album: "Nihilstic Ascension And Spiritual Death" (2006)
1. The Legion Of Vengeance2. Never Blame Her
3. Isolation Icon & The Blackguard
4. Själslig Slutsats
5. Worthlessness
6. Virtious Hatred
7. World Dominion
8. The Conjuration Of The Dead God
9. Truth & Consequence
1. The Legion Of Vengeance
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
A passed sacrifice unknown to the living - All these kingdoms sacked
Goals justifying means - Vengeance on banners black
Preachers of truth - Teachers of practicality
Representatives of inhumanity - Symbols of moral insanity
Children of lies - Fathering the irrefutable
Children that died - As aliens to the incurable
The most ancient lineage - The clarity of boiling blood
Of all genders and races - Behold the legion rise from the mud
A force unknown yet feared by the living - An intellectual fascist pact
Means justifying goals - Vengeance on banners black.
2. Never Blame Her
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: Nil]
Don't love her from a distance 'cause it's so fucking bound to fail
Regardless of other victories of vision through pills and taps and nails
Grasping that one chance that truly never returns
Will save you fro the eternal punishment that inside burns
Do not hesitate to reject friends image nor path
I swear to you she's worth it even if it doesn't last
Do this when the moment sings or do it all in vain
For your love so quickly gets corrupted into insane
This is a message of immaculate relevance
To you wallowing in your youthfull ignorance
This ain't no lyrics but a manual for success
For you to win where I lost but it's not a fucking test
Never play the sign-game 'cause its inventor's want you dead
Don't make her a symbol (of anything) for at this point her love has fled
Never mess her virtues onto others 'cause you're most likely right
Though when you do stand by her die, live, or fight
This ain't poetry but wisdoms dispensed beyond whims of redemption
This ain't music but a glimpse of the power of nihilistic ascension
Behold and loath my lack of envy and the freedoms and powers of perpetual death
Still only a fool sacrifice that sort of love for the rest is but a loveless quest
If you fail, missing your moment, like yours truly once truly did
It won't matter what you do or to what fake dieties you bid
Your life won't be life anymore than my death isn't death
Know, then, there's only one and you'll just use all the rest
Finally, whatever happens
Never blame her.
3. Isolation Icon & The Blackguard
[Text: T.Scorn / Gideon, Music: I.Hate]
I unmasked my genesis, this given inbound patricide
While clairvoyance killed the super-ego and this all meaning died.
I beheld a million brainchildren murdered on the illiberal pyre
And an implacable pandemonium of a prodigious wobbling hive
Draped in abounding droning shapes
Gifted a bluebottle fleece
Hymns scribbled in a spidery hand
Caught shifting in the breeze
As a rabis tragedian, accosting this imbecile morale
While impeaching their cerulean innocence my laceration of faith prevailed.
Debonairity instantly gifted, I now fail to bewail their fall, as I sneer at their febrile fear and halter their moribound call.
Patron of Misanthropy
Avatar of sanity
A bulwark in heathen lands
Blasted flawless by the sand
Embellished by its drudges and moldering sanctimony survives
Through incessant mystical obese which the samblance of truth denies.
Self-abnegation resounding and abjected to a gallantry-show,
Of needless flimsy threats - This the humans of Earth bestow.
Tracing lines with mounting glee
Flashed a web-cracked smile
Eldritch turns of father time
Concoction of mead and bile
Boundless preternatural wrangling and baspattering profound, in quile and iconolatry and gormless mass is bound. Fragmentation of the perceptive and in the nebulous enwrapped, signing the great necrology - By odius gibber entrapped.
Widower of a numbing host
Communal vestigial bride
Litaire of immaculate zeal
Reinforce the "I"
In the maelstrom still imploring in coltish laboured need, the headsmen of heterogeneity are a gasping noxious breed. Dissimulating the plausible, nugatory accolade of disillusion, with eveningsongs of undiluted clemency drabbled in pure confusion.
Patron of misanthropy
Avatar of sanity
A bulwark in heathen lands
Blasted flawless by the sand
Above this quaint opulence, this risible neurathenia of man, I cachinate as a blackguard, travelling these dying lands. In the ablart of lamentation lupine I walk in knavery, mordacious with an eerie truth - A rampant obfuscating novelty.
Patron of misanthropy
Avatar of prophanity
The bulwark of these heathen lands
Blasted flawless by the sand
4. Själslig Slutsats
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
En röst. Facetterad i tomheten.
En sanning. Ondsint blod födde fromheten.
Detta språk. Besynnerlig kväsning av anfäders stolthet.
Blodtörstens klarhet och krigarsjälen,
Utan plats eller syfte i den fredliga världen.
Den förhöjda medvetenheten,
frusen från tidevarv som genom blixtens slag.
Manifesterar sig allt mer i mörkret,
Skiner igenom var dag.
Visioner av allsköns framgång,
Jämlikhetens illusion är stagnationens gissel.
Sanndrömmar om universums undergång
Det förstryckta svaret, hatets epistel.
Evig hunger - Evigt blod.
Att i sanning följade deras falska gud är att för alltid minnas hur man dog.
Existentiell symmetri, varje svar en retsam fråga,
Hatkärlekens eufori, ett förlorat geni värmt av dödens låga.
Bortanför åldringarnas kontroll och vett fortsätter alltjämnt det ofrånkomliga.
En sötsur räddning efter allt man hört och sett
Väcker rädsla och avsky hos somliga.
Perspektiv föder lögner och lögner kollektivt hat.
Hatet anbragta mörker, fysiskt, psykiskt, kristallklart.
