album: "Mental Prolapse Induces Necrophilism" (2007)
IntroAbortifacient Whore Lobotomizer
Molesting Vomited Decapitation
Zombie Oral Sex
Conscious In Rigor Mortis
Fermented Entrails
Necrophiliac Limitations
Convulsive Incestuous Devourment
Pursue The Suicidal Breed
album: "Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria" (2011)
Cannibalistic Postclimax Flesh ConsumptionSodomize Epileptic Chunks
Masturbating The Infibulated
Syphilic Menstrual Rejection
Wallowing In Aftermaths
Euphoric State Of Dementia
Innate Butchery Aptitude
Draining Necro Anal Disgorgement
Living Decomposition
album: "Ignominious Atonement" (2015)
Conceived Through VerminationPortrait Of A Soiled Innocence
Dead Festering Drainage
The Bone Sculpture
Obstinacy To Heal The Malformed
Mortifying Carnality
Repugnance Enshrined in Deformity
Ignominious Atonement
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All lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Please read the disclaimer.