Always finding new ways to destroy
myself. It's the only thing I know, I have nothing else. I can’t feel anything anymore. My reality is far from yours. Bleeding distress, my thoughts are my temptress. I don't give a shit if the thoughts I think are logical. I just wanna lose my fucking mind, ‘cause I'm
broken inside. I’m a stranger to myself and you’re all strangers to me. Don’t try to take me, don’t try to change me. I feel a darkness growing every day. Don’t try to bend me, don’t try to break me. I'm already broken. I DON’T HAVE TO SLEEP WITH THE DEVIL TO WAKE UP IN
HELL. I know the pain isn't real, but I'm way too, way too scarred to heal. And there’s a fire burning at my heels, but I'm way too fucking cold to feel!
6. Guilty Pleasures
You're ever so enticing, object of my TEMPTATION. I feel your touch, it's too much. I can't fucking take it. It's getting hard to think straight. Suspense is driving me insane. My hunger’s getting harder to contain. That look inside your eyes, my subtle invitation to
come inside and explore my fascination. So seductive, I can't help but fucking love it. Self-destructive, but I can't get enough of it. Fiery friction, the urge, the addiction. My conviction, I'm finding pleasure through affliction. Oh god I fucking need it. I want you
in front, behind, bottom to top. And once you start, start, start don't you ever stop. I wanna fill, fill, fill you up to the top. I want you BEGGING, BLEEDING, ACHING FOR MORE. In front, behind, bottom to top. Start, start don't you ever stop. Fill, fill you up to the
top. Begging and pleading and needing and bleeding; aching and dying for more. So seductive, I can't help but fucking love it. Self-destructive, but I can't get enough of it. Fiery friction, the urge, the addiction. My conviction, I'm finding pleasure through affliction.
I am the branch, you are the bush, and I will do what nature intended me to. I'll take my time, unwrap my vines, and entangle myself in you. MYSELF IN YOU! This is the only thing that makes me feel anything. Your skin, my bone, it's all I have; it's everything.
7. Frigid
When you speak to me you’re speaking to an empty shell. I’ve been locked away inside my head, inside of my hell. All this time spent fighting just to stay alive. All these years spent sanity and sleep deprived. IMAGINE A WORLD SO COLD THAT IT REDEFINES YOUR WINTER. A
land where hope is lost, and all memories fade away. Imagine a world so dark that you can’t see what’s in front of you. And only getting darker with every step you take. These thoughts exist inside my head. This world it lives inside me. These thoughts exist inside my
head, and underneath skin I’ve tried to shed. ((Never a moment of clarity, no, not for me. It’s getting harder and harder and harder to see. Through the forest of dying trees, was it ever green? Was it ever green? Or has this chilling winter never ceased?)) This world
breaks you piece by piece. It consumes you, no mercy just misery. You’re kicked down, beaten, picked back up again; just so you can bleed a little more. A stuck pig, bled dry, you don’t even know why you try to survive anymore. This is the world I live in. THIS IS THE
HELL INSIDE MY HEAD. One day to walk in my shoes. One hour till you’re wishing you were dead.
8. Parasite
HUMANITY IS A VILE CURSE. Created, regretted by Mother Earth. Abortion would've been the right path to follow, but it's her fault, that bitch should have swallowed. Worse than the RATS, we are worse than the ROACHES. We are the ultimate filth and vermin. Can't slow us
down, and you surely can't stop us. Only option left is extermination. PROCREATE! MULTIPLY! SPREAD DISEASE! THEN WE DIE! Repeating this process over and over again. Many have tried and all have proved, we cannot be contained, we cannot be removed. A parasite of the very
worst kind, born with a body and born with a mind. PARASITE! Spread our disease, then we die. Humanity is a wretched breed, consumed by hatred, controlled by greed. Everything we want is everything we don't need, and yet we still crave more. Everything we touch turns to
dust and ash. Create and produce to be thrown in the trash. Everyone is too caught up in bullshit to see how deadly we have grown to be. WE ARE A PUTRID DISEASE and that is all we will ever be. Parasite! Eradication of humankind. Parasite! Eradication of the mind.
9. Sun Beneath The Moon
Something's not right, can't put your mind at rest. Uncomfortable emptiness. That sinking feeling inside your chest. I'm right over your shoulder, lingering around every corner. Waiting, watching, wondering who is next. You can't run from me. You can't hide don't try.
You can't run from me. RUN, RUN, RUN… But I will find you and I will tear you apart. I AM DEATH, I am the ultimate. Rest assured that there is nothing beyond this. No matter who, no matter how, you all will end up where you belong; under the ground. Most cannot handle
it. The thought, the fear, the threat. The idea of only one last breath. My hands embrace your throat; you begin to let go. Left with only my cold caress. Fading in and out, you try to scream and shout, but words they won't come out. SHOUT, SHOUT, SHOUT… But I'm not
listening. No, I'm not listening. I am death, I AM THE ULTIMATE. Rest assured that there is nothing beyond this. No matter who, no matter how, you all will end up where you belong; under the ground. I am the constant, the inevitable. A pattern that repeats over and over…
10. Hellbound
Lately I've been noticing, wondering why, no one ever looks me straight in the eye. Maybe it's because if you look deep inside, you can see the hell, the fire that burns behind. You look at me like a FUCKING FREAK, but they say time is money and talk is cheap. So if you
got something to say, say it or get the fuck out of my way. Ya’ know I'm not really sure where my head has been lately. I feel myself slipping, yeah, I think I'm going crazy. DEVIL ON BOTH SHOULDERS, no more morals to hold me back. Redemption is out of my reach. I've got
nothing to prove and even less to lose. I am hellbound. I'm lost, never to be found. I never wanted it to be this way, but there's nothing…nothing left to say. Isolate myself for eternity; a lone wolf that struggles to break free. It doesn't scare me that I'm different
from all of you, and I don't give a fuck that you're offended by my views. Not a single one of you means a God Damn thing to me. I live this worthless life the way I choose. I am hellbound. I'm lost, never to be found. I never wanted it to be this way, but there's
nothing…nothing left to say. I leave you all behind. I know now I don't need you so fuck you.
11. Hopeless Shelter
I've been drowning in this darkness for far too long. I've been pulled down to the lowest of the lows. I've lost all hope, but I don't wanna die slow. I'm ready to leave this hellhole now. Everything I’ve seen has sucked the life out of me. I am ready to set myself free.
All alone, I turn to STONE and ERODE. I no longer have anything to live for. I know I'll simply rot in the ground when I die, and that's fine. Anything is better than this life. This hatred that I hold inside me, it drives me insane, please take it away. All my misery,
all these feelings of dread, they helped create this prison cell that’s inside my head. ((Born and raised to think we're free, but we've been trapped, trapped inside our heads. These tainted sanctuaries, where our minds are the streets, and these streets are a dangerous
place to tread.)) This life is a NIGHTMARE that I can’t wake up from, so I lay myself down to an endless sleep. You might say that it's a coward’s way out, but I can't go on with a future so fucking bleak. This hatred that I hold inside me, it drives me insane, please
take it away. All my misery, all these feelings of dread, they helped create this prison cell that’s inside my head. ((Born and raised to think we're free, but we've been trapped, trapped inside our heads. These tainted sanctuaries, where our minds are the streets, and
these streets are a dangerous place to tread.)) THERE IS NO LOVE, ONLY HATRED, IN THIS HOPELESS SHELTER I’VE CREATED.
Thanks to snapper.eric, demi.riggs for sending these lyrics.
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