5. Worthlessness
[by A. Casado]
6. Virtious Hatred
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
Humanity, that comfortable motherfucking lie
I see Seers selling out to it and I know why
With absolute disgust for false alternatives
Armageddon becomes affirmative
Systematic attempts to make desire and hate contrast
Protecting their indoctrinated mindless deformation-cast
Behold the massive "not-out-fault" routine
Focus your rage, in honor of the future we've seen
As hemeralopia haunts your clarity
Percieve the emptiness behind their masks
Our hematophageous existence is fucking verity
Predatory and alien to massive sums
Discard the bile of personal history
Rage against shallow explanations
Grasp the darkness beyond their mysteries
Surprice your modest expectations
Align your mind to the darkened stars
Avange the pure heart you've protected
We are many sharing your scars
By this stagnant world dissected
Alone you are and uniquely expendible
You are not the center of the charade
Thus an extraordinary league of hatred calls you forth
To be by inhuman darkness made.
7. World Dominion
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: Nil]
The masses of sleepers fear it in part on account of these historical examples
However in truth they most loath it in vain pride of these societal simples
The awakening is labeled the grinding of the edicational revolution
While those too far ahead now wait in boredom and seclusion
In turn we do possess time in ways unbestowed upon the primate races
We have the system to perfect our visions despite the enemies it faces
We are dead and we are shallow but in this age even their "god" loves us more
As those of the beyond always found this human rabble a total bore
Therefor, childer and wanna-bes, represent our civilization with pride
Now that even those that scorned us knows from whence their power is derived
For darkness stole all the wisdom from those who still cling to lore
Naming itself as craven as a means to win a greater war
"Yet know this humans of each pointless nation, the ancient covenant lies shattered as the deceitful prism before it, and each minute that passses means further withering of my kind's patience.
For upon being reborn we slowly do begin to remember the superior pleasures that truly is our birthright...
We see ourselves reduced to deveitful equality at the gain of lessers who'd hate us even if embraced - in the end merely another reason why this civilization might just be defaced..."
Failing to retort to our appreciate my wasted visions, I left humanity behind.
Making sure to bring along the powers and passions these sleepers would deem divine.
8. The Conjuration Of The Dead God
[Text: ?, Music: I.Hate]
May Nammtar open my eyes that I may see their lies
May Nammtar open my ears that I may hear her call
May Nammtar open my nose that I may sense his approach
May Nammtar open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the Earth
May Nammtar strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the dead Zonei under my power, under my very power.
I conjure thee, o ancestor of the gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
I summon and call thee forth from thy abode in darkness!
I evoke thee from the thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon thine eyes to behold the brightness of my wand which is full of the fire of life!
I conjurse thee, o ancestor of gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness, by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
By the four square pillars of Earth that support the sky,
May they stand fast against those who desire to harm me!
I evoke thee from thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon thee and thine ears to hear the word that is never spoken, except by they father, the eldest of all who know age
The word that binds and commands is my word!
Ia! Ia! Ia! Nngi banna barra ia! Iarrugishgarragnarab!
I conjure thee, o ancestor of the gods!
I summon thee, creature of darkness by the works of darkness!
I summon thee, creature of hatred by the words of hatred!
I summon thee, creature of wastes, by the rites of waste!
I summon thee, creature of pain, by the words of pain!
I summon and call thee forth from thy abode in darkness!
I evoke thee from the thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
May the dead rise!
May the dead rise and smell the incense!
9. Truth & Consequence
[Text: T.Scorn, Music: I.Hate]
Castigating false connotations, aggrandizing humanity's craven adoration
When offered, denying the true consubstantiation,
As if infatuated with their own deterioration
"Very well, I have strayed and I have swayed, as I have cried and died, wedlocked to invincible eternal darkness, which even their gracious sun must abide!"
Spurious apparitions of asinine approbation
Bedevils today's fledglings into insane theories of unique alienation
Sequestering the advance-guard from its inavoidable convocation
In a play where faith is heresy and religion lying veneration
Yet this scanty masquerate of splenetic canaille fear
Shall perish on a transcontinental scale when the antediluvians are here
Incarnations of immaculate clairvoyance and literal invincibility
Leviathans and valkyries of bona-fide might and virility
Sirens of the beyond begs the embrace of the traducing
Patrician immortal ancients shanghai coils of their choosing
The superabundance of hosts ensures the total overkill
The point-blank annihilation of a praimte race standing still
The black hand now adjures the Zodiac to its cataclysmic end
A clarion-call throughout systems only the living dead can comprehend
Dominating an overcrowded plutocracy of plebescites enforced by blindness
I was embraced by the liars in wait themselves as token of pitch-black kindness
To sublimate pristine darkness in this parthenogenesis twice born
To consolidate and announce a catholic perennial dawn
To avow the convocation of these pathetic squandering nations
As an incarnation of imperishable extravagance crushing xenophopic lamentation
So come gorgeous gracious Gothic gorgons wherefore our uxorious breed engender
My zealous work-to-rule shall voraciously all thy forfeit mender
Germane with the yokels of futile hieroglyphic oppugnity
Limelight now carries incontrovertible evidence of our forensic validity
Wanton and lovelorn the whosoever yclept Utanapishtim
Torpid through humanity's zenith my kind now ravishes the Sistine
Ultimately my enemies are all marionettes all scythed and maimed
And regicide the gaunt retort of a red-blooded creature humans tried to tame
Thus the undecieved masses now bewail the ignorance they lost
While undetected allies mainain the withering charade at all costs
Unprecedented world-scenario preconscieved by scornfull sighs
Attrition for the holy as pretenders are to blame for my previous lies.
